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Poco::Net Namespace Reference


namespace  Impl


struct  AddressFamily
class  CertificateHandlerFactory
class  CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl
class  CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr
 A CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr manages all existing CertificateHandlerFactories. More...
class  CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar
class  Context
class  HTTPAuthenticationParams
class  HTTPBasicCredentials
class  HTTPClientSession
class  HTTPCookie
class  HTTPDigestCredentials
class  HTTPMessage
class  HTTPNTLMCredentials
class  HTTPRequest
class  HTTPResponse
class  HTTPSClientSession
class  HTTPSession
class  InvalidCertificateHandler
class  IPAddress
class  MessageHeader
class  NameValueCollection
class  NTLMContext
 An opaque context class for working with SSPI NTLM authentication. More...
class  NTLMCredentials
class  PrivateKeyFactory
class  PrivateKeyFactoryImpl
class  PrivateKeyFactoryMgr
 A PrivateKeyFactoryMgr manages all existing PrivateKeyFactories. More...
class  PrivateKeyFactoryRegistrar
class  RejectCertificateHandler
class  Session
class  Socket
class  SocketAddress
class  SocketImpl
class  SSLManager
class  SSPINTLMCredentials
class  StreamSocket
class  Utility
class  VerificationErrorArgs
 A utility class for certificate error handling. More...
class  X509Certificate


typedef std::vector< SocketBuf > SocketBufVec


void swap (NameValueCollection &nvc1, NameValueCollection &nvc2)
void Net_API initializeNetwork ()
void Net_API uninitializeNetwork ()
std::string htmlize (const std::string &str)
void NetSSL_API initializeSSL ()
void NetSSL_API uninitializeSSL ()

Typedef Documentation

◆ SocketBufVec

typedef std::vector<SocketBuf> Poco::Net::SocketBufVec

Definition at line 365 of file SocketDefs.h.

Function Documentation

◆ htmlize()

std::string Poco::Net::htmlize ( const std::string & str)

Uninitialize the network subsystem. (Windows only, no-op elsewhere)

◆ initializeNetwork()

void Net_API Poco::Net::initializeNetwork ( )

◆ initializeSSL()

void NetSSL_API Poco::Net::initializeSSL ( )

◆ swap()

void Poco::Net::swap ( NameValueCollection & nvc1,
NameValueCollection & nvc2 )

Definition at line 123 of file NameValueCollection.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ uninitializeNetwork()

void Net_API Poco::Net::uninitializeNetwork ( )

Initialize the network subsystem. (Windows only, no-op elsewhere)

◆ uninitializeSSL()

void NetSSL_API Poco::Net::uninitializeSSL ( )

Initialize the NetSSL library, as well as the underlying OpenSSL libraries, by calling Poco::Crypto::OpenSSLInitializer::initialize().

Should be called before using any class from the NetSSL library. The NetSSL will be initialized automatically, through Poco::Crypto::OpenSSLInitializer instances or similar mechanisms when creating Context or SSLManager instances. However, it is recommended to call initializeSSL() in any case at application startup.

Can be called multiple times; however, for every call to initializeSSL(), a matching call to uninitializeSSL() must be performed.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: