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This is the complete list of members for FColor, including all inherited members.
A | FColor | |
B | FColor | |
Bits | FColor | |
Black | FColor | static |
Blue | FColor | static |
Cyan | FColor | static |
DequantizeUNorm16ToFloat(int Value16) | FColor | inlinestatic |
DequantizeUNorm8ToFloat(int Value8) | FColor | inlinestatic |
DWColor(void) | FColor | inline |
DWColor(void) const | FColor | inline |
Emerald | FColor | static |
FColor() | FColor | inline |
FColor(EForceInit) | FColor | inlineexplicit |
FColor(uint8 InR, uint8 InG, uint8 InB, uint8 InA=255) | FColor | inline |
FColor(uint32 InColor) | FColor | inlineexplicit |
FColor(const FLinearColor &LinearColor) | FColor | explicitprivate |
FromHex(const FString &HexString) | FColor | static |
FromRGBE() const | FColor | |
G | FColor | |
GetTypeHash | FColor | friend |
Green | FColor | static |
InitFromString(const FString &InSourceString) | FColor | inline |
Magenta | FColor | static |
MakeFromColorTemperature(float Temp) | FColor | static |
MakeRandomColor() | FColor | static |
MakeRandomSeededColor(int32 Seed) | FColor | static |
MakeRedToGreenColorFromScalar(float Scalar) | FColor | static |
MakeRequantizeFrom1010102(int R, int G, int B, int A) | FColor | inlinestatic |
operator!=(const FColor &C) const | FColor | inline |
operator+=(const FColor &C) | FColor | inline |
operator<< | FColor | friend |
operator<< | FColor | friend |
operator==(const FColor &C) const | FColor | inline |
Orange | FColor | static |
Purple | FColor | static |
QuantizeUNormFloatTo16(float UnitFloat) | FColor | inlinestatic |
QuantizeUNormFloatTo8(float UnitFloat) | FColor | inlinestatic |
R | FColor | |
Red | FColor | static |
ReinterpretAsLinear() const | FColor | inline |
Requantize10to8(int Value10) | FColor | inlinestatic |
Requantize16to8(int Value16) | FColor | inlinestatic |
Serialize(FArchive &Ar) | FColor | inline |
Serialize(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot) | FColor | inline |
Silver | FColor | static |
ToHex() const | FColor | inline |
ToPackedABGR() const | FColor | inline |
ToPackedARGB() const | FColor | inline |
ToPackedBGRA() const | FColor | inline |
ToPackedRGBA() const | FColor | inline |
ToString() const | FColor | inline |
Transparent | FColor | static |
Turquoise | FColor | static |
White | FColor | static |
WithAlpha(uint8 Alpha) const | FColor | inline |
Yellow | FColor | static |