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TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > Class Template Reference

#include <SharedPointer.h>

Public Member Functions

template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (OtherType *InObject)
template<typename OtherType , typename DeleterType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (OtherType *InObject, DeleterType &&InDeleter)
 TSharedRef ()
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (SharedPointerInternals::FRawPtrProxy< OtherType > const &InRawPtrProxy)
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const &InSharedRef)
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const &InSharedRef, SharedPointerInternals::FStaticCastTag)
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const &InSharedRef, SharedPointerInternals::FConstCastTag)
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const &OtherSharedRef, ObjectType *InObject)
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef const &InSharedRef)
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedRef &&InSharedRef)
FORCEINLINE TSharedRefoperator= (TSharedRef const &InSharedRef)
FORCEINLINE TSharedRefoperator= (TSharedRef &&InSharedRef)
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRefoperator= (SharedPointerInternals::FRawPtrProxy< OtherType > const &InRawPtrProxy)
FORCEINLINE ObjectType & Get () const
FORCEINLINE ObjectType & operator* () const
FORCEINLINE ObjectType * operator-> () const
FORCEINLINE const int32 GetSharedReferenceCount () const
FORCEINLINE const bool IsUnique () const

Private Member Functions

template<class OtherType >
void Init (OtherType *InObject)
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedPtr< OtherType, Mode > const &InSharedPtr)
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (TSharedPtr< OtherType, Mode > &&InSharedPtr)
FORCEINLINE const bool IsValid () const
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef (ObjectType *InObject, SharedPointerInternals::FReferenceControllerBase *InSharedReferenceCount)

Private Attributes

ObjectType * Object
SharedPointerInternals::FSharedReferencer< Mode > SharedReferenceCount


template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
class TSharedRef
template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
class TSharedPtr
template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
class TWeakPtr
uint32 GetTypeHash (const TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > &InSharedRef)
TSharedRef UE4SharedPointer_Private::MakeSharedRef (ObjectType *InObject, SharedPointerInternals::FReferenceControllerBase *InSharedReferenceCount)

Detailed Description

template<class ObjectType, int Mode>
class TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >

TSharedRef is a non-nullable, non-intrusive reference-counted authoritative object reference.

This shared reference will be conditionally thread-safe when the optional Mode template argument is set to ThreadSafe.

Definition at line 141 of file SharedPointer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TSharedRef() [1/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( OtherType * InObject)

Constructs a shared reference that owns the specified object. Must not be nullptr.

InObjectObject this shared reference to retain a reference to

Definition at line 157 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [2/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename DeleterType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( OtherType * InObject,
DeleterType && InDeleter )

Constructs a shared reference that owns the specified object. Must not be nullptr.

InObjectObject this shared pointer to retain a reference to
InDeleterDeleter object used to destroy the object when it is no longer referenced.

Definition at line 175 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [3/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( )

Constructs default shared reference that owns the default object for specified type.

Used internally only. Please do not use!

Definition at line 187 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [4/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( SharedPointerInternals::FRawPtrProxy< OtherType > const & InRawPtrProxy)

Constructs a shared reference using a proxy reference to a raw pointer. (See MakeShareable()) Must not be nullptr.

InRawPtrProxyProxy raw pointer that contains the object that the new shared reference will reference

Definition at line 205 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [5/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const & InSharedRef)

Constructs a shared reference as a reference to an existing shared reference's object. This constructor is needed so that we can implicitly upcast to base classes.

InSharedRefThe shared reference whose object we should create an additional reference to

Definition at line 228 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [6/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const & InSharedRef,
SharedPointerInternals::FStaticCastTag  )

Special constructor used internally to statically cast one shared reference type to another. You should never call this constructor directly. Instead, use the StaticCastSharedRef() function. This constructor creates a shared reference as a shared reference to an existing shared reference after statically casting that reference's object. This constructor is needed for static casts.

InSharedRefThe shared reference whose object we should create an additional reference to

Definition at line 242 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [7/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const & InSharedRef,
SharedPointerInternals::FConstCastTag  )

Special constructor used internally to cast a 'const' shared reference a 'mutable' reference. You should never call this constructor directly. Instead, use the ConstCastSharedRef() function. This constructor creates a shared reference as a shared reference to an existing shared reference after const casting that reference's object. This constructor is needed for const casts.

InSharedRefThe shared reference whose object we should create an additional reference to

Definition at line 256 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [8/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType >
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< OtherType, Mode > const & OtherSharedRef,
ObjectType * InObject )

Aliasing constructor used to create a shared reference which shares its reference count with another shared object, but pointing to a different object, typically a subobject.

OtherSharedRefThe shared reference whose reference count should be shared.
InObjectThe object pointer to use (instead of the incoming shared pointer's object)

Definition at line 269 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [9/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > const & InSharedRef)

Definition at line 278 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [10/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > && InSharedRef)

Definition at line 283 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [11/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedPtr< OtherType, Mode > const & InSharedPtr)

Converts a shared pointer to a shared reference. The pointer must be valid or an assertion will trigger. NOTE: This explicit conversion constructor is intentionally private. Use 'ToSharedRef()' instead.

Reference to the object

Definition at line 416 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [12/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( TSharedPtr< OtherType, Mode > && InSharedPtr)

Definition at line 429 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef() [13/13]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::TSharedRef ( ObjectType * InObject,
SharedPointerInternals::FReferenceControllerBase * InSharedReferenceCount )

Definition at line 491 of file SharedPointer.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Get()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE ObjectType & TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::Get ( ) const

Returns a C++ reference to the object this shared reference is referencing

The object owned by this shared reference

Definition at line 339 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ GetSharedReferenceCount()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE const int32 TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::GetSharedReferenceCount ( ) const

Returns the number of shared references to this object (including this reference.) IMPORTANT: Not necessarily fast! Should only be used for debugging purposes!

Number of shared references to the object (including this reference.)

Definition at line 376 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ Init()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<class OtherType >
void TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::Init ( OtherType * InObject)

Definition at line 395 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ IsUnique()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE const bool TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::IsUnique ( ) const

Returns true if this is the only shared reference to this object. Note that there may be outstanding weak references left. IMPORTANT: Not necessarily fast! Should only be used for debugging purposes!

True if there is only one shared reference to the object, and this is it!

Definition at line 388 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ IsValid()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE const bool TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::IsValid ( ) const

Checks to see if this shared reference is actually pointing to an object. NOTE: This validity test is intentionally private because shared references must always be valid.

True if the shared reference is valid and can be dereferenced

Definition at line 446 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ operator*()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE ObjectType & TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::operator* ( ) const

Dereference operator returns a reference to the object this shared pointer points to

Reference to the object

Definition at line 351 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ operator->()

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE ObjectType * TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::operator-> ( ) const

Arrow operator returns a pointer to this shared reference's object

Returns a pointer to the object referenced by this shared reference

Definition at line 363 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<typename OtherType , typename = typename TEnableIf<TPointerIsConvertibleFromTo<OtherType, ObjectType>::Value>::Type>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef & TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::operator= ( SharedPointerInternals::FRawPtrProxy< OtherType > const & InRawPtrProxy)

Assignment operator replaces this shared reference with the specified shared reference. The object currently referenced by this shared reference will no longer be referenced and will be deleted if there are no other referencers. Must not be nullptr.

InRawPtrProxyProxy object used to assign the object (see MakeShareable helper function)

Definition at line 324 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ operator=() [2/3]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef & TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::operator= ( TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > && InSharedRef)

Definition at line 306 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ operator=() [3/3]

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
FORCEINLINE TSharedRef & TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::operator= ( TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > const & InSharedRef)

Assignment operator replaces this shared reference with the specified shared reference. The object currently referenced by this shared reference will no longer be referenced and will be deleted if there are no other referencers.

InSharedRefShared reference to replace with

Definition at line 299 of file SharedPointer.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ GetTypeHash

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
uint32 GetTypeHash ( const TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode > & InSharedRef)

Computes a hash code for this object

InSharedRefShared pointer to compute hash code for
Hash code value

Definition at line 458 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedPtr

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
friend class TSharedPtr

Definition at line 467 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TSharedRef

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
friend class TSharedRef

Definition at line 464 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ TWeakPtr

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
template<class OtherType , int OtherMode>
friend class TWeakPtr

Definition at line 468 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ UE4SharedPointer_Private::MakeSharedRef

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
TSharedRef UE4SharedPointer_Private::MakeSharedRef ( ObjectType * InObject,
SharedPointerInternals::FReferenceControllerBase * InSharedReferenceCount )

Member Data Documentation

◆ Object

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
ObjectType* TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::Object

The object we're holding a reference to. Can be nullptr.

Definition at line 473 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ SharedReferenceCount

template<class ObjectType , int Mode>
SharedPointerInternals::FSharedReferencer< Mode > TSharedRef< ObjectType, Mode >::SharedReferenceCount

Interface to the reference counter for this object. Note that the actual reference controller object is shared by all shared and weak pointers that refer to the object

Definition at line 477 of file SharedPointer.h.

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