Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- h -
- h_module : API::Plugin
- Handle : FArchiveFileReaderGeneric, FArchiveFileWriterGeneric, FAutoConsoleVariableSink, FConsoleVariableSinkHandle, FObjectPtr, TCommonDelegateInstanceState< FuncType, UserPolicy, VarTypes >, TObjectPtr< T >, TProcHandle< T, InvalidHandleValue >
- HandlesCurrentlyInUse : FFileHandleRegistry
- HangDuration : FThreadHeartBeat::FHeartBeatInfo
- HangDurationMultiplier : FThreadHeartBeat
- HardPageFaults : FPageFaultStats
- HardwareCompressionFormat : FDataDrivenPlatformInfo
- HasFocusFunction : FApp
- Hash : FAsyncSHAVerify, FBlake3Hash, FCbAttachment::FBinaryValue, FCbAttachment::FObjectValue, FHashBuilder, FHashTable, FLocKey, FMemoryImageSection, FSHAHash, FXxHash64, ICookedPackageWriter::FCookedPackageInfo, THashTable< InAllocator >, TScriptSet< Allocator, InDerivedType >, TSet< InElementType, KeyFuncs, Allocator >, TStaticHashTable< HashSize, IndexSize >
- HashBucketFreeList : FMallocBinned2, FMallocBinned
- HashBuckets : FMallocBinned2, FMallocBinned
- HasherBytes : FBlake3
- HashHigh : FXxHash128
- HashIndex : TSetElementBase< InElementType, bTypeLayout >
- HashIndexOffset : FScriptSetLayout
- HashKeyShift : FMallocBinned2::FPtrToPoolMapping, FMallocBinned
- HashLow : FXxHash128
- HashMask : FHashTable, THashTable< InAllocator >
- HashNext : FTypeLayoutDesc
- HashNextId : TSetElementBase< InElementType, bTypeLayout >
- HashNextIdOffset : FScriptSetLayout
- HashSize : FHashTable, TScriptSet< Allocator, InDerivedType >, TSet< InElementType, KeyFuncs, Allocator >
- Head : FMallocBinned2::FBundle
- Header : FNameEntry
- HeaderSize : ICookedPackageWriter::FPreviousCookedBytesData, IPackageWriter::FPackageInfo
- HeadHairIndex : FPrimalPlayerCharacterConfigStructReplicated
- HeadNode : TDoubleLinkedList< ElementType >
- HeadProcess : FSerializedUATProcess
- HealthCurrent : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HealthMax : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HealthPercent : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HeapAllocation : UE::Core::Private::Function::FFunctionStorage
- HeapSize : FGrowableMallocChunk
- HeartBeatCritical : FGameThreadHitchHeartBeatThreaded, FThreadHeartBeat
- HeartBeatName : FThreadHeartBeat::FHeartBeatInfo
- Height : FAutomationScreenshotData
- Hi : FAsciiSet::InitData, FUInt128
- hi : Uint128_64
- Hidden : FMonitoredProcess
- HighAddress : FPageCache, FVirtualAllocator
- HighPart : Windows::LARGE_INTEGER
- HiMask : FAsciiSet
- HistoryEntriesMap : FConsoleManager
- hooks_ : API::ArkBaseApi
- HostCommunication : FPlatformHostCommunicationAutoInit< T >
- HostLayoutParameters : FMemoryImage
- HotFixDelegates : FCoreDelegates
- Hours : FTimecode
- HungerCurrent : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HungerMax : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HungerPercent : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- HunterGreen : FColorList
- Hyperlink : FAsyncNotificationStateData, FCoreAsyncTaskNotificationImpl
- HyperlinkText : FAsyncNotificationStateData, FCoreAsyncTaskNotificationImpl