Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- ia : nlohmann::detail::binary_reader< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType, SAX >, nlohmann::detail::lexer< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType >, nlohmann::detail::span_input_adapter
- Icon : FAsyncTaskNotificationConfig
- Id : FAutomationScreenshotData, FAutomationSpecBase::FSpec, FAutomationSpecBase::FSpecIt, FCbCustomById
- ID : FDelegateHandle
- Id : FDisplayNameEntryId, FTrackedActivity::FInfo
- id : nlohmann::detail::exception
- Id : RCONPacket, UE::StructuredArchive::Private::FElementId
- identifier : API::Timer::TimerFunc
- Identity : UE::Math::TMatrix< T >, UE::Math::TQuat< T >, UE::Math::TTransform< T >
- IdleTime : FApp
- IdleTimeOvershoot : FApp
- IdToSpecMap : FAutomationSpecBase
- ignore_comments : nlohmann::detail::lexer< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType >
- ImageData : FObjectThumbnail
- ImageHeight : FObjectThumbnail
- ImageName : FStackWalkModuleInfo
- ImageSize : FStackWalkModuleInfo
- ImageWidth : FObjectThumbnail
- Impl : FThread
- ImplAlignment : FStructuredArchiveFromArchive
- Implementation : FInternationalization, FRegexMatcher, FRegexPattern
- ImplSize : FStructuredArchiveFromArchive
- ImplStorage : FStructuredArchiveFromArchive
- ImprinterName : FCustomTrackedActorInfo
- InclusiveNumElements : TOctree2< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::FNode, TOctree_DEPRECATED< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::FNode
- InCullBits : FOctreeNodeContext
- Indent : FMemoryToStringContext
- indent_char : nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >
- indent_string : nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >
- Indentation : FHierarchicalLogArchive
- IndentCount : FTextBuilder
- Index : FMappedName, FMinimalName, FOctreeChildNodeRef, FSetElementId, FSparseArrayAllocationInfo, TBitArray< Allocator >::FConstIterator, TBitArray< Allocator >::FConstReverseIterator, TBitArray< Allocator >::FIterator, TEnumerateRef< ElementType, SizeType >, TIndexedContainerIterator< ContainerType, ElementType, SizeType >, TSet< InElementType, KeyFuncs, Allocator >::TBaseKeyIterator< bConst >, TSortedMap< KeyType, ValueType, ArrayAllocator, SortPredicate >::TBaseReverseIterator< bConst >, UE::Core::Private::TEnumerateIter< IteratorType, SizeType >
- IndexBits : FMappedName
- IndexMask : FMappedName
- IndexSize : FHashTable, THashTable< InAllocator >
- IndianRed : FColorList
- Indices : FDXT1
- IndirectPoolBitShift : FMallocBinned
- IndirectPoolBlockSize : FMallocBinned
- Info : FWindowsPlatformProcess::FProcEnumInfo
- IniCacheSet : FConfigContext
- IniFile : FConfigCacheIni::FKnownConfigFiles::FKnownConfigFile
- IniFilename : FOutputDeviceConsole
- IniName : FConfigCacheIni::FKnownConfigFiles::FKnownConfigFile
- IniParentChain : FDataDrivenPlatformInfo
- IniPath : FConfigCacheIni::FKnownConfigFiles::FKnownConfigFile
- IniPlatformName : FDataDrivenPlatformInfo
- Initialized : FMallocCallstackHandler
- InitializedFlags : FTextLocalizationManager
- InitialNum : TCheckedPointerIterator< ElementType, SizeType >, TSparseArray< InElementType, Allocator >::TRangedForConstIterator, TSparseArray< InElementType, Allocator >::TRangedForIterator
- InitialReservationSize : TBasicArray< T >
- InitialSeed : FRandomStream
- InitialValueConstant : FItemStatInfo
- InlineBytes : FExpressionNode
- InlineData : TFixedAllocator< NumInlineElements >::ForElementType< ElementType >, TNonRelocatableInlineAllocator< NumInlineElements >::ForElementType< ElementType >, TSizedInlineAllocator< NumInlineElements, IndexSize, SecondaryAllocator >::ForElementType< ElementType >
- InlineFPLB : FArchive, FArchiveState
- Inner : FBinaryArchiveFormatter
- InnerArchive : FArchiveProxy
- Input : FCompoundChange, UE::String::Private::FEscape, UE::String::Private::FQuoteEscape
- InputBytes : FProcessIOStats
- InsideLimits : FNumberParsingOptions
- InstallDelegate : FGenericPlatformChunkInstall
- Instance : FPageAllocator, TTypeContainer< Mode >::TSharedInstanceProvider< T >
- InstanceGraph : FStaticConstructObjectParameters
- InstanceIndex : FActorInstanceHandle
- InstanceUID : FActorInstanceHandle
- Instigator : FActorSpawnParameters
- Int : FLazyName::FLiteralOrName
- int_value : fmt::internal::Value
- IntegerBase : FCbFieldType
- IntegerMask : FCbFieldType
- Interface : FTypeLayoutDesc
- Internal : FTrackedActivity
- InternalData : IQueuedWork
- InternalDriverVersion : FGPUDriverInfo
- InternalId : FInputDeviceId, FPlatformUserId
- InternalLock : FGenericPlatformMallocCrash
- InternalSetFlags : FStaticConstructObjectParameters
- InternalString : FTextFilterString
- InternalStringAnsi : FTextFilterString
- InterpMode : FInterpCurvePoint< T >
- IntValue : FFormatArgumentValue, FStringFormatArg
- InVal : FInterpCurvePoint< T >
- InvalidDrawscale : FMapErrors
- InvalidHairStrandsMaterial : FMapErrors
- InvalidIndex : FMappedName
- InvalidThreadId : FThread
- InvalidTrace : FMapErrors
- InvalidVirtualTextureUsage : FMapErrors
- InvariantCulture : FInternationalization
- InvertResult : TextFilterExpressionParser::FTextToken
- InvocationList : TMulticastDelegateBase< UserPolicy >, TMulticastScriptDelegate< TWeakPtr >
- InvocationListLockCount : TMulticastDelegateBase< UserPolicy >
- InvoluntaryContextSwitches : FContextSwitchStats
- IOInfo : FRemoteConfigAsyncWorker
- is : nlohmann::detail::input_stream_adapter
- is_little_endian : nlohmann::detail::binary_reader< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType, SAX >, nlohmann::detail::binary_writer< BasicJsonType, CharType >
- IsDerived : TIsDerivedFrom< DerivedType, BaseType >
- IsInitialized : FTypeLayoutDesc
- IsIntrinsic : FTypeLayoutDesc
- IsLoadingMovieCurrentlyPlaying : FCoreDelegates
- IsNetworkCompatibleOverride : FNetworkVersion
- IsSigned : UE::CompactBinary::Private::FIntegerParams
- IsUnicodeEncoded : FGenericPlatformString
- IsValid : UE::Math::TBox< T >
- IsVanillaProductChanged : FCoreDelegates
- It : FAutomationSpecBase::FSpecDefinitionScope
- ItemBasicStrings : TTextFilter< ItemType >::FTextFilterExpressionContext
- ItemID1 : FItemNetID
- ItemID2 : FItemNetID
- ItemPtr : TTextFilter< ItemType >::FTextFilterExpressionContext
- Iter : TDereferencingIterator< ElementType, IteratorType >
- iteration_proxy< iter_impl > : nlohmann::detail::iter_impl< BasicJsonType >
- iteration_proxy_value< iter_impl > : nlohmann::detail::iter_impl< BasicJsonType >
- Iterator : UE::Core::Private::TEnumerateIter< IteratorType, SizeType >
- IteratorBounds : TOctree_DEPRECATED< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::TConstElementBoxIterator< StackAllocator >