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UGameEngine Struct Reference

#include <GameMode.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for UGameEngine:
+ Collaboration diagram for UGameEngine:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from UEngine
TWeakObjectPtr< AMatineeActor > & ActiveMatineeField ()
TArray< FString > & AdditionalFontNamesField ()
TSubclassOf< UConsole > & ConsoleClassField ()
TSubclassOf< ULocalPlayer > & LocalPlayerClassField ()
TSubclassOf< AWorldSettings > & WorldSettingsClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UGameUserSettings > & GameUserSettingsClassField ()
UGameUserSettings * GameUserSettingsField ()
TSubclassOf< ALevelScriptActor > & LevelScriptActorClassField ()
UPrimalGlobalsGameSingletonField ()
UTireType * DefaultTireTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< APawn > & DefaultPreviewPawnClassField ()
FStringPlayOnConsoleSaveDirField ()
UTexture2DDefaultTextureField ()
UTextureDefaultDiffuseTextureField ()
UTexture2DDefaultBSPVertexTextureField ()
UTexture2DHighFrequencyNoiseTextureField ()
UTexture2DDefaultBokehTextureField ()
UMaterial * WireframeMaterialField ()
UMaterial * DebugMeshMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LevelColorationLitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LevelColorationUnlitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LightingTexelDensityMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * RemoveSurfaceMaterialField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorMaterialField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_ColorOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_AlphaAsColorField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_RedOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_GreenOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_BlueOnlyField ()
UMaterial * ConstraintLimitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * InvalidLightmapSettingsMaterialField ()
UMaterial * PreviewShadowsIndicatorMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ArrowMaterialField ()
FLinearColorLightingOnlyBrightnessField ()
TArray< FColor > & LightComplexityColorsField ()
TArray< FLinearColor > & ShaderComplexityColorsField ()
TArray< FLinearColor > & StationaryLightOverlapColorsField ()
float & MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCountField ()
float & MaxES2PixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCountField ()
float & MinLightMapDensityField ()
float & IdealLightMapDensityField ()
float & MaxLightMapDensityField ()
float & RenderLightMapDensityGrayscaleScaleField ()
float & RenderLightMapDensityColorScaleField ()
FLinearColorLightMapDensityVertexMappedColorField ()
FLinearColorLightMapDensitySelectedColorField ()
TArray< FStatColorMapping > & StatColorMappingsField ()
UPhysicalMaterialDefaultPhysMaterialField ()
TArray< FGameNameRedirect > & ActiveGameNameRedirectsField ()
TArray< FClassRedirect > & ActiveClassRedirectsField ()
TArray< FPluginRedirect > & ActivePluginRedirectsField ()
TArray< FStructRedirect > & ActiveStructRedirectsField ()
UTexture2DPreIntegratedSkinBRDFTextureField ()
UTexture2DMiniFontTextureField ()
UTextureWeightMapPlaceholderTextureField ()
UTexture2DLightMapDensityTextureField ()
IEngineLoop * EngineLoopField ()
TArray< FString > & DeferredCommandsField ()
int & TickCyclesField ()
int & GameCyclesField ()
int & ClientCyclesField ()
float & NearClipPlaneField ()
float & TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsField ()
float & AsyncLoadingTimeLimitField ()
float & PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTimeField ()
float & LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimitField ()
int & LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularityField ()
int & MaximumLoopIterationCountField ()
int & NumPawnsAllowedToBeSpawnedInAFrameField ()
FColorC_WorldBoxField ()
FColorC_BrushWireField ()
FColorC_AddWireField ()
FColorC_SubtractWireField ()
FColorC_SemiSolidWireField ()
FColorC_NonSolidWireField ()
FColorC_WireBackgroundField ()
FColorC_ScaleBoxHiField ()
FColorC_VolumeCollisionField ()
FColorC_BSPCollisionField ()
FColorC_OrthoBackgroundField ()
FColorC_VolumeField ()
FColorC_BrushShapeField ()
float & StreamingDistanceFactorField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ETransitionType > & TransitionTypeField ()
FStringTransitionDescriptionField ()
FStringTransitionGameModeField ()
float & MeshLODRangeField ()
float & CameraRotationThresholdField ()
float & CameraTranslationThresholdField ()
float & PrimitiveProbablyVisibleTimeField ()
float & MaxOcclusionPixelsFractionField ()
int & MaxParticleResizeField ()
