This is the complete list of members for FWindowsPlatformTime, including all inherited members.
AutoUpdateGameThreadCPUTime(double UpdateInterval) | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
CPUTimePctRelative | FWindowsPlatformTime | protectedstatic |
Cycles() | FWindowsPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
Cycles64() | FWindowsPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
GetCPUTime() | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
GetLastIntervalCPUTimeInSeconds() | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
GetLastIntervalThreadCPUTimeInSeconds() | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
GetSecondsPerCycle() | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
GetSecondsPerCycle64() | FGenericPlatformTime | static |
GetThreadCPUTime() | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
InitTiming() | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
LastIntervalCPUTimeInSeconds | FGenericPlatformTime | protectedstatic |
PrettyTime(double Seconds) | FGenericPlatformTime | static |
Seconds() | FWindowsPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
SecondsPerCycle | FGenericPlatformTime | protectedstatic |
SecondsPerCycle64 | FGenericPlatformTime | protectedstatic |
StrDate(TCHAR *Dest, SIZE_T DestSize) | FGenericPlatformTime | static |
StrTime(TCHAR *Dest, SIZE_T DestSize) | FGenericPlatformTime | static |
StrTimestamp() | FGenericPlatformTime | static |
SystemTime(int32 &Year, int32 &Month, int32 &DayOfWeek, int32 &Day, int32 &Hour, int32 &Min, int32 &Sec, int32 &MSec) | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
ToMilliseconds(const uint32 Cycles) | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
ToMilliseconds64(const uint64 Cycles) | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
ToSeconds(const uint32 Cycles) | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
ToSeconds64(const uint64 Cycles) | FGenericPlatformTime | inlinestatic |
UpdateCPUTime(float DeltaTime) | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
UpdateThreadCPUTime(float=0.0) | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |
UtcTime(int32 &Year, int32 &Month, int32 &DayOfWeek, int32 &Day, int32 &Hour, int32 &Min, int32 &Sec, int32 &MSec) | FWindowsPlatformTime | static |