![]() |
Ark Server API (ASE) - Wiki
This is the complete list of members for UWorld, including all inherited members.
__declspec(dllexport) UProperty *FindProperty(FName name) | UObject | |
ActorsClassesAllowedToSaveField() | UWorld | inline |
ActorsClassesAllowedToSaveField() | UWorld | inline |
AddController(AController *Controller) | UWorld | inline |
AddController(AController *Controller) | UWorld | inline |
AddLevel(ULevel *InLevel) | UWorld | inline |
AddNetworkActor(AActor *Actor) | UWorld | inline |
AddNetworkActor(AActor *Actor) | UWorld | inline |
AddToWorld(ULevel *Level, FTransform *LevelTransform, bool bAlwaysConsiderTimeLimit, bool bIsInFarthestTileLayer, bool bIgnoreGroupedLevelHiding) | UWorld | inline |
AddToWorld(ULevel *Level, FTransform *LevelTransform, bool bAlwaysConsiderTimeLimit) | UWorld | inline |
AllowAudioPlayback() | UWorld | inline |
AllowAudioPlayback() | UWorld | inline |
AllowLevelLoadOverrideField() | UWorld | inline |
AllowLevelLoadOverrideField() | UWorld | inline |
AllowLevelLoadRequests() | UWorld | inline |
AreActorsInitialized() | UWorld | inline |
AreAllOuterObjectsValid() | UObject | inline |
AreAlwaysLoadedLevelsLoaded() | UWorld | inline |
AreAlwaysLoadedLevelsLoaded() | UWorld | inline |
AudioTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
AudioTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
AuthorityGameModeField() | UWorld | inline |
AuthorityGameModeField() | UWorld | inline |
bBlockAllOnNextLevelStreamingProcessField() | UWorld | inline |
bBlockAllOnNextLevelStreamingProcessField() | UWorld | inline |
bClientReceivedSeamlessMapImagesField() | UWorld | inline |
bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumesField() | UWorld | inline |
bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumesField() | UWorld | inline |
BeginDestroy() | UObject | inline |
BeginPlay() | UWorld | inline |
bEverHadGameStateField() | UWorld | inline |
bFlushingLevelStreamingField() | UWorld | inline |
bFlushingLevelStreamingField() | UWorld | inline |
bHasCheckedForWaveWorksField() | UWorld | inline |
bInTickField() | UWorld | inline |
bInTickField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsBuiltField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsBuiltField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsIdleField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsIdleField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsLevelStreamingFrozenField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsLevelStreamingFrozenField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsRunningConstructionScriptField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsRunningConstructionScriptField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsWorldInitializedField() | UWorld | inline |
bIsWorldInitializedField() | UWorld | inline |
BlueprintObjectsBeingDebuggedField() | UWorld | inline |
BlueprintObjectsBeingDebuggedField() | UWorld | inline |
bOriginOffsetThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
bOriginOffsetThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
bPostTickComponentUpdateField() | UWorld | inline |
bPostTickComponentUpdateField() | UWorld | inline |
bRequiresHitProxiesField() | UWorld | inline |
bRequiresHitProxiesField() | UWorld | inline |
BroadcastLevelsChanged() | UWorld | inline |
BroadcastLevelsChanged() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldDelayGarbageCollectField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldDelayGarbageCollectField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldSimulatePhysicsField() | UWorld | inline |
bShouldSimulatePhysicsField() | UWorld | inline |
bTickNewlySpawnedField() | UWorld | inline |
bTickNewlySpawnedField() | UWorld | inline |
BuildPIEPackagePrefix(FString *result, int PIEInstanceID) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
BuildPIEPackagePrefix(FString *result, int PIEInstanceID) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
BuildStreamingDataTimerField() | UWorld | inline |
BuildStreamingDataTimerField() | UWorld | inline |
CancelPendingMapChange() | UWorld | inline |
CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal() | UObject | inline |
ClassField() | UObjectBase | inline |
CleanupActors() | UWorld | inline |
CleanupActors() | UWorld | inline |
CleanupWorld(bool bSessionEnded, bool bCleanupResources, UWorld *NewWorld) | UWorld | inline |
CleanupWorld(bool bSessionEnded, bool bCleanupResources, UWorld *NewWorld) | UWorld | inline |
ClearWorldComponents() | UWorld | inline |
ClearWorldComponents() | UWorld | inline |
CollectDefaultSubobjects(TArray< UObject * > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects) | UObject | inline |
CommitMapChange() | UWorld | inline |
CommittedPersistentLevelNameField() | UWorld | inline |
CommittedPersistentLevelNameField() | UWorld | inline |
ComponentsThatNeedEndOfFrameUpdate_OnGameThreadField() | UWorld | inline |
ComponentsThatNeedEndOfFrameUpdate_OnGameThreadField() | UWorld | inline |
ComponentsThatNeedEndOfFrameUpdateField() | UWorld | inline |
ComponentsThatNeedEndOfFrameUpdateField() | UWorld | inline |
CompositeShorelineIntoWorld(FShorelineMetadata *Shoreline, FTransform *Transform) | UWorld | inline |
CompositeShorelineIntoWorldInternal(FShorelineMetadata *Shoreline, FTransform *Transform) | UWorld | inline |
ConditionalBeginDestroy() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalFinishDestroy() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalPostLoad() | UObject | inline |
ConditionalShutdownAfterError() | UObject | inline |
ContainsActor(AActor *Actor) | UWorld | inline |
ContainsLevel(ULevel *InLevel) | UWorld | inline |
ContainsLevel(ULevel *InLevel) | UWorld | inline |
ControllerListField() | UWorld | inline |
ControllerListField() | UWorld | inline |
ConvertToPIEPackageName(FString *result, FString *PackageName, int PIEInstanceID) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
ConvertToPIEPackageName(FString *result, FString *PackageName, int PIEInstanceID) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
CreatePhysicsScene() | UWorld | inline |
CreatePhysicsScene() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentDayTimeField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentDayTimeField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentLevelField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentLevelField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentLevelPendingVisibilityField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentLevelPendingVisibilityField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentSaveIncrementorField() | UWorld | inline |
CurrentSaveIncrementorField() | UWorld | inline |
DebugDrawTraceTagField() | UWorld | inline |
DebugDrawTraceTagField() | UWorld | inline |
DeferredRegister(UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName) | UObjectBase | inline |
DeltaTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
DeltaTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
DestroyActor(AActor *ThisActor, bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel) | UWorld | inline |
DestroyActor(AActor *ThisActor, bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel) | UWorld | inline |
DestroySwappedPC(UNetConnection *Connection) | UWorld | inline |
DestroySwappedPC(UNetConnection *Connection) | UWorld | inline |
DuplicateWorldForPIE(FString *PackageName, UWorld *OwningWorld) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
DuplicateWorldForPIE(FString *PackageName, UWorld *OwningWorld) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
EmitBaseReferences(UClass *RootClass) | UObjectBase | inlinestatic |
EncroachingBlockingGeometry(AActor *TestActor, FVector TestLocation, FRotator TestRotation, FVector *ProposedAdjustment, FVector *TraceWorldGeometryFromLocation) | UWorld | inline |
EncroachingBlockingGeometry(AActor *TestActor, FVector TestLocation, FRotator TestRotation, FVector *ProposedAdjustment, FVector *TraceWorldGeometryFromLocation) | UWorld | inline |
EnsureCollisionTreeIsBuilt() | UWorld | inline |
EnsureCollisionTreeIsBuilt() | UWorld | inline |
ExecuteUbergraph(int EntryPoint) | UObject | inline |
ExtraReferencedObjectsField() | UWorld | inline |
ExtraReferencedObjectsField() | UWorld | inline |
FindFunctionChecked(FName InName) | UObject | inline |
FindOrCreateSerializedObject(FAtlasSaveObjectData *SavedObject, TArray< UObject * > *Levels, FName Name, TArray< AActor * > *ActorsToBeginPlay, UWorld *World) | UWorld | inline |
FindTeleportSpot(AActor *TestActor, FVector *TestLocation, FRotator TestRotation, FVector *TraceWorldGeometryFromLocation) | UWorld | inline |
FindTeleportSpot(AActor *TestActor, FVector *TestLocation, FRotator TestRotation, FVector *TraceWorldGeometryFromLocation) | UWorld | inline |
FinishAsyncTrace() | UWorld | inline |
FinishAsyncTrace() | UWorld | inline |
FinishDestroy() | UWorld | inline |
FinishDestroy() | UWorld | inline |
FinishPhysicsSim() | UWorld | inline |
FinishPhysicsSim() | UWorld | inline |
ForceBlockLoadTimeoutField() | UWorld | inline |
ForceBlockLoadTimeoutField() | UWorld | inline |
ForceGarbageCollection(bool bForcePurge) | UWorld | inline |
ForceGarbageCollection(bool bForcePurge) | UWorld | inline |
FrameCounterField() | UWorld | inline |
FrameCounterField() | UWorld | inline |
FullPurgeTriggeredField() | UWorld | inline |
FullPurgeTriggeredField() | UWorld | inline |
GamePreviewField() | UWorld | inline |
GamePreviewField() | UWorld | inline |
GameStateField() | UWorld | inline |
GameStateField() | UWorld | inline |
GetActorCount() | UWorld | inline |
GetActorCount() | UWorld | inline |
GetAddressURL(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetAddressURL(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetArchetype() | UObject | inline |
GetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo(UClass *Class, UObject *Outer, FName Name, bool bIsCDO) | UObject | inlinestatic |
GetAudioTimeSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetAuthGameMode() | UWorld | inline |
GetControllerIterator(TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< TAutoWeakObjectPtr< AController > > const, TAutoWeakObjectPtr< AController > const, int > *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetControllerIterator(TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< TAutoWeakObjectPtr< AController > > const, TAutoWeakObjectPtr< AController > const, int > *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetCurrentLevel() | UWorld | inline |
GetDefaultGravityZ() | UWorld | inline |
GetDefaultGravityZ() | UWorld | inline |
GetDeltaSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetDeltaSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetDetailedInfo(FString *result) | UObject | inline |
GetDetailedInfoInternal(FString *result) | UObject | inline |
GetDistanceToShore(FVector2D *Position) | UWorld | inline |
GetExporterName(FName *result) | UObject | inline |
GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController() | UWorld | inline |
GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController() | UWorld | inline |
GetFirstPlayerController() | UWorld | inline |
GetFirstPlayerController() | UWorld | inline |
GetFullName(FString *result, UObject *StopOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetGameInstance() | UWorld | inline |
GetGameViewport() | UWorld | inline |
GetGravityZ() | UWorld | inline |
GetGravityZ() | UWorld | inline |
GetInterfaceAddress(UClass *InterfaceClass) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLevel(int InLevelIndex) | UWorld | inline |
GetLevels() | UWorld | inline |
GetLevels() | UWorld | inline |
GetLevelScriptActor(ULevel *OwnerLevel) | UWorld | inline |
GetLinkerIndex() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLinkerLicenseeUE4Version() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLinkerUE4Version() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetLocalURL(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetLocalURL(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetMapName(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetMapName(FString *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetMatineeActors(TArray< AMatineeActor * > *OutMatineeActors) | UWorld | inline |
GetMatineeActors(TArray< AMatineeActor * > *OutMatineeActors) | UWorld | inline |
GetModPrioritizedClass(FName *NameIn) | UWorld | inline |
GetModPrioritizedClass(FName *NameIn) | UWorld | inline |
GetNetRelevantActorCount() | UWorld | inline |
GetNetRelevantActorCount() | UWorld | inline |
GetPathName(FString *result, UObject *StopOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPathName(UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
GetPawnIterator(TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APawn > > const, TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APawn > const, int > *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetPlayerControllerIterator(TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APlayerController > > const, TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APlayerController > const, int > *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetPlayerControllerIterator(TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APlayerController > > const, TAutoWeakObjectPtr< APlayerController > const, int > *result) | UWorld | inline |
GetPrivateStaticClass(const wchar_t *Package) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
UObject::GetPrivateStaticClass() | UObject | inlinestatic |
GetRealTimeSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetRealTimeSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetShoreDepth(FVector2D *Position) | UWorld | inline |
GetShorelineDampeningFactors(FVector *result, FVector2D *Position, float WindSpeed) | UWorld | inline |
GetTimeSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetTimeSeconds() | UWorld | inline |
GetWaveWorksComponent() | UWorld | inline |
GetWindSpeedDampeningInfluence(FVector4 *result, float WindSpeed) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
GetWorldSettings(bool bCheckStreamingPesistent, bool bChecked) | UWorld | inline |
GetWorldSettings(bool bCheckStreamingPesistent, bool bChecked) | UWorld | inline |
HasBegunPlay() | UWorld | inline |
InitializeNewWorld(UWorld::InitializationValues IVS) | UWorld | inline |
InitializeNewWorld(UWorld::InitializationValues IVS) | UWorld | inline |
InitializeShorelineToDefault() | UWorld | inline |
InitWorld(UWorld::InitializationValues IVS) | UWorld | inline |
InitWorld(UWorld::InitializationValues IVS) | UWorld | inline |
InternalIndexField() | UObjectBase | inline |
IsA(UClass *SomeBase) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsAsset() | UObject | inline |
IsBasedOnArchetype(UObject *const SomeObject) | UObject | inline |
IsClient() | UWorld | inline |
IsDefaultSubobject() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsFullNameStableForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsGameWorld() | UWorld | inline |
IsGameWorld() | UWorld | inline |
IsIn(UObject *SomeOuter) | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
IsInBlueprint() | UObject | inline |
IsInSeamlessTravel() | UWorld | inline |
IsInSeamlessTravel() | UWorld | inline |
IsLevelLoadedByName(FName *LevelName) | UWorld | inline |
IsLevelLoadedByName(FName *LevelName) | UWorld | inline |
IsNameStableForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsPaused() | UWorld | inline |
IsPaused() | UWorld | inline |
IsPlayInEditor() | UWorld | inline |
IsPlayInEditor() | UWorld | inline |
IsPreparingMapChange() | UWorld | inline |
IsPreparingMapChange() | UWorld | inline |
IsSafeForRootSet() | UObject | inline |
IsSelected() | UObject | inline |
IsServer() | UWorld | inline |
IsStreamingLevelLoaded(FName *LevelName, unsigned int UniqueID) | UWorld | inline |
IsSupportedForNetworking() | UObject | inline |
IsValidLowLevel() | UObjectBase | inline |
IsValidLowLevelFast(bool bRecursive) | UObjectBase | inline |
IsVisibilityRequestPending() | UWorld | inline |
LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncounteredField() | UWorld | inline |
LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncounteredField() | UWorld | inline |
LastUnstasisCountField() | UWorld | inline |
LastUnstasisCountField() | UWorld | inline |
LevelNameHashField() | UWorld | inline |
LevelNameHashField() | UWorld | inline |
LevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
LevelsField() | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceMulti(TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionObjectQueryParams *ObjectQueryParams, bool bDoSort, bool bCullBackfaces, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceMulti(TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam, bool bDoSort, bool bCullBackfaces, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceMulti(TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam, bool bDoSort, bool bCullBackfaces, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceMulti(TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionObjectQueryParams *ObjectQueryParams, bool bDoSort, bool bCullBackfaces, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceSingle(FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionObjectQueryParams *ObjectQueryParams, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceSingle(FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam, bool bUsePostfilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceSingle(FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam, bool bUsePostfilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceSingle(FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionObjectQueryParams *ObjectQueryParams, bool bUsePostFilter, float NegativeDistanceTolerance) | UWorld | inline |
LineTraceTest(FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params, FCollisionResponseParams *ResponseParam) | UWorld | inline |
LoadConfig(UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, UProperty *PropertyToLoad) | UObject | inline |
LoadedAtTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
LoadedAtTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
LoadedSaveIncrementorField() | UWorld | inline |
LoadedSaveIncrementorField() | UWorld | inline |
LoadFromFile(FString *filename) | UWorld | inline |
LoadFromFile(FString *filename) | UWorld | inline |
LoadLocalized(UObject *LocBase, bool bLoadHierachecally) | UObject | inline |
LocalInstancedStaticMeshComponentInstancesVisibilityStateField() | UWorld | inline |
LocalInstancedStaticMeshComponentInstancesVisibilityStateField() | UWorld | inline |
LocalizeProperty(UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString > *PropertyTagChain, UProperty *const BaseProperty, UProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress) | UObject | inline |
LocalStasisActorsField() | UWorld | inline |
LocalStasisActorsField() | UWorld | inline |
MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate(UActorComponent *Component, bool bForceGameThread) | UWorld | inline |
MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate(UActorComponent *Component, bool bForceGameThread) | UWorld | inline |
MarkPackageDirty() | UObjectBaseUtility | inline |
Modify(bool bAlwaysMarkDirty) | UObject | inline |
ModifyLevel(ULevel *Level) | UWorld | inline |
NameField() | UObjectBase | inline |
NavigateTo(FIntVector InLocation) | UWorld | inline |
NetworkActorsField() | UWorld | inline |
NetworkActorsField() | UWorld | inline |
NextSwitchCountdownField() | UWorld | inline |
NextSwitchCountdownField() | UWorld | inline |
NextURLField() | UWorld | inline |
NextURLField() | UWorld | inline |
NotifyAcceptingChannel(UChannel *Channel) | UWorld | inline |
NumLightingUnbuiltObjectsField() | UWorld | inline |
NumLightingUnbuiltObjectsField() | UWorld | inline |
ObjectFlagsField() | UObjectBase | inline |
OriginLocationField() | UWorld | inline |
OriginLocationField() | UWorld | inline |
OuterField() | UObjectBase | inline |
OverlapMultiInternalOctree(TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutPrimitives, FBoxCenterAndExtent *InBounds, unsigned int InSearchMask, bool bDontClearOutArray) | UWorld | inline |
OverlapMultiInternalSimpleOctree(TArray< FOctreeElementSimple * > *OutPrimitives, FBoxCenterAndExtent *InBounds, unsigned int InSearchMask, bool bDontClearOutArray) | UWorld | inline |
OverlapNumInternalOctree(FBoxCenterAndExtent *InBounds, unsigned int InSearchMask) | UWorld | inline |
OwningGameInstanceField() | UWorld | inline |
OwningGameInstanceField() | UWorld | inline |
PauseDelayField() | UWorld | inline |
PauseDelayField() | UWorld | inline |
PawnListField() | UWorld | inline |
PawnListField() | UWorld | inline |
PersistentLevelField() | UWorld | inline |
PersistentLevelField() | UWorld | inline |
PlayerControllerListField() | UWorld | inline |
PlayerControllerListField() | UWorld | inline |
PlayerNumField() | UWorld | inline |
PlayerNumField() | UWorld | inline |
PostDuplicate(bool bDuplicateForPIE) | UWorld | inline |
PostDuplicate(bool bDuplicateForPIE) | UWorld | inline |
PostLoad() | UWorld | inline |
PostLoad() | UWorld | inline |
PostSaveRoot(bool bCleanupIsRequired) | UWorld | inline |
PostSaveRoot(bool bCleanupIsRequired) | UWorld | inline |
PrepareMapChange(TArray< FName > *LevelNames) | UWorld | inline |
PreparingLevelNamesField() | UWorld | inline |
PreparingLevelNamesField() | UWorld | inline |
PreSaveRoot(const wchar_t *Filename, TArray< FString > *AdditionalPackagesToCook) | UWorld | inline |
PreSaveRoot(const wchar_t *Filename, TArray< FString > *AdditionalPackagesToCook) | UWorld | inline |
PreviousDeltaTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
PrioritizedObjectMapField() | UWorld | inline |
PrioritizedObjectMapField() | UWorld | inline |
ProcessEvent(UFunction *Function, void *Parms) | UObject | inline |
ProcessLevelStreamingVolumes(FVector *OverrideViewLocation) | UWorld | inline |
ProcessLevelStreamingVolumes(FVector *OverrideViewLocation) | UWorld | inline |
QueryTraceData(FTraceHandle *Handle, int FrameOffset, FTraceDatum *OutData) | UWorld | inline |
RealTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
RealTimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
RebuildShoreline() | UWorld | inline |
Register(const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName) | UObjectBase | inline |
RemoveActor(AActor *Actor, bool bShouldModifyLevel) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveActor(AActor *Actor, bool bShouldModifyLevel) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveController(AController *Controller) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveController(AController *Controller) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromInternalOctree(UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromInternalOctree(UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromInternalSimpleOctree(FOctreeElementSimple *InElement) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromInternalSimpleOctree(FOctreeElementSimple *InElement) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromWorld(ULevel *Level) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveFromWorld(ULevel *Level) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveNetworkActor(AActor *Actor) | UWorld | inline |
RemoveNetworkActor(AActor *Actor) | UWorld | inline |
RemovePIEPrefix(FString *result, FString *Source) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
RemovePIEPrefix(FString *result, FString *Source) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
Rename(const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags) | UObject | inline |
RequestedOriginLocationField() | UWorld | inline |
RequestedOriginLocationField() | UWorld | inline |
RequestNewWorldOrigin(FIntVector InNewOriginLocation) | UWorld | inline |
ResetAsyncTrace() | UWorld | inline |
SeamlessTravel(FString *SeamlessTravelURL, bool bAbsolute, FGuid MapPackageGuid) | UWorld | inline |
SeamlessTravel(FString *SeamlessTravelURL, bool bAbsolute, FGuid MapPackageGuid) | UWorld | inline |
Serialize(FArchive *Ar) | UWorld | inline |
ServerTravel(FString *FURL, bool bAbsolute, bool bShouldSkipGameNotify) | UWorld | inline |
ServerTravel(FString *FURL, bool bAbsolute, bool bShouldSkipGameNotify) | UWorld | inline |
SetMapNeedsLightingFullyRebuilt(int InNumLightingUnbuiltObjects) | UWorld | inline |
SetMapNeedsLightingFullyRebuilt(int InNumLightingUnbuiltObjects) | UWorld | inline |
SetNewWorldOrigin(FIntVector InNewOriginLocation) | UWorld | inline |
SetNewWorldOrigin(FIntVector InNewOriginLocation) | UWorld | inline |
SetupParameterCollectionInstances() | UWorld | inline |
SetupParameterCollectionInstances() | UWorld | inline |
SetWaveWorksComponent(UUI_HostSession *SessionUI) | UWorld | inline |
ShorelineMapsTextureField() | UWorld | inline |
SpawnActor(UClass *Class, FVector *Location, FRotator *Rotation, FActorSpawnParameters *SpawnParameters) | UWorld | inline |
SpawnActor(UClass *Class, FVector *Location, FRotator *Rotation, FActorSpawnParameters *SpawnParameters) | UWorld | inline |
StartAsyncTrace() | UWorld | inline |
StartAsyncTrace() | UWorld | inline |
StartPhysicsSim() | UWorld | inline |
StasisMaxResetTimerField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisMaxResetTimerField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisOssilationThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
StasisThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
StaticClass() | UObject | inlinestatic |
StaticRegisterNativesUWorld() | UWorld | inlinestatic |
StreamingLevelsPrefixField() | UWorld | inline |
StreamingLevelsPrefixField() | UWorld | inline |
StreamingVolumeUpdateDelayField() | UWorld | inline |
StreamingVolumeUpdateDelayField() | UWorld | inline |
StripPIEPrefixFromPackageName(FString *result, FString *PrefixedName, FString *Prefix) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
StripPIEPrefixFromPackageName(FString *result, FString *PrefixedName, FString *Prefix) | UWorld | inlinestatic |
TickNetClient(float DeltaSeconds) | UWorld | inline |
TickNetClient(float DeltaSeconds) | UWorld | inline |
TimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
TimeSecondsField() | UWorld | inline |
TimeSince(long double Time) | UWorld | inline |
TimeSince(long double Time) | UWorld | inline |
TimeSinceLastPendingKillPurgeField() | UWorld | inline |
TimeSinceLastPendingKillPurgeField() | UWorld | inline |
UniqueActorIdsField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameAvgField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
UnStasisThisFrameMaxField() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateAllReflectionCaptures() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateAllReflectionCaptures() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateConstraintActors() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateConstraintActors() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateCullDistanceVolumes() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateCullDistanceVolumes() | UWorld | inline |
UpdateInternalOctreeTransform(UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateInternalOctreeTransform(UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateInternalSimpleOctreeTransform(FOctreeElementSimple *InElement) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateInternalSimpleOctreeTransform(FOctreeElementSimple *InElement) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateParameterCollectionInstances(bool bUpdateInstanceUniformBuffers) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateParameterCollectionInstances(bool bUpdateInstanceUniformBuffers) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateWorldComponents(bool bRerunConstructionScripts, bool bCurrentLevelOnly) | UWorld | inline |
UpdateWorldComponents(bool bRerunConstructionScripts, bool bCurrentLevelOnly) | UWorld | inline |
ViewLocationsRenderedLastFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
ViewLocationsRenderedLastFrameField() | UWorld | inline |
WaveWorksComponentField() | UWorld | inline |
WelcomePlayer(UNetConnection *Connection) | UWorld | inline |
WelcomePlayer(UNetConnection *Connection) | UWorld | inline |
WorldShorelineMapField() | UWorld | inline |
WorldShorelinePropsField() | UWorld | inline |
WorldTypeField() | UWorld | inline |
WorldTypeField() | UWorld | inline |