int & MaxParticleResizeWarnField ()
TArray< FDropNoteInfo > & PendingDroppedNotesField ()
FRigidBodyErrorCorrection & PhysicErrorCorrectionField ()
float & NetClientTicksPerSecondField ()
float & DisplayGammaField ()
float & MinDesiredFrameRateField ()
FLinearColorDefaultSelectedMaterialColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectedMaterialColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectionOutlineColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectedMaterialColorOverrideField ()
bool & bIsOverridingSelectedColorField ()
unsigned int & bEnableVisualLogRecordingOnStartField ()
UDeviceProfileManager * DeviceProfileManagerField ()
int & ScreenSaverInhibitorSemaphoreField ()
FStringMatineeCaptureNameField ()
FStringMatineePackageCaptureNameField ()
int & MatineeCaptureFPSField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMatineeCaptureType::Type > & MatineeCaptureTypeField ()
bool & bNoTextureStreamingField ()
FStringParticleEventManagerClassPathField ()
TArray< FScreenMessageString > & PriorityScreenMessagesField ()
float & SelectionHighlightIntensityField ()
float & BSPSelectionHighlightIntensityField ()
float & HoverHighlightIntensityField ()
float & SelectionHighlightIntensityBillboardsField ()
FStringLastModDownloadTextField ()
FStringPrimalNetAuth_MyIPStrField ()
FStringPrimalNetAuth_TokenField ()
UEngine::FOnTravelFailure & TravelFailureEventField ()
UEngine::FOnNetworkFailure & NetworkFailureEventField ()
bool & bIsInitializedField ()
TMap< int, FScreenMessageString, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< int, FScreenMessageString, 0 > > & ScreenMessagesField ()
FAudioDevice * AudioDeviceField ()
TSharedPtr< IStereoRendering, 1 > & StereoRenderingDeviceField ()
TSharedPtr< IHeadMountedDisplay, 1 > & HMDDeviceField ()
UEngine::FWorldAddedEvent & WorldAddedEventField ()
UEngine::FWorldDestroyedEvent & WorldDestroyedEventField ()
FRunnableThread * ScreenSaverInhibitorField ()
FScreenSaverInhibitor * ScreenSaverInhibitorRunnableField ()
bool & bPendingHardwareSurveyResultsField ()
TArray< FNetDriverDefinition > & NetDriverDefinitionsField ()
TArray< FString > & ServerActorsField ()
TArray< FWorldContext > & WorldListField ()
int & NextWorldContextHandleField ()
FAudioDevice * GetAudioDevice ()
FStringGetLastModDownloadText (FString *result)
bool IsInitialized ()
void FEngineStatFuncs ()
void DumpFPSChart (FString *InMapName, bool bForceDump)
void DumpFPSChartToLog (float TotalTime, float DeltaTime, int NumFrames, FString *InMapName)
void StartFPSChart ()
void StopFPSChart ()
void TickFPSChart (float DeltaSeconds)
FStringGetCurrentModPath (FString *result)
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds, bool bIdleMode)
void BrowseToDefaultMap (FWorldContext *Context)
void CancelAllPending ()
void CancelPending (FWorldContext *Context)
void CancelPending (UWorld *InWorld, UPendingNetGame *NewPendingNetGame)
void CancelPendingMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
void CleanupPackagesToFullyLoad (FWorldContext *Context, EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType, FString *Tag)
void ClearDebugDisplayProperties ()
bool CommitMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
void ConditionalCommitMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
void CreateGameUserSettings ()
bool CreateNamedNetDriver (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGame, FName NetDriverName, FName NetDriverDefinition)
bool CreateNamedNetDriver (UWorld *InWorld, FName NetDriverName, FName NetDriverDefinition)
FWorldContext * CreateNewWorldContext (EWorldType::Type WorldType)
void DestroyNamedNetDriver (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGame, FName NetDriverName)
void DestroyNamedNetDriver (UWorld *InWorld, FName NetDriverName)
void DestroyWorldContext (UWorld *InWorld)
void EnableScreenSaver (bool bEnable)
ULocalPlayer * FindFirstLocalPlayerFromControllerId (int ControllerId)
void FinishDestroy ()
void GetAllLocalPlayerControllers (TArray< APlayerController * > *PlayerList)
ULocalPlayer * GetFirstGamePlayer (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGame)
ULocalPlayer * GetFirstGamePlayer (UWorld *InWorld)
APlayerControllerGetFirstLocalPlayerController (UWorld *InWorld)
TArray< ULocalPlayer * > * GetGamePlayers (UWorld *World)
UGameUserSettings * GetGameUserSettings ()
ULocalPlayer * GetLocalPlayerFromControllerId (UWorld *InWorld, int ControllerId)
TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > * GetLocalPlayerIterator (TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > *result, UWorld *World)
float GetMaxTickRate (float DeltaTime, bool bAllowFrameRateSmoothing)
int GetNumGamePlayers (UWorld *InWorld)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromHandleChecked (FName WorldContextHandle)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromWorldChecked (UWorld *InWorld)
UWorldGetWorldFromContextObject (UObject *Object, bool bChecked)
void HandleTravelFailure (UWorld *InWorld, ETravelFailure::Type FailureType, FString *ErrorString)
void Init (IEngineLoop *InEngineLoop)
void InitHardwareSurvey ()
bool InitializeAudioDevice ()
bool InitializeHMDDevice ()
void InitializeObjectReferences ()
bool IsEngineStat (FString *InName)
bool IsPreparingMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
bool IsSplitScreen (UWorld *InWorld)
bool IsStereoscopic3D (FViewport *InViewport)
void LoadPackagesFully (UWorld *InWorld, EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType, FString *Tag)
bool MakeSureMapNameIsValid (FString *InOutMapName)
void MovePendingLevel (FWorldContext *Context)
void OnExternalUIChange (bool bInIsOpening)
void OnHardwareSurveyComplete (FHardwareSurveyResults *SurveyResults)
void OnLostFocusPause (bool EnablePause)
void ParseCommandline ()
UPendingNetGame * PendingNetGameFromWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
void PerformanceCapture (FString *CaptureName)
void PreExit ()
bool PrepareMapChange (FWorldContext *Context, TArray< FName > *LevelNames)
void RecordHMDAnalytics ()
void RenderEngineStats (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int LHSX, int *InOutLHSY, int RHSX, int *InOutRHSY, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatAI (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatColorList (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatFPS (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatHitches (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatLevels (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatNamedEvents (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatSounds (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatSummary (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatTexture (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatUnit (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
void RequestAuthTokenThenNotifyPendingNetGame (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGameToNotify)
FSeamlessTravelHandler * SeamlessTravelHandlerForWorld (UWorld *World)
void SetShouldCommitPendingMapChange (UWorld *InWorld, bool NewShouldCommitPendingMapChange)
bool ShouldAbsorbAuthorityOnlyEvent ()
bool ShouldAbsorbCosmeticOnlyEvent ()
bool ShouldCommitPendingMapChange (UWorld *InWorld)
void ShutdownAudioDevice ()
void ShutdownWorldNetDriver (UWorld *World)
void SpawnServerActors (UWorld *World)
void SwapControllerId (ULocalPlayer *NewPlayer, int CurrentControllerId, int NewControllerID)
void TickDeferredCommands ()
void TickHardwareSurvey ()
bool TickWorldTravel (FWorldContext *Context, float DeltaSeconds)
void TriggerPostLoadMapEvents ()
void UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate ()
void UpdateTransitionType (UWorld *CurrentWorld)
bool UseSound ()
void VerifyLoadMapWorldCleanup ()
void WorldAdded (UWorld *InWorld)
void WorldDestroyed (UWorld *InWorld)
bool IsHardwareSurveyRequired ()
UFontTinyFontField ()
UFontSmallFontField ()
UFontMediumFontField ()
UFontLargeFontField ()
UFontSubtitleFontField ()
TArray< UFont * > AdditionalFontsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AMatineeActor > & ActiveMatineeField ()
TArray< FString > & AdditionalFontNamesField ()
TSubclassOf< UConsole > & ConsoleClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UGameViewportClient > & GameViewportClientClassField ()
TSubclassOf< ULocalPlayer > & LocalPlayerClassField ()
TSubclassOf< AWorldSettings > & WorldSettingsClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UGameUserSettings > & GameUserSettingsClassField ()
UGameUserSettings * GameUserSettingsField ()
TSubclassOf< ALevelScriptActor > & LevelScriptActorClassField ()
UObjectGameSingletonField ()
UTireType * DefaultTireTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< APawn > & DefaultPreviewPawnClassField ()
FStringPlayOnConsoleSaveDirField ()
UTexture2DDefaultTextureField ()
UTextureDefaultDiffuseTextureField ()
UTexture2DDefaultBSPVertexTextureField ()
UTexture2DHighFrequencyNoiseTextureField ()
UTexture2DDefaultBokehTextureField ()
UMaterial * WireframeMaterialField ()
UMaterial * DebugMeshMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LevelColorationLitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LevelColorationUnlitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * LightingTexelDensityMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * RemoveSurfaceMaterialField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorMaterialField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_ColorOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_AlphaAsColorField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_RedOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_GreenOnlyField ()
UMaterial * VertexColorViewModeMaterial_BlueOnlyField ()
UMaterial * ConstraintLimitMaterialField ()
UMaterial * InvalidLightmapSettingsMaterialField ()
UMaterial * PreviewShadowsIndicatorMaterialField ()
UMaterial * ArrowMaterialField ()
FLinearColorLightingOnlyBrightnessField ()
TArray< FColor > & LightComplexityColorsField ()
TArray< FLinearColor > & ShaderComplexityColorsField ()
TArray< FLinearColor > & StationaryLightOverlapColorsField ()
float & MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCountField ()
float & MaxES2PixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCountField ()
float & MinLightMapDensityField ()
float & IdealLightMapDensityField ()
float & MaxLightMapDensityField ()
float & RenderLightMapDensityGrayscaleScaleField ()
float & RenderLightMapDensityColorScaleField ()
FLinearColorLightMapDensityVertexMappedColorField ()
FLinearColorLightMapDensitySelectedColorField ()
TArray< FStatColorMapping > & StatColorMappingsField ()
UPhysicalMaterialDefaultPhysMaterialField ()
TArray< FGameNameRedirect > & ActiveGameNameRedirectsField ()
TArray< FClassRedirect > & ActiveClassRedirectsField ()
TArray< FPluginRedirect > & ActivePluginRedirectsField ()
TArray< FStructRedirect > & ActiveStructRedirectsField ()
UTexture2DPreIntegratedSkinBRDFTextureField ()
UTexture2DMiniFontTextureField ()
UTextureWeightMapPlaceholderTextureField ()
UTexture2DLightMapDensityTextureField ()
IEngineLoop * EngineLoopField ()
UGameViewportClientGameViewportField ()
TArray< FString > & DeferredCommandsField ()
int & TickCyclesField ()
int & GameCyclesField ()
int & ClientCyclesField ()
float & NearClipPlaneField ()
float & TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjectsField ()
float & AsyncLoadingTimeLimitField ()
float & PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTimeField ()
float & LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimitField ()
int & LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularityField ()
int & MaximumLoopIterationCountField ()
int & NumPawnsAllowedToBeSpawnedInAFrameField ()
FColorC_WorldBoxField ()
FColorC_BrushWireField ()
FColorC_AddWireField ()
FColorC_SubtractWireField ()
FColorC_SemiSolidWireField ()
FColorC_NonSolidWireField ()
FColorC_WireBackgroundField ()
FColorC_ScaleBoxHiField ()
FColorC_VolumeCollisionField ()
FColorC_BSPCollisionField ()
FColorC_OrthoBackgroundField ()
FColorC_VolumeField ()
FColorC_BrushShapeField ()
float & StreamingDistanceFactorField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ETransitionType > & TransitionTypeField ()
FStringTransitionDescriptionField ()
FStringTransitionGameModeField ()
float & MeshLODRangeField ()
float & CameraRotationThresholdField ()
float & CameraTranslationThresholdField ()
float & PrimitiveProbablyVisibleTimeField ()
float & MaxOcclusionPixelsFractionField ()
int & MaxParticleResizeField ()
int & MaxParticleResizeWarnField ()
TArray< FDropNoteInfo > & PendingDroppedNotesField ()
FRigidBodyErrorCorrection & PhysicErrorCorrectionField ()
float & NetClientTicksPerSecondField ()
float & DisplayGammaField ()
float & MinDesiredFrameRateField ()
FLinearColorDefaultSelectedMaterialColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectedMaterialColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectionOutlineColorField ()
FLinearColorSelectedMaterialColorOverrideField ()
bool & bIsOverridingSelectedColorField ()
unsigned int & bEnableVisualLogRecordingOnStartField ()
UDeviceProfileManager * DeviceProfileManagerField ()
int & ScreenSaverInhibitorSemaphoreField ()
FStringMatineeCaptureNameField ()
FStringMatineePackageCaptureNameField ()
int & MatineeCaptureFPSField ()
bool & bNoTextureStreamingField ()
FStringParticleEventManagerClassPathField ()
TArray< FScreenMessageString > & PriorityScreenMessagesField ()
float & SelectionHighlightIntensityField ()
float & BSPSelectionHighlightIntensityField ()
float & HoverHighlightIntensityField ()
float & SelectionHighlightIntensityBillboardsField ()
FStringLastModDownloadTextField ()
FStringPrimalNetAuth_MyIPStrField ()
FStringPrimalNetAuth_TokenField ()
bool & bIsInitializedField ()
TMap< int, FScreenMessageString, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< int, FScreenMessageString, 0 > > & ScreenMessagesField ()
FAudioDevice * AudioDeviceField ()
TSharedPtr< IStereoRendering, 1 > & StereoRenderingDeviceField ()
TSharedPtr< IHeadMountedDisplay, 1 > & HMDDeviceField ()
FRunnableThread * ScreenSaverInhibitorField ()
FScreenSaverInhibitor * ScreenSaverInhibitorRunnableField ()
bool & bPendingHardwareSurveyResultsField ()
TArray< FNetDriverDefinition > & NetDriverDefinitionsField ()
TArray< FString > & ServerActorsField ()
int & NextWorldContextHandleField ()
void FEngineStatFuncs ()
FAudioDevice * GetAudioDevice ()
bool IsInitialized ()
FStringGetLastModDownloadText (FString *result)
void TickFPSChart (float DeltaSeconds)
void StartFPSChart ()
void StopFPSChart ()
void DumpFPSChartToLog (float TotalTime, float DeltaTime, int NumFrames, FString *InMapName)
void DumpFPSChart (FString *InMapName, bool bForceDump)
void LoadMapRedrawViewports ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds, bool bIdleMode)
bool IsHardwareSurveyRequired (int LocalUserNum)
void Init (IEngineLoop *InEngineLoop)
void RequestAuthTokenThenNotifyPendingNetGame (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGameToNotify)
void OnExternalUIChange (bool bInIsOpening)
void ShutdownAudioDevice ()
void PreExit ()
void TickDeferredCommands ()
void UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate ()
void ParseCommandline ()
void InitializeObjectReferences ()
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
bool InitializeAudioDevice ()
bool UseSound ()
bool InitializeHMDDevice ()
void RecordHMDAnalytics ()
bool IsSplitScreen (UWorld *InWorld)
ULocalPlayer * GetLocalPlayerFromControllerId (UGameViewportClient *InViewport, int ControllerId)
ULocalPlayer * GetLocalPlayerFromControllerId (UWorld *InWorld, int ControllerId)
void SwapControllerId (ULocalPlayer *NewPlayer, int CurrentControllerId, int NewControllerID)
APlayerControllerGetFirstLocalPlayerController (UWorld *InWorld)
void GetAllLocalPlayerControllers (TArray< APlayerController * > *PlayerList)
void OnLostFocusPause (bool EnablePause)
void TickHardwareSurvey ()
void OnHardwareSurveyComplete (FHardwareSurveyResults *SurveyResults)
float GetMaxTickRate (float DeltaTime, bool bAllowFrameRateSmoothing)
void EnableScreenSaver (bool bEnable)
void PerformanceCapture (FString *CaptureName)
void WorldAdded (UWorld *InWorld)
void WorldDestroyed (UWorld *InWorld)
UWorldGetWorldFromContextObject (UObject *Object, bool bChecked)
TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > * GetLocalPlayerIterator (TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > *result, UWorld *World)
TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > * GetLocalPlayerIterator (TIndexedContainerIterator< TArray< ULocalPlayer * > const, ULocalPlayer *const, int > *result, UGameViewportClient *Viewport)
TArray< ULocalPlayer * > * GetGamePlayers (UWorld *World)
TArray< ULocalPlayer * > * GetGamePlayers (UGameViewportClient *Viewport)
ULocalPlayer * FindFirstLocalPlayerFromControllerId (int ControllerId)
int GetNumGamePlayers (UWorld *InWorld)
ULocalPlayer * GetFirstGamePlayer (UWorld *InWorld)
ULocalPlayer * GetFirstGamePlayer (UPendingNetGame *PendingNetGame)
ULocalPlayer * GetDebugLocalPlayer ()
bool CreateNamedNetDriver (UWorld *InWorld, FName NetDriverName, FName NetDriverDefinition)
void DestroyNamedNetDriver (UWorld *InWorld, FName NetDriverName)
void SpawnServerActors (UWorld *World)
bool MakeSureMapNameIsValid (FString *InOutMapName)
void CancelPending (FWorldContext *Context)
void CancelPending (UWorld *InWorld, UPendingNetGame *NewPendingNetGame)
void CancelAllPending ()
void BrowseToDefaultMap (FWorldContext *Context)
bool TickWorldTravel (FWorldContext *Context, float DeltaSeconds)
void TriggerPostLoadMapEvents ()
void CancelPendingMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
void ClearDebugDisplayProperties ()
void MovePendingLevel (FWorldContext *Context)
void UpdateTransitionType (UWorld *CurrentWorld)
FWorldContext * CreateNewWorldContext (EWorldType::Type WorldType)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromHandleChecked (FName WorldContextHandle)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
FWorldContext * GetWorldContextFromWorldChecked (UWorld *InWorld)
void DestroyWorldContext (UWorld *InWorld)
void VerifyLoadMapWorldCleanup ()
bool PrepareMapChange (FWorldContext *Context, TArray< FName > *LevelNames)
void ConditionalCommitMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
bool CommitMapChange (FWorldContext *Context)
FSeamlessTravelHandler * SeamlessTravelHandlerForWorld (UWorld *World)
void CreateGameUserSettings ()
UGameUserSettings * GetGameUserSettings ()
bool ShouldAbsorbAuthorityOnlyEvent ()
bool ShouldAbsorbCosmeticOnlyEvent ()
bool IsEngineStat (FString *InName)
void RenderEngineStats (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int LHSX, int *InOutLHSY, int RHSX, int *InOutRHSY, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatFPS (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatTexture (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatHitches (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatSummary (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatNamedEvents (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatColorList (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatLevels (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatUnit (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatSounds (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
int RenderStatAI (UWorld *World, FViewport *Viewport, FCanvas *Canvas, int X, int Y, FVector *ViewLocation, FRotator *ViewRotation)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
void ExecuteUbergraph (int EntryPoint)
bool AreAllOuterObjectsValid ()
FNameGetExporterName (FName *result)
FStringGetDetailedInfoInternal (FString *result)
UObjectGetArchetype ()
bool IsBasedOnArchetype (UObject *const SomeObject)
bool IsInBlueprint ()
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void LoadLocalized (UObject *LocBase, bool bLoadHierachecally)
void LocalizeProperty (UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString > *PropertyTagChain, UProperty *const BaseProperty, UProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress)
void BeginDestroy ()
void FinishDestroy ()
FStringGetDetailedInfo (FString *result)
bool ConditionalBeginDestroy ()
bool ConditionalFinishDestroy ()
void ConditionalPostLoad ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
bool IsSelected ()
void CollectDefaultSubobjects (TArray< UObject * > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects)
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool IsAsset ()
bool IsSafeForRootSet ()
void LoadConfig (UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, UProperty *PropertyToLoad)
void ConditionalShutdownAfterError ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsFullNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
UFunctionFindFunctionChecked (FName InName)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parms)
 __declspec (dllexport) UProperty *FindProperty(FName name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBaseUtility
int GetLinkerUE4Version ()
int GetLinkerLicenseeUE4Version ()
FStringGetPathName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void GetPathName (UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString)
FStringGetFullName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void MarkPackageDirty ()
bool IsIn (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsA (UClass *SomeBase)
void * GetInterfaceAddress (UClass *InterfaceClass)
bool IsDefaultSubobject ()
int GetLinkerIndex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
EObjectFlagsObjectFlagsField ()
int & InternalIndexField ()
UClassClassField ()
FNameNameField ()
UObjectOuterField ()
void DeferredRegister (UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)
bool IsValidLowLevel ()
bool IsValidLowLevelFast (bool bRecursive)
void Register (const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UEngine
static void CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects (UObject *OldObject, UObject *NewObject, UEngine::FCopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjectsParams Params)
static FGuidGetPackageGuid (FGuid *result, FName PackageName)
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketRAM (FString *result, unsigned int MemoryMB)
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketResolution (FString *result, unsigned int DisplayWidth, unsigned int DisplayHeight)
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketVRAM (FString *result, unsigned int VidMemoryMB)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static UFontGetSmallFont ()
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketRAM (FString *result, unsigned int MemoryMB)
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketVRAM (FString *result, unsigned int VidMemoryMB)
static FStringHardwareSurveyBucketResolution (FString *result, unsigned int DisplayWidth, unsigned int DisplayHeight)
static FGuidGetPackageGuid (FGuid *result, FName PackageName)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static UObjectGetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo (UClass *Class, UObject *Outer, FName Name, bool bIsCDO)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
static void EmitBaseReferences (UClass *RootClass)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 870 of file GameMode.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: