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UGameplayStatics Struct Reference

#include <Other.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static float BPPointPlaneDist (FVector *Point, FVector *PlaneBase, FVector *PlaneNormal)
static void ApplyDamage (AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, float Impulse)
static void ApplyPointDamage (AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, FVector *HitFromDirection, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, float Impulse, bool bForceCollisionCheck, ECollisionChannel ForceCollisionCheckTraceChannel)
static bool ApplyRadialDamage (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse)
static bool ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreDamageActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse)
static bool ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, float MinimumDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageInnerRadius, float DamageOuterRadius, float DamageFalloff, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreDamageActors, int NumAdditionalAttempts)
static bool AreAnyListenersWithinRange (FVector Location, float MaximumRange)
static FVectorBPPointPlaneProject (FVector *result, FVector *Point, FVector *PlaneBase, FVector *PlaneNorm)
static AActorBeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint (UObject *WorldContextObject, UBlueprint *Blueprint, FTransform *SpawnTransform, bool bNoCollisionFail)
static AActorBeginSpawningActorFromClass (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FTransform *SpawnTransform, bool bNoCollisionFail)
static void BreakHitResult (FHitResult *Hit, FVector *Location, FVector *Normal, FVector *ImpactPoint, FVector *ImpactNormal, UPhysicalMaterial **PhysMat, AActor **HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent **HitComponent, FName *HitBoneName, int *HitItem, bool *BlockingHit)
static void BreakHitResult_OLD (FHitResult *Hit, FVector *Location, FVector *Normal, FVector *ImpactPoint, FVector *ImpactNormal, UPhysicalMaterial **PhysMat, AActor **HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent **HitComponent, FName *HitBoneName, int *HitItem)
static APlayerControllerCreatePlayer (UObject *WorldContextObject, int ControllerId, bool bSpawnPawn)
static void DeactivateReverbEffect (FName TagName)
static bool DeleteGameInSlot (FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex)
static bool DoesSaveGameExist (FString *SlotName, const int UserIndex)
static void EnableLiveStreaming (bool Enable)
static AActorFinishSpawningActor (AActor *Actor, FTransform *SpawnTransform)
static void GetAccurateRealTime (UObject *WorldContextObject, int *Seconds, float *PartialSeconds)
static FVectorGetActorArrayAverageLocation (FVector *result, TArray< AActor * > *Actors)
static void GetActorArrayBounds (TArray< AActor * > *Actors, bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Center, FVector *BoxExtent)
static void GetAllActorsOfClass (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
static void GetAllActorsWithInterface (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UInterface > Interface, TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
static float GetAudioTimeSeconds (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static UGameInstanceGetGameInstance (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static AGameModeGetGameMode (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static AGameStateGetGameState (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static float GetGlobalTimeDilation (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static UClassGetObjectClass (UObject *Object)
static FStringGetPlatformName (FString *result)
static APlayerCameraManager * GetPlayerCameraManager (UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex)
static ACharacterGetPlayerCharacter (UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex)
static APlayerControllerGetPlayerController (UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex)
static APawnGetPlayerPawn (UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex)
static float GetRealTimeSeconds (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static EPhysicalSurface GetSurfaceType (FHitResult *Hit)
static float GetWorldDeltaSeconds (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static FIntVectorGetWorldOriginLocation (FIntVector *result, UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsGamePaused (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsGameWorld (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static void LoadStreamLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, bool bMakeVisibleAfterLoad, bool bShouldBlockOnLoad, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
static void OpenLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, bool bAbsolute, FString Options)
static void PlayDialogueAtLocation (UObject *WorldContextObject, UDialogueWave *Dialogue, FDialogueContext *Context, FVector Location, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings)
static UAudioComponent * PlayDialogueAttached (UDialogueWave *Dialogue, FDialogueContext *Context, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, FVector Location, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings)
static void PlaySound (UObject *WorldContextObject, USoundCue *InSoundCue, USceneComponent *AttachComponent, FName AttachName, bool bFollow, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
static void PlaySoundAtLocation (UObject *WorldContextObject, USoundBase *Sound, FVector Location, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings, bool bAlwaysPlay)
static UAudioComponent * PlaySoundAttached (USoundBase *Sound, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, FVector Location, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings, bool bAlwaysPlay)
static void PopSoundMixModifier (USoundMix *InSoundMixModifier)
static void PushSoundMixModifier (USoundMix *InSoundMixModifier)
static void SetBaseSoundMix (USoundMix *InSoundMix)
static bool SetGamePaused (UObject *WorldContextObject, bool bPaused)
static void SetGlobalTimeDilation (UObject *WorldContextObject, float TimeDilation)
static void SetWorldOriginLocation (UObject *WorldContextObject, FIntVector NewLocation)
static void UnloadStreamLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics ()
static APlayerControllerGetPlayerController (UObject *WorldContextObject, int PlayerIndex)
static APlayerControllerCreatePlayer (UObject *WorldContextObject, int ControllerId, bool bSpawnPawn)
static void SetGlobalTimeDilation (UObject *WorldContextObject, float TimeDilation)
static bool SetGamePaused (UObject *WorldContextObject, bool bPaused)
static bool ApplyRadialDamage (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse)
static bool ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageRadius, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreDamageActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse)
static bool ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff (UObject *WorldContextObject, float BaseDamage, float MinimumDamage, FVector *Origin, float DamageInnerRadius, float DamageOuterRadius, float DamageFalloff, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, AActor *DamageCauser, AController *InstigatedByController, ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel, float Impulse, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreDamageActors, int NumAdditionalAttempts)
static void ApplyPointDamage (AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, FVector *HitFromDirection, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass, float Impulse, bool bForceCollisionCheck, ECollisionChannel ForceCollisionCheckTraceChannel)
static void ApplyDamage (AActor *DamagedActor, float BaseDamage, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
static AActorBeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint (UObject *WorldContextObject, UBlueprint *Blueprint, FTransform *SpawnTransform, bool bNoCollisionFail)
static AActorBeginSpawningActorFromClass (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FTransform *SpawnTransform, bool bNoCollisionFail)
static AActorFinishSpawningActor (AActor *Actor, FTransform *SpawnTransform)
static void LoadStreamLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, bool bMakeVisibleAfterLoad, bool bShouldBlockOnLoad, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
static void UnloadStreamLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
static void OpenLevel (UObject *WorldContextObject, FName LevelName, bool bAbsolute, FString Options)
static FVectorGetActorArrayAverageLocation (FVector *result, TArray< AActor * > *Actors)
static void GetActorArrayBounds (TArray< AActor * > *Actors, bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Center, FVector *BoxExtent)
static void GetAllActorsOfClass (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
static void GetAllActorsWithInterface (UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UInterface > Interface, TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
static void BreakHitResult (FHitResult *Hit, FVector *Location, FVector *Normal, FVector *ImpactPoint, FVector *ImpactNormal, UPhysicalMaterial **PhysMat, AActor **HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent **HitComponent, FName *HitBoneName, int *HitItem, bool *BlockingHit)
static void BreakHitResult_OLD (FHitResult *Hit, FVector *Location, FVector *Normal, FVector *ImpactPoint, FVector *ImpactNormal, UPhysicalMaterial **PhysMat, AActor **HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent **HitComponent, FName *HitBoneName, int *HitItem)
static EPhysicalSurface GetSurfaceType (FHitResult *Hit)
static bool AreAnyListenersWithinRange (FVector Location, float MaximumRange)
static void PlayDialogueAtLocation (UObject *WorldContextObject, UDialogueWave *Dialogue, FDialogueContext *Context, FVector Location, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings)
static UAudioComponent * PlayDialogueAttached (UDialogueWave *Dialogue, FDialogueContext *Context, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName AttachPointName, FVector Location, EAttachLocation::Type LocationType, bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier, float StartTime, USoundAttenuation *AttenuationSettings)
static void PlaySound (UObject *WorldContextObject, USoundCue *InSoundCue, USceneComponent *AttachComponent, FName AttachName, bool bFollow, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
static void GetAccurateRealTime (UObject *WorldContextObject, int *Seconds, float *PartialSeconds)
static FStringGetPlatformName (FString *result)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 141 of file Other.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyDamage() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage ( AActor * DamagedActor,
float BaseDamage,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 201 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyDamage() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage ( AActor * DamagedActor,
float BaseDamage,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
float Impulse )

Definition at line 147 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyPointDamage() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::ApplyPointDamage ( AActor * DamagedActor,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * HitFromDirection,
FHitResult * HitInfo,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
float Impulse,
bool bForceCollisionCheck,
ECollisionChannel ForceCollisionCheckTraceChannel )

Definition at line 199 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyPointDamage() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::ApplyPointDamage ( AActor * DamagedActor,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * HitFromDirection,
FHitResult * HitInfo,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
float Impulse,
bool bForceCollisionCheck,
ECollisionChannel ForceCollisionCheckTraceChannel )

Definition at line 148 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamage() [1/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamage ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageRadius,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
bool bDoFullDamage,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse )

Definition at line 196 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamage() [2/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamage ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageRadius,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
bool bDoFullDamage,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse )

Definition at line 149 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors() [1/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageRadius,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreDamageActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
bool bDoFullDamage,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse )

Definition at line 197 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors() [2/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamageIgnoreDamageActors ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageRadius,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreDamageActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
bool bDoFullDamage,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse )

Definition at line 150 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff() [1/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
float MinimumDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageInnerRadius,
float DamageOuterRadius,
float DamageFalloff,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreDamageActors,
int NumAdditionalAttempts )

Definition at line 198 of file Other.h.

◆ ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff() [2/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float BaseDamage,
float MinimumDamage,
FVector * Origin,
float DamageInnerRadius,
float DamageOuterRadius,
float DamageFalloff,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageTypeClass,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
AActor * DamageCauser,
AController * InstigatedByController,
ECollisionChannel DamagePreventionChannel,
float Impulse,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreDamageActors,
int NumAdditionalAttempts )

Definition at line 151 of file Other.h.

◆ AreAnyListenersWithinRange() [1/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::AreAnyListenersWithinRange ( FVector Location,
float MaximumRange )

Definition at line 215 of file Other.h.

◆ AreAnyListenersWithinRange() [2/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::AreAnyListenersWithinRange ( FVector Location,
float MaximumRange )

Definition at line 152 of file Other.h.

◆ BeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint() [1/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::BeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
UBlueprint * Blueprint,
FTransform * SpawnTransform,
bool bNoCollisionFail )

Definition at line 202 of file Other.h.

◆ BeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint() [2/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::BeginSpawningActorFromBlueprint ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
UBlueprint * Blueprint,
FTransform * SpawnTransform,
bool bNoCollisionFail )

Definition at line 154 of file Other.h.

◆ BeginSpawningActorFromClass() [1/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::BeginSpawningActorFromClass ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
FTransform * SpawnTransform,
bool bNoCollisionFail )

Definition at line 203 of file Other.h.

◆ BeginSpawningActorFromClass() [2/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::BeginSpawningActorFromClass ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
FTransform * SpawnTransform,
bool bNoCollisionFail )

Definition at line 155 of file Other.h.

◆ BPPointPlaneDist()

static float UGameplayStatics::BPPointPlaneDist ( FVector * Point,
FVector * PlaneBase,
FVector * PlaneNormal )

Definition at line 146 of file Other.h.

◆ BPPointPlaneProject()

static FVector * UGameplayStatics::BPPointPlaneProject ( FVector * result,
FVector * Point,
FVector * PlaneBase,
FVector * PlaneNorm )

Definition at line 153 of file Other.h.

◆ BreakHitResult() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::BreakHitResult ( FHitResult * Hit,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Normal,
FVector * ImpactPoint,
FVector * ImpactNormal,
UPhysicalMaterial ** PhysMat,
AActor ** HitActor,
UPrimitiveComponent ** HitComponent,
FName * HitBoneName,
int * HitItem,
bool * BlockingHit )

Definition at line 212 of file Other.h.

◆ BreakHitResult() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::BreakHitResult ( FHitResult * Hit,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Normal,
FVector * ImpactPoint,
FVector * ImpactNormal,
UPhysicalMaterial ** PhysMat,
AActor ** HitActor,
UPrimitiveComponent ** HitComponent,
FName * HitBoneName,
int * HitItem,
bool * BlockingHit )

Definition at line 156 of file Other.h.

◆ BreakHitResult_OLD() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::BreakHitResult_OLD ( FHitResult * Hit,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Normal,
FVector * ImpactPoint,
FVector * ImpactNormal,
UPhysicalMaterial ** PhysMat,
AActor ** HitActor,
UPrimitiveComponent ** HitComponent,
FName * HitBoneName,
int * HitItem )

Definition at line 213 of file Other.h.

◆ BreakHitResult_OLD() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::BreakHitResult_OLD ( FHitResult * Hit,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Normal,
FVector * ImpactPoint,
FVector * ImpactNormal,
UPhysicalMaterial ** PhysMat,
AActor ** HitActor,
UPrimitiveComponent ** HitComponent,
FName * HitBoneName,
int * HitItem )

Definition at line 157 of file Other.h.

◆ CreatePlayer() [1/2]

static APlayerController * UGameplayStatics::CreatePlayer ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int ControllerId,
bool bSpawnPawn )

Definition at line 193 of file Other.h.

◆ CreatePlayer() [2/2]

static APlayerController * UGameplayStatics::CreatePlayer ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int ControllerId,
bool bSpawnPawn )

Definition at line 158 of file Other.h.

◆ DeactivateReverbEffect()

static void UGameplayStatics::DeactivateReverbEffect ( FName TagName)

Definition at line 159 of file Other.h.

◆ DeleteGameInSlot()

static bool UGameplayStatics::DeleteGameInSlot ( FString * SlotName,
const int UserIndex )

Definition at line 160 of file Other.h.

◆ DoesSaveGameExist()

static bool UGameplayStatics::DoesSaveGameExist ( FString * SlotName,
const int UserIndex )

Definition at line 161 of file Other.h.

◆ EnableLiveStreaming()

static void UGameplayStatics::EnableLiveStreaming ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 162 of file Other.h.

◆ FinishSpawningActor() [1/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor ( AActor * Actor,
FTransform * SpawnTransform )

Definition at line 204 of file Other.h.

◆ FinishSpawningActor() [2/2]

static AActor * UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor ( AActor * Actor,
FTransform * SpawnTransform )

Definition at line 163 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAccurateRealTime() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAccurateRealTime ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int * Seconds,
float * PartialSeconds )

Definition at line 223 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAccurateRealTime() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAccurateRealTime ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int * Seconds,
float * PartialSeconds )

Definition at line 164 of file Other.h.

◆ GetActorArrayAverageLocation() [1/2]

static FVector * UGameplayStatics::GetActorArrayAverageLocation ( FVector * result,
TArray< AActor * > * Actors )

Definition at line 208 of file Other.h.

◆ GetActorArrayAverageLocation() [2/2]

static FVector * UGameplayStatics::GetActorArrayAverageLocation ( FVector * result,
TArray< AActor * > * Actors )

Definition at line 165 of file Other.h.

◆ GetActorArrayBounds() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetActorArrayBounds ( TArray< AActor * > * Actors,
bool bOnlyCollidingComponents,
FVector * Center,
FVector * BoxExtent )

Definition at line 209 of file Other.h.

◆ GetActorArrayBounds() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetActorArrayBounds ( TArray< AActor * > * Actors,
bool bOnlyCollidingComponents,
FVector * Center,
FVector * BoxExtent )

Definition at line 166 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllActorsOfClass() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
TArray< AActor * > * OutActors )

Definition at line 210 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllActorsOfClass() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
TArray< AActor * > * OutActors )

Definition at line 167 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllActorsWithInterface() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsWithInterface ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< UInterface > Interface,
TArray< AActor * > * OutActors )

Definition at line 211 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllActorsWithInterface() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsWithInterface ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TSubclassOf< UInterface > Interface,
TArray< AActor * > * OutActors )

Definition at line 168 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAudioTimeSeconds()

static float UGameplayStatics::GetAudioTimeSeconds ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 169 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGameInstance()

static UGameInstance * UGameplayStatics::GetGameInstance ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 170 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGameMode()

static AGameMode * UGameplayStatics::GetGameMode ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 171 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGameState()

static AGameState * UGameplayStatics::GetGameState ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 172 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGlobalTimeDilation()

static float UGameplayStatics::GetGlobalTimeDilation ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 173 of file Other.h.

◆ GetObjectClass()

static UClass * UGameplayStatics::GetObjectClass ( UObject * Object)

Definition at line 174 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlatformName() [1/2]

static FString * UGameplayStatics::GetPlatformName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 224 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlatformName() [2/2]

static FString * UGameplayStatics::GetPlatformName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 175 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerCameraManager()

static APlayerCameraManager * UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCameraManager ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int PlayerIndex )

Definition at line 176 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerCharacter()

static ACharacter * UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int PlayerIndex )

Definition at line 177 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerController() [1/2]

static APlayerController * UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int PlayerIndex )

Definition at line 192 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerController() [2/2]

static APlayerController * UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int PlayerIndex )

Definition at line 178 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerPawn()

static APawn * UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerPawn ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
int PlayerIndex )

Definition at line 179 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass()

static UClass * UGameplayStatics::GetPrivateStaticClass ( const wchar_t * Package)

Definition at line 200 of file Other.h.

◆ GetRealTimeSeconds()

static float UGameplayStatics::GetRealTimeSeconds ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 180 of file Other.h.

◆ GetSurfaceType() [1/2]

static EPhysicalSurface UGameplayStatics::GetSurfaceType ( FHitResult * Hit)

Definition at line 214 of file Other.h.

◆ GetSurfaceType() [2/2]

static EPhysicalSurface UGameplayStatics::GetSurfaceType ( FHitResult * Hit)

Definition at line 181 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWorldDeltaSeconds()

static float UGameplayStatics::GetWorldDeltaSeconds ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 182 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWorldOriginLocation()

static FIntVector * UGameplayStatics::GetWorldOriginLocation ( FIntVector * result,
UObject * WorldContextObject )

Definition at line 183 of file Other.h.

◆ IsGamePaused()

static bool UGameplayStatics::IsGamePaused ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 184 of file Other.h.

◆ IsGameWorld()

static bool UGameplayStatics::IsGameWorld ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 185 of file Other.h.

◆ LoadStreamLevel() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
bool bMakeVisibleAfterLoad,
bool bShouldBlockOnLoad,
FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo )

Definition at line 205 of file Other.h.

◆ LoadStreamLevel() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
bool bMakeVisibleAfterLoad,
bool bShouldBlockOnLoad,
FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo )

Definition at line 186 of file Other.h.

◆ OpenLevel() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
bool bAbsolute,
FString Options )

Definition at line 207 of file Other.h.

◆ OpenLevel() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
bool bAbsolute,
FString Options )

Definition at line 187 of file Other.h.

◆ PlayDialogueAtLocation() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::PlayDialogueAtLocation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
UDialogueWave * Dialogue,
FDialogueContext * Context,
FVector Location,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings )

Definition at line 216 of file Other.h.

◆ PlayDialogueAtLocation() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::PlayDialogueAtLocation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
UDialogueWave * Dialogue,
FDialogueContext * Context,
FVector Location,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings )

Definition at line 188 of file Other.h.

◆ PlayDialogueAttached() [1/2]

static UAudioComponent * UGameplayStatics::PlayDialogueAttached ( UDialogueWave * Dialogue,
FDialogueContext * Context,
USceneComponent * AttachToComponent,
FName AttachPointName,
FVector Location,
EAttachLocation::Type LocationType,
bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings )

Definition at line 217 of file Other.h.

◆ PlayDialogueAttached() [2/2]

static UAudioComponent * UGameplayStatics::PlayDialogueAttached ( UDialogueWave * Dialogue,
FDialogueContext * Context,
USceneComponent * AttachToComponent,
FName AttachPointName,
FVector Location,
EAttachLocation::Type LocationType,
bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings )

Definition at line 189 of file Other.h.

◆ PlaySound() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::PlaySound ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
USoundCue * InSoundCue,
USceneComponent * AttachComponent,
FName AttachName,
bool bFollow,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier )

Definition at line 218 of file Other.h.

◆ PlaySound() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::PlaySound ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
USoundCue * InSoundCue,
USceneComponent * AttachComponent,
FName AttachName,
bool bFollow,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier )

Definition at line 190 of file Other.h.

◆ PlaySoundAtLocation()

static void UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
USoundBase * Sound,
FVector Location,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings,
bool bAlwaysPlay )

Definition at line 191 of file Other.h.

◆ PlaySoundAttached()

static UAudioComponent * UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAttached ( USoundBase * Sound,
USceneComponent * AttachToComponent,
FName AttachPointName,
FVector Location,
EAttachLocation::Type LocationType,
bool bStopWhenAttachedToDestroyed,
float VolumeMultiplier,
float PitchMultiplier,
float StartTime,
USoundAttenuation * AttenuationSettings,
bool bAlwaysPlay )

Definition at line 192 of file Other.h.

◆ PopSoundMixModifier()

static void UGameplayStatics::PopSoundMixModifier ( USoundMix * InSoundMixModifier)

Definition at line 193 of file Other.h.

◆ PushSoundMixModifier()

static void UGameplayStatics::PushSoundMixModifier ( USoundMix * InSoundMixModifier)

Definition at line 194 of file Other.h.

◆ SetBaseSoundMix()

static void UGameplayStatics::SetBaseSoundMix ( USoundMix * InSoundMix)

Definition at line 195 of file Other.h.

◆ SetGamePaused() [1/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
bool bPaused )

Definition at line 195 of file Other.h.

◆ SetGamePaused() [2/2]

static bool UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
bool bPaused )

Definition at line 196 of file Other.h.

◆ SetGlobalTimeDilation() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::SetGlobalTimeDilation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float TimeDilation )

Definition at line 194 of file Other.h.

◆ SetGlobalTimeDilation() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::SetGlobalTimeDilation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
float TimeDilation )

Definition at line 197 of file Other.h.

◆ SetWorldOriginLocation()

static void UGameplayStatics::SetWorldOriginLocation ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FIntVector NewLocation )

Definition at line 198 of file Other.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics ( )

Definition at line 226 of file Other.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::StaticRegisterNativesUGameplayStatics ( )

Definition at line 201 of file Other.h.

◆ UnloadStreamLevel() [1/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo )

Definition at line 206 of file Other.h.

◆ UnloadStreamLevel() [2/2]

static void UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FName LevelName,
FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo )

Definition at line 199 of file Other.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: