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#include <MapErrors.h>
This file contains known map errors that can be referenced by name. Documentation for these errors is assumed to lie in UDN at: Engine\Documentation\Source\Shared\Editor\MapErrors
Definition at line 14 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Class { }::{ } is obsolete and must be removed (Class is abstract): NEEDS DESCRIPTION
Definition at line 95 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} is obsolete and must be removed!: This warning is caused when there is an instance of a actor in a level that has been marked deprecated. This is usually because a actor was marked deprecated after the level was created, but the map was never updated. This can be fixed by simply deleting the actor.
Definition at line 42 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Large actor casts a shadow and will cause an extreme performance hit unless bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing is set to true: A large actor has been set to cast shadows - this will cause extreme performance issues and should have bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing set to true.
Definition at line 27 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Sound {Actor} : Ambient sound actor has NULL AudioComponent property - please delete!: This warning is caused when there is a Ambient sound actor with a "None" AudioComponent. It is usually found in older maps where duplication was used to create a actor and can be fixed by deleting the actor causing the warning and creating a new one.
Definition at line 184 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Brush has NULL BrushComponent property - please delete!: This warning is caused when there is a Brush with a "None" ConstraintInstance component. It is usually found in older maps where duplication was used to create a Brush and can be fixed by deleting the Brush causing the warning and creating a new one.
Definition at line 82 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
BSP Brush {Brush Actor} : Brush has zero polygons - please delete!: This warning indicates that you have a brush in the level that doesn't have any polygons associated with it. The brush should be deleted as it isn't doing anything useful.
Definition at line 76 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Camera Camera has AspectRatio=0 - please set this to something non-zero
Definition at line 90 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Run 'Clean BSP Materials' to clear {count} references: This warning indicates that there are material references on brush faces that aren't contributing to the BSP, and that applying the Tools->'Clean BSP Materials' operation can clean up these references.
Definition at line 79 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{ActorName} has collision enabled but StaticMesh ({StaticMeshName}) has no simple or complex collision.
Definition at line 57 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{ }::{ } is obsolete and must be removed (Class is deprecated): NEEDS DESCRIPTION
Definition at line 98 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Level Duplicate level info: Two WorldInfos somehow exist...
Definition at line 133 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Count} element(s) with zero triangles in static mesh {StaticMesh}: TODO
Definition at line 207 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Uncategorized Filename is too long ({FilenameLength} characters) - this may interfere with cooking for consoles. Unreal filenames should be no longer than {Length} characters. Filename value: {Filename}: Please rename the file to be within the length specified.
Definition at line 221 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Landscape {LandscapeComponent} : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap:
Definition at line 112 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{LandscapeComponent} : Fixed up incorrect layer weightmap texture index:
Definition at line 115 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{LandscapeComponent} : Fixed up invalid material instances for a landscape component when its weightmap allocations don't match the material's layer configuration :
Definition at line 118 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Fixed up shared weightmap texture for layer {Layer} in component {Component} (shares with {Name}):
Definition at line 121 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Foliage in this map is missing {MissingCount} cluster component(s) for static mesh {MeshName}. Opening the Foliage tool will fix this problem.: TODO
Definition at line 107 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Foliage Foliage instances for a missing static mesh have been removed.: TODO
Definition at line 104 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} has invalid DrawScale/ DrawScale3D: This warning is caused when either DrawScale, DrawScale3D X, DrawScale3D Y, or DrawScale 3D Z is equal to zero. Meaning that the actor will not be shown because it is being scaled to zero on one of its axis. To solve this problem, change any DrawScale's that are zero to be non-zero by selecting the actor and changing its drawscale at the bottom of the main UnrealEd window.
Definition at line 39 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Actor gas invalid hair strands material
Definition at line 68 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{ActorName} has WorldTrace blocked. It will be considered to be world geometry
Definition at line 71 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Virtual Textures {ObjectName} is using a virtual texture ('{TextureName}') on an unsupported property ('{PropertyName}').
Definition at line 245 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Landscape ({ProxyName}) has overlapping render components at location ({X, Y}):
Definition at line 124 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Landscape proxy {ProxyName} of {LevelName} points to a LandscapeActor that is not currently loaded. This will lose the property upon save.
Definition at line 127 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Volume LevelStreamingVolume is not in the persistent level - please delete: This warning is caused when there is a level streaming volume that does not exist in the persistent level. This can be problematic because the volume will not be considered when checking to see if a streaming level should be loaded or unloaded. You can fix this problem by deleting the level streaming volume and recreating it.
Definition at line 212 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Lighting {Actor} : Light actor has NULL LightComponent property - please delete!: This warning is caused when there is a Light actor with a "None" LightComponent. It is usually found in older maps where duplication was used to create the actor and can be fixed by deleting the actor causing the warning and creating a new one.
Definition at line 142 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{LODActor} : Actor is missing. The actor might have been removed. We recommend you to build LOD again.
Definition at line 237 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Hierarchical LOD {LODActor} : Static mesh is missing for the built LODActor. Did you remove the asset?
Definition at line 234 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{LODActor} : NoActor is assigned. We recommend to delete this actor.
Definition at line 240 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Actor {Actor} has same GUID as {Actor} (Duplicate and replace the orig with the new one): Duplicate and replace the original with the new one.
Definition at line 24 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Lighting {LightActor} has same light GUID as {LightActor} (Duplicate and replace the orig with the new one): Duplicate and replace the original with the new one.
Definition at line 19 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
More overridden materials {Count} on static mesh component than are referenced {Count} in source mesh {StaticMesh}: TODO
Definition at line 201 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
More Nanite overridden materials {Count} on static mesh component than are referenced {Count} in source mesh {StaticMesh}: TODO
Definition at line 204 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Definition at line 64 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Definition at line 65 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Definition at line 62 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Volume} causes damage, but has no damagetype defined.: This warning is caused when there is a volume that is set to cause damage but doesn't have a damage type defined. A damage type is important because it tells the game code how to handle a actor's reaction to taking damage. This can be solved by going to the actor's Property Window->Physics Volume and setting the 'DamageType' property.
Definition at line 30 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Map should have KillZ set.: This warning is caused when the map's KillZ in the WorldInfo properties is set to the default value. All maps should specify a KillZ appropriate for the level so that players cannot simply fall forever until they reach the playable world bounds.
Definition at line 136 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
No levels are associated with streaming volume.: This warning is caused when there are no levels associated with a LevelStreamingVolume, making it non-functional. This problem can be fixed by associating one or more streaming levels with the offending LevelStreamingVolume.
Definition at line 215 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Brush has non-coplanar polygons: This warning is caused when there is a brush in the level that has non-coplanar polygons. This is usually caused by using brush editing tools in geometry mode in extreme ways and can cause missing polygons in the level. This warning can be resolved by deleting the brush and recreating it.
Definition at line 33 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Particle System {Actor} : Emitter actor has NULL ParticleSystemComponent property - please delete!: This warning is caused when there is a Emitter actor with a "None" ParticleSystemComponent. It is usually found in older maps where duplication was used to create the actor and can be fixed by deleting the actor causing the warning and creating a new one.
Definition at line 161 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Brush} : Brush is planar: Planar brush used - please note that this may not work well with collision.
Definition at line 85 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Component is a using CastVolumetricTranslucentShadow but this feature is disabled for the project! Turn on r.Shadow.TranslucentPerObject.ProjectEnabled in a project ini if required.
Definition at line 151 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
PSysComp has an empty parameter actor reference at index {Index} ({Actor}): Param.Actor should not be NULL.
Definition at line 164 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
PSysComp has an empty parameter material reference at index {Index} ({Actor}): Param.Material should not be NULL.
Definition at line 167 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Maps need lighting rebuilt: This warning is caused when lighting has been invalidated by moving or modifying a light actor. This can cause problems because the rendered lighting in the level is not accurately representing the current state of lights in the level. This error can be solved by going to the Build menu and rebuilding lighting for a map.
Definition at line 145 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Navigation Paths need to be rebuilt: TODO
Definition at line 156 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Actors {Actor} : Repaired painted vertex colors: Painted vertex colors were repaired on this actor.
Definition at line 229 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} in same location as {Another Actor}: This warning is caused when there is a actor that is in the same exact location as another actor. This warning is usually the result of a accidental duplication or paste operation. It can be fixed by deleting one of the actors, or disregarded if the placement was intentional.
Definition at line 36 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Actor casts dynamic shadows and has a BoundsScale greater than 1! This will have a large performance hit: Serious performance warning... either reduce BoundsScale to be <= 1 or remove dynamic shadows...
Definition at line 60 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{StaticMesh} has simple collision but is being scaled non-uniformly - collision creation will fail: Simple collision cannot be used with non-uniform scale. Please either fix the scale or the collision type.
Definition at line 198 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Skeletal mesh actor has NULL SkeletalMeshComponent property: The specified SkeletalMeshActor has a NULL SkeletalMeshComponent.
Definition at line 176 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Skeletal mesh actor has NULL SkeletalMesh property: The specified SkeletalMeshActor has a NULL SkeletalMesh.
Definition at line 179 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Skeletal Mesh {Actor} : SkeletalMeshActor has no PhysicsAsset assigned.: In order for a SkeletalMesh to have an accurate bounding box, it needs to have a PhysicsAsset assigned in its SkeletalMeshComponent. An incorrect or inaccurate bounding box can lead to the mesh vanishing when its origin is not in view, or to poor shadow resolution because the bounding box is too big.
Definition at line 173 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Ambient sound actor's AudioComponent has a NULL SoundCue property!: This warning is caused when there is a AmbientSound actor with a NULL SoundCue property. This is a problem because the actor won't actually be playing any sounds. This can be fixed by first choosing a sound cue in the generic browser and then going to the actor's Property Window->Audio Category->Audio Component and setting the 'SoundCue' property.
Definition at line 187 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Component is a static type but has invalid lightmap settings! Indirect lighting will be black. Common causes are lightmap resolution of 0, LightmapCoordinateIndex out of bounds.
Definition at line 148 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMeshComponent property - please delete!: This warning is caused when there is a static mesh actor with a "None" StaticMeshComponent component. It is usually found in older maps where duplication was used to create the actor and can be fixed by deleting the actor causing the warning and creating a new one.
Definition at line 195 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
Static Mesh {Static Mesh Actor} : Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property: This warning is caused when there is a static mesh actor in a level with a NULL StaticMesh property. This can be a problem because the actor exists and is using memory, but doesn't have a static mesh to actually draw. This warning is usually the result of creating a StaticMesh actor without first selecting a StaticMesh in the generic browser. This warning can be fixed by first selecting a static mesh in the generic browser and then going to the StaticMesh actor's Property Window->StaticMeshActor Category->StaticMeshComponent->StaticMeshComponent Category to set the 'StaticMesh' Property.
Definition at line 192 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} bStatic true, but has Physics set to something other than PHYS_None!: This warning is caused when an actor has its bStatic flag set to true but its Physics is set to PHYS_None. Since bStatic means that the actor will not be moving, having Physics set to PHYS_None is contradictory. Actors set with the bStatic flag are also not ticked(updated). This error can be solved by going to the actor's properties and changing its Physics to PHYS_None.
Definition at line 45 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{ObjectName} : Externally referenced
Definition at line 224 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} (LOD {Index}) has hand-painted vertex colors that no longer match the original StaticMesh {StaticMesh}: It looks like the original mesh was changed since this instance's vertex colors were painted down - this may need a refresh.
Definition at line 54 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Volume actor has NULL collision component - please delete: The specified volume actor has a NULL collision component and should probably be deleted.
Definition at line 48 of file MapErrors.h.
static |
{Actor} : Volume actor has a collision component with 0 radius - please delete: The specified volume actor has a zero radius for its collision component and should probably be deleted.
Definition at line 51 of file MapErrors.h.