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Ark Server API (ASA) - Wiki
This is the complete list of members for FProperty, including all inherited members.
AddCppProperty(FProperty *Property) | FField | inline |
AddReferencedObjects(FReferenceCollector *Collector) | FField | inline |
AllocateAndInitializeValue() | FProperty | inline |
ArrayDimField() | FProperty | inline |
CopyCompleteValueFromScriptVM(void *Dest, const void *Src) | FProperty | inline |
CopyCompleteValueFromScriptVM_InContainer(void *OutContainer, const void *InValue) | FProperty | inline |
CopyCompleteValueToScriptVM_InContainer(void *OutValue, const void *InContainer) | FProperty | inline |
DestroyAndFreeValue(void *InMemory) | FProperty | inline |
DestructorLinkNextField() | FProperty | inline |
ElementSizeField() | FProperty | inline |
ExportText_Direct(FString *ValueStr, const void *Data, const void *Delta, UObject *Parent, int PortFlags, UObject *ExportRootScope) | FProperty | inline |
ExportText_Internal(FString *ValueStr, const void *PropertyValueOrContainer, EPropertyPointerType PointerType, const void *DefaultValue, UObject *Parent, int PortFlags, UObject *ExportRootScope) | FProperty | inline |
ExportTextItem(FString *ValueStr, const void *PropertyValue, const void *DefaultValue, UObject *Parent, int PortFlags, UObject *ExportRootScope) | FProperty | inline |
FindRedirectedPropertyName(FName *result, UStruct *ObjectStruct, FName OldName) | FProperty | inlinestatic |
FlagsPrivateField() | FField | inline |
Get(UObject *object) | FProperty | inline |
GetAuthoredName(FString *result) | FField | inline |
GetCPPMacroType(FString *result, FString *ExtendedTypeText) | FProperty | inline |
GetCPPType(FString *result, FString *ExtendedTypeText, unsigned int CPPExportFlags) | FProperty | inline |
GetCPPTypeForwardDeclaration(FString *result) | FProperty | inline |
GetFullName(FString *result) | FField | inline |
GetID(FName *result) | FProperty | inline |
GetLinker() | FField | inline |
GetNameCPP(FString *result) | FProperty | inline |
GetOutermost() | FField | inline |
GetOwner() | FField | inline |
GetOwnerClass() | FField | inline |
GetOwnerStruct() | FField | inline |
GetPathName(FString *result, const UObject *StopOuter) | FField | inline |
GetPathName(const UObject *StopOuter, TStringBuilderBase< wchar_t > *ResultString) | FField | inline |
GetValueAddressAtIndex_Direct(const FProperty *Inner, void *InValueAddress, int Index) | FProperty | inline |
Identical(const void *A, const void *B, unsigned int PortFlags) | FProperty | inline |
ImportText(const wchar_t *Buffer, void *Data, int PortFlags, UObject *OwnerObject, FOutputDevice *ErrorText) | FProperty | inline |
ImportText_Direct(const wchar_t *Buffer, void *PropertyPtr, UObject *OwnerObject, int PortFlags, FOutputDevice *ErrorText) | FProperty | inline |
ImportText_InContainer(const wchar_t *Buffer, void *Container, UObject *OwnerObject, int PortFlags, FOutputDevice *ErrorText) | FProperty | inline |
ImportText_Internal(const wchar_t *Buffer, void *ContainerOrPropertyPtr, EPropertyPointerType PointerType, UObject *OwnerObject, int PortFlags, FOutputDevice *ErrorText) | FProperty | inline |
Init() | FProperty | inline |
IsNative() | FField | inline |
Link(FArchive *Ar) | FProperty | inline |
NamePrivateField() | FField | inline |
NetSerializeItem(FArchive *Ar, UPackageMap *Map, void *Data, TArray< unsigned char, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *MetaData) | FProperty | inline |
NextField() | FField | inline |
NextRefField() | FProperty | inline |
Offset_InternalField() | FProperty | inline |
operator delete(void *InMem) | FProperty | inlinestatic |
PostConstructLinkNextField() | FProperty | inline |
PostDuplicate(const FField *InField) | FProperty | inline |
PropertyFlagsField() | FProperty | inline |
PropertyLinkNextField() | FProperty | inline |
RepIndexField() | FProperty | inline |
RepNotifyFuncField() | FProperty | inline |
SameType(const FProperty *Other) | FProperty | inline |
Serialize(FArchive *Ar) | FProperty | inline |
SerializeBinProperty(FStructuredArchiveSlot Slot, void *Data, int ArrayIdx) | FProperty | inline |
SerializeItem(FStructuredArchiveSlot Slot, void *Value, const void *Defaults) | FProperty | inline |
Set(UObject *object, T value) | FProperty | inline |
ShouldPort(unsigned int PortFlags) | FProperty | inline |
ShouldSerializeValue(FArchive *Ar) | FProperty | inline |
ValidateImportFlags(unsigned int PortFlags, FOutputDevice *ErrorHandler) | FProperty | inline |