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UE.h File Reference
#include <comdef.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include "Crc.h"
#include "Containers/TArray.h"
#include "Containers/FString.h"
#include "Containers/EnumAsByte.h"
#include "Templates/SharedPointer.h"
#include "API/Fields.h"
#include "API/Enums.h"
#include "API/UE/Math/Color.h"
#include "Misc/GlobalObjectsArray.h"
+ Include dependency graph for UE.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  FName
struct  FTransform
struct  FBoxSphereBounds
struct  FGuid
struct  FBox
struct  TSubobjectPtr< ObjectType >
struct  FText
struct  FDateTime
struct  FWeakObjectPtr
struct  TWeakObjectPtr< T >
struct  TSubclassOf< T >
struct  IOnlinePlatformData
struct  FUniqueNetId
struct  FUniqueNetIdUInt64
struct  FUniqueNetIdSteam
struct  FUniqueNetIdString
struct  UObjectBase
struct  UObjectBaseUtility
struct  UObject
struct  UField
struct  UStruct
struct  UFunction
struct  FNativeFunctionLookup
struct  UClass
struct  UBlueprintCore
struct  UBlueprint
struct  UProperty
struct  UScriptStruct
struct  UObjectPropertyBase
struct  UStructProperty
struct  TPropertyTypeFundamentals< InTCppType >
struct  TProperty< InTCppType, TInPropertyBaseClass >
struct  TUObjectPropertyBase< InTCppType >
struct  UObjectProperty
struct  UClassProperty
struct  UTextProperty
struct  UDelegateProperty
struct  UMulticastDelegateProperty
struct  UWeakObjectProperty
struct  UInterfaceProperty
struct  UArrayProperty
struct  UNumericProperty
struct  UBoolProperty
struct  FObjectInstancingGraph
struct  Globals
struct  FAssetData
struct  IModuleInterface
struct  IAssetRegistryInterface
struct  FAssetRegistryModule
struct  FModuleManager
struct  FAssetRegistry
struct  FRenderResource
struct  FTexture
struct  FTextureResource
struct  UTexture
struct  UTexture2D
struct  FNavigationFilterFlags
struct  UNavigationQueryFilter
struct  FCollisionQueryParams
struct  FCollisionResponseContainer
struct  FCollisionResponseParams
struct  FCollisionObjectQueryParams
struct  FHttpResponseWinInet
struct  IHttpResponse
struct  FHttpRequestWinInet
struct  IHttpRequest
struct  FHttpModule


template<typename T >
using TAutoWeakObjectPtr = TWeakObjectPtr<T>


enum  EResourceSizeMode { Exclusive = 0x0 , Inclusive = 0x1 , Open = 0x2 }


FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash (const FName &name)
struct __declspec (align(8)) FTextHistory
template<typename T >
TWeakObjectPtr< T > GetWeakReference (T *object)
template<typename T >
int GetObjectClassSize ()
template<typename T >
int GetStructSize ()

Typedef Documentation

◆ TAutoWeakObjectPtr

template<typename T >
using TAutoWeakObjectPtr = TWeakObjectPtr<T>

Definition at line 211 of file UE.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EResourceSizeMode


Definition at line 797 of file UE.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __declspec()

struct __declspec ( align(8) )

Definition at line 63 of file UE.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetObjectClassSize()

template<typename T >
int GetObjectClassSize ( )

Definition at line 1005 of file UE.h.

◆ GetStructSize()

template<typename T >
int GetStructSize ( )

Definition at line 1024 of file UE.h.

◆ GetTypeHash()

FORCEINLINE uint32 GetTypeHash ( const FName & name)

Definition at line 63 of file UE.h.

◆ GetWeakReference()

template<typename T >
TWeakObjectPtr< T > GetWeakReference ( T * object)

Definition at line 203 of file UE.h.