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This is the complete list of members for FName, including all inherited members.
AddNameToDisplayStringExemption(const FString &InExemption) | FName | static |
AppendString(FString &Out) const | FName | |
AppendString(FWideStringBuilderBase &Out) const | FName | |
AppendString(FUtf8StringBuilderBase &Out) const | FName | |
AppendStringInternal(StringBufferType &Out) const | FName | private |
AutoTest() | FName | static |
Compare(const FName &Other) const | FName | |
CompareIndexes(const FName &Other) const | FName | inline |
ComparisonIndex | FName | private |
CreateFromDisplayId(FNameEntryId DisplayId, int32 Number) | FName | inlinestatic |
CreateNumberedNameIfNecessary(FNameEntryId ComparisonId, FNameEntryId DisplayId, int32 Number) | FName | inlineprivatestatic |
CreateNumberedNameIfNecessary(FNameEntryId ComparisonId, int32 Number) | FName | inlineprivatestatic |
DebugDump() | FName | static |
DebugFName | FName | friend |
DebugFName | FName | friend |
DebugFName | FName | friend |
DisplayHash(class FOutputDevice &Ar) | FName | static |
FastLess(const FName &Other) const | FName | inline |
FMemoryImageName::FMemoryImageName(const FName &Name) | FName | private |
FMinimalName::FMinimalName(const FName &Name) | FName | private |
FName(EName Ename) | FName | inline |
FName(EName Ename, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName(FName Other, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName(FNameEntryId InComparisonIndex, FNameEntryId InDisplayIndex, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName() | FName | inline |
FName(ENoInit) | FName | inlineexplicit |
FName(FMinimalName InName) | FName | explicit |
FName(FScriptName InName) | FName | explicit |
FName(FMemoryImageName InName) | FName | |
FName(const WIDECHAR *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | |
FName(const UTF8CHAR *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | |
FName(const char *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | inline |
FName(int32 Len, const WIDECHAR *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const ANSICHAR *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const UTF8CHAR *Name, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | |
FName(TStringView< ANSICHAR > View, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | inlineexplicit |
FName(TStringView< WIDECHAR > View, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | inlineexplicit |
FName(TStringView< UTF8CHAR > View, EFindName FindType=FNAME_Add) | FName | inlineexplicit |
FName(const WIDECHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(const ANSICHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(const UTF8CHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const WIDECHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const ANSICHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const UTF8CHAR *Name, int32 Number, EFindName FindType) | FName | |
FName(const WIDECHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(const ANSICHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(const UTF8CHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const WIDECHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const ANSICHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(int32 Len, const UTF8CHAR *Name, int32 Number) | FName | |
FName(TStringView< ANSICHAR > View, int32 InNumber, EFindName FindType) | FName | inline |
FName(TStringView< WIDECHAR > View, int32 InNumber, EFindName FindType) | FName | inline |
FName(TStringView< UTF8CHAR > View, int32 InNumber, EFindName FindType) | FName | inline |
FName(TStringView< ANSICHAR > View, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName(TStringView< WIDECHAR > View, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName(TStringView< UTF8CHAR > View, int32 InNumber) | FName | inline |
FName(const TCHAR *Name, int32 InNumber, EFindName FindType, bool bSplitName) | FName | |
FName(const TCHAR *Name, int32 InNumber, bool bSplitName) | FName | |
FName(const FNameEntrySerialized &LoadedEntry) | FName | |
FNameHelper | FName | friend |
FScriptName::FScriptName(const FName &Name) | FName | private |
GetComparisonIdFromDisplayId(FNameEntryId DisplayId) | FName | inlinestatic |
GetComparisonIndex() const | FName | inline |
GetComparisonIndexInternal() const | FName | inlineprivate |
GetComparisonNameEntry() const | FName | |
GetDisplayIndex() const | FName | inline |
GetDisplayIndexFast() const | FName | inlineprivate |
GetDisplayIndexInternal() const | FName | inlineprivate |
GetDisplayNameEntry() const | FName | |
GetEntry(EName Ename) | FName | static |
GetEntry(FNameEntryId Id) | FName | static |
GetNameEntryMemorySize() | FName | static |
GetNameTableMemorySize() | FName | static |
GetNumAnsiNames() | FName | static |
GetNumber() const | FName | inline |
GetNumWideNames() | FName | static |
GetPlainANSIString(ANSICHAR(&AnsiName)[NAME_SIZE]) const | FName | |
GetPlainNameString(FString *result) const | FName | inline |
GetPlainNameString(TCHAR(&OutName)[NAME_SIZE]) const | FName | |
GetPlainWIDEString(WIDECHAR(&WideName)[NAME_SIZE]) const | FName | |
GetStringLength() const | FName | |
GetTypeHash | FName | friend |
IsEqual(const FName &Other, const ENameCase CompareMethod=ENameCase::IgnoreCase, const bool bCompareNumber=true) const | FName | |
IsNone() const | FName | inline |
IsValid() const | FName | inline |
IsValidGroupName(FText &OutReason, bool bIsGroupName=false) const | FName | inline |
IsValidIndexFast() const | FName | inline |
IsValidObjectName(FText &OutReason) const | FName | inline |
IsValidXName(const FName InName, const FString &InInvalidChars, FText *OutReason=nullptr, const FText *InErrorCtx=nullptr) | FName | static |
IsValidXName(const TCHAR *InName, const FString &InInvalidChars, FText *OutReason=nullptr, const FText *InErrorCtx=nullptr) | FName | static |
IsValidXName(const FString &InName, const FString &InInvalidChars, FText *OutReason=nullptr, const FText *InErrorCtx=nullptr) | FName | static |
IsValidXName(const FStringView &InName, const FString &InInvalidChars, FText *OutReason=nullptr, const FText *InErrorCtx=nullptr) | FName | static |
IsValidXName(const FString &InInvalidChars=INVALID_NAME_CHARACTERS, FText *OutReason=nullptr, const FText *InErrorCtx=nullptr) const | FName | inline |
IsValidXName(FText &OutReason, const FString &InInvalidChars=INVALID_NAME_CHARACTERS) const | FName | inline |
IsWithinBounds(FNameEntryId Id) | FName | privatestatic |
LexicalLess(const FName &Other) const | FName | inline |
NameToDisplayString(const FString &InDisplayName, const bool bIsBool) | FName | static |
NameToMinimalName | FName | friend |
NameToScriptName | FName | friend |
Number | FName | private |
operator!=(FName Other) const | FName | inline |
operator!=(EName Ename) const | FName | |
operator!=(const CharType *Other) const | FName | inline |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator!= | FName | friend |
operator==(FName Other) const | FName | inline |
operator==(EName Ename) const | FName | |
operator==(const ANSICHAR *Other) const | FName | |
operator==(const WIDECHAR *Other) const | FName | |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
operator== | FName | friend |
RemoveNameToDisplayStringExemption(const FString &InExemption) | FName | static |
ResolveEntry(FNameEntryId LookupId) | FName | privatestatic |
ResolveEntryRecursive(FNameEntryId LookupId) | FName | privatestatic |
SafeString(FNameEntryId InDisplayIndex, int32 InstanceNumber=NAME_NO_NUMBER_INTERNAL) | FName | static |
SanitizeWhitespace(const FString &FNameString) | FName | static |
SetNumber(const int32 NewNumber) | FName | inline |
StringBufferSize | FName | static |
TearDown() | FName | static |
ToEName() const | FName | |
ToString() const | FName | inline |
ToString(FString &Out) const | FName | inline |
ToString(FWideStringBuilderBase &Out) const | FName | |
ToString(FUtf8StringBuilderBase &Out) const | FName | |
ToString(TCHAR *Out, uint32 OutSize) const | FName | |
ToString(TCHAR(&Out)[N]) const | FName | inline |
ToUnstableInt() const | FName | inline |
TryAppendAnsiString(FAnsiStringBuilderBase &Out) const | FName | |
UE_DEPRECATED(4.23, "Please use FastLess() / FNameFastLess or LexicalLess() / FNameLexicalLess instead. " "Default lexical sort order is deprecated to avoid unintended expensive sorting. ") FORCEINLINE bool operator<(const FName &Other) const | FName | inline |
UE_DEPRECATED(4.23, "Please use B.FastLess(A) or B.LexicalLess(A) instead of A > B.") FORCEINLINE bool operator>(const FName &Other) const | FName | inline |