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This is the complete list of members for UStreamableRenderAsset, including all inherited members.
__vftableField() | UObjectBase | inline |
AddToCluster(UObjectBaseUtility *ClusterRootOrObjectFromCluster, bool bAddAsMutableObject) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
AreAllOuterObjectsValid() | UObject | inline |
AssetVersePathTagName() | UObject | inlinestatic |
BeginDestroy() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
bForceMiplevelsToBeResident() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
bGlobalForceMipLevelsToBeResident() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
bHasStreamingUpdatePending() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
bIgnoreStreamingMipBias() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
BuildSubobjectMapping(UObject *OtherObject, TMap< UObject *, UObject *, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs< UObject *, UObject *, 0 > > *ObjectMapping) | UObject | inline |
bUseCinematicMipLevels() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
CalcCumulativeLODSize(int NumLODs) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
CallFunction(FFrame *Stack, void *const Z_Param__Result, UFunction *Function) | UObject | inline |
CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(const wchar_t *Str, FOutputDevice *Ar, UObject *Executor, bool bForceCallWithNonExec) | UObject | inline |
CanBeInCluster() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
CheckDefaultSubobjects(bool bForceCheck) | UObject | inline |
CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal() | UObject | inline |
ClassField() | UObjectBase | inline |
ClassPrivateField() | UObjectBase | inline |
CollectDefaultSubobjects(TArray< UObject *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects) | UObject | inline |
ConditionalBeginDestroy() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalFinishDestroy() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalPostLoad() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalPostLoadSubobjects(FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph) | UObject | inline |
CreateCluster() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
CreateDefaultSubobject(FName SubobjectFName, UClass *ReturnType, UClass *ClassToCreateByDefault, bool bIsRequired, bool bIsTransient) | UObject | inline |
DeferredRegister(UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName) | UObjectBase | inline |
DoesMipDataExist(const int MipIndex) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
FindFunctionChecked(FName InName, EIncludeSuperFlag::Type a3=EIncludeSuperFlag::IncludeSuper) | UObject | inline |
FindProperty(FName name) | UObject | |
FinishDestroy() | UObject | inline |
ForceMipLevelsToBeResidentTimestampField() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
GetArchetype() | UObject | inline |
GetAssetRegistryTags(FAssetData *Out) | UObject | inline |
GetDefaultConfigFilename(FString *result) | UObject | inline |
GetDefaultSubobjectByName(FName ToFind) | UObject | inline |
GetDetailedInfo(FString *result) | UObject | inline |
GetDetailedInfoInternal(FString *result) | UObject | inline |
GetExternalPackageInternal() | UObjectBase | inline |
GetFullGroupName(FString *result, bool bStartWithOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetInterfaceAddress(UClass *InterfaceClass) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLastRenderTimeForStreaming() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
GetLinker() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLinkerCustomVersion() | UObjectBaseUtility | inlinestatic |
GetLinkerIndex() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLinkerUEVersion(FPackageFileVersion *result) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetMipIoFilenameHash(const int MipIndex) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
GetOutermostObject() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPackage() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPathName(FString *result, const UObject *StopOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPathName(const UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPathName(const UObject *StopOuter, TStringBuilderBase< wchar_t > *ResultString) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPreloadDependencies(TArray< UObject *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *OutDeps) | UObject | inline |
GetPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId *result) | UObject | inline |
GetResourceSizeEx(FResourceSizeEx *CumulativeResourceSize) | UObject | inline |
GetTypedOuter(UClass *Target) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
HasPendingInitOrStreaming(bool bWaitForLODTransition) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
InternalIndexField() | UObjectBase | inline |
IsAsset() | UObject | inline |
IsBasedOnArchetype(const UObject *const SomeObject) | UObject | inline |
IsDefaultSubobject() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsFullNameStableForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsIn(const UObject *SomeOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsInBlueprint() | UObject | inline |
IsInOrOwnedBy(const UObject *SomeOuter) | UObject | inline |
IsInPackage(const UPackage *SomePackage) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsLocalizedResource() | UObject | inline |
IsNameStableForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsReadyForFinishDestroy() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
IsSafeForRootSet() | UObject | inline |
IsSupportedForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsValidLowLevel() | UObjectBase | inline |
IsValidLowLevelFast(bool bRecursive) | UObjectBase | inline |
LinkStreaming() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
LoadConfig(UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, FProperty *PropertyToLoad) | UObject | inline |
LocalizeProperty(UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *PropertyTagChain, FProperty *const BaseProperty, FProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress) | UObject | inline |
MarkPackageDirty() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
NameField() | UObjectBase | inline |
NamePrivateField() | UObjectBase | inline |
NeedsLoadForClient() | UObject | inline |
NeedsLoadForServer() | UObject | inline |
NeverStream() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
NumCinematicMipLevelsField() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
ObjectFlagsField() | UObjectBase | inline |
OuterPrivateField() | UObjectBase | inline |
PostLoad() | UObject | inline |
PostLoadSubobjects(FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph) | UObject | inline |
ProcessConsoleExec(const wchar_t *Cmd, FOutputDevice *Ar, UObject *Executor) | UObject | inline |
ProcessContextOpcode(FFrame *Stack, void *const Z_Param__Result, bool bCanFailSilently) | UObject | inline |
ProcessEvent(UFunction *Function, void *Parms) | UObject | inline |
ProcessInternal(UObject *Context, FFrame *Stack, void *const Z_Param__Result) | UObject | inlinestatic |
RemoveAtImpl(int Index, int Count, bool bAllowShrinking) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
RemoveAtSwapImpl(int Index, int Count, bool bAllowShrinking) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
Rename(const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags) | UObject | inline |
ResizeGrow(int OldNum) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
SaveConfig(unsigned __int64 Flags, const wchar_t *InFilename, FConfigCacheIni *Config, bool bAllowCopyToDefaultObject) | UObject | inline |
Serialize(FStructuredArchiveRecord Record) | UObject | inline |
SerializeScriptProperties(FArchive *Ar) | UObject | inline |
SerializeScriptProperties(FStructuredArchiveSlot Slot) | UObject | inline |
SetExternalPackage(UPackage *InPackage) | UObjectBase | inline |
SetForceMipLevelsToBeResident(float Seconds, int CinematicLODGroupMask) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
SetLinker(FLinkerLoad *LinkerLoad, int LinkerIndex, bool bShouldDetachExisting) | UObject | inline |
ShouldMipLevelsBeForcedResident() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
SkipFunction(FFrame *Stack, void *const Z_Param__Result, UFunction *Function) | UObject | inline |
StaticClass() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inlinestatic |
StaticRegisterNativesUStreamableRenderAsset() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inlinestatic |
StreamIn(int NewMipCount, bool bHighPrio) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
StreamingIndexField() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
StreamOut(int NewMipCount) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
TickMipLevelChangeCallbacks(TArray< UStreamableRenderAsset *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *DeferredTickCBAssets) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
TickStreaming(bool bSendCompletionEvents, TArray< UStreamableRenderAsset *, TSizedDefaultAllocator< 32 > > *DeferredTickCBAssets) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
UnlinkStreaming() | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |
WaitForPendingInitOrStreaming(bool bWaitForLODTransition, bool bSendCompletionEvents) | UStreamableRenderAsset | inline |