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USkeletalMeshComponent Struct Reference

#include <Actor.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for USkeletalMeshComponent:
+ Collaboration diagram for USkeletalMeshComponent:

Public Member Functions

FVectorInterpolatedRootLocationField ()
FRotatorInterpolatedRootRotationField ()
FVectorCurrentSkeletonUpDirField ()
TArray< float > & OriginalBonesOffsetsField ()
float & IkRootAdjustmentHeightCSField ()
float & IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedField ()
float & IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedUpField ()
float & IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedField ()
float & IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedUpField ()
float & IkInterpSpeedField ()
float & IkInterpSpeedUpField ()
float & IkFabrikInterpSpeedField ()
float & IkFeetAlignmentInterpSpeedField ()
float & IkGroundPlaneInterpSpeedField ()
float & MinHitNormalZForFeetAlignmentField ()
float & FeetAlignmentLimitField ()
float & LegLimitRatioFromCylinderHeightField ()
FRotatorIkRootRotationOffsetField ()
FVectorIkRootLocationOffsetField ()
float & DinoIKDelayedTraceFreezeDurationMultiplierField ()
float & DinoIKSlopeMatchingRootHeightOffsetField ()
float & DinoIKAnimationLegZOffsetingMultiplierField ()
FVectorTwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField ()
FVectorTwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSTargetField ()
FVectorTwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField ()
float & DistanceFromGroundToStartIKField ()
float & DistanceFromGroundToStartIKBiasField ()
int & MaxIterationsField ()
float & MatchSlopeRotationSpeedField ()
float & RootPitchRotationLimitField ()
float & RootRollRotationLimitField ()
float & ForceUpdateValuesTimeLimitField ()
float & RootOffsetField ()
FRotatorRootRotationOffsetField ()
long double & LastIkUpdateTimeField ()
int & LastIKCalculationFrameField ()
long double & ForceIkUpdateTimeField ()
long double & IKFirstFrozenUpdatedTimeField ()
long double & LastIKFrozenStartTimeField ()
float & LastRootZField ()
FQuat & CurrentGroundSlopeField ()
bool & bMovedLastFrameField ()
bool & bNeedsUpdateToCachedLegInfosField ()
bool & bUsingFrozenIKField ()
long double & TimeToStopUpdatingLegCachesField ()
FVectorCachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField ()
FVectorCachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField ()
FVectorLastIKPositionField ()
float & BoneModifiersLegLengthPercentageField ()
TArray< FTransform > & LocalAtomsField ()
long double & LastMeshGameplayRelevantTimeField ()
TArray< FTransform > & CachedLocalAtomsField ()
TArray< FTransform > & CachedSpaceBasesField ()
float & GlobalAnimRateScaleField ()
float & ComponentMassScaleField ()
float & MinLinearDampingField ()
float & MinAngularDampingField ()
float & TeleportDistanceThresholdField ()
float & TeleportRotationThresholdField ()
float & ClothBlendWeightField ()
FVectorRootBoneTranslationField ()
int & NumNonZeroLODsField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionEnabled::Type > & PreSleepingKinematicsCollisionTypeField ()
FVectorLineCheckBoundsScaleField ()
TArray< unsigned short > & RequiredBonesField ()
int & RootBodyIndexField ()
TArray< FBodyInstance * > & BodiesField ()
TMap< FName, float, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< FName, float, 0 > > & MorphTargetCurvesField ()
float & ForcedBlueprintBlendCurrentWeightField ()
float & ForcedBlueprintBlendDurationField ()
TArray< FTransform > & ForcedBlueprintBlendCachedBonesField ()
UAnimSequence * SequenceToPlay_DEPRECATEDField ()
float & DefaultPosition_DEPRECATEDField ()
float & DefaultPlayRate_DEPRECATEDField ()
int & TickingModulusField ()
int & LowQualityTickingModulusField ()
int & LastKinematicWorldUpdateFrameField ()
long double & LastTickTimeField ()
long double & PreventSoundCuesTimeField ()
long double & DisableParallelAnimationsTimeField ()
bool & IgnoreStaggeredUpdatesThisTickField ()
int & StaggeredUIDField ()
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
void OnRegister ()
void OnUnregister ()
void RemoveBasedPawns (USceneComponent *BasedOnComponent)
bool IsPlayingAnimationMontagesOnSlotName (FName SlotName)
void InitAnim (bool bForceReinit)
void InitializeAnimScriptInstance (bool bForceReinit)
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void InitializeComponent ()
void TickAnimation (float DeltaTime)
bool UpdateLODStatus ()
bool ShouldUpdateTransform (bool bLODHasChanged)
bool ShouldTickPose ()
void TickPose (float DeltaTime)
void RecalcRequiredBones (int LODIndex)
void UpdateSlaveComponent ()
void UpdateBounds ()
FBoxSphereBoundsCalcBounds (FBoxSphereBounds *result, FTransform *LocalToWorld)
FTransformCalcNewComponentToWorld (FTransform *result, FTransform *NewRelativeTransform, USceneComponent *Parent)
FVectorGetMeshScaleMultiplier (FVector *result)
bool AllocateTransformData ()
void DeallocateTransformData ()
void SetAnimInstanceClass (UClass *NewClass)
void UnHideBone (int BoneIndex)
bool IsAnySimulatingPhysics ()
float GetOverrideWalkableZ (AActor *ForActor)
void SetMorphTarget (FName MorphTargetName, float Value)
bool IsPlayingMontage (UAnimMontage *Montage, float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
void SetPosition (float InPos, bool bFireNotifies)
FTransformConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld (FTransform *result, FTransform *InTransform)
float CalculateMass (FName BoneName)
bool IsPlayingRootMotion ()
void SetCollisionObjectType (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void SetCollisionEnabled (ECollisionEnabled::Type NewType)
void UpdateComponentToWorld (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void RecreatePhysicsState (bool bRestoreBoneTransforms)
void SkippedTickPose ()
bool HandleExistingParallelEvaluationTask (bool bBlockOnTask, bool bPerformPostAnimEvaluation)
void FlushMorphTargets ()
void CreateBodySetup ()
bool ContainsPhysicsTriMeshData (bool InUseAllTriData)
bool CanEditSimulatePhysics ()
void SetSimulatePhysics (bool bSimulate)
void OnComponentCollisionSettingsChanged ()
void AddRadialImpulse (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, bool bVelChange)
void AddRadialForce (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff)
void WakeAllRigidBodies ()
void PutAllRigidBodiesToSleep ()
bool IsAnyRigidBodyAwake ()
void SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector *NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetAllPhysicsPosition (FVector NewPos)
void SetAllPhysicsRotation (FRotator NewRot)
void ApplyDeltaToAllPhysicsTransforms (FVector *DeltaLocation, FQuat *DeltaRotation)
void SetPhysMaterialOverride (UPhysicalMaterial *NewPhysMaterial)
void TermArticulated ()
void TermBodiesBelow (FName ParentBoneName)
void SetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics (bool bNewSimulate)
void SetAllBodiesSleepThreshold (float SleepThresh)
void SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics (FName *InBoneName, bool bNewSimulate)
void ResetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics ()
void SetPhysicsBlendWeight (float PhysicsBlendWeight)
void SetAllBodiesPhysicsBlendWeight (float PhysicsBlendWeight, bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType)
void SetAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight (FName *InBoneName, float PhysicsBlendWeight, bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType)
void AccumulateAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight (FName *InBoneName, float PhysicsBlendWeight, bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType)
void OnUpdateTransform (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void CreatePhysicsState ()
void DestroyPhysicsState ()
FBodyInstanceGetBodyInstance (FName BoneName, bool __formal)
void GetWeldedBodies (TArray< FBodyInstance * > *OutWeldedBodies, TArray< FName > *OutLabels)
void UpdateHasValidBodies ()
void UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels ()
FVectorGetSkinnedVertexPosition (FVector *result, int VertexIndex)
bool LineTraceComponent (FHitResult *OutHit, FVector Start, FVector End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
bool ComponentOverlapComponentImpl (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimComp, FVector Pos, FQuat *Quat, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
float GetMass ()
void CompleteParallelAnimationEvaluation (bool bDoPostAnimEvaluation)
void ParallelAnimationEvaluation ()
void UpdateKinematicBonesToPhysics (bool bTeleport, bool bNeedsSkinning, bool bForceUpdate, bool bAbsoluteForceUpdate, bool bOnlyDisableKinematicCollisions)
void UpdateRBJointMotors ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from USkinnedMeshComponent
TArray< FTransform > & SpaceBasesField ()
TArray< int > & MasterBoneMapField ()
int & ForcedLodModelField ()
int & MinLodModelField ()
int & PredictedLODLevelField ()
int & OldPredictedLODLevelField ()
float & MaxDistanceFactorField ()
float & ShadowedRecentlyRenderedBoundsScaleMultiplierField ()
float & StreamingDistanceMultiplierField ()
FColorWireframeColorField ()
float & ForceTickPoseWithinRangeSquaredField ()
TArray< unsigned char > & BoneVisibilityStatesField ()
float & ProgressiveDrawingFractionField ()
char & CustomSortAlternateIndexModeField ()
FBoxSphereBoundsCachedLocalBoundsField ()
bool & bCachedLocalBoundsUpToDateField ()
bool & bEnableUpdateRateOptimizationsField ()
bool & bDisplayDebugUpdateRateOptimizationsField ()
float & SkippedTickDeltaTimeField ()
bool & bPoseTickedField ()
FBoxSphereBoundsCalcBounds (FBoxSphereBounds *result, FTransform *LocalToWorld)
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
void OnRegister ()
void OnUnregister ()
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void DestroyRenderState_Concurrent ()
FStringGetDetailedInfoInternal (FString *result)
void SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent ()
void InitLODInfos ()
bool ShouldTickPose ()
bool ShouldUpdateTransform (bool bLODHasChanged)
void TickUpdateRate ()
int GetNumMaterials ()
bool ShouldUpdateBoneVisibility ()
void RebuildVisibilityArray ()
FBoxSphereBoundsCalcMeshBound (FBoxSphereBounds *result, FVector *RootOffset, bool UsePhysicsAsset, FTransform *LocalToWorld)
FTransformGetBoneTransform (FTransform *result, int BoneIdx)
int GetBoneIndex (FName BoneName)
FNameGetBoneName (FName *result, int BoneIndex)
bool AllocateTransformData ()
void DeallocateTransformData ()
void SetMasterPoseComponent (USkinnedMeshComponent *NewMasterBoneComponent)
void InvalidateCachedBounds ()
void RefreshSlaveComponents ()
void UpdateMasterBoneMap ()
TArray< FName > * GetAllSocketNames (TArray< FName > *result)
FTransformGetSocketTransform (FTransform *result, FName InSocketName, ERelativeTransformSpace TransformSpace)
bool DoesSocketExist (FName InSocketName)
FQuat * GetBoneQuaternion (FQuat *result, FName BoneName, int Space)
FVectorGetBoneLocation (FVector *result, FName BoneName, int Space)
bool HasAnySockets ()
void UpdateOverlaps (TArray< FOverlapInfo > *PendingOverlaps, bool bDoNotifies, TArray< FOverlapInfo > *OverlapsAtEndLocation)
void TransformToBoneSpace (FName BoneName, FVector InPosition, FRotator InRotation, FVector *OutPosition, FRotator *OutRotation)
void TransformFromBoneSpace (FName BoneName, FVector InPosition, FRotator InRotation, FVector *OutPosition, FRotator *OutRotation)
FNameFindClosestBone (FName *result, FVector TestLocation, FVector *BoneLocation, float IgnoreScale)
void GetUsedMaterials (TArray< UMaterialInterface * > *OutMaterials)
FVectorGetSkinnedVertexPosition (FVector *result, int VertexIndex)
void ComputeSkinnedPositions (TArray< FVector > *OutPositions)
FColorGetVertexColor (FColor *result, int VertexIndex)
void UnHideBone (int BoneIndex)
bool IsBoneHidden (int BoneIndex)
bool IsBoneHiddenByName (FName BoneName)
void UnHideBoneByName (FName BoneName)
bool UpdateLODStatus ()
void AnimUpdateRateTick ()
void AnimUpdateRateSetParams (const bool *bRecentlyRendered, const float *MaxDistanceFactor, const bool *bPlayingRootMotion)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UMeshComponent
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > & MaterialsField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > & DefaultMaterialsOverrideField ()
TSubclassOf< AActor > & DamageFXActorToSpawnField ()
FieldArray< char, 8 > MaterialsField ()
void BeginDestroy ()
void SetMaterial (int ElementIndex, UMaterialInterface *Material)
void GetUsedMaterials (TArray< UMaterialInterface * > *OutMaterials)
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bPrioritizeCharacterTextures, int CinematicTextureGroups)
void SetTextureForceResidentFlag (bool bForceMiplevelsToBeResident)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UPrimitiveComponent
float & MinDrawDistanceField ()
float & MassiveLODSizeOnScreenField ()
float & LDMaxDrawDistanceField ()
float & CachedMaxDrawDistanceField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ESceneDepthPriorityGroup > & DepthPriorityGroupField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ESceneDepthPriorityGroup > & ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroupField ()
float & InterpRootLocationSpeedField ()
float & InterpRootRotationSpeedField ()
float & InterpRootPhysThresholdField ()
FVectorInterpolatedRootLocationField ()
FRotatorInterpolatedRootRotationField ()
int & CustomDepthStencilValueField ()
int & ObjectLayerField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EIndirectLightingCacheQuality > & IndirectLightingCacheQualityField ()
FieldArray< char, 2 > RBSyncModuloField ()
FieldArray< char, 2 > RBSyncOffsetField ()
bool & bHasCachedStaticLightingField ()
bool & bStaticLightingBuildEnqueuedField ()
int & TranslucencySortPriorityField ()
int & VisibilityIdField ()
float & LastPhysxSleepTimeField ()
unsigned int & GameThread_OverlapIncrementorField ()
unsigned int & GameThread_OverlapIndexMaskField ()
int & InternalOctreeMaskField ()
float & LpvBiasMultiplierField ()
float & OverrideStepHeightField ()
FBodyInstanceBodyInstanceField ()
float & LastCheckedAllCollideableDescendantsTimeField ()
long double & LastBasedPhysComponentOnTimeField ()
float & BoundsScaleField ()
long double & LastSubmitTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ECanBeCharacterBase > & CanCharacterStepUpOnField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > & MoveIgnoreActorsField ()
FComponentBeginOverlapSignature & OnComponentBeginOverlapField ()
FComponentEndOverlapSignature & OnComponentEndOverlapField ()
FComponentBeginCursorOverSignature & OnBeginCursorOverField ()
FComponentEndCursorOverSignature & OnEndCursorOverField ()
FComponentOnClickedSignature & OnClickedField ()
FComponentOnReleasedSignature & OnReleasedField ()
FComponentOnInputTouchBeginSignature & OnInputTouchBeginField ()
FComponentOnInputTouchEndSignature & OnInputTouchEndField ()
FComponentBeginTouchOverSignature & OnInputTouchEnterField ()
FComponentEndTouchOverSignature & OnInputTouchLeaveField ()
unsigned int & ProxyMeshIDField ()
bool & bIsProxyMeshParentField ()
bool & bHasActiveProxyMeshChildrenField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAbsoluteMaxDrawDisatance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncludeBoundsRadiusInDrawDistances ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExcludeFromLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowBasedCharacters ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoEncroachCheck_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceExcludeFromGlobalDistanceField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInterpolateRootPhys ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventBlockingProjectiles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAbstractBasingComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableAllRigidBody_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDynamicPhysics ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGenerateOverlapEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceOverlapEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiBodyOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTraceComplexOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReturnMaterialOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCullDistanceVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasMotionBlurVelocityMeshes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderCustomDepth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderInMainPass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsInForeground ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > HiddenGame_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > DrawInGame_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReceivesDecals ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOwnerNoSee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyOwnerSee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTreatAsBackgroundForOcclusion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAsOccluder ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSelectable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceMipStreaming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasPerInstanceHitProxies ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > CastShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAffectDynamicIndirectLighting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAffectDistanceFieldLighting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastDynamicShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastStaticShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > IgnoreDuringPlanarReflectionPass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastVolumetricTranslucentShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastFarShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastInsetShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastShadowAsTwoSided ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLightAsIfStatic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLightAttachmentsAsGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInternalOctree ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInternalOctreeOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRegisteredInternalOctree ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClimbable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseTimeSlicedRBSyncPhysx ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTimeSlicedRBSyncPhysx ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreRadialImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreRadialForce ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AlwaysLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AlwaysLoadOnServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseEditorCompositing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMovableUseDynamicDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverAffectNavigation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNavigationRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCachedAllCollideableDescendantsRelative ()
bool AreSymmetricRotations (FQuat *A, FQuat *B, FVector *Scale3D)
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
char GetStaticDepthPriorityGroup ()
bool HasValidSettingsForStaticLighting ()
void GetLightAndShadowMapMemoryUsage (int *NumInstances, float *BoundsSurfaceArea)
bool AreAllCollideableDescendantsRelative (bool bAllowCachedValue)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool CanCharacterStepUp (APawn *Pawn)
bool CanEditSimulatePhysics ()
void ClearMoveIgnoreActors ()
bool ComponentOverlapComponentImpl (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimComp, FVector Pos, FQuat *Quat, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
void CreatePhysicsState ()
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void DestroyPhysicsState ()
void DestroyRenderState_Concurrent ()
void DispatchBlockingHit (AActor *Owner, FHitResult *BlockingHit)
void DispatchOnClicked ()
void DispatchOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void DispatchOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void DispatchOnReleased ()
void EnsurePhysicsStateCreated ()
void FinishDestroy ()
ECollisionChannel GetCollisionObjectType ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > * GetMoveIgnoreActors ()
FBoxGetNavigationBounds (FBox *result)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutOverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
bool HasStaticLighting ()
bool HasValidPhysicsState ()
void IgnoreActorWhenMoving (AActor *Actor, bool bShouldIgnore)
void InitSweepCollisionParams (FCollisionQueryParams *OutParams, FCollisionResponseParams *OutResponseParam)
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bInvalidateBuildEnqueuedLighting, bool bTranslationOnly)
bool IsEditorOnly ()
bool IsIgnoringActorWhileMoving (AActor *ForActor)
bool IsNavigationRelevant ()
bool IsOverlappingActor (AActor *Other)
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
bool IsWorldGeometry ()
bool LineTraceComponent (FHitResult *OutHit, FVector Start, FVector End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
bool MoveComponentImpl (FVector *Delta, FQuat *NewRotationQuat, bool bSweep, FHitResult *OutHit, EMoveComponentFlags MoveFlags, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
bool NeedsLoadForClient ()
bool NeedsLoadForServer ()
void OnAttachmentChanged ()
void OnRegister ()
void OnUnregister ()
void OnUpdateTransform (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void PostDuplicate (bool bDuplicateForPIE)
void PostLoad ()
bool PrimitiveContainsPoint (FVector *Point)
void RegisterComponentTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreComponentTickState)
void SendPhysicsTransform (bool bTeleport)
void SendRenderTransform_Concurrent ()
void SetAbsoluteMaxDrawScale (bool bInValue)
void SetCanEverAffectNavigation (bool bRelevant)
void SetCastShadow (bool NewCastShadow)
void SetCullDistance (float NewCullDistance)
void SetCustomDepthStencilValue (int Value)
void SetDepthPriorityGroup (ESceneDepthPriorityGroup NewDepthPriorityGroup)
void SetOnlyOwnerSee (bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee)
void SetOwnerNoSee (bool bNewOwnerNoSee)
void SetRenderCustomDepth (bool bValue)
void SetTranslucentSortPriority (int NewTranslucentSortPriority)
bool ShouldComponentAddToScene ()
bool ShouldCreatePhysicsState ()
bool ShouldRenderSelected ()
void UpdatePhysicsVolume (bool bTriggerNotifiers)
void UpdateTimeSlicing ()
bool WasRecentlyVisible ()
void AddForce (FVector Force, FName BoneName, bool bAllowSubstepping)
void AddForceAtLocation (FVector Force, FVector Location, FName BoneName, bool bAllowSubstepping)
void AddImpulse (FVector Impulse, FName BoneName, bool bVelChange)
void AddImpulseAtLocation (FVector Impulse, FVector Location, FName BoneName)
void AddRadialForce (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff)
void AddRadialImpulse (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, bool bVelChange)
void AddTorque (FVector Torque, FName BoneName, bool bAllowSubstepping)
float CalculateMass (FName __formal)
float GetAngularDamping ()
FBodyInstanceGetBodyInstance (FName BoneName, bool bGetWelded)
FVectorGetCenterOfMass (FVector *result, FName BoneName)
ECollisionEnabled::Type GetCollisionEnabled ()
FNameGetCollisionProfileName (FName *result)
ECollisionResponse GetCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
FCollisionResponseContainerGetCollisionResponseToChannels ()
FVectorGetComponentVelocity (FVector *result)
float GetDistanceToCollision (FVector *Point, FVector *ClosestPointOnCollision)
float GetLinearDamping ()
float GetMass ()
FVectorGetPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector *result, FName BoneName)
FVectorGetPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector *result, FName BoneName)
FVectorGetPhysicsLinearVelocityAtPoint (FVector *result, FVector Point, FName BoneName)
FWalkableSlopeOverride * GetWalkableSlopeOverride ()
void GetWeldedBodies (TArray< FBodyInstance * > *OutWeldedBodies, TArray< FName > *OutLabels)
bool IsAnyRigidBodyAwake ()
bool IsGravityEnabled ()
bool IsSimulatingPhysics (FName BoneName)
bool K2_LineTraceComponent (FVector TraceStart, FVector TraceEnd, bool bTraceComplex, bool bShowTrace, FVector *HitLocation, FVector *HitNormal, FName *BoneName)
void OnActorEnableCollisionChanged (bool bCheckRecreatePhysicsState)
void OnComponentCollisionSettingsChanged ()
void PutAllRigidBodiesToSleep ()
void PutRigidBodyToSleep (FName BoneName)
bool RigidBodyIsAwake (FName BoneName)
void SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector *NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetAllPhysicsPosition (FVector NewPos)
void SetAllPhysicsRotation (FRotator NewRot)
void SetAngularDamping (float InDamping)
void SetCenterOfMass (FVector CenterOfMassOffset, FName BoneName)
void SetCollisionEnabled (ECollisionEnabled::Type NewType)
void SetCollisionObjectType (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void SetCollisionProfileName (FName InCollisionProfileName)
void SetCollisionResponseToAllChannels (ECollisionResponse NewResponse)
void SetCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel, ECollisionResponse NewResponse)
void SetEnableGravity (bool bGravityEnabled)
void SetLinearDamping (float InDamping)
void SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision (bool bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision)
void SetPhysMaterialOverride (UPhysicalMaterial *NewPhysMaterial)
void SetPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent, FName BoneName)
void SetPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent, FName BoneName)
void SetPhysicsMaxAngularVelocity (float NewMaxAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent, FName BoneName)
void SetSimulatePhysics (bool bSimulate)
void SyncComponentToRBPhysics ()
void UnWeldFromParent ()
void UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels ()
void WakeAllRigidBodies ()
void WeldTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName)
bool WeldToImplementation (USceneComponent *InParent, FName ParentSocketName, bool bWeldSimulatedChild)
void SetInternalOctreeMask (int InOctreeMask, bool bReregisterWithTree)
float & MinDrawDistanceField ()
float & MassiveLODSizeOnScreenField ()
float & LDMaxDrawDistanceField ()
float & CachedMaxDrawDistanceField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ESceneDepthPriorityGroup > & DepthPriorityGroupField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ESceneDepthPriorityGroup > & ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroupField ()
int & CustomDepthStencilValueField ()
int & ObjectLayerField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EIndirectLightingCacheQuality > & IndirectLightingCacheQualityField ()
bool & bHasCachedStaticLightingField ()
bool & bStaticLightingBuildEnqueuedField ()
int & TranslucencySortPriorityField ()
int & VisibilityIdField ()
float & LastPhysxSleepTimeField ()
unsigned int & GameThread_OverlapIncrementorField ()
unsigned int & GameThread_OverlapIndexMaskField ()
int & InternalOctreeMaskField ()
float & LpvBiasMultiplierField ()
float & OverrideStepHeightField ()
FBodyInstanceBodyInstanceField ()
float & LastCheckedAllCollideableDescendantsTimeField ()
float & BoundsScaleField ()
long double & LastSubmitTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ECanBeCharacterBase > & CanCharacterStepUpOnField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > & MoveIgnoreActorsField ()
FComponentBeginOverlapSignature & OnComponentBeginOverlapField ()
FComponentEndOverlapSignature & OnComponentEndOverlapField ()
FComponentBeginCursorOverSignature & OnBeginCursorOverField ()
FComponentEndCursorOverSignature & OnEndCursorOverField ()
FComponentOnClickedSignature & OnClickedField ()
FComponentOnReleasedSignature & OnReleasedField ()
FComponentOnInputTouchBeginSignature & OnInputTouchBeginField ()
FComponentOnInputTouchEndSignature & OnInputTouchEndField ()
FComponentBeginTouchOverSignature & OnInputTouchEnterField ()
FComponentEndTouchOverSignature & OnInputTouchLeaveField ()
unsigned int & ProxyMeshIDField ()
bool & bIsProxyMeshParentField ()
bool & bHasActiveProxyMeshChildrenField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAbsoluteMaxDrawDisatance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncludeBoundsRadiusInDrawDistances ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExcludeFromLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowBasedCharacters ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoEncroachCheck_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableAllRigidBody_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDynamicPhysics ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGenerateOverlapEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceOverlapEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiBodyOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTraceComplexOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReturnMaterialOnMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCullDistanceVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasMotionBlurVelocityMeshes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderCustomDepth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderInMainPass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsInForeground ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > HiddenGame_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > DrawInGame_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReceivesDecals ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOwnerNoSee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyOwnerSee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTreatAsBackgroundForOcclusion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAsOccluder ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSelectable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceMipStreaming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasPerInstanceHitProxies ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > CastShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAffectDynamicIndirectLighting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAffectDistanceFieldLighting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastDynamicShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastStaticShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastVolumetricTranslucentShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastFarShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastInsetShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCastShadowAsTwoSided ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLightAsIfStatic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLightAttachmentsAsGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInternalOctree ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInternalOctreeOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRegisteredInternalOctree ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreRadialImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreRadialForce ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AlwaysLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AlwaysLoadOnServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseEditorCompositing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMovableUseDynamicDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverAffectNavigation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNavigationRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCachedAllCollideableDescendantsRelative ()
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
bool AreSymmetricRotations (FQuat *A, FQuat *B, FVector *Scale3D)
char GetStaticDepthPriorityGroup ()
bool HasValidSettingsForStaticLighting ()
void GetLightAndShadowMapMemoryUsage (int *OutNum, int *OutMax)
void DestroyRenderState_Concurrent ()
void FinishDestroy ()
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bInvalidateBuildEnqueuedLighting, bool bTranslationOnly)
bool IsEditorOnly ()
void RegisterComponentTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreComponentTickState)
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void SendRenderTransform_Concurrent ()
void OnRegister ()
void OnUnregister ()
void OnAttachmentChanged ()
void CreatePhysicsState ()
void OnUpdateTransform (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
void PostLoad ()
void PostDuplicate (bool bDuplicateForPIE)
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
bool NeedsLoadForClient ()
bool NeedsLoadForServer ()
void SetOwnerNoSee (bool bNewOwnerNoSee)
void SetOnlyOwnerSee (bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee)
bool ShouldComponentAddToScene ()
bool ShouldCreatePhysicsState ()
bool HasValidPhysicsState ()
bool ShouldRenderSelected ()
void SetCastShadow (bool NewCastShadow)
void SetCullDistance (float NewCullDistance)
void SetAbsoluteMaxDrawScale (bool bInValue)
bool IsWorldGeometry ()
ECollisionChannel GetCollisionObjectType ()
void InitSweepCollisionParams (FCollisionQueryParams *OutParams, FCollisionResponseParams *OutResponseParam)
bool MoveComponentImpl (FVector *Delta, FQuat *NewRotationQuat, bool bSweep, FHitResult *OutHit, EMoveComponentFlags MoveFlags, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
void DispatchBlockingHit (AActor *Owner, FHitResult *BlockingHit)
bool IsNavigationRelevant ()
FBoxGetNavigationBounds (FBox *result)
void SetCanEverAffectNavigation (bool bRelevant)
bool LineTraceComponent (FHitResult *OutHit, FVector Start, FVector End, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
bool ComponentOverlapComponentImpl (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimComp, FVector Pos, FQuat *Quat, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
bool IsOverlappingActor (AActor *Other)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutOverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
bool AreAllCollideableDescendantsRelative (bool bAllowCachedValue)
void IgnoreActorWhenMoving (AActor *Actor, bool bShouldIgnore)
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > * GetMoveIgnoreActors ()
void UpdatePhysicsVolume (bool bTriggerNotifiers)
void DispatchOnClicked ()
void DispatchOnReleased ()
void DispatchOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void DispatchOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void SetRenderCustomDepth (bool bValue)
void SetCollisionResponseSet (FCollisionResponseSet *Col)
void SetCustomDepthStencilValue (int Value)
bool CanCharacterStepUp (APawn *Pawn)
bool CanEditSimulatePhysics ()
void SetSimulatePhysics (bool bSimulate)
void AddImpulse (FVector Impulse, FName BoneName, bool bVelChange)
void AddImpulseAtLocation (FVector Impulse, FVector Location, FName BoneName)
void AddRadialImpulse (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, bool bVelChange)
void AddForce (FVector Force, FName BoneName)
void AddForceAtLocation (FVector Force, FVector Location, FName BoneName)
void AddRadialForce (FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff)
void SetPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent, FName BoneName)
FVectorGetPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector *result, FName BoneName)
void SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity (FVector NewVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent, FName BoneName)
FVectorGetPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector *result, FName BoneName)
void SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity (FVector *NewAngVel, bool bAddToCurrent)
void SetAllPhysicsPosition (FVector NewPos)
void SetAllPhysicsRotation (FRotator NewRot)
void WakeRigidBody (FName BoneName)
void WakeAllRigidBodies ()
void SetEnableGravity (bool bGravityEnabled)
bool IsGravityEnabled ()
void SetLinearDamping (float InDamping)
float GetLinearDamping ()
void SetAngularDamping (float InDamping)
float GetAngularDamping ()
float GetMass ()
float CalculateMass (FName __formal)
void PutRigidBodyToSleep (FName BoneName)
void PutAllRigidBodiesToSleep ()
bool RigidBodyIsAwake (FName BoneName)
bool IsAnyRigidBodyAwake ()
void SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision (bool bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision)
void SetPhysMaterialOverride (UPhysicalMaterial *NewPhysMaterial)
void SyncComponentToRBPhysics ()
void GetWeldedBodies (TArray< FBodyInstance * > *OutWeldedBodies, TArray< FName > *OutLabels)
void WeldTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName)
void UnWeldFromParent ()
FBodyInstanceGetBodyInstance (FName BoneName, bool bGetWelded)
float GetDistanceToCollision (FVector *Point, FVector *ClosestPointOnCollision)
bool IsSimulatingPhysics (FName BoneName)
FVectorGetComponentVelocity (FVector *result)
void SetCollisionObjectType (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void SetCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel, ECollisionResponse NewResponse)
void SetCollisionResponseToAllChannels (ECollisionResponse NewResponse)
void SetCollisionEnabled (ECollisionEnabled::Type NewType)
void SetCollisionProfileName (FName InCollisionProfileName)
FNameGetCollisionProfileName (FName *result)
void OnActorEnableCollisionChanged ()
void OnComponentCollisionSettingsChanged ()
bool K2_LineTraceComponent (FVector TraceStart, FVector TraceEnd, bool bTraceComplex, bool bShowTrace, FVector *HitLocation, FVector *HitNormal, FName *BoneName)
ECollisionEnabled::Type GetCollisionEnabled ()
ECollisionResponse GetCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels ()
void SetInternalOctreeMask (int InOctreeMask, bool bReregisterWithTree)
- Public Member Functions inherited from USceneComponent
FTransformComponentToWorldField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EComponentMobility::Type > & MobilityField ()
FBoxSphereBoundsBoundsField ()
USceneComponentAttachParentField ()
FNameAttachSocketNameField ()
TArray< USceneComponent * > AttachChildrenField ()
FVectorRelativeLocationField ()
FRotatorRelativeRotationField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EDetailMode > & DetailModeField ()
int & AttachmentChangedIncrementerField ()
bool & NetUpdateTransformField ()
USceneComponentNetOldAttachParentField ()
FNameNetOldAttachSocketNameField ()
FVectorRelativeScale3DField ()
FVectorComponentVelocityField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresCustomLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowActorUpdateCallback ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteTranslation_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bVisible ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHiddenInGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachedSoundsForceHighPriority ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUpdateChildOverlaps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBoundsChangeTriggersStreamingDataRebuild ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachParentBound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWorldToComponentUpdated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientSyncAlwaysUpdatePhysicsCollision ()
FVectorGetCustomLocation (FVector *result)
void OnChildAttached (USceneComponent *ChildComponent)
void AddLocalOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddLocalRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddLocalTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
void AddWorldOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddWorldRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddWorldTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
void AppendDescendants (TArray< USceneComponent * > *Children)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
void AttachTo (USceneComponent *Parent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void BeginDestroy ()
void CalcBoundingCylinder (float *CylinderRadius, float *CylinderHalfHeight)
FBoxSphereBoundsCalcBounds (FBoxSphereBounds *result, FTransform *LocalToWorld)
FTransformCalcNewComponentToWorld (FTransform *result, FTransform *NewRelativeTransform, USceneComponent *Parent)
bool CanEverRender ()
void DestroyComponent ()
void DetachFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
unsigned __int64 GetAttachParent ()
USceneComponentGetAttachmentRoot ()
AActorGetAttachmentRootActor ()
USceneComponentGetChildComponent (int ChildIndex)
void GetChildrenComponents (bool bIncludeAllDescendants, TArray< USceneComponent * > *Children)
FCollisionResponseContainerGetCollisionResponseToChannels ()
FVectorGetComponentVelocity (FVector *result)
FVectorGetForwardVector (FVector *result)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
FVectorGetMeshScaleMultiplier (FVector *result)
int GetNumChildrenComponents ()
void GetParentComponents (TArray< USceneComponent * > *Parents)
FBoxSphereBoundsGetPlacementExtent (FBoxSphereBounds *result)
FTransformGetRelativeTransform (FTransform *result)
FVectorGetRightVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetSocketLocation (FVector *result, FName SocketName)
FQuat * GetSocketQuaternion (FQuat *result, FName SocketName)
FRotatorGetSocketRotation (FRotator *result, FName SocketName)
FTransformGetSocketTransform (FTransform *result, FName SocketName, ERelativeTransformSpace TransformSpace)
void GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation (FName InSocketName, FVector *OutLocation, FQuat *OutRotation)
void GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation (FName InSocketName, FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation)
FVectorGetUpVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetWorldLocation (FVector *result)
bool InternalSetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *RotationQuat, bool bNoPhysics)
bool IsAnySimulatingPhysics ()
bool IsAttachedTo (USceneComponent *TestComp)
bool IsDeferringMovementUpdates ()
bool IsVisible ()
bool IsVisibleInEditor ()
void K2_AttachTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
FRotatorK2_GetComponentRotation (FRotator *result)
FVectorK2_GetComponentScale (FVector *result)
FTransformK2_GetComponentToWorld (FTransform *result)
bool MoveComponentImpl (FVector *Delta, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep, FHitResult *OutHit, EMoveComponentFlags MoveFlags, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
void OnRegister ()
void OnRep_Transform ()
void OnRep_Visibility (bool OldValue)
void PostInterpChange (UProperty *PropertyThatChanged)
void PostNetReceive ()
void PreNetReceive ()
void ResetRelativeTransform ()
void SetAbsolute (bool bNewAbsoluteLocation, bool bNewAbsoluteRotation, bool bNewAbsoluteScale)
void SetHiddenInGame (bool NewHiddenGame, bool bPropagateToChildren)
void SetMobility (EComponentMobility::Type NewMobility)
void SetRelativeLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetRelativeScale3D (FVector NewScale3D)
void SetRelativeTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void SetVisibility (bool bNewVisibility, bool bPropagateToChildren)
void SetWorldLocation (FVector NewLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotationNoPhysics (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
void SetWorldRotation (FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldScale3D (FVector NewScale)
void SetWorldTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
bool ShouldComponentAddToScene ()
bool ShouldRender ()
void SnapTo (USceneComponent *Parent, FName InSocketName)
void StopSound (USoundBase *SoundToStop, float FadeOutTime)
void ToggleVisibility (bool bPropagateToChildren)
void UpdateBounds ()
void UpdateChildTransforms ()
void UpdateComponentToWorld (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void UpdateComponentToWorldWithParent (USceneComponent *Parent, bool bSkipPhysicsMove, FQuat *RelativeRotationQuat)
void UpdateNavigationData ()
void UpdatePhysicsVolume (bool bTriggerNotifiers)
FTransformComponentToWorldField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EComponentMobility::Type > & MobilityField ()
FBoxSphereBoundsBoundsField ()
USceneComponentAttachParentField ()
FNameAttachSocketNameField ()
TArray< USceneComponent * > AttachChildrenField ()
FVectorRelativeLocationField ()
FRotatorRelativeRotationField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EDetailMode > & DetailModeField ()
int & AttachmentChangedIncrementerField ()
bool & NetUpdateTransformField ()
USceneComponentNetOldAttachParentField ()
FNameNetOldAttachSocketNameField ()
FVectorRelativeScale3DField ()
FVectorComponentVelocityField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresCustomLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowActorUpdateCallback ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteTranslation_DEPRECATED ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bVisible ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHiddenInGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachedSoundsForceHighPriority ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUpdateChildOverlaps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBoundsChangeTriggersStreamingDataRebuild ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachParentBound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWorldToComponentUpdated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientSyncAlwaysUpdatePhysicsCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreParentTransformUpdate ()
void OnChildAttached (USceneComponent *ChildComponent)
FVectorGetCustomLocation (FVector *result)
bool IsCollisionEnabled ()
TArray< FName > * GetAllSocketNames (TArray< FName > *result)
FVectorGetForwardVector (FVector *result)
FTransformCalcNewComponentToWorld (FTransform *result, FTransform *NewRelativeTransform, USceneComponent *Parent)
void UpdateComponentToWorldWithParent (USceneComponent *Parent, bool bSkipPhysicsMove, FQuat *RelativeRotationQuat)
void OnRegister ()
void UpdateComponentToWorld (bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void PropagateTransformUpdate (bool bTransformChanged, bool bSkipPhysicsMove)
void DestroyComponent ()
FBoxSphereBoundsCalcBounds (FBoxSphereBounds *result, FTransform *LocalToWorld)
void CalcBoundingCylinder (float *CylinderRadius, float *CylinderHalfHeight)
void UpdateBounds ()
void SetRelativeLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddLocalOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddLocalRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddLocalTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
void AddWorldTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
void SetRelativeScale3D (FVector NewScale3D)
void ResetRelativeTransform ()
void SetRelativeTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
FTransformGetRelativeTransform (FTransform *result)
void SetWorldLocation (FVector NewLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldRotation (FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldScale3D (FVector NewScale)
void SetWorldTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetWorldLocationAndRotationNoPhysics (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
void SetAbsolute (bool bNewAbsoluteLocation, bool bNewAbsoluteRotation, bool bNewAbsoluteScale)
FVectorGetRightVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetUpVector (FVector *result)
USceneComponentGetAttachParent ()
void GetChildrenComponents (bool bIncludeAllDescendants, TArray< USceneComponent * > *Children)
void AppendDescendants (TArray< USceneComponent * > *Children)
void AttachTo (USceneComponent *Parent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void DetachFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
FVectorGetMeshScaleMultiplier (FVector *result)
FTransformGetBaseToWorldTransform (FTransform *result)
AActorGetAttachmentRootActor ()
void UpdateChildTransforms ()
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
void PostInterpChange (UProperty *PropertyThatChanged)
FTransformGetSocketTransform (FTransform *result, FName SocketName, ERelativeTransformSpace TransformSpace)
FVectorGetSocketLocation (FVector *result, FName SocketName)
FRotatorGetSocketRotation (FRotator *result, FName SocketName)
FQuat * GetSocketQuaternion (FQuat *result, FName SocketName)
FVectorGetComponentVelocity (FVector *result)
void GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation (FName InSocketName, FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation)
FCollisionResponseContainerGetCollisionResponseToChannels ()
void SetMobility (EComponentMobility::Type NewMobility)
bool IsAnySimulatingPhysics ()
void UpdatePhysicsVolume (bool bTriggerNotifiers)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool InternalSetWorldLocationAndRotation (FVector NewLocation, FQuat *RotationQuat, bool bNoPhysics)
bool MoveComponentImpl (FVector *Delta, FQuat *NewRotation, bool bSweep, FHitResult *OutHit, EMoveComponentFlags MoveFlags, bool bUpdateOverlaps)
bool IsVisibleInEditor ()
bool ShouldRender ()
bool CanEverRender ()
bool IsVisible ()
void SetVisibility (bool bNewVisibility, bool bPropagateToChildren)
void SetHiddenInGame (bool NewHiddenGame, bool bPropagateToChildren)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
FBoxSphereBoundsGetPlacementExtent (FBoxSphereBounds *result)
void PreNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void StopSound (USoundBase *SoundToStop, float FadeOutTime)
FVectorGetWorldLocation (FVector *result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UActorComponent
TArray< FName > & ComponentTagsField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
AActorCachedOwnerField ()
UWorldWorldField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRegistered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderStateDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderTransformDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderDynamicDataDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoRegister ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickInEditor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNeverNeedsRenderUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowConcurrentTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedByConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsInitializeComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasBeenCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasBeenInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasisPreventUnregister ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasCachedOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderStateCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPhysicsStateCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetAddressable ()
bool AllowRegisterWithWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
void Activate (bool bReset)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
void BPTickComponent (float DeltaTime)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool ComponentHasTag (FName Tag)
void CreatePhysicsState ()
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void Deactivate ()
void DestroyComponent ()
void DestroyPhysicsState ()
void DestroyRenderState_Concurrent ()
void DoDeferredRenderUpdates_Concurrent ()
void ExecuteRegisterEvents ()
void ExecuteUnregisterEvents ()
ULevelGetComponentLevel ()
bool GetIsReplicated ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
AActorGetOwner ()
FStringGetReadableName (FString *result)
UWorldGetWorld ()
void InitializeComponent ()
bool IsComponentTickEnabled ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsNetSimulating ()
bool IsOwnerSelected ()
bool IsActive ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
void MarkForNeededEndOfFrameRecreate ()
void MarkForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate ()
void MarkRenderDynamicDataDirty ()
void MarkRenderStateDirty ()
void MarkRenderTransformDirty ()
bool NeedsLoadForClient ()
bool NeedsLoadForServer ()
void OnComponentCreated ()
void OnComponentDestroyed ()
void OnRegister ()
void OnRep_IsActive ()
void PostInitProperties ()
void PostRename (UObject *OldOuter, FName OldName)
void RecreatePhysicsState (bool bRestoreBoneTransforms)
void RecreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void RegisterComponent ()
void RegisterComponentTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreComponentTickState)
void RegisterComponentWithWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void ReregisterComponent ()
void SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent ()
void SendRenderTransform_Concurrent ()
void SetActive (bool bNewActive, bool bReset)
void SetComponentTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
void SetComponentTickEnabledAsync (bool bEnabled)
void SetIsReplicated (bool ShouldReplicate)
void SetNetAddressable ()
bool ShouldActivate ()
void ToggleActive ()
void UninitializeComponent ()
void UnregisterComponent ()
void FailedToRegisterWithWorld (UObject *Object)
TArray< FName > & ComponentTagsField ()
TArray< UAssetUserData * > AssetUserDataField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
AActorCachedOwnerField ()
UWorldWorldField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRegistered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderStateDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderTransformDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderDynamicDataDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoRegister ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickInEditor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNeverNeedsRenderUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowConcurrentTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedByConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsInitializeComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasBeenCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasBeenInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnComponentTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnComponentDestroyed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyInitialReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasCachedOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRenderStateCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPhysicsStateCreated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetAddressable ()
void InvalidateLightingCache ()
bool IsPhysicsStateCreated ()
void PostInitProperties ()
void PostRename (UObject *OldOuter, FName OldName)
AActorGetOwner ()
UWorldGetWorld ()
bool ComponentHasTag (FName Tag)
FStringGetReadableName (FString *result)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool NeedsLoadForClient ()
bool NeedsLoadForServer ()
void OnRegister ()
void InitializeComponent ()
void UninitializeComponent ()
void SetComponentTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
void SetComponentTickEnabledAsync (bool bEnabled)
void RegisterComponentTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreComponentTickState)
void RegisterComponentWithWorld (UWorld *InWorld)
void RegisterComponent ()
void UnregisterComponent ()
void DestroyComponent ()
void OnComponentCreated ()
void OnComponentDestroyed ()
void CreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void SendRenderTransform_Concurrent ()
void SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent ()
void DestroyRenderState_Concurrent ()
void CreatePhysicsState ()
void DestroyPhysicsState ()
void ExecuteRegisterEvents ()
void ExecuteUnregisterEvents ()
void ReregisterComponent ()
void RecreateRenderState_Concurrent ()
void RecreatePhysicsState (bool bRestoreBoneTransforms)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void DoDeferredRenderUpdates_Concurrent ()
void MarkRenderDynamicDataDirty ()
void MarkForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate ()
void MarkForNeededEndOfFrameRecreate ()
void Activate (bool bReset)
void Deactivate ()
bool ShouldActivate ()
void SetActive (bool bNewActive, bool bReset)
void ToggleActive ()
bool IsActive ()
void AddAssetUserData (UAssetUserData *InUserData)
UAssetUserDataGetAssetUserDataOfClass (TSubclassOf< UAssetUserData > InUserDataClass)
void RemoveUserDataOfClass (TSubclassOf< UAssetUserData > InUserDataClass)
void SetNetAddressable ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
void SetIsReplicated (bool ShouldReplicate)
bool GetIsReplicated ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
void AddedAsPrimalItemAttachment ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
void ExecuteUbergraph (int EntryPoint)
bool AreAllOuterObjectsValid ()
FNameGetExporterName (FName *result)
FStringGetDetailedInfoInternal (FString *result)
UObjectGetArchetype ()
bool IsBasedOnArchetype (UObject *const SomeObject)
bool IsInBlueprint ()
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void LoadLocalized (UObject *LocBase, bool bLoadHierachecally)
void LocalizeProperty (UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString > *PropertyTagChain, UProperty *const BaseProperty, UProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress)
void BeginDestroy ()
void FinishDestroy ()
FStringGetDetailedInfo (FString *result)
bool ConditionalBeginDestroy ()
bool ConditionalFinishDestroy ()
void ConditionalPostLoad ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
bool IsSelected ()
void CollectDefaultSubobjects (TArray< UObject * > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects)
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool IsAsset ()
bool IsSafeForRootSet ()
void LoadConfig (UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, UProperty *PropertyToLoad)
void ConditionalShutdownAfterError ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsFullNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
UFunctionFindFunctionChecked (FName InName)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parms)
 __declspec (dllexport) UProperty *FindProperty(FName name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBaseUtility
int GetLinkerUE4Version ()
int GetLinkerLicenseeUE4Version ()
FStringGetPathName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void GetPathName (UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString)
FStringGetFullName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void MarkPackageDirty ()
bool IsIn (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsA (UClass *SomeBase)
void * GetInterfaceAddress (UClass *InterfaceClass)
bool IsDefaultSubobject ()
int GetLinkerIndex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
EObjectFlagsObjectFlagsField ()
int & InternalIndexField ()
UClassClassField ()
FNameNameField ()
UObjectOuterField ()
void DeferredRegister (UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)
bool IsValidLowLevel ()
bool IsValidLowLevelFast (bool bRecursive)
void Register (const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UMeshComponent
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UPrimitiveComponent
static void DispatchMouseOverEvents (UPrimitiveComponent *CurrentComponent, UPrimitiveComponent *NewComponent)
static void DispatchTouchOverEvents (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, UPrimitiveComponent *CurrentComponent, UPrimitiveComponent *NewComponent)
static float GetRBSync_StartDistance ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUPrimitiveComponent ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static void DispatchMouseOverEvents (UPrimitiveComponent *CurrentComponent, UPrimitiveComponent *NewComponent)
static void DispatchTouchOverEvents (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex, UPrimitiveComponent *CurrentComponent, UPrimitiveComponent *NewComponent)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUPrimitiveComponent ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from USceneComponent
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUSceneComponent ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void StaticRegisterNativesUSceneComponent ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UActorComponent
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUActorComponent ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static UObjectGetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo (UClass *Class, UObject *Outer, FName Name, bool bIsCDO)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
static void EmitBaseReferences (UClass *RootClass)
- Public Attributes inherited from UMeshComponent
TArray< UMaterialInterface *, FDefaultAllocatorMaterials
TArray< UMaterialInterface *, FDefaultAllocatorDefaultMaterialsOverride
TSubclassOf< AActorDamageFXActorToSpawn

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9021 of file Actor.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AccumulateAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::AccumulateAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight ( FName * InBoneName,
float PhysicsBlendWeight,
bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType )

Definition at line 9202 of file Actor.h.

◆ AddRadialForce()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::AddRadialForce ( FVector Origin,
float Radius,
float Strength,
ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff )

Definition at line 9182 of file Actor.h.

◆ AddRadialImpulse()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::AddRadialImpulse ( FVector Origin,
float Radius,
float Strength,
ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff,
bool bVelChange )

Definition at line 9181 of file Actor.h.

◆ AllocateTransformData()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::AllocateTransformData ( )

Definition at line 9148 of file Actor.h.

◆ ApplyDeltaToAllPhysicsTransforms()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::ApplyDeltaToAllPhysicsTransforms ( FVector * DeltaLocation,
FQuat * DeltaRotation )

Definition at line 9190 of file Actor.h.

◆ bMovedLastFrameField()

bool & USkeletalMeshComponent::bMovedLastFrameField ( )

Definition at line 9068 of file Actor.h.

◆ bNeedsUpdateToCachedLegInfosField()

bool & USkeletalMeshComponent::bNeedsUpdateToCachedLegInfosField ( )

Definition at line 9069 of file Actor.h.

◆ BodiesField()

TArray< FBodyInstance * > & USkeletalMeshComponent::BodiesField ( )

Definition at line 9098 of file Actor.h.

◆ BoneModifiersLegLengthPercentageField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::BoneModifiersLegLengthPercentageField ( )

Definition at line 9076 of file Actor.h.

◆ bUsingFrozenIKField()

bool & USkeletalMeshComponent::bUsingFrozenIKField ( )

Definition at line 9070 of file Actor.h.

◆ CachedLocalAtomsField()

TArray< FTransform > & USkeletalMeshComponent::CachedLocalAtomsField ( )

Definition at line 9082 of file Actor.h.

◆ CachedSpaceBasesField()

TArray< FTransform > & USkeletalMeshComponent::CachedSpaceBasesField ( )

Definition at line 9083 of file Actor.h.

◆ CachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::CachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField ( )

Definition at line 9074 of file Actor.h.

◆ CachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::CachedTwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField ( )

Definition at line 9073 of file Actor.h.

◆ CalcBounds()

FBoxSphereBounds * USkeletalMeshComponent::CalcBounds ( FBoxSphereBounds * result,
FTransform * LocalToWorld )

Definition at line 9144 of file Actor.h.

◆ CalcNewComponentToWorld()

FTransform * USkeletalMeshComponent::CalcNewComponentToWorld ( FTransform * result,
FTransform * NewRelativeTransform,
USceneComponent * Parent )

Definition at line 9145 of file Actor.h.

◆ CalculateMass()

float USkeletalMeshComponent::CalculateMass ( FName BoneName)

Definition at line 9167 of file Actor.h.

◆ CanEditSimulatePhysics()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::CanEditSimulatePhysics ( )

Definition at line 9178 of file Actor.h.

◆ ClothBlendWeightField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::ClothBlendWeightField ( )

Definition at line 9091 of file Actor.h.

◆ CompleteParallelAnimationEvaluation()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::CompleteParallelAnimationEvaluation ( bool bDoPostAnimEvaluation)

Definition at line 9218 of file Actor.h.

◆ ComponentMassScaleField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::ComponentMassScaleField ( )

Definition at line 9086 of file Actor.h.

◆ ComponentOverlapComponentImpl()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::ComponentOverlapComponentImpl ( UPrimitiveComponent * PrimComp,
FVector Pos,
FQuat * Quat,
FCollisionQueryParams * Params )

Definition at line 9214 of file Actor.h.

◆ ContainsPhysicsTriMeshData()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::ContainsPhysicsTriMeshData ( bool InUseAllTriData)

Definition at line 9177 of file Actor.h.

◆ ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld()

FTransform * USkeletalMeshComponent::ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld ( FTransform * result,
FTransform * InTransform )

Definition at line 9166 of file Actor.h.

◆ CreateBodySetup()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::CreateBodySetup ( )

Definition at line 9176 of file Actor.h.

◆ CreatePhysicsState()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::CreatePhysicsState ( )

Definition at line 9204 of file Actor.h.

◆ CreateRenderState_Concurrent()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent ( )

Definition at line 9130 of file Actor.h.

◆ CurrentGroundSlopeField()

FQuat & USkeletalMeshComponent::CurrentGroundSlopeField ( )

Definition at line 9067 of file Actor.h.

◆ CurrentSkeletonUpDirField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::CurrentSkeletonUpDirField ( )

Definition at line 9026 of file Actor.h.

◆ DeallocateTransformData()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::DeallocateTransformData ( )

Definition at line 9149 of file Actor.h.

◆ DefaultPlayRate_DEPRECATEDField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DefaultPlayRate_DEPRECATEDField ( )

Definition at line 9110 of file Actor.h.

◆ DefaultPosition_DEPRECATEDField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DefaultPosition_DEPRECATEDField ( )

Definition at line 9109 of file Actor.h.

◆ DestroyPhysicsState()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::DestroyPhysicsState ( )

Definition at line 9205 of file Actor.h.

◆ DinoIKAnimationLegZOffsetingMultiplierField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DinoIKAnimationLegZOffsetingMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 9048 of file Actor.h.

◆ DinoIKDelayedTraceFreezeDurationMultiplierField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DinoIKDelayedTraceFreezeDurationMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 9046 of file Actor.h.

◆ DinoIKSlopeMatchingRootHeightOffsetField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DinoIKSlopeMatchingRootHeightOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 9047 of file Actor.h.

◆ DisableParallelAnimationsTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::DisableParallelAnimationsTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9116 of file Actor.h.

◆ DistanceFromGroundToStartIKBiasField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DistanceFromGroundToStartIKBiasField ( )

Definition at line 9053 of file Actor.h.

◆ DistanceFromGroundToStartIKField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::DistanceFromGroundToStartIKField ( )

Definition at line 9052 of file Actor.h.

◆ FeetAlignmentLimitField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::FeetAlignmentLimitField ( )

Definition at line 9042 of file Actor.h.

◆ FlushMorphTargets()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::FlushMorphTargets ( )

Definition at line 9175 of file Actor.h.

◆ ForcedBlueprintBlendCachedBonesField()

TArray< FTransform > & USkeletalMeshComponent::ForcedBlueprintBlendCachedBonesField ( )

Definition at line 9107 of file Actor.h.

◆ ForcedBlueprintBlendCurrentWeightField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::ForcedBlueprintBlendCurrentWeightField ( )

Definition at line 9105 of file Actor.h.

◆ ForcedBlueprintBlendDurationField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::ForcedBlueprintBlendDurationField ( )

Definition at line 9106 of file Actor.h.

◆ ForceIkUpdateTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::ForceIkUpdateTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9063 of file Actor.h.

◆ ForceUpdateValuesTimeLimitField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::ForceUpdateValuesTimeLimitField ( )

Definition at line 9058 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetBodyInstance()

FBodyInstance * USkeletalMeshComponent::GetBodyInstance ( FName BoneName,
bool __formal )

Definition at line 9206 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetMass()

float USkeletalMeshComponent::GetMass ( )

Definition at line 9217 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetMeshScaleMultiplier()

FVector * USkeletalMeshComponent::GetMeshScaleMultiplier ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 9146 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetOverrideWalkableZ()

float USkeletalMeshComponent::GetOverrideWalkableZ ( AActor * ForActor)

Definition at line 9156 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetSkinnedVertexPosition()

FVector * USkeletalMeshComponent::GetSkinnedVertexPosition ( FVector * result,
int VertexIndex )

Definition at line 9211 of file Actor.h.

◆ GetWeldedBodies()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::GetWeldedBodies ( TArray< FBodyInstance * > * OutWeldedBodies,
TArray< FName > * OutLabels )

Definition at line 9207 of file Actor.h.

◆ GlobalAnimRateScaleField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::GlobalAnimRateScaleField ( )

Definition at line 9084 of file Actor.h.

◆ HandleExistingParallelEvaluationTask()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::HandleExistingParallelEvaluationTask ( bool bBlockOnTask,
bool bPerformPostAnimEvaluation )

Definition at line 9174 of file Actor.h.

◆ IgnoreStaggeredUpdatesThisTickField()

bool & USkeletalMeshComponent::IgnoreStaggeredUpdatesThisTickField ( )

Definition at line 9117 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkFabrikInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkFabrikInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9038 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkFeetAlignmentInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkFeetAlignmentInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9039 of file Actor.h.

◆ IKFirstFrozenUpdatedTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::IKFirstFrozenUpdatedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9064 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkGroundPlaneInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkGroundPlaneInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9040 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9036 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkInterpSpeedUpField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkInterpSpeedUpField ( )

Definition at line 9037 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootAdjustmentHeightCSField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootAdjustmentHeightCSField ( )

Definition at line 9031 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootLocationOffsetField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootLocationOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 9045 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9032 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedUpField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootOffsetInterpSpeedUpField ( )

Definition at line 9033 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootRotationOffsetField()

FRotator & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootRotationOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 9044 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9034 of file Actor.h.

◆ IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedUpField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::IkRootWorldOffsetInterpSpeedUpField ( )

Definition at line 9035 of file Actor.h.

◆ InitAnim()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::InitAnim ( bool bForceReinit)

Definition at line 9128 of file Actor.h.

◆ InitializeAnimScriptInstance()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::InitializeAnimScriptInstance ( bool bForceReinit)

Definition at line 9129 of file Actor.h.

◆ InitializeComponent()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::InitializeComponent ( )

Definition at line 9131 of file Actor.h.

◆ InterpolatedRootLocationField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::InterpolatedRootLocationField ( )

Definition at line 9024 of file Actor.h.

◆ InterpolatedRootRotationField()

FRotator & USkeletalMeshComponent::InterpolatedRootRotationField ( )

Definition at line 9025 of file Actor.h.

◆ IsAnyRigidBodyAwake()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::IsAnyRigidBodyAwake ( )

Definition at line 9185 of file Actor.h.

◆ IsAnySimulatingPhysics()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::IsAnySimulatingPhysics ( )

Definition at line 9155 of file Actor.h.

◆ IsPlayingAnimationMontagesOnSlotName()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::IsPlayingAnimationMontagesOnSlotName ( FName SlotName)

Definition at line 9127 of file Actor.h.

◆ IsPlayingMontage()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::IsPlayingMontage ( UAnimMontage * Montage,
float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished )

Definition at line 9164 of file Actor.h.

◆ IsPlayingRootMotion()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::IsPlayingRootMotion ( )

Definition at line 9168 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastIKCalculationFrameField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastIKCalculationFrameField ( )

Definition at line 9062 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastIKFrozenStartTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastIKFrozenStartTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9065 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastIKPositionField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastIKPositionField ( )

Definition at line 9075 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastIkUpdateTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastIkUpdateTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9061 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastKinematicWorldUpdateFrameField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastKinematicWorldUpdateFrameField ( )

Definition at line 9113 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastMeshGameplayRelevantTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastMeshGameplayRelevantTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9081 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastRootZField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastRootZField ( )

Definition at line 9066 of file Actor.h.

◆ LastTickTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::LastTickTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9114 of file Actor.h.

◆ LegLimitRatioFromCylinderHeightField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::LegLimitRatioFromCylinderHeightField ( )

Definition at line 9043 of file Actor.h.

◆ LineCheckBoundsScaleField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::LineCheckBoundsScaleField ( )

Definition at line 9095 of file Actor.h.

◆ LineTraceComponent()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::LineTraceComponent ( FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector Start,
FVector End,
FCollisionQueryParams * Params )

Definition at line 9212 of file Actor.h.

◆ LocalAtomsField()

TArray< FTransform > & USkeletalMeshComponent::LocalAtomsField ( )

Definition at line 9080 of file Actor.h.

◆ LowQualityTickingModulusField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::LowQualityTickingModulusField ( )

Definition at line 9112 of file Actor.h.

◆ MatchSlopeRotationSpeedField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::MatchSlopeRotationSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 9055 of file Actor.h.

◆ MaxIterationsField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::MaxIterationsField ( )

Definition at line 9054 of file Actor.h.

◆ MinAngularDampingField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::MinAngularDampingField ( )

Definition at line 9088 of file Actor.h.

◆ MinHitNormalZForFeetAlignmentField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::MinHitNormalZForFeetAlignmentField ( )

Definition at line 9041 of file Actor.h.

◆ MinLinearDampingField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::MinLinearDampingField ( )

Definition at line 9087 of file Actor.h.

◆ MorphTargetCurvesField()

TMap< FName, float, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< FName, float, 0 > > & USkeletalMeshComponent::MorphTargetCurvesField ( )

Definition at line 9101 of file Actor.h.

◆ NumNonZeroLODsField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::NumNonZeroLODsField ( )

Definition at line 9093 of file Actor.h.

◆ OnComponentCollisionSettingsChanged()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::OnComponentCollisionSettingsChanged ( )

Definition at line 9180 of file Actor.h.

◆ OnRegister()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::OnRegister ( )

Definition at line 9123 of file Actor.h.

◆ OnUnregister()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::OnUnregister ( )

Definition at line 9124 of file Actor.h.

◆ OnUpdateTransform()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::OnUpdateTransform ( bool bSkipPhysicsMove)

Definition at line 9203 of file Actor.h.

◆ OriginalBonesOffsetsField()

TArray< float > & USkeletalMeshComponent::OriginalBonesOffsetsField ( )

Definition at line 9027 of file Actor.h.

◆ ParallelAnimationEvaluation()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::ParallelAnimationEvaluation ( )

Definition at line 9219 of file Actor.h.

◆ PreSleepingKinematicsCollisionTypeField()

TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionEnabled::Type > & USkeletalMeshComponent::PreSleepingKinematicsCollisionTypeField ( )

Definition at line 9094 of file Actor.h.

◆ PreventSoundCuesTimeField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::PreventSoundCuesTimeField ( )

Definition at line 9115 of file Actor.h.

◆ PutAllRigidBodiesToSleep()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::PutAllRigidBodiesToSleep ( )

Definition at line 9184 of file Actor.h.

◆ RecalcRequiredBones()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::RecalcRequiredBones ( int LODIndex)

Definition at line 9138 of file Actor.h.

◆ RecreatePhysicsState()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::RecreatePhysicsState ( bool bRestoreBoneTransforms)

Definition at line 9172 of file Actor.h.

◆ RemoveBasedPawns()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::RemoveBasedPawns ( USceneComponent * BasedOnComponent)

Definition at line 9126 of file Actor.h.

◆ RequiredBonesField()

TArray< unsigned short > & USkeletalMeshComponent::RequiredBonesField ( )

Definition at line 9096 of file Actor.h.

◆ ResetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::ResetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics ( )

Definition at line 9198 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootBodyIndexField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootBodyIndexField ( )

Definition at line 9097 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootBoneTranslationField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootBoneTranslationField ( )

Definition at line 9092 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootOffsetField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 9059 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootPitchRotationLimitField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootPitchRotationLimitField ( )

Definition at line 9056 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootRollRotationLimitField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootRollRotationLimitField ( )

Definition at line 9057 of file Actor.h.

◆ RootRotationOffsetField()

FRotator & USkeletalMeshComponent::RootRotationOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 9060 of file Actor.h.

◆ SequenceToPlay_DEPRECATEDField()

UAnimSequence * USkeletalMeshComponent::SequenceToPlay_DEPRECATEDField ( )

Definition at line 9108 of file Actor.h.

◆ Serialize()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::Serialize ( FArchive * Ar)

Definition at line 9122 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllBodiesBelowPhysicsBlendWeight ( FName * InBoneName,
float PhysicsBlendWeight,
bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType )

Definition at line 9201 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics ( FName * InBoneName,
bool bNewSimulate )

Definition at line 9197 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllBodiesPhysicsBlendWeight()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllBodiesPhysicsBlendWeight ( float PhysicsBlendWeight,
bool bSkipCustomPhysicsType )

Definition at line 9200 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllBodiesSimulatePhysics ( bool bNewSimulate)

Definition at line 9195 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllBodiesSleepThreshold()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllBodiesSleepThreshold ( float SleepThresh)

Definition at line 9196 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllPhysicsAngularVelocity ( FVector * NewAngVel,
bool bAddToCurrent )

Definition at line 9187 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllPhysicsLinearVelocity ( FVector NewVel,
bool bAddToCurrent )

Definition at line 9186 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllPhysicsPosition()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllPhysicsPosition ( FVector NewPos)

Definition at line 9188 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAllPhysicsRotation()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAllPhysicsRotation ( FRotator NewRot)

Definition at line 9189 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetAnimInstanceClass()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetAnimInstanceClass ( UClass * NewClass)

Definition at line 9150 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetCollisionEnabled()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetCollisionEnabled ( ECollisionEnabled::Type NewType)

Definition at line 9170 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetCollisionObjectType()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetCollisionObjectType ( ECollisionChannel Channel)

Definition at line 9169 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetMorphTarget()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetMorphTarget ( FName MorphTargetName,
float Value )

Definition at line 9159 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetPhysicsBlendWeight()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetPhysicsBlendWeight ( float PhysicsBlendWeight)

Definition at line 9199 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetPhysMaterialOverride()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetPhysMaterialOverride ( UPhysicalMaterial * NewPhysMaterial)

Definition at line 9191 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetPosition()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetPosition ( float InPos,
bool bFireNotifies )

Definition at line 9165 of file Actor.h.

◆ SetSimulatePhysics()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetSimulatePhysics ( bool bSimulate)

Definition at line 9179 of file Actor.h.

◆ ShouldTickPose()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::ShouldTickPose ( )

Definition at line 9135 of file Actor.h.

◆ ShouldUpdateTransform()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::ShouldUpdateTransform ( bool bLODHasChanged)

Definition at line 9134 of file Actor.h.

◆ SkippedTickPose()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SkippedTickPose ( )

Definition at line 9173 of file Actor.h.

◆ StaggeredUIDField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::StaggeredUIDField ( )

Definition at line 9118 of file Actor.h.

◆ TeleportDistanceThresholdField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::TeleportDistanceThresholdField ( )

Definition at line 9089 of file Actor.h.

◆ TeleportRotationThresholdField()

float & USkeletalMeshComponent::TeleportRotationThresholdField ( )

Definition at line 9090 of file Actor.h.

◆ TermArticulated()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::TermArticulated ( )

Definition at line 9193 of file Actor.h.

◆ TermBodiesBelow()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::TermBodiesBelow ( FName ParentBoneName)

Definition at line 9194 of file Actor.h.

◆ TickAnimation()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::TickAnimation ( float DeltaTime)

Definition at line 9132 of file Actor.h.

◆ TickingModulusField()

int & USkeletalMeshComponent::TickingModulusField ( )

Definition at line 9111 of file Actor.h.

◆ TickPose()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::TickPose ( float DeltaTime)

Definition at line 9136 of file Actor.h.

◆ TimeToStopUpdatingLegCachesField()

long double & USkeletalMeshComponent::TimeToStopUpdatingLegCachesField ( )

Definition at line 9071 of file Actor.h.

◆ TwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::TwoLegVirtualHitLocationCSField ( )

Definition at line 9051 of file Actor.h.

◆ TwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::TwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSField ( )

Definition at line 9049 of file Actor.h.

◆ TwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSTargetField()

FVector & USkeletalMeshComponent::TwoLegVirtualHitLocationWSTargetField ( )

Definition at line 9050 of file Actor.h.

◆ UnHideBone()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UnHideBone ( int BoneIndex)

Definition at line 9154 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateBounds()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateBounds ( )

Definition at line 9143 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateComponentToWorld()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateComponentToWorld ( bool bSkipPhysicsMove)

Definition at line 9171 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateHasValidBodies()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateHasValidBodies ( )

Definition at line 9209 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateKinematicBonesToPhysics()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateKinematicBonesToPhysics ( bool bTeleport,
bool bNeedsSkinning,
bool bForceUpdate,
bool bAbsoluteForceUpdate,
bool bOnlyDisableKinematicCollisions )

Definition at line 9220 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateLODStatus()

bool USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateLODStatus ( )

Definition at line 9133 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdatePhysicsToRBChannels ( )

Definition at line 9210 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateRBJointMotors()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateRBJointMotors ( )

Definition at line 9221 of file Actor.h.

◆ UpdateSlaveComponent()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateSlaveComponent ( )

Definition at line 9140 of file Actor.h.

◆ WakeAllRigidBodies()

void USkeletalMeshComponent::WakeAllRigidBodies ( )

Definition at line 9183 of file Actor.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: