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Ark Server API (ASA) - Wiki
This is the complete list of members for UGameplayStatics, including all inherited members.
ApplyDamage(AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, float Impulse) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ApplyPointDamage(AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, const UE::Math::TVector< double > *HitFromDirection, const FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, float Impulse, bool bForceCollisionCheck, ECollisionChannel ForceCollisionCheckTraceChannel, float OriginalDamageOverride) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ApplyRadialDamage(const UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, const UE::Math::TVector< double > *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, const TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors(const UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, const UE::Math::TVector< double > *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, const TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *IgnoreActors, const TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *IgnoreDamageActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse, float FallOff) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff(const UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, float MinimumDamage, const UE::Math::TVector< double > *Origin, float DamageInnerRadius, float DamageOuterRadius, float DamageFalloff, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, const TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse, TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *IgnoreDamageActors, int NumAdditionalAttempts) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
AsyncLoadGameFromSlot(const FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex, TDelegate< void __cdecl(FString const &, int, USaveGame *), FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy > *LoadedDelegate) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
AsyncSaveGameToSlot(USaveGame *SaveGameObject, const FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex, TDelegate< void __cdecl(FString const &, int, bool), FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy > *SavedDelegate) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
BeginDeferredActorSpawnFromClass(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, const UE::Math::TTransform< double > *SpawnTransform, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod CollisionHandlingOverride, AActor *Owner, ESpawnActorScaleMethod TransformScaleMethod) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
BreakHitResult(const FHitResult *Hit, bool *bBlockingHit, bool *bInitialOverlap, float *Time, float *Distance, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, UE::Math::TVector< double > *ImpactPoint, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Normal, UE::Math::TVector< double > *ImpactNormal, UPhysicalMaterial **PhysMat, AActor **HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent **HitComponent, FName *HitBoneName, FName *BoneName, int *HitItem, int *ElementIndex, int *FaceIndex, UE::Math::TVector< double > *TraceStart, UE::Math::TVector< double > *TraceEnd) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
CalculateViewProjectionMatricesFromMinimalView(const FMinimalViewInfo *MinimalViewInfo, const TOptional< UE::Math::TMatrix< double > > *CustomProjectionMatrix, UE::Math::TMatrix< double > *OutViewMatrix, UE::Math::TMatrix< double > *OutProjectionMatrix, UE::Math::TMatrix< double > *OutViewProjectionMatrix) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
CreateSaveGameObject(TSubclassOf< USaveGame > SaveGameClass) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
CreateSound2D(const UObject *WorldContextObject, USoundBase *Sound, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundConcurrency *ConcurrencySettings, bool bPersistAcrossLevelTransition, bool bAutoDestroy) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
DeprojectSceneCaptureToWorld(const ASceneCapture2D *SceneCapture2D, const UE::Math::TVector2< double > *TargetUV, UE::Math::TVector< double > *WorldPosition, UE::Math::TVector< double > *WorldDirection) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
DeprojectScreenToWorld(const APlayerController *Player, const UE::Math::TVector2< double > *ScreenPosition, UE::Math::TVector< double > *WorldPosition, UE::Math::TVector< double > *WorldDirection) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
FindCollisionUV(const FHitResult *Hit, int UVChannel, UE::Math::TVector2< double > *UV) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetActorOfClass(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetAllActorsOfClass(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutActors) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetAllActorsOfClassWithTag(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FName Tag, TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutActors) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetAllActorsWithInterface(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UInterface > Interface, TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutActors) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetAllActorsWithTag(const UObject *WorldContextObject, FName Tag, TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutActors) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetCurrentLevelName(FString *result, const UObject *WorldContextObject, FName bRemovePrefixString) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetGameInstance(const UObject *WorldContextObject) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetKeyValue(const FString *Pair, FString *Key, FString *Value) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetPlayerCharacter(const UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetPlayerController(const UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetPrivateStaticClass() | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GetWorldDeltaSeconds(const UObject *WorldContextObject) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GrabOption(FString *Options, FString *Result) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
GrassOverlappingSphereCount(const UObject *WorldContextObject, const UStaticMesh *Mesh, UE::Math::TVector< double > *CenterPosition, float Radius) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
HasOption(FString *Options, const FString *Key) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
LoadGameFromMemory(const TArray< unsigned char, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *InSaveData) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
LoadGameFromSlot(const FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
LoadStreamLevel(const UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, FName bMakeVisibleAfterLoad, bool bShouldBlockOnLoad, FLatentActionInfo *LatentInfo) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
LoadStreamLevelBySoftObjectPtr(const UObject *WorldContextObject, const TSoftObjectPtr< UWorld > *Level, bool bMakeVisibleAfterLoad, bool bShouldBlockOnLoad, FLatentActionInfo *LatentInfo) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
OpenLevel(const UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, FName bAbsolute, FString *Options) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
OpenLevelBySoftObjectPtr(const UObject *WorldContextObject, const TSoftObjectPtr< UWorld > *Level, bool bAbsolute, FString *Options) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ParseOption(FString *result, FString *Options, const FString *Key) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
PlaySound2D(USoundBase *Sound, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, float VolumeMultiplier) | UGameplayStatics | inline |
PlaySoundAtLocation(const UObject *WorldContextObject, USoundBase *Sound, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, float VolumeMultiplier) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
PredictProjectilePath(const UObject *WorldContextObject, const FPredictProjectilePathParams *PredictParams, FPredictProjectilePathResult *PredictResult) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
PrimeAllSoundsInSoundClass(USoundClass *InSoundClass) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
PrimeSound(USoundBase *InSound) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
ProjectWorldToScreen(const APlayerController *Player, const UE::Math::TVector< double > *WorldPosition, UE::Math::TVector2< double > *ScreenPosition, bool bPlayerViewportRelative) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SaveGameToMemory(USaveGame *SaveGameObject, TArray< unsigned char, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutSaveData) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SaveGameToSlot(USaveGame *SaveGameObject, const FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SpawnDecalAttached(UMaterialInterface *DecalMaterial, UE::Math::TVector< double > *DecalSize, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, UE::Math::TRotator< double > *Rotation, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, float LifeSpan) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SpawnSoundAttached(USoundBase *Sound, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SpawnSoundAttached(USoundBase *Sound, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Location, UE::Math::TRotator< double > *Rotation, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings, USoundConcurrency *ConcurrencySettings, bool bAutoDestroy, bool bAlwaysPlay) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics() | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
SuggestProjectileVelocity(const UObject *WorldContextObject, UE::Math::TVector< double > *OutTossVelocity, UE::Math::TVector< double > *Start, UE::Math::TVector< double > *End, float TossSpeed, bool bFavorHighArc, float CollisionRadius, float OverrideGravityZ, ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption::Type TraceOption, const FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam, const TArray< AActor *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *ActorsToIgnore, bool bDrawDebug) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
UnloadStreamLevel(const UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, FLatentActionInfo *LatentInfo, bool bShouldBlockOnUnload) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
UnloadStreamLevelBySoftObjectPtr(const UObject *WorldContextObject, const TSoftObjectPtr< UWorld > *Level, FLatentActionInfo *LatentInfo, bool bShouldBlockOnUnload) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |
UnRetainAllSoundsInSoundClass(USoundClass *InSoundClass) | UGameplayStatics | inlinestatic |