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APrimalStructureItemContainer Struct Reference

#include <PrimalStructure.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for APrimalStructureItemContainer:
+ Collaboration diagram for APrimalStructureItemContainer:

Public Member Functions

UPrimalInventoryComponentMyInventoryComponentField ()
FStringHasPowerStringOverrideField ()
FStringNoPowerStringOverrideField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BatteryClassOverrideField ()
int & PoweredOverrideCounterField ()
float & NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField ()
int & NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > ActivateMaterialsField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > InActivateMaterialsField ()
UChildActorComponent * MyChildEmitterSpawnableField ()
FStringBoxNameField ()
float & InsulationRangeField ()
float & HyperThermiaInsulationField ()
float & HypoThermiaInsulationField ()
float & ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField ()
float & FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ()
float & DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField ()
FStringActivateContainerStringField ()
FStringDeactivateContainerStringField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField ()
TArray< float > & FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField ()
long double & NetDestructionTimeField ()
unsigned int & CurrentPinCodeField ()
long double & CurrentFuelTimeCacheField ()
long double & LastCheckedFuelTimeField ()
int & LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField ()
int & CurrentItemCountField ()
int & MaxItemCountField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructure > & LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField ()
long double & LastLockStateChangeTimeField ()
long double & LastActiveStateChangeTimeField ()
int & LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField ()
float & BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField ()
float & BasedCharacterDamageAmountField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & BasedCharacterDamageTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & EngramRequirementClassOverrideField ()
AActorLinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField ()
float & PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField ()
FStringOpenSceneActionNameField ()
FStringDisabledOpenSceneActionNameField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField ()
long double & DeathCacheCreationTimeField ()
long double & LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField ()
int & LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField ()
long double & LastSignNamingTimeField ()
FVectorJunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField ()
FVectorJunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField ()
USoundBase * ContainerActivatedSoundField ()
USoundBase * ContainerDeactivatedSoundField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & DemolishInventoryDepositClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & FuelItemTrueClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & ReplicatedFuelItemClassField ()
__int16 & ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField ()
USoundBase * DefaultAudioTemplateField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > OverrideAudioTemplatesField ()
float & MaxActivationDistanceField ()
FStringBoxNamePrefaceStringField ()
char & TribeGroupInventoryRankField ()
TArray< float > & FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField ()
float & RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField ()
float & RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField ()
long double & LastDeactivatedTimeField ()
long double & LastActivatedTimeField ()
float & ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField ()
float & ActivationCooldownTimeField ()
float & UsablePriorityField ()
unsigned __int64 & DeathCacheCharacterIDField ()
float & SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ()
float & PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField ()
float & DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ECaptainOtherActions::Type > & CaptainOrdersActivationGroupField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateContainer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanToggleActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateWhenFueled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCustomName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bContainerActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNoPinLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventToggleActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStartedUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckStartedUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredAllowBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredUsingBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredHasBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredAllowNPC ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredUsingNPC ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredHasNPC ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideHasPowerString ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPinLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFuel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableActivationUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPinLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDropInventoryOnDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrinkingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActiveRequiresPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPowerJunction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateIfPowered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLastToggleActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPinActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPowered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowTeamActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateItemFuelClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOpenSceneAction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHandledDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBeActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresItemExactClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSetContainerActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseDeathCacheCharacterID ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateLastActivatedTime ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAmmoContainer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDropInventoryOnDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructureEnableActorTickWhenActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCraftingSubstractOwnWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNoStructureLocking ()
bool IsPowered ()
bool AllowSaving ()
bool AllowToggleActivation (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool ApplyPinCode (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
void BeginPlay ()
bool CanBeActivated ()
bool CanOpen (APlayerController *ForPC)
void CharacterBasedOnUpdate (AActor *characterBasedOnMe, float DeltaSeconds)
void CheckAutoReactivate ()
void CheckForDeathCacheEmitter ()
void CheckFuelSetActive ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ConsumeFuel (bool bGiveItem)
void ContainerActivated ()
void ContainerDeactivated ()
void CopyStructureValuesFrom (APrimalStructureItemContainer *otherItemContainer)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void EnableActive ()
void GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform (FVector *spawnLoc, FRotator *spawnRot)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
USoundBase * GetOverrideAudioTemplate ()
FSpawnPointInfoGetSpawnPointInfo (FSpawnPointInfo *result)
float GetStructureWeight ()
float GetUsablePriority ()
bool IsValidWaterSourceForPipe (APrimalStructureWaterPipe *ForWaterPipe)
void MovePowerJunctionLink ()
void NetSetContainerActive_Implementation (bool bSetActive, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass, __int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex)
void NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation (FString *NewName)
void NetUpdateLocation_Implementation (FVector NewLocation)
void NotifyCraftedItem (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
void NotifyItemQuantityUpdated (UPrimalItem *anItem, int amount)
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void OnDeserializedByGame (EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)
bool OverrideHasWaterSource ()
void PlacedStructureLocation (APlayerController *ByPC)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PostSpawnInitialize ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool bCheckedBox, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
void RefreshFuelState ()
void RefreshInventoryItemCounts ()
void RefreshPowerJunctionLink ()
void RefreshPowered (APrimalStructureItemContainer *InDirectPower)
bool RemoteInventoryAllowActivation (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void SetContainerActive (bool bNewActive)
void SetDelayedActivation ()
void SetDisabledTimer (float DisabledTime)
void SetPlayerConstructor (APlayerController *PC)
void SetPoweredOverrideCounter (int NewPoweredOverrideCounter)
void Stasis ()
float SubtractWaterFromConnections (float Amount, bool bAllowNetworking)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
void TryActivation ()
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
bool UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers ()
bool BPCanBeActivated ()
bool BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void BPClientRequestInventoryUpdate (AShooterPlayerController *FromPC)
void BPContainerActivated ()
void BPContainerDeactivated ()
float BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ()
int BPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > ItemToCheckFor)
bool BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe (APrimalStructureWaterPipe *ForWaterPipe)
void BPNotifyInventoryItemChange (bool bIsItemAdd, UPrimalItem *theItem, bool bEquipItem)
void BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
void BPPreGetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPSetPlayerConstructor (APlayerController *PC)
float GetReloadRateMultiplier ()
bool IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDino)
void NetSetContainerActive (bool bSetActive, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass, __int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex)
void NetUpdateBoxName (FString *NewName)
void PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure (APrimalStructureItemContainer *PoweredStructure)
UPrimalInventoryComponentMyInventoryComponentField ()
float & SolarRefreshIntervalMinField ()
float & SolarRefreshIntervalMaxField ()
float & SolarRefreshIntervalField ()
long double & LastSolarRefreshTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BatteryClassOverrideField ()
int & PoweredOverrideCounterField ()
float & NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField ()
int & NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > ActivateMaterialsField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > InActivateMaterialsField ()
UChildActorComponent * MyChildEmitterSpawnableField ()
FStringBoxNameField ()
float & InsulationRangeField ()
float & HyperThermiaInsulationField ()
float & HypoThermiaInsulationField ()
float & ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField ()
float & FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ()
float & DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField ()
FStringActivateContainerStringField ()
FStringDeactivateContainerStringField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField ()
TArray< float > & FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField ()
long double & NetDestructionTimeField ()
unsigned int & CurrentPinCodeField ()
long double & CurrentFuelTimeCacheField ()
long double & LastCheckedFuelTimeField ()
int & LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField ()
int & CurrentItemCountField ()
int & MaxItemCountField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructure > & LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField ()
long double & LastLockStateChangeTimeField ()
long double & LastActiveStateChangeTimeField ()
int & LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField ()
FPrimalMapMarkerEntryDataMapMarkerLocationInfoField ()
float & BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField ()
float & BasedCharacterDamageAmountField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & BasedCharacterDamageTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & EngramRequirementClassOverrideField ()
AActorLinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField ()
float & PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField ()
FStringOpenSceneActionNameField ()
FStringDisabledOpenSceneActionNameField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField ()
long double & DeathCacheCreationTimeField ()
long double & LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField ()
int & LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField ()
long double & LastSignNamingTimeField ()
FVectorJunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField ()
FVectorJunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField ()
USoundBase * ContainerActivatedSoundField ()
USoundBase * ContainerDeactivatedSoundField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & DemolishInventoryDepositClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & FuelItemTrueClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & ReplicatedFuelItemClassField ()
__int16 & ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField ()
USoundBase * DefaultAudioTemplateField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > OverrideAudioTemplatesField ()
float & MaxActivationDistanceField ()
FStringBoxNamePrefaceStringField ()
char & TribeGroupInventoryRankField ()
TArray< float > & FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField ()
float & RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField ()
float & RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField ()
long double & LastDeactivatedTimeField ()
long double & LastActivatedTimeField ()
float & ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField ()
float & ActivationCooldownTimeField ()
float & UsablePriorityField ()
unsigned __int64 & DeathCacheCharacterIDField ()
float & SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ()
float & PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField ()
float & DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterPlayerController > > & ValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllersField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateContainer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanToggleActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateWhenFueled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCustomName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bContainerActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNoPinLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventToggleActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStartedUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckStartedUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredAllowBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredUsingBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredHasBattery ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredAllowSolar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredUsingSolar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > UseBPApplyPinCode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPinLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFuel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableActivationUnderwater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventAutoActivateWhenConnectedToWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPinLocking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDropInventoryOnDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrinkingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActiveRequiresPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPowerJunction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateIfPowered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLastToggleActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPinActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPowered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowTeamActivation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateItemFuelClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOpenSceneAction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHandledDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBeActivated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoActivateWhenNoPower ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresItemExactClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSetContainerActive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseDeathCacheCharacterID ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideAutoActivateToggle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseCooldownOnTransferAll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateLastActivatedTime ()
bool IsPowered ()
bool CanBeActivated ()
bool AllowToggleActivation (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
float SubtractWaterFromConnections (float Amount, bool bAllowNetworking)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void BeginPlay ()
void CheckForDeathCacheEmitter ()
void PlacedStructureLocation ()
void Stasis ()
void Unstasis ()
void PlacedStructure (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
USoundBase * GetOverrideAudioTemplate ()
bool IsValidWaterSourceForPipe (APrimalStructureWaterPipe *ForWaterPipe)
void SetDelayedActivation ()
void TryActivation ()
void SetContainerActive (bool bNewActive)
FStringGetDebugInfoString (FString *result)
bool CanOpen (APlayerController *ForPC)
void ServerCloseRemoteInventory (AShooterPlayerController *ByPC)
bool VerifyPinCode (int pinCode)
bool HasSamePinCode (APrimalStructureItemContainer *otherContainer)
bool IsPinLocked ()
int GetPinCode ()
int AddToValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllers (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool IsValidatedPinCodePlayerController (APlayerController *ForPC)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
bool ApplyPinCode (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool RemoteInventoryAllowViewing (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool RemoteInventoryAllowActivation (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
void CheckAutoReactivate ()
void ConsumeFuel (bool bGiveItem)
void NotifyItemQuantityUpdated (UPrimalItem *anItem, int amount)
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
void DeferredNotifyItemAdded ()
void CheckFuelSetActive ()
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void ClientNotifyInventoryItemChange (bool bIsItemAdd, UPrimalItem *theItem, bool bEquipItem)
void RefreshFuelState ()
bool UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers ()
void UpdateSolarPower ()
void CharacterBasedOnUpdate (AActor *characterBasedOnMe, float DeltaSeconds)
bool AllowSaving ()
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool bCheckedBox)
void NetUpdateLocation_Implementation (FVector NewLocation)
void NetSetContainerActive_Implementation (bool bSetActive, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass, __int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex)
void NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation (FString *NewName)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void SetDisabledTimer (float DisabledTime)
void EnableActive ()
void GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform (FVector *spawnLoc, FRotator *spawnRot)
bool OverrideHasWaterSource ()
void RefreshPowered (APrimalStructureItemContainer *InDirectPower)
void MovePowerJunctionLink ()
void RefreshPowerJunctionLink ()
void NotifyCraftedItem (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void LoadedFromSaveGame ()
void CopyStructureValuesFrom (APrimalStructureItemContainer *otherItemContainer)
void PostSpawnInitialize ()
void SetPoweredOverrideCounter (int NewPoweredOverrideCounter)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
FSpawnPointInfoGetSpawnPointInfo (FSpawnPointInfo *result)
void SetPlayerConstructor (APlayerController *PC)
float GetUsablePriority_Implementation ()
void RefreshInventoryItemCounts ()
bool IsPlayerControllerInPinCodeValidationList (APlayerController *PlayerController)
int GetDeathCacheCharacterID ()
bool BPApplyPinCode (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool BPCanBeActivated ()
bool BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void BPContainerActivated ()
void BPContainerDeactivated ()
float BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ()
bool BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe (APrimalStructureWaterPipe *ForWaterPipe)
void BPNotifyInventoryItemChange (bool bIsItemAdd, UPrimalItem *theItem, bool bEquipItem)
void BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ()
void BPPreGetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPSetPlayerConstructor (APlayerController *PC)
bool IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDino)
void NetSetContainerActive (bool bSetActive, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass