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Ark Server API (ASE) - Wiki
This is the complete list of members for FAssetRegistry, including all inherited members.
AddAssetData(FAssetData *AssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
AddPath(FString *PathToAdd) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
AssetCreated(UObject *NewAsset) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
AssetDeleted(UObject *DeletedAsset) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
AssetRenamed(UObject *RenamedAsset, FString *OldObjectPath) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
CollectCodeGeneratorClasses() | FAssetRegistry | inline |
ExportTextPathToObjectName(FString *result, FString *InExportTextPath) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAllAssets(TArray< FAssetData > *OutAssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAllCachedPaths(TArray< FString > *OutPathList) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAncestorClassNames(FName ClassName, TArray< FName > *OutAncestorClassNames) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetAvailability(FAssetData *AssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetAvailabilityProgress(FAssetData *AssetData, EAssetAvailabilityProgressReportingType::Type ReportType) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetAvailabilityProgressTypeSupported(EAssetAvailabilityProgressReportingType::Type ReportType) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetByObjectPath(FAssetData *result, FName ObjectPath) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetsByClass(FName ClassName, TArray< FAssetData > *OutAssetData, bool bSearchSubClasses) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetsByPackageName(FName PackageName, TArray< FAssetData > *OutAssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetAssetsByPath(FName PackagePath, TArray< FAssetData > *OutAssetData, bool bRecursive) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetDependencies(FName PackageName, TArray< FName > *OutDependencies) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetReferencers(FName PackageName, TArray< FName > *OutReferencers) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
GetSubPaths(FString *InBasePath, TArray< FString > *OutPathList, bool bInRecurse) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
IsLoadingAssets() | FAssetRegistry | inline |
IsUsingWorldAssets() | FAssetRegistry | inlinestatic |
OnContentPathDismounted(FString *InAssetPath, FString *FileSystemPath) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
OnContentPathMounted(FString *InAssetPath, FString *FileSystemPath) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
PathDataGathered(const long double TickStartTime, TArray< FString > *PathResults) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
PrioritizeAssetInstall(FAssetData *AssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
PrioritizeSearchPath(FString *PathToPrioritize) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
RemoveAssetData(FAssetData *AssetData) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
RemoveAssetPath(FString *PathToRemove, bool bEvenIfAssetsStillExist) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
RemoveDependsNode(FName PackageName) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
RemovePath(FString *PathToRemove) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
ScanPathsSynchronous(TArray< FString > *InPaths, bool bForceRescan) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
ScanPathsSynchronous_Internal(TArray< FString > *InPaths, bool bForceRescan, bool bUseCache) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
SearchAllAssets(bool bSynchronousSearch) | FAssetRegistry | inline |
Tick(float DeltaTime) | FAssetRegistry | inline |