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UVictoryCore Struct Reference

#include <Other.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool OverlappingActors (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FOverlapResult > *Overlaps, FVector Origin, float Radius, int CollisionGroups, AActor *InIgnoreActor, FName TraceName, bool bComplexOverlapTest)
static FRotatorRLerp (FRotator *result, FRotator A, FRotator B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
static int GetWeightedRandomIndex (TArray< float > *pArray, float ForceRand)
static bool OverlappingActorsTrace (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FOverlapResult > *Overlaps, FVector Origin, float Radius, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, AActor *InIgnoreActor, FName TraceName, bool bComplexOverlapTest)
static UPhysicalMaterialTracePhysMaterial (UWorld *theWorld, FVector StartPos, FVector EndPos, AActor *IgnoreActor)
static float ClampRotAxis (float BaseAxis, float DesiredAxis, float MaxDiff)
static FVectorClampLocation (FVector *result, FVector BaseLocation, FVector DesiredLocation, float MaxDiff, bool bTraceClampLocation, UWorld *TraceWorld, FVector *TraceFromLocation)
static int BPGetWeightedRandomIndex (TArray< float > *pArray, float ForceRand)
static void MultiTraceProjectSphere (UObject *WorldContextObject, TArray< FHitResult > *OutResults, FVector *Origin, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, int HorizResolution, int VertResolution, float StartDistance, float EndDistance, float NorthConeSubtractAngle, float SouthConeSubtractAngle, int PctChanceToTrace, int MaxTraceCount, bool bDrawDebugLines, float DebugDrawDuration)
static FRotatorBPRotatorLerp (FRotator *result, FRotator *A, FRotator *B, const float *Alpha)
static bool BPFastTrace (UWorld *theWorld, FVector TraceEnd, FVector TraceStart, AActor *ActorToIgnore)
static bool VTraceIgnoreFoliage (UWorld *theWorld, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FHitResult *HitOut, AActor *ActorToIgnore, ECollisionChannel Channel, int CollisionGroups, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, FVector *BoxExtent, FName TraceTag, AActor *OtherActorToIgnore, TArray< AActor * > *OtherActorsToIgnore, FQuat *Rot, AActor *AnotherActorToIgnore, bool bIgnoreFoliage)
static void SetSessionPrefix (FString *InPrefix)
static FColorGetTeamColor (FColor *result, const int TargetingTeam)
static FStringFormatAsTime (FString *result, int InTime, bool UseLeadingZero, bool bForceLeadingZeroHour, bool bShowSeconds)
static bool CalculateInterceptPosition (FVector *StartPosition, FVector *StartVelocity, float ProjectileVelocity, FVector *TargetPosition, FVector *TargetVelocity, FVector *InterceptPosition)
static int GetSecondsIntoDay ()
static bool StaticCheckForCommand (FString CommandName)
static bool GetGroundLocation (UWorld *forWorld, FVector *theGroundLoc, FVector *StartLoc, FVector *OffsetUp, FVector *OffsetDown)
static void CallGlobalLevelEvent (UWorld *forWorld, FName EventName)
static FVector2DBPProjectWorldToScreenPosition (FVector2D *result, FVector *WorldLocation, APlayerController *ThePC)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActors (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, int OctreeTypeBitMask, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, int OctreeTypeBitMask, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static FRotatorBPRTransform (FRotator *result, FRotator *R, FRotator *RBasis)
static FRotatorBPRTransformInverse (FRotator *result, FRotator *R, FRotator *RBasis)
static bool FindWorldActors (UWorld *fWorld, TArray< AActor * > *fContainer, TSubclassOf< AActor > fType, FName fTag)
static TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer (TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > *result, TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > fContainer)
static void FinishSpawning (AActor *Actor)
static int GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray (TArray< float > pArray, float ForceRand)
static AActorGetClosestActorArray (FVector ToPoint, TArray< AActor * > *ActorArray)
static bool VTraceSingleBP (UWorld *theWorld, FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, int CollisionGroups, FName TraceTag, bool bTraceComplex, AActor *ActorToIgnore)
static bool VTraceMulti (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, AActor *InIgnoreActor, int CollisionGroups, float SphereRadius, FVector *BoxExtent, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, FName TraceTag, bool bTraceChannelForceOverlap, bool bDoSort, AActor *AdditionalIgnoreActor, AActor *AnotherIgnoreActor, bool bJustDoSphereOverlapAtStartLoc, TArray< AActor * > *ExtraIgnoreActors)
static bool IsGamePadConnected ()
static int IsChildOfClasses (TSubclassOf< UObject > childClass, TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > *ParentClassesArray)
static FStringGetLastMapPlayed (FString *result)
static void SetLastMapPlayed (FString *NewLastMapPlayed)
static void SetLastHostedMapPlayed (FString *NewLastHostedMapPlayed)
static bool OwnsScorchedEarth ()
static bool OwnsDLC (FString DLCName)
static bool OwnsSteamAppID (int AppID)
static void OpenStorePageForDLC (FString DLCName)
static FVectorLeadTargetPosition (FVector *result, FVector *ProjLocation, float ProjSpeed, FVector *TargetLocation, FVector *TargetVelocity)
static void AddToActorList (UWorld *ForWorld, int ActorListNum, AActor *ActorRef)
static bool IsWorkshopIDSubscribed (FString *WorkshopID)
static FTransformInverseTransform (FTransform *result, FTransform *TransformIn)
static UClassBPLoadClass (FString *PathName)
static bool VTraceAgainstActorExpensive (UWorld *theWorld, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FHitResult *HitOut, AActor *ActorToTraceAgainst, ECollisionChannel Channel, int CollisionGroups, float SphereRadius, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, FVector *BoxExtent, FName TraceTag, bool bSort)
static FStringGetClassString (FString *result, UClass *Class)
static FStringGetClassPathName (FString *result, UObject *ForObject)
static FStringGetTotalCoversionIdAsString (FString *result)
static AActorSpawnActorInWorld (UWorld *ForWorld, TSubclassOf< AActor > AnActorClass, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, USceneComponent *attachToComponent, int dataIndex, FName attachSocketName, AActor *OwnerActor, APawn *InstigatorPawn)
static bool GetOverlappedHarvestActors (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector *AtLoc, float AtRadius, TArray< AActor * > *OutHarvestActors, TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutHarvestComponents, TArray< FVector > *OutHarvestLocations, TArray< int > *OutHitBodyIndices)
static FNameGetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent (FName *result, APrimalCharacter *Character, AController *HitInstigator, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, bool bIsPointDamage, FHitResult *PointHitResult, FName MatchCollisionPresetName)
static FHitResultMakeHitResult (FHitResult *result, FVector *Location, FVector *Normal, UPhysicalMaterial *PhysMat, AActor *HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FName HitBoneName, int HitItem, bool bBlockingHit)
static float GetAngleBetweenVectors (FVector *VectorA, FVector *VectorB, FVector *AroundAxis)
static bool AreRotatorsNearlyEqual (FRotator *RotatorA, FRotator *RotatorB, float WithinError)
static void SetBoolArrayElemTrue (TArray< bool > *TheArray, int TheIndex)
static void SetBoolArrayElemFalse (TArray< bool > *TheArray, int TheIndex)
static void GetIslandCustomDatas (AActor *SomeIslandActor, int *IslandID, TArray< FString > *IslandCustomDatas1, TArray< FString > *IslandCustomDatas2)
static bool OverlappingActors (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FOverlapResult > *Overlaps, FVector Origin, float Radius, int CollisionGroups, AActor *InIgnoreActor, FName TraceName, bool bComplexOverlapTest)
static FRotatorRLerp (FRotator *result, FRotator A, FRotator B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
static FVector2DProjectWorldToScreenPosition (FVector2D *result, FVector *WorldLocation, APlayerController *ThePC)
static FStringFormatSecondsAsHoursMinutesSeconds (FString *result, unsigned int Seconds)
static bool OverlappingActorsTrace (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FOverlapResult > *Overlaps, FVector Origin, float Radius, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, AActor *InIgnoreActor, FName TraceName, bool bComplexOverlapTest)
static int GetWeightedRandomIndex (TArray< float > *pArray, float ForceRand)
static FVector2DProjectWorldToScreenPositionRaw (FVector2D *result, FVector *WorldLocation, APlayerController *ThePC)
static FNameGetObjectPath (FName *result, UObject *Obj)
static UPhysicalMaterialTracePhysMaterial (UWorld *theWorld, FVector StartPos, FVector EndPos, AActor *IgnoreActor)
static FStringGetKeyNameFromActionName (FString *result, FName ActionName)
static float ClampRotAxis (float BaseAxis, float DesiredAxis, float MaxDiff)
static FVectorClampLocation (FVector *result, FVector BaseLocation, FVector DesiredLocation, float MaxDiff, bool bTraceClampLocation, UWorld *TraceWorld, FVector *TraceFromLocation)
static int BPGetWeightedRandomIndex (TArray< float > *pArray, float ForceRand)
static bool ComponentBoundsEncompassesPoint (UPrimitiveComponent *Comp, FVector *Point, float BoundsMultiplier)
static bool SphereOverlapFast (UObject *WorldContextObject, FVector *Loc, const float Radius)
static bool CapsuleOverlapFast (UObject *WorldContextObject, AActor **OutFirstOverlappedActor, FVector *Origin, FRotator *CapsuleRotation, float Radius, float HalfHeight, TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel, bool bTraceComplex, bool bIgnoreSelf, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bDebugDraw, float DebugDrawDuration, bool bBlockingOnly)
static bool CapsuleSweepFast (UObject *WorldContextObject, FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FRotator *CapsuleRot, float Radius, float HalfHeight, TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel, bool bTraceComplex, bool bIgnoreSelf, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, bool bDebugDraw, float DebugDrawDuration)
static bool CapsuleSweepFast (UObject *WorldContextObject, FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FRotator *CapsuleRot, float Radius, float HalfHeight, TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel, bool bTraceComplex, bool bIgnoreSelf, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bDebugDraw, float DebugDrawDuration)
static bool CapsuleSweepMulti (UObject *WorldContextObject, TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FRotator *CapsuleRot, float Radius, float HalfHeight, TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreActors, bool bIgnoreSelf, TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel, bool bTraceComplex, bool bDebugDraw, float DebugDrawDuration, bool bFindInitialOverlaps)
static void MultiTraceProjectSphere (UObject *WorldContextObject, TArray< FHitResult > *OutResults, FVector *Origin, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, int HorizResolution, int VertResolution, float StartDistance, float EndDistance, float NorthConeSubtractAngle, float SouthConeSubtractAngle, int PctChanceToTrace, int MaxTraceCount, bool bDrawDebugLines, float DebugDrawDuration)
static void MultiLinePenetrationTraceByChannel (UObject *WorldContextObject, TArray< FPenetrationTraceHit > *OutResults, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, TArray< AActor * > *ActorsToIgnore, bool bTraceComplex, bool bIgnoreSelf, bool bDrawDebugLines, float DebugDrawDuration)
static bool FindValidLocationNextToTarget (UObject *WorldContextObject, FVector *OutLocation, APrimalCharacter *SourceCharacter, APrimalCharacter *TargetCharacter, float DistanceMargin, int MaxTraceCount, AActor *ActorToIgnore, bool bTraceComplex, bool bDrawDebug, float DebugDrawDuration)
static FRotatorBPRotatorLerp (FRotator *result, FRotator *A, FRotator *B, const float *Alpha)
static FVectorViewDirectionAngleOffset (FVector *result, FVector ViewDirection, FVector RightVector, float AngleOffsetDegrees, float MaxAngleDegreesBeforeInterpToUp)
static FVectorFlattenDirectionVector (FVector *result, FVector Direction)
static FVectorFlattenDirectionVectorInLocalSpace (FVector *result, FVector Direction, FRotator Rotation)
static bool BPFastTrace (UWorld *theWorld, FVector TraceEnd, FVector TraceStart, AActor *ActorToIgnore, float DebugDrawDuration)
static bool VTraceIgnoreFoliage (UWorld *theWorld, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FHitResult *HitOut, AActor *ActorToIgnore, ECollisionChannel Channel, int CollisionGroups, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, FVector *BoxExtent, FName TraceTag, AActor *OtherActorToIgnore, TArray< AActor * > *OtherActorsToIgnore, FQuat *Rot, AActor *AnotherActorToIgnore, bool bIgnoreFoliage)
static void SteamOverlayOpenURL (FString *ToURL)
static void SetSessionPrefix (FString *InPrefix)
static FColorGetTeamColor (FColor *result, const int TargetingTeam)
static FStringBPFormatAsTime (FString *result, int InTime, bool UseLeadingZero, bool bForceLeadingZeroHour, bool bShowSeconds)
static FStringFormatAsTime (FString *result, int InTime, bool UseLeadingZero, bool bForceLeadingZeroHour, bool bShowSeconds)
static FStringBPFormatAsTimeLong (FString *result, int InTime)
static FStringFormatAsTimeLong (FString *result, int InTime)
static bool CalculateInterceptPosition (FVector *StartPosition, FVector *StartVelocity, float ProjectileVelocity, FVector *TargetPosition, FVector *TargetVelocity, FVector *InterceptPosition)
static int GetSecondsIntoDay ()
static FStringConsumeBonusItemCode (FString *result)
static bool StaticCheckForCommand (FString CommandName)
static bool GetGroundLocation (UWorld *forWorld, FVector *theGroundLoc, FVector *StartLoc, FVector *OffsetUp, FVector *OffsetDown)
static void CallGlobalLevelEvent (UWorld *forWorld, FName EventName)
static FVector2DBPProjectWorldToScreenPosition (FVector2D *result, FVector *WorldLocation, APlayerController *ThePC)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActors (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, int OctreeTypeBitMask, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static TArray< AActor * > * ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask (TArray< AActor * > *result, UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLoc, float Radius, int OctreeTypeBitMask, TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck)
static FRotatorBPRTransform (FRotator *result, FRotator *R, FRotator *RBasis)
static FRotatorBPRTransformInverse (FRotator *result, FRotator *R, FRotator *RBasis)
static TArray< AActor * > * SortActorsByTag (TArray< AActor * > *result, int tagIndex, TArray< AActor * > *actors)
static TArray< int > * GetArrayIndicesSorted_Float (TArray< int > *result, TArray< float > *Array, bool bSortLowToHigh)
static TArray< int > * GetArrayIndicesSorted_Double (TArray< int > *result, TArray< double > *Array, bool bSortLowToHigh)
static TArray< int > * GetArrayIndicesSorted_Int (TArray< int > *result, TArray< int > *Array, bool bSortLowToHigh)
static bool FindWorldActors (UWorld *fWorld, TArray< AActor * > *fContainer, TSubclassOf< AActor > fType, FName fTag)
static TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer (TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > *result, TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > fContainer)
static void FinishSpawning (AActor *Actor)
static bool KillTargetCharacterOrStructure (AActor *ActorToKill, bool bTryDestroyActor)
static int GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray (TArray< float > pArray, float ForceRand)
static AActorGetClosestActorArray (FVector ToPoint, TArray< AActor * > *ActorArray)
static ACustomActorListGetCustomActorList (UWorld *ForWorld, FName SearchCustomTag)
static long double GetNetworkTimeInSeconds (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static long double GetRealWorldUtcTimeInSeconds ()
static AShooterCharacterGetShooterCharacterFromPawn (APawn *Pawn)
static bool VTraceSingleBP (UWorld *theWorld, FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, int CollisionGroups, FName TraceTag, bool bTraceComplex, AActor *ActorToIgnore)
static bool VTraceSingleBP_IgnoreActorsArray (UWorld *theWorld, FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, TArray< AActor *, FDefaultAllocator > *ExtraIgnoreActors, AActor *InIgnoreActor, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, int CollisionGroups, FName TraceTag, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, float DebugDrawDuration)
static bool VTraceSphereBP (UWorld *theWorld, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FHitResult *HitOut, float Radius, AActor *ActorToIgnore, ECollisionChannel Channel, int CollisionGroups, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, FName TraceTag, AActor *OtherActorToIgnore, AActor *AnotherActorToIgnore)
static bool VTraceMulti (UWorld *theWorld, TArray< FHitResult > *OutHits, FVector *Start, FVector *End, AActor *InIgnoreActor, int CollisionGroups, float SphereRadius, FVector *BoxExtent, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, FName TraceTag, bool bTraceChannelForceOverlap, bool bDoSort, AActor *AdditionalIgnoreActor, AActor *AnotherIgnoreActor, bool bJustDoSphereOverlapAtStartLoc, TArray< AActor * > *ExtraIgnoreActors)
static FStringGetKeyName (FString *result, FKey key)
static bool IsGamePadConnected ()
static int IsChildOfClasses (TSubclassOf< UObject > childClass, TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > *ParentClassesArray)
static bool IsPVEServer (UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsCooldownComplete (UObject *WorldContextObject, long double CooldownClock, float NumSeconds)
static float CooldownTimeRemaining (UObject *WorldContextObject, long double CooldownClock, float CooldownDuration)
static void PauseTimer (UObject *Object, FString FunctionName)
static void UnPauseTimer (UObject *Object, FString FunctionName)
static bool IsTimerActive (UObject *Object, FString FunctionName)
static bool IsTimerPaused (UObject *Object, FString FunctionName)
static FStringGetLastMapPlayed (FString *result)
static FStringGetLastHostedMapPlayed (FString *result)
static void SetLastHostedMapPlayed (FString *NewLastHostedMapPlayed)
static bool OwnsScorchedEarth ()
static bool OwnsAberration ()
static bool OwnsExtinction ()
static bool OwnsGenesisSeasonPass ()
static bool OwnsDLC (FString DLCName)
static bool OwnsSteamAppID (int AppID)
static void OpenStorePageForDLC (FString DLCName)
static FVectorLeadTargetPosition (FVector *result, FVector *ProjLocation, float ProjSpeed, FVector *TargetLocation, FVector *TargetVelocity)
static TArray< AActor * > * SortActorsByDistance (TArray< AActor * > *result, FVector *fromLoc, TArray< AActor * > *actors)
static void AddToActorList (UWorld *ForWorld, int ActorListNum, AActor *ActorRef)
static FLinearColorChangeSaturation (FLinearColor *result, FLinearColor *InColor, float NewSaturation)
static FStringSimpleFloatString (FString *result, float inputVal)
static bool IsWorkshopIDSubscribed (FString *WorkshopID)
static FTransformInverseTransform (FTransform *result, FTransform *TransformIn)
static UClassBPLoadClass (FString *PathName)
static UClassBPLoadClass (const FString &PathName)
static UObjectBPLoadObject (FString *PathName)
static bool VTraceAgainstActorExpensive (UWorld *theWorld, FVector *Start, FVector *End, FHitResult *HitOut, AActor *ActorToTraceAgainst, ECollisionChannel Channel, int CollisionGroups, float SphereRadius, bool bReturnPhysMaterial, bool bTraceComplex, FVector *BoxExtent, FName TraceTag, bool bSort)
static FStringGetClassString (FString *result, UObject *ForObject)
static FStringGetClassPathName (FString *result, UObject *ForObject)
static FStringGetNewlineCharacter (FString *result)
static FStringIntToStringAscii (FString *result, int CharValue)
static int StringToIntAscii (FString SourceString, int Index)
static FStringJoinStringArrayWithNewlines (FString *result, TArray< FString > *SourceArray)
static FStringGetTwoLetterISOLanguageName (FString *result)
static FStringGetTotalCoversionIdAsString (FString *result)
static AActorSpawnActorInWorld (UWorld *ForWorld, TSubclassOf< AActor > AnActorClass, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, USceneComponent *attachToComponent, int dataIndex, FName attachSocketName, AActor *OwnerActor, APawn *InstigatorPawn)
static bool GetCharacterCapsuleSize (TSubclassOf< APrimalCharacter > CharClass, float *OutCapsuleRadius, float *OutCapsuleHalfHeight)
static void GetObjectsReferencedBy (UObject *ForObject, TArray< UObject * > *OutReferencedObjects, bool bIgnoreTransient)
static bool GetOverlappedHarvestActors (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector *AtLoc, float AtRadius, TArray< AActor * > *OutHarvestActors, TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutHarvestComponents, TArray< FVector > *OutHarvestLocations, TArray< int > *OutHitBodyIndices)
static FNameGetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent (FName *result, APrimalCharacter *Character, AController *HitInstigator, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, bool bIsPointDamage, FHitResult *PointHitResult, FName MatchCollisionPresetName)
static float GetAngleBetweenVectors (FVector *VectorA, FVector *VectorB, FVector *AroundAxis)
static float GetAngleBetweenVectorsPure (FVector VectorA, FVector VectorB, FVector AroundAxis)
static bool AreRotatorsNearlyEqual (FRotator *RotatorA, FRotator *RotatorB, float WithinError)
static void SetBoolArrayElemTrue (TArray< bool > *TheArray, int TheIndex)
static void SetBoolArrayElemFalse (TArray< bool > *TheArray, int TheIndex)
static void MulticastDrawDebugLine (AActor *ReplicatedActor, FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, float Thickness)
static void MulticastDrawDebugSphere (AActor *ReplicatedActor, FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration)
static AShooterCharacterGetPlayerCharacterByController (APlayerController *PC)
static APrimalDinoCharacterGetDinoCharacterByID (UObject *WorldContextObject, const int DinoID1, const int DinoID2, const bool bSearchTamedOnly)
static void GetAllClassesOfType (TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > *Subclasses, TSubclassOf< UObject > ParentClass, bool bAllowAbstract, FString Path)
static FVector2DInverseTransformVectorByScreenProjectionGlobalTransform (FVector2D *result, FVector2D vec)
static float GetScreenPercentage ()
static bool ProjectWorldLocationToScreenOrScreenEdgePosition (APlayerController *playerController, FVector WorldLocation, FVector2D *ScreenPosition, const float screenMarginPercent, bool widgetSpace, bool *OnScreen)
static TArray< AShooterPlayerController * > * GetAllLocalPlayerControllers (TArray< AShooterPlayerController * > *result, UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsPointStuckWithinMesh (UWorld *theWorld, FVector TestPoint, int hemisphereSubdivisions, float rayDistance, float percentageConsideredStuck, AActor *ActorToIgnore)
static bool ServerCheckMeshingOnActor (AActor *OnActor, bool bForceUseActorCenterBounds)
static TArray< AShooterCharacter * > * GetAllLocalPlayerCharacters (TArray< AShooterCharacter * > *result, UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsDinoDuped (UWorld *WorldContext, const unsigned int id1, const unsigned int id2)
static bool IsUnderMesh (APrimalCharacter *Character, FVector *CheckSevenHitLocation, bool *bOverlapping, UActorComponent **CheckSevenResult, bool DebugDraw, float DebugDrawSeconds)
static FStringBPGetPrimaryMapName (FString *result, UWorld *WorldContext)
static bool OverlappingStationaryObjectsTrace (UWorld *theWorld, APrimalCharacter *SourceCharacter, TArray< FOverlapResult > *Overlaps, FVector Origin, float Radius, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, AActor *InIgnoreActor, FName TraceName, bool bComplexOverlapTest)
static void StaticRegisterNativesUVictoryCore ()
static FStringClassToStringReference (FString *result, TSubclassOf< UObject > obj)
static TSubclassOf< UObject > * StringReferenceToClass (TSubclassOf< UObject > *result, FString *StringReference)
static void ServerSearchFoliage (UObject *WorldContextObject, FVector *Origin, float Radius, TArray< FOverlappedFoliageElement > *OutFoliage, bool bVisibleAndActiveOnly, bool bIncludeUsableFoliage, bool bIncludeMeshFoliage, bool bSortByDistance, bool bReverseSort)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 387 of file Other.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddToActorList() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::AddToActorList ( UWorld * ForWorld,
int ActorListNum,
AActor * ActorRef )

Definition at line 478 of file Other.h.

◆ AddToActorList() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::AddToActorList ( UWorld * ForWorld,
int ActorListNum,
AActor * ActorRef )

Definition at line 433 of file Other.h.

◆ AreRotatorsNearlyEqual() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::AreRotatorsNearlyEqual ( FRotator * RotatorA,
FRotator * RotatorB,
float WithinError )

Definition at line 507 of file Other.h.

◆ AreRotatorsNearlyEqual() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::AreRotatorsNearlyEqual ( FRotator * RotatorA,
FRotator * RotatorB,
float WithinError )

Definition at line 446 of file Other.h.

◆ BPFastTrace() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::BPFastTrace ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector TraceEnd,
FVector TraceStart,
AActor * ActorToIgnore )

Definition at line 399 of file Other.h.

◆ BPFastTrace() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::BPFastTrace ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector TraceEnd,
FVector TraceStart,
AActor * ActorToIgnore,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 416 of file Other.h.

◆ BPFormatAsTime()

static FString * UVictoryCore::BPFormatAsTime ( FString * result,
int InTime,
bool UseLeadingZero,
bool bForceLeadingZeroHour,
bool bShowSeconds )

Definition at line 421 of file Other.h.

◆ BPFormatAsTimeLong()

static FString * UVictoryCore::BPFormatAsTimeLong ( FString * result,
int InTime )

Definition at line 423 of file Other.h.

◆ BPGetPrimaryMapName()

static FString * UVictoryCore::BPGetPrimaryMapName ( FString * result,
UWorld * WorldContext )

Definition at line 525 of file Other.h.

◆ BPGetWeightedRandomIndex() [1/2]

static int UVictoryCore::BPGetWeightedRandomIndex ( TArray< float > * pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 392 of file Other.h.

◆ BPGetWeightedRandomIndex() [2/2]

static int UVictoryCore::BPGetWeightedRandomIndex ( TArray< float > * pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 396 of file Other.h.

◆ BPLoadClass() [1/3]

static UClass * UVictoryCore::BPLoadClass ( const FString & PathName)

Definition at line 484 of file Other.h.

◆ BPLoadClass() [2/3]

static UClass * UVictoryCore::BPLoadClass ( FString * PathName)

Definition at line 483 of file Other.h.

◆ BPLoadClass() [3/3]

static UClass * UVictoryCore::BPLoadClass ( FString * PathName)

Definition at line 436 of file Other.h.

◆ BPLoadObject()

static UObject * UVictoryCore::BPLoadObject ( FString * PathName)

Definition at line 485 of file Other.h.

◆ BPProjectWorldToScreenPosition() [1/2]

static FVector2D * UVictoryCore::BPProjectWorldToScreenPosition ( FVector2D * result,
FVector * WorldLocation,
APlayerController * ThePC )

Definition at line 431 of file Other.h.

◆ BPProjectWorldToScreenPosition() [2/2]

static FVector2D * UVictoryCore::BPProjectWorldToScreenPosition ( FVector2D * result,
FVector * WorldLocation,
APlayerController * ThePC )

Definition at line 409 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRotatorLerp() [1/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRotatorLerp ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * A,
FRotator * B,
const float * Alpha )

Definition at line 407 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRotatorLerp() [2/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRotatorLerp ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * A,
FRotator * B,
const float * Alpha )

Definition at line 398 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRTransform() [1/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRTransform ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * R,
FRotator * RBasis )

Definition at line 436 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRTransform() [2/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRTransform ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * R,
FRotator * RBasis )

Definition at line 414 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRTransformInverse() [1/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRTransformInverse ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * R,
FRotator * RBasis )

Definition at line 437 of file Other.h.

◆ BPRTransformInverse() [2/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::BPRTransformInverse ( FRotator * result,
FRotator * R,
FRotator * RBasis )

Definition at line 415 of file Other.h.

◆ CalculateInterceptPosition() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::CalculateInterceptPosition ( FVector * StartPosition,
FVector * StartVelocity,
float ProjectileVelocity,
FVector * TargetPosition,
FVector * TargetVelocity,
FVector * InterceptPosition )

Definition at line 425 of file Other.h.

◆ CalculateInterceptPosition() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::CalculateInterceptPosition ( FVector * StartPosition,
FVector * StartVelocity,
float ProjectileVelocity,
FVector * TargetPosition,
FVector * TargetVelocity,
FVector * InterceptPosition )

Definition at line 404 of file Other.h.

◆ CallGlobalLevelEvent() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::CallGlobalLevelEvent ( UWorld * forWorld,
FName EventName )

Definition at line 430 of file Other.h.

◆ CallGlobalLevelEvent() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::CallGlobalLevelEvent ( UWorld * forWorld,
FName EventName )

Definition at line 408 of file Other.h.

◆ CapsuleOverlapFast()

static bool UVictoryCore::CapsuleOverlapFast ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
AActor ** OutFirstOverlappedActor,
FVector * Origin,
FRotator * CapsuleRotation,
float Radius,
float HalfHeight,
TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bIgnoreSelf,
AActor * IgnoreActor,
bool bDebugDraw,
float DebugDrawDuration,
bool bBlockingOnly )

Definition at line 395 of file Other.h.

◆ CapsuleSweepFast() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::CapsuleSweepFast ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FRotator * CapsuleRot,
float Radius,
float HalfHeight,
TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bIgnoreSelf,
AActor * IgnoreActor,
bool bDebugDraw,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 397 of file Other.h.

◆ CapsuleSweepFast() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::CapsuleSweepFast ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FRotator * CapsuleRot,
float Radius,
float HalfHeight,
TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bIgnoreSelf,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
bool bDebugDraw,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 396 of file Other.h.

◆ CapsuleSweepMulti()

static bool UVictoryCore::CapsuleSweepMulti ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TArray< FHitResult > * OutHits,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FRotator * CapsuleRot,
float Radius,
float HalfHeight,
TArray< AActor * > * IgnoreActors,
bool bIgnoreSelf,
TEnumAsByte< enum ECollisionChannel > CollisionChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bDebugDraw,
float DebugDrawDuration,
bool bFindInitialOverlaps )

Definition at line 398 of file Other.h.

◆ ChangeSaturation()

static FLinearColor * UVictoryCore::ChangeSaturation ( FLinearColor * result,
FLinearColor * InColor,
float NewSaturation )

Definition at line 479 of file Other.h.

◆ ClampLocation() [1/2]

static FVector * UVictoryCore::ClampLocation ( FVector * result,
FVector BaseLocation,
FVector DesiredLocation,
float MaxDiff,
bool bTraceClampLocation,
UWorld * TraceWorld,
FVector * TraceFromLocation )

Definition at line 391 of file Other.h.

◆ ClampLocation() [2/2]

static FVector * UVictoryCore::ClampLocation ( FVector * result,
FVector BaseLocation,
FVector DesiredLocation,
float MaxDiff,
bool bTraceClampLocation,
UWorld * TraceWorld,
FVector * TraceFromLocation )

Definition at line 395 of file Other.h.

◆ ClampRotAxis() [1/2]

static float UVictoryCore::ClampRotAxis ( float BaseAxis,
float DesiredAxis,
float MaxDiff )

Definition at line 390 of file Other.h.

◆ ClampRotAxis() [2/2]

static float UVictoryCore::ClampRotAxis ( float BaseAxis,
float DesiredAxis,
float MaxDiff )

Definition at line 394 of file Other.h.

◆ ClassToStringReference()

static FString * UVictoryCore::ClassToStringReference ( FString * result,
TSubclassOf< UObject > obj )

Definition at line 528 of file Other.h.

◆ ComponentBoundsEncompassesPoint()

static bool UVictoryCore::ComponentBoundsEncompassesPoint ( UPrimitiveComponent * Comp,
FVector * Point,
float BoundsMultiplier )

Definition at line 393 of file Other.h.

◆ ConsumeBonusItemCode()

static FString * UVictoryCore::ConsumeBonusItemCode ( FString * result)

Definition at line 427 of file Other.h.

◆ CooldownTimeRemaining()

static float UVictoryCore::CooldownTimeRemaining ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
long double CooldownClock,
float CooldownDuration )

Definition at line 461 of file Other.h.

◆ FindValidLocationNextToTarget()

static bool UVictoryCore::FindValidLocationNextToTarget ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FVector * OutLocation,
APrimalCharacter * SourceCharacter,
APrimalCharacter * TargetCharacter,
float DistanceMargin,
int MaxTraceCount,
AActor * ActorToIgnore,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bDrawDebug,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 406 of file Other.h.

◆ FindWorldActors() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::FindWorldActors ( UWorld * fWorld,
TArray< AActor * > * fContainer,
TSubclassOf< AActor > fType,
FName fTag )

Definition at line 442 of file Other.h.

◆ FindWorldActors() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::FindWorldActors ( UWorld * fWorld,
TArray< AActor * > * fContainer,
TSubclassOf< AActor > fType,
FName fTag )

Definition at line 416 of file Other.h.

◆ FinishSpawning() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::FinishSpawning ( AActor * Actor)

Definition at line 444 of file Other.h.

◆ FinishSpawning() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::FinishSpawning ( AActor * Actor)

Definition at line 418 of file Other.h.

◆ FlattenDirectionVector()

static FVector * UVictoryCore::FlattenDirectionVector ( FVector * result,
FVector Direction )

Definition at line 414 of file Other.h.

◆ FlattenDirectionVectorInLocalSpace()

static FVector * UVictoryCore::FlattenDirectionVectorInLocalSpace ( FVector * result,
FVector Direction,
FRotator Rotation )

Definition at line 415 of file Other.h.

◆ FormatAsTime() [1/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::FormatAsTime ( FString * result,
int InTime,
bool UseLeadingZero,
bool bForceLeadingZeroHour,
bool bShowSeconds )

Definition at line 422 of file Other.h.

◆ FormatAsTime() [2/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::FormatAsTime ( FString * result,
int InTime,
bool UseLeadingZero,
bool bForceLeadingZeroHour,
bool bShowSeconds )

Definition at line 403 of file Other.h.

◆ FormatAsTimeLong()

static FString * UVictoryCore::FormatAsTimeLong ( FString * result,
int InTime )

Definition at line 424 of file Other.h.

◆ FormatSecondsAsHoursMinutesSeconds()

static FString * UVictoryCore::FormatSecondsAsHoursMinutesSeconds ( FString * result,
unsigned int Seconds )

Definition at line 383 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllClassesOfType()

static void UVictoryCore::GetAllClassesOfType ( TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > * Subclasses,
TSubclassOf< UObject > ParentClass,
bool bAllowAbstract,
FString Path )

Definition at line 514 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllLocalPlayerCharacters()

static TArray< AShooterCharacter * > * UVictoryCore::GetAllLocalPlayerCharacters ( TArray< AShooterCharacter * > * result,
UObject * WorldContextObject )

Definition at line 522 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAllLocalPlayerControllers()

static TArray< AShooterPlayerController * > * UVictoryCore::GetAllLocalPlayerControllers ( TArray< AShooterPlayerController * > * result,
UObject * WorldContextObject )

Definition at line 519 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAngleBetweenVectors() [1/2]

static float UVictoryCore::GetAngleBetweenVectors ( FVector * VectorA,
FVector * VectorB,
FVector * AroundAxis )

Definition at line 505 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAngleBetweenVectors() [2/2]

static float UVictoryCore::GetAngleBetweenVectors ( FVector * VectorA,
FVector * VectorB,
FVector * AroundAxis )

Definition at line 445 of file Other.h.

◆ GetAngleBetweenVectorsPure()

static float UVictoryCore::GetAngleBetweenVectorsPure ( FVector VectorA,
FVector VectorB,
FVector AroundAxis )

Definition at line 506 of file Other.h.

◆ GetArrayIndicesSorted_Double()

static TArray< int > * UVictoryCore::GetArrayIndicesSorted_Double ( TArray< int > * result,
TArray< double > * Array,
bool bSortLowToHigh )

Definition at line 440 of file Other.h.

◆ GetArrayIndicesSorted_Float()

static TArray< int > * UVictoryCore::GetArrayIndicesSorted_Float ( TArray< int > * result,
TArray< float > * Array,
bool bSortLowToHigh )

Definition at line 439 of file Other.h.

◆ GetArrayIndicesSorted_Int()

static TArray< int > * UVictoryCore::GetArrayIndicesSorted_Int ( TArray< int > * result,
TArray< int > * Array,
bool bSortLowToHigh )

Definition at line 441 of file Other.h.

◆ GetCharacterCapsuleSize()

static bool UVictoryCore::GetCharacterCapsuleSize ( TSubclassOf< APrimalCharacter > CharClass,
float * OutCapsuleRadius,
float * OutCapsuleHalfHeight )

Definition at line 497 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClassPathName() [1/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetClassPathName ( FString * result,
UObject * ForObject )

Definition at line 488 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClassPathName() [2/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetClassPathName ( FString * result,
UObject * ForObject )

Definition at line 439 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClassString() [1/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetClassString ( FString * result,
UClass * Class )

Definition at line 438 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClassString() [2/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetClassString ( FString * result,
UObject * ForObject )

Definition at line 487 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClosestActorArray() [1/2]

static AActor * UVictoryCore::GetClosestActorArray ( FVector ToPoint,
TArray< AActor * > * ActorArray )

Definition at line 447 of file Other.h.

◆ GetClosestActorArray() [2/2]

static AActor * UVictoryCore::GetClosestActorArray ( FVector ToPoint,
TArray< AActor * > * ActorArray )

Definition at line 420 of file Other.h.

◆ GetCustomActorList()

static ACustomActorList * UVictoryCore::GetCustomActorList ( UWorld * ForWorld,
FName SearchCustomTag )

Definition at line 448 of file Other.h.

◆ GetDinoCharacterByID()

static APrimalDinoCharacter * UVictoryCore::GetDinoCharacterByID ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
const int DinoID1,
const int DinoID2,
const bool bSearchTamedOnly )

Definition at line 513 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGroundLocation() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::GetGroundLocation ( UWorld * forWorld,
FVector * theGroundLoc,
FVector * StartLoc,
FVector * OffsetUp,
FVector * OffsetDown )

Definition at line 429 of file Other.h.

◆ GetGroundLocation() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::GetGroundLocation ( UWorld * forWorld,
FVector * theGroundLoc,
FVector * StartLoc,
FVector * OffsetUp,
FVector * OffsetDown )

Definition at line 407 of file Other.h.

◆ GetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent() [1/2]

static FName * UVictoryCore::GetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent ( FName * result,
APrimalCharacter * Character,
AController * HitInstigator,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
bool bIsPointDamage,
FHitResult * PointHitResult,
FName MatchCollisionPresetName )

Definition at line 504 of file Other.h.

◆ GetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent() [2/2]

static FName * UVictoryCore::GetHitBoneNameFromDamageEvent ( FName * result,
APrimalCharacter * Character,
AController * HitInstigator,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
bool bIsPointDamage,
FHitResult * PointHitResult,
FName MatchCollisionPresetName )

Definition at line 443 of file Other.h.

◆ GetIslandCustomDatas()

static void UVictoryCore::GetIslandCustomDatas ( AActor * SomeIslandActor,
int * IslandID,
TArray< FString > * IslandCustomDatas1,
TArray< FString > * IslandCustomDatas2 )

Definition at line 449 of file Other.h.

◆ GetKeyName()

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetKeyName ( FString * result,
FKey key )

Definition at line 456 of file Other.h.

◆ GetKeyNameFromActionName()

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetKeyNameFromActionName ( FString * result,
FName ActionName )

Definition at line 389 of file Other.h.

◆ GetLastHostedMapPlayed()

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetLastHostedMapPlayed ( FString * result)

Definition at line 467 of file Other.h.

◆ GetLastMapPlayed() [1/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetLastMapPlayed ( FString * result)

Definition at line 466 of file Other.h.

◆ GetLastMapPlayed() [2/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetLastMapPlayed ( FString * result)

Definition at line 425 of file Other.h.

◆ GetNetworkTimeInSeconds()

static long double UVictoryCore::GetNetworkTimeInSeconds ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 449 of file Other.h.

◆ GetNewlineCharacter()

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetNewlineCharacter ( FString * result)

Definition at line 489 of file Other.h.

◆ GetObjectPath()

static FName * UVictoryCore::GetObjectPath ( FName * result,
UObject * Obj )

Definition at line 387 of file Other.h.

◆ GetObjectsReferencedBy()

static void UVictoryCore::GetObjectsReferencedBy ( UObject * ForObject,
TArray< UObject * > * OutReferencedObjects,
bool bIgnoreTransient )

Definition at line 502 of file Other.h.

◆ GetOverlappedHarvestActors() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::GetOverlappedHarvestActors ( UWorld * ForWorld,
FVector * AtLoc,
float AtRadius,
TArray< AActor * > * OutHarvestActors,
TArray< UActorComponent * > * OutHarvestComponents,
TArray< FVector > * OutHarvestLocations,
TArray< int > * OutHitBodyIndices )

Definition at line 503 of file Other.h.

◆ GetOverlappedHarvestActors() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::GetOverlappedHarvestActors ( UWorld * ForWorld,
FVector * AtLoc,
float AtRadius,
TArray< AActor * > * OutHarvestActors,
TArray< UActorComponent * > * OutHarvestComponents,
TArray< FVector > * OutHarvestLocations,
TArray< int > * OutHitBodyIndices )

Definition at line 442 of file Other.h.

◆ GetPlayerCharacterByController()

static AShooterCharacter * UVictoryCore::GetPlayerCharacterByController ( APlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 512 of file Other.h.

◆ GetRealWorldUtcTimeInSeconds()

static long double UVictoryCore::GetRealWorldUtcTimeInSeconds ( )

Definition at line 450 of file Other.h.

◆ GetScreenPercentage()

static float UVictoryCore::GetScreenPercentage ( )

Definition at line 516 of file Other.h.

◆ GetSecondsIntoDay() [1/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetSecondsIntoDay ( )

Definition at line 426 of file Other.h.

◆ GetSecondsIntoDay() [2/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetSecondsIntoDay ( )

Definition at line 405 of file Other.h.

◆ GetShooterCharacterFromPawn()

static AShooterCharacter * UVictoryCore::GetShooterCharacterFromPawn ( APawn * Pawn)

Definition at line 451 of file Other.h.

◆ GetTeamColor() [1/2]

static FColor * UVictoryCore::GetTeamColor ( FColor * result,
const int TargetingTeam )

Definition at line 420 of file Other.h.

◆ GetTeamColor() [2/2]

static FColor * UVictoryCore::GetTeamColor ( FColor * result,
const int TargetingTeam )

Definition at line 402 of file Other.h.

◆ GetTotalCoversionIdAsString() [1/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetTotalCoversionIdAsString ( FString * result)

Definition at line 494 of file Other.h.

◆ GetTotalCoversionIdAsString() [2/2]

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetTotalCoversionIdAsString ( FString * result)

Definition at line 440 of file Other.h.

◆ GetTwoLetterISOLanguageName()

static FString * UVictoryCore::GetTwoLetterISOLanguageName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 493 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWeightedRandomIndex() [1/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetWeightedRandomIndex ( TArray< float > * pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 385 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWeightedRandomIndex() [2/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetWeightedRandomIndex ( TArray< float > * pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 391 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray() [1/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray ( TArray< float > pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 446 of file Other.h.

◆ GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray() [2/2]

static int UVictoryCore::GetWeightedRandomIndexFromArray ( TArray< float > pArray,
float ForceRand )

Definition at line 419 of file Other.h.

◆ IntToStringAscii()

static FString * UVictoryCore::IntToStringAscii ( FString * result,
int CharValue )

Definition at line 490 of file Other.h.

◆ InverseTransform() [1/2]

static FTransform * UVictoryCore::InverseTransform ( FTransform * result,
FTransform * TransformIn )

Definition at line 482 of file Other.h.

◆ InverseTransform() [2/2]

static FTransform * UVictoryCore::InverseTransform ( FTransform * result,
FTransform * TransformIn )

Definition at line 435 of file Other.h.

◆ InverseTransformVectorByScreenProjectionGlobalTransform()

static FVector2D * UVictoryCore::InverseTransformVectorByScreenProjectionGlobalTransform ( FVector2D * result,
FVector2D vec )

Definition at line 515 of file Other.h.

◆ IsChildOfClasses() [1/2]

static int UVictoryCore::IsChildOfClasses ( TSubclassOf< UObject > childClass,
TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > * ParentClassesArray )

Definition at line 458 of file Other.h.

◆ IsChildOfClasses() [2/2]

static int UVictoryCore::IsChildOfClasses ( TSubclassOf< UObject > childClass,
TArray< TSubclassOf< UObject > > * ParentClassesArray )

Definition at line 424 of file Other.h.

◆ IsCooldownComplete()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsCooldownComplete ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
long double CooldownClock,
float NumSeconds )

Definition at line 460 of file Other.h.

◆ IsDinoDuped()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsDinoDuped ( UWorld * WorldContext,
const unsigned int id1,
const unsigned int id2 )

Definition at line 523 of file Other.h.

◆ IsGamePadConnected() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::IsGamePadConnected ( )

Definition at line 457 of file Other.h.

◆ IsGamePadConnected() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::IsGamePadConnected ( )

Definition at line 423 of file Other.h.

◆ IsPointStuckWithinMesh()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsPointStuckWithinMesh ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector TestPoint,
int hemisphereSubdivisions,
float rayDistance,
float percentageConsideredStuck,
AActor * ActorToIgnore )

Definition at line 520 of file Other.h.

◆ IsPVEServer()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsPVEServer ( UObject * WorldContextObject)

Definition at line 459 of file Other.h.

◆ IsTimerActive()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsTimerActive ( UObject * Object,
FString FunctionName )

Definition at line 464 of file Other.h.

◆ IsTimerPaused()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsTimerPaused ( UObject * Object,
FString FunctionName )

Definition at line 465 of file Other.h.

◆ IsUnderMesh()

static bool UVictoryCore::IsUnderMesh ( APrimalCharacter * Character,
FVector * CheckSevenHitLocation,
bool * bOverlapping,
UActorComponent ** CheckSevenResult,
bool DebugDraw,
float DebugDrawSeconds )

Definition at line 524 of file Other.h.

◆ IsWorkshopIDSubscribed() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::IsWorkshopIDSubscribed ( FString * WorkshopID)

Definition at line 481 of file Other.h.

◆ IsWorkshopIDSubscribed() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::IsWorkshopIDSubscribed ( FString * WorkshopID)

Definition at line 434 of file Other.h.

◆ JoinStringArrayWithNewlines()

static FString * UVictoryCore::JoinStringArrayWithNewlines ( FString * result,
TArray< FString > * SourceArray )

Definition at line 492 of file Other.h.

◆ KillTargetCharacterOrStructure()

static bool UVictoryCore::KillTargetCharacterOrStructure ( AActor * ActorToKill,
bool bTryDestroyActor )

Definition at line 445 of file Other.h.

◆ LeadTargetPosition() [1/2]

static FVector * UVictoryCore::LeadTargetPosition ( FVector * result,
FVector * ProjLocation,
float ProjSpeed,
FVector * TargetLocation,
FVector * TargetVelocity )

Definition at line 476 of file Other.h.

◆ LeadTargetPosition() [2/2]

static FVector * UVictoryCore::LeadTargetPosition ( FVector * result,
FVector * ProjLocation,
float ProjSpeed,
FVector * TargetLocation,
FVector * TargetVelocity )

Definition at line 432 of file Other.h.

◆ MakeHitResult()

static FHitResult * UVictoryCore::MakeHitResult ( FHitResult * result,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Normal,
UPhysicalMaterial * PhysMat,
AActor * HitActor,
UPrimitiveComponent * HitComponent,
FName HitBoneName,
int HitItem,
bool bBlockingHit )

Definition at line 444 of file Other.h.

◆ MulticastDrawDebugLine()

static void UVictoryCore::MulticastDrawDebugLine ( AActor * ReplicatedActor,
FVector LineStart,
FVector LineEnd,
FLinearColor LineColor,
float Duration,
float Thickness )

Definition at line 510 of file Other.h.

◆ MulticastDrawDebugSphere()

static void UVictoryCore::MulticastDrawDebugSphere ( AActor * ReplicatedActor,
FVector Center,
float Radius,
int Segments,
FLinearColor LineColor,
float Duration )

Definition at line 511 of file Other.h.

◆ MultiLinePenetrationTraceByChannel()

static void UVictoryCore::MultiLinePenetrationTraceByChannel ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TArray< FPenetrationTraceHit > * OutResults,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
TArray< AActor * > * ActorsToIgnore,
bool bTraceComplex,
bool bIgnoreSelf,
bool bDrawDebugLines,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 405 of file Other.h.

◆ MultiTraceProjectSphere() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::MultiTraceProjectSphere ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TArray< FHitResult > * OutResults,
FVector * Origin,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
int HorizResolution,
int VertResolution,
float StartDistance,
float EndDistance,
float NorthConeSubtractAngle,
float SouthConeSubtractAngle,
int PctChanceToTrace,
int MaxTraceCount,
bool bDrawDebugLines,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 399 of file Other.h.

◆ MultiTraceProjectSphere() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::MultiTraceProjectSphere ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
TArray< FHitResult > * OutResults,
FVector * Origin,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
int HorizResolution,
int VertResolution,
float StartDistance,
float EndDistance,
float NorthConeSubtractAngle,
float SouthConeSubtractAngle,
int PctChanceToTrace,
int MaxTraceCount,
bool bDrawDebugLines,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 397 of file Other.h.

◆ OpenStorePageForDLC() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::OpenStorePageForDLC ( FString DLCName)

Definition at line 475 of file Other.h.

◆ OpenStorePageForDLC() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::OpenStorePageForDLC ( FString DLCName)

Definition at line 431 of file Other.h.

◆ OverlappingActors() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OverlappingActors ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FOverlapResult > * Overlaps,
FVector Origin,
float Radius,
int CollisionGroups,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
FName TraceName,
bool bComplexOverlapTest )

Definition at line 380 of file Other.h.

◆ OverlappingActors() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OverlappingActors ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FOverlapResult > * Overlaps,
FVector Origin,
float Radius,
int CollisionGroups,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
FName TraceName,
bool bComplexOverlapTest )

Definition at line 389 of file Other.h.

◆ OverlappingActorsTrace() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OverlappingActorsTrace ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FOverlapResult > * Overlaps,
FVector Origin,
float Radius,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
FName TraceName,
bool bComplexOverlapTest )

Definition at line 384 of file Other.h.

◆ OverlappingActorsTrace() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OverlappingActorsTrace ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FOverlapResult > * Overlaps,
FVector Origin,
float Radius,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
FName TraceName,
bool bComplexOverlapTest )

Definition at line 392 of file Other.h.

◆ OverlappingStationaryObjectsTrace()

static bool UVictoryCore::OverlappingStationaryObjectsTrace ( UWorld * theWorld,
APrimalCharacter * SourceCharacter,
TArray< FOverlapResult > * Overlaps,
FVector Origin,
float Radius,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
FName TraceName,
bool bComplexOverlapTest )

Definition at line 526 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsAberration()

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsAberration ( )

Definition at line 470 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsDLC() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsDLC ( FString DLCName)

Definition at line 473 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsDLC() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsDLC ( FString DLCName)

Definition at line 429 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsExtinction()

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsExtinction ( )

Definition at line 471 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsGenesisSeasonPass()

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsGenesisSeasonPass ( )

Definition at line 472 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsScorchedEarth() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsScorchedEarth ( )

Definition at line 469 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsScorchedEarth() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsScorchedEarth ( )

Definition at line 428 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsSteamAppID() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsSteamAppID ( int AppID)

Definition at line 474 of file Other.h.

◆ OwnsSteamAppID() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::OwnsSteamAppID ( int AppID)

Definition at line 430 of file Other.h.

◆ PauseTimer()

static void UVictoryCore::PauseTimer ( UObject * Object,
FString FunctionName )

Definition at line 462 of file Other.h.

◆ ProjectWorldLocationToScreenOrScreenEdgePosition()

static bool UVictoryCore::ProjectWorldLocationToScreenOrScreenEdgePosition ( APlayerController * playerController,
FVector WorldLocation,
FVector2D * ScreenPosition,
const float screenMarginPercent,
bool widgetSpace,
bool * OnScreen )

Definition at line 517 of file Other.h.

◆ ProjectWorldToScreenPosition()

static FVector2D * UVictoryCore::ProjectWorldToScreenPosition ( FVector2D * result,
FVector * WorldLocation,
APlayerController * ThePC )

Definition at line 382 of file Other.h.

◆ ProjectWorldToScreenPositionRaw()

static FVector2D * UVictoryCore::ProjectWorldToScreenPositionRaw ( FVector2D * result,
FVector * WorldLocation,
APlayerController * ThePC )

Definition at line 386 of file Other.h.

◆ RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer() [1/2]

static TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * UVictoryCore::RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer ( TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * result,
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > fContainer )

Definition at line 443 of file Other.h.

◆ RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer() [2/2]

static TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * UVictoryCore::RemoveInvalidObjectsInContainer ( TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > * result,
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > > fContainer )

Definition at line 417 of file Other.h.

◆ RLerp() [1/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::RLerp ( FRotator * result,
FRotator A,
FRotator B,
float Alpha,
bool bShortestPath )

Definition at line 381 of file Other.h.

◆ RLerp() [2/2]

static FRotator * UVictoryCore::RLerp ( FRotator * result,
FRotator A,
FRotator B,
float Alpha,
bool bShortestPath )

Definition at line 390 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerCheckMeshingOnActor()

static bool UVictoryCore::ServerCheckMeshingOnActor ( AActor * OnActor,
bool bForceUseActorCenterBounds )

Definition at line 521 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActors() [1/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActors ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 432 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActors() [2/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActors ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 410 of file Other.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask() [1/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
int OctreeTypeBitMask,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 433 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask() [2/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsBitMask ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
int OctreeTypeBitMask,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 411 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass() [1/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 434 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass() [2/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClass ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
EServerOctreeGroup::Type OctreeType,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 412 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask() [1/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
int OctreeTypeBitMask,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 435 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask() [2/2]

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::ServerOctreeOverlapActorsClassBitMask ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
UWorld * theWorld,
FVector AtLoc,
float Radius,
int OctreeTypeBitMask,
TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass,
bool bForceActorLocationDistanceCheck )

Definition at line 413 of file Other.h.

◆ ServerSearchFoliage()

static void UVictoryCore::ServerSearchFoliage ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FVector * Origin,
float Radius,
TArray< FOverlappedFoliageElement > * OutFoliage,
bool bVisibleAndActiveOnly,
bool bIncludeUsableFoliage,
bool bIncludeMeshFoliage,
bool bSortByDistance,
bool bReverseSort )

Definition at line 530 of file Other.h.

◆ SetBoolArrayElemFalse() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetBoolArrayElemFalse ( TArray< bool > * TheArray,
int TheIndex )

Definition at line 509 of file Other.h.

◆ SetBoolArrayElemFalse() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetBoolArrayElemFalse ( TArray< bool > * TheArray,
int TheIndex )

Definition at line 448 of file Other.h.

◆ SetBoolArrayElemTrue() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetBoolArrayElemTrue ( TArray< bool > * TheArray,
int TheIndex )

Definition at line 508 of file Other.h.

◆ SetBoolArrayElemTrue() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetBoolArrayElemTrue ( TArray< bool > * TheArray,
int TheIndex )

Definition at line 447 of file Other.h.

◆ SetLastHostedMapPlayed() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetLastHostedMapPlayed ( FString * NewLastHostedMapPlayed)

Definition at line 468 of file Other.h.

◆ SetLastHostedMapPlayed() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetLastHostedMapPlayed ( FString * NewLastHostedMapPlayed)

Definition at line 427 of file Other.h.

◆ SetLastMapPlayed()

static void UVictoryCore::SetLastMapPlayed ( FString * NewLastMapPlayed)

Definition at line 426 of file Other.h.

◆ SetSessionPrefix() [1/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetSessionPrefix ( FString * InPrefix)

Definition at line 419 of file Other.h.

◆ SetSessionPrefix() [2/2]

static void UVictoryCore::SetSessionPrefix ( FString * InPrefix)

Definition at line 401 of file Other.h.

◆ SimpleFloatString()

static FString * UVictoryCore::SimpleFloatString ( FString * result,
float inputVal )

Definition at line 480 of file Other.h.

◆ SortActorsByDistance()

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::SortActorsByDistance ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
FVector * fromLoc,
TArray< AActor * > * actors )

Definition at line 477 of file Other.h.

◆ SortActorsByTag()

static TArray< AActor * > * UVictoryCore::SortActorsByTag ( TArray< AActor * > * result,
int tagIndex,
TArray< AActor * > * actors )

Definition at line 438 of file Other.h.

◆ SpawnActorInWorld() [1/2]

static AActor * UVictoryCore::SpawnActorInWorld ( UWorld * ForWorld,
TSubclassOf< AActor > AnActorClass,
FVector AtLocation,
FRotator AtRotation,
USceneComponent * attachToComponent,
int dataIndex,
FName attachSocketName,
AActor * OwnerActor,
APawn * InstigatorPawn )

Definition at line 495 of file Other.h.

◆ SpawnActorInWorld() [2/2]

static AActor * UVictoryCore::SpawnActorInWorld ( UWorld * ForWorld,
TSubclassOf< AActor > AnActorClass,
FVector AtLocation,
FRotator AtRotation,
USceneComponent * attachToComponent,
int dataIndex,
FName attachSocketName,
AActor * OwnerActor,
APawn * InstigatorPawn )

Definition at line 441 of file Other.h.

◆ SphereOverlapFast()

static bool UVictoryCore::SphereOverlapFast ( UObject * WorldContextObject,
FVector * Loc,
const float Radius )

Definition at line 394 of file Other.h.

◆ StaticCheckForCommand() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::StaticCheckForCommand ( FString CommandName)

Definition at line 428 of file Other.h.

◆ StaticCheckForCommand() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::StaticCheckForCommand ( FString CommandName)

Definition at line 406 of file Other.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesUVictoryCore()

static void UVictoryCore::StaticRegisterNativesUVictoryCore ( )

Definition at line 527 of file Other.h.

◆ SteamOverlayOpenURL()

static void UVictoryCore::SteamOverlayOpenURL ( FString * ToURL)

Definition at line 418 of file Other.h.

◆ StringReferenceToClass()

static TSubclassOf< UObject > * UVictoryCore::StringReferenceToClass ( TSubclassOf< UObject > * result,
FString * StringReference )

Definition at line 529 of file Other.h.

◆ StringToIntAscii()

static int UVictoryCore::StringToIntAscii ( FString SourceString,
int Index )

Definition at line 491 of file Other.h.

◆ TracePhysMaterial() [1/2]

static UPhysicalMaterial * UVictoryCore::TracePhysMaterial ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector StartPos,
FVector EndPos,
AActor * IgnoreActor )

Definition at line 388 of file Other.h.

◆ TracePhysMaterial() [2/2]

static UPhysicalMaterial * UVictoryCore::TracePhysMaterial ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector StartPos,
FVector EndPos,
AActor * IgnoreActor )

Definition at line 393 of file Other.h.

◆ UnPauseTimer()

static void UVictoryCore::UnPauseTimer ( UObject * Object,
FString FunctionName )

Definition at line 463 of file Other.h.

◆ ViewDirectionAngleOffset()

static FVector * UVictoryCore::ViewDirectionAngleOffset ( FVector * result,
FVector ViewDirection,
FVector RightVector,
float AngleOffsetDegrees,
float MaxAngleDegreesBeforeInterpToUp )

Definition at line 413 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceAgainstActorExpensive() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceAgainstActorExpensive ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FHitResult * HitOut,
AActor * ActorToTraceAgainst,
ECollisionChannel Channel,
int CollisionGroups,
float SphereRadius,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
FVector * BoxExtent,
FName TraceTag,
bool bSort )

Definition at line 486 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceAgainstActorExpensive() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceAgainstActorExpensive ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FHitResult * HitOut,
AActor * ActorToTraceAgainst,
ECollisionChannel Channel,
int CollisionGroups,
float SphereRadius,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
FVector * BoxExtent,
FName TraceTag,
bool bSort )

Definition at line 437 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceIgnoreFoliage() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceIgnoreFoliage ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FHitResult * HitOut,
AActor * ActorToIgnore,
ECollisionChannel Channel,
int CollisionGroups,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
FVector * BoxExtent,
FName TraceTag,
AActor * OtherActorToIgnore,
TArray< AActor * > * OtherActorsToIgnore,
FQuat * Rot,
AActor * AnotherActorToIgnore,
bool bIgnoreFoliage )

Definition at line 417 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceIgnoreFoliage() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceIgnoreFoliage ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FHitResult * HitOut,
AActor * ActorToIgnore,
ECollisionChannel Channel,
int CollisionGroups,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
FVector * BoxExtent,
FName TraceTag,
AActor * OtherActorToIgnore,
TArray< AActor * > * OtherActorsToIgnore,
FQuat * Rot,
AActor * AnotherActorToIgnore,
bool bIgnoreFoliage )

Definition at line 400 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceMulti() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceMulti ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FHitResult > * OutHits,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
int CollisionGroups,
float SphereRadius,
FVector * BoxExtent,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
FName TraceTag,
bool bTraceChannelForceOverlap,
bool bDoSort,
AActor * AdditionalIgnoreActor,
AActor * AnotherIgnoreActor,
bool bJustDoSphereOverlapAtStartLoc,
TArray< AActor * > * ExtraIgnoreActors )

Definition at line 455 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceMulti() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceMulti ( UWorld * theWorld,
TArray< FHitResult > * OutHits,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
int CollisionGroups,
float SphereRadius,
FVector * BoxExtent,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
bool bTraceComplex,
FName TraceTag,
bool bTraceChannelForceOverlap,
bool bDoSort,
AActor * AdditionalIgnoreActor,
AActor * AnotherIgnoreActor,
bool bJustDoSphereOverlapAtStartLoc,
TArray< AActor * > * ExtraIgnoreActors )

Definition at line 422 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceSingleBP() [1/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceSingleBP ( UWorld * theWorld,
FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
int CollisionGroups,
FName TraceTag,
bool bTraceComplex,
AActor * ActorToIgnore )

Definition at line 452 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceSingleBP() [2/2]

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceSingleBP ( UWorld * theWorld,
FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
int CollisionGroups,
FName TraceTag,
bool bTraceComplex,
AActor * ActorToIgnore )

Definition at line 421 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceSingleBP_IgnoreActorsArray()

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceSingleBP_IgnoreActorsArray ( UWorld * theWorld,
FHitResult * OutHit,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
TArray< AActor *, FDefaultAllocator > * ExtraIgnoreActors,
AActor * InIgnoreActor,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
int CollisionGroups,
FName TraceTag,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
float DebugDrawDuration )

Definition at line 453 of file Other.h.

◆ VTraceSphereBP()

static bool UVictoryCore::VTraceSphereBP ( UWorld * theWorld,
FVector * Start,
FVector * End,
FHitResult * HitOut,
float Radius,
AActor * ActorToIgnore,
ECollisionChannel Channel,
int CollisionGroups,
bool bReturnPhysMaterial,
bool bTraceComplex,
FName TraceTag,
AActor * OtherActorToIgnore,
AActor * AnotherActorToIgnore )

Definition at line 454 of file Other.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: