Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- name : API::Plugin
- Name : FActorSpawnParameters, FCbCustomByName, FConfigFile, FCustomTrackedActorInfo, FFieldLayoutDesc, FGenericPlatformMemory::FSharedMemoryRegion, FGenericPlatformMemoryStats::FPlatformSpecificStat, FGenericPlatformProcess::FSemaphore, FGenericPlatformSymbolDatabase, FMemoryImageNamePointer
- name : fmt::internal::NamedArg< Char >
- Name : FNamedAESKey, FStaticConstructObjectParameters, FTrackedActivity::FInfo, FTypeLayoutDesc, UE::StructuredArchive::Private::TNamedAttribute< T >, UE::StructuredArchive::Private::TNamedValue< T >, UE::StructuredArchive::Private::TOptionalNamedAttribute< T >
- NamedChunkInstallDelegate : FGenericPlatformChunkInstall
- NamedDefinitions : FStringFormatter
- NamedObjectRegistry : FEmbeddedDelegates
- NamedObjectRegistryLock : FEmbeddedDelegates
- NameEntries : FNameMap
- NameHash : FTypeLayoutDesc
- NameIdx : FGenericPlatformSymbolData
- NameLen : FCbFieldView
- NameMapType : FNameMap
- NameMode : FActorSpawnParameters
- NamesLoaded : FNameAsStringIndexProxyArchive
- Namespace : FTextId
- NamesSeenOnSave : FNameAsStringIndexProxyArchive
- NativeToEmbeddedDelegateMap : FEmbeddedDelegates
- NavyBlue : FColorList
- NegativeChildBits : FOctreeChildNodeSubset
- NeonBlue : FColorList
- NeonPink : FColorList
- NetworkCommands : FAutomationTestFramework
- NetworkRoleIndex : FAutomationTestFramework
- NetworkVersion : FNetworkReplayVersion
- NewFileAddedDelegate : FCoreDelegates
- NewLineTag : FGenericCrashContext
- NewMidnightBlue : FColorList
- NewTan : FColorList
- Next : FAdditionalCrashContextStack, FFieldLayoutDesc, FGrowableMallocChunk::FFreeEntry, FMallocDebug::FMemDebug, FMemStackBase::FTaggedMemory, FPooledVirtualMemoryAllocator::FPoolDescriptorBase, FVirtualAllocator::FFreeLink, TList< ElementType >
- next_arg_index_ : fmt::internal::FormatterBase
- next_reload_check_ : API::PluginManager
- next_time : API::Timer::TimerFunc
- next_unget : nlohmann::detail::lexer< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType >
- NextAlloc : FVirtualAllocator
- NextBundle : FMallocBinned2::FBundleNode
- NextFreeBlock : FMallocBinned2::FFreeBlock
- NextFreeIndex : TScriptSparseArray< AllocatorType, InDerivedType >::FFreeListLink, TSparseArrayElementOrFreeListLink< ElementType >
- NextIndex : FHashTable, FPtrTableBase::FPatchOffset, THashTable< InAllocator >, TSet< InElementType, KeyFuncs, Allocator >::TBaseKeyIterator< bConst >, TStaticHashTable< HashSize, IndexSize >
- NextLine : TCharBase< CharType, Size >
- NextLink : FRegisteredFileHandle, TLinkedListBase< ContainerType, ElementType, IteratorType >
- NextLinkedListTrackedActorCategory : FTrackedActorPlusInfoStruct
- NextLinkedListTrackedActorID : FTrackedActorPlusInfoStruct
- NextNode : TDoubleLinkedList< ElementType >::TDoubleLinkedListNode
- NextNodeInCurrentBundle : FMallocBinned2::FBundleNode
- NextPoolSize : FPooledVirtualMemoryAllocator
- NextProcessToRun : FSerializedUATProcess
- NextProxy : FArchiveState
- NextResult : FNetResult
- NextTopmostMark : FMemMark
- Niagara_LatestScriptCompileVersion : FDevSystemGuids
- NilMask : FAsciiSet
- No : FCoreTexts
- NoDamageType : FMapErrors
- Node : FExpressionToken, FOctreeElementId, TOctree_DEPRECATED< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::FNodeReference
- NodeIndex : FOctreeElementId2
- NodeIt : TOctree_DEPRECATED< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::TConstElementBoxIterator< StackAllocator >
- NodeStack : TOctree_DEPRECATED< ElementType, OctreeSemantics >::TConstIterator< StackAllocator >
- NoKillZ : FMapErrors
- NoLevelsAssociated : FMapErrors
- NonCasePreservingHash : FNameEntrySerialized
- NonCoPlanarPolys : FMapErrors
- None : FCoreTexts
- NoneValue : UE::Math::TIntPoint< InIntType >, UE::Math::TIntVector3< InIntType >
- NoPakFilesMountedDelegate : FCoreDelegates
- NoSave : FConfigFile
- Notes : FAutomationScreenshotData
- Notification : AddNotification_Params
- NotificationId : AddNotification_Params, AsaApiUtilsNotification
- NotificationImpl : FAsyncTaskNotification
- NotificationScreenPosition : AsaApiUtilsNotification
- NotPendingDecommit : FPageCache
- Num : FBitReader, FBitWriter, FBitWriterMark, TBasicArray< T >::FData
- num_bits : BitField
- NumAllocations : TGenericGrowableAllocator< ChunkAllocatorType, GrowableAllocationBaseType >
- NumArray : FFieldLayoutDesc
- NumBases : FTypeLayoutDesc
- Number : FLazyName, FMappedName, FMemoryImageName, FMinimalName, FName, FScriptName
- number_buffer : nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >
- number_float : nlohmann::basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType >
- number_integer : nlohmann::basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType >
- number_unsigned : nlohmann::basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer, BinaryType >
- NumberOfCores : FSessionContext
- NumberOfCoresIncludingHyperthreads : FSessionContext
- NumBits : TBitArray< Allocator >, TScriptBitArray< Allocator, InDerivedType >
- NumBytes : FLargeMemoryData, FLargeMemoryReader, FStaticMemoryReader
- NumChunks : FChunkedFixedUObjectArray
- NumDevicesCurrentlyRunningTest : FAutomationTestInfo
- NumElements : FChunkedFixedUObjectArray
- NumEntries : FCompressedGrowableBuffer
- Numerator : FFrameRate
- NumFreeBlocks : FMallocBinned2::FFreeBlock
- NumFreeIndices : TScriptSparseArray< AllocatorType, InDerivedType >, TSparseArray< InElementType, Allocator >
- NumMarks : FMemStackBase
- NumMinidumpFramesToIgnore : FGenericCrashContext
- NumOffsets : FPtrTableBase::FPatchOffsetList
- NumPages : FPageCache
- NumParms : UFunction
- NumParticipantsRequired : FAutomationTestInfo
- NumPoolsPerPage : FMallocBinned2
- NumProcessorGroups : FProcessorGroupDesc
- NumQueuedWork : FThreadPoolPriorityQueue
- NumRefs : FQueuedThreadPoolWrapper::FScheduledWork, FRefCountBase, FRefCountedObject, FThreadSafeRefCountedObject, IMemoryReadStream
- NumSamples : FStatisticalValue< T >
- NumThreads : FSharedCrashContext
- NumValuesUsed : FMovingWindowAverageFast< T, ArraySize >
- NumVirtualBases : FTypeLayoutDesc
- NumWords : TBitArray< Allocator >::TWordIteratorBase< WordType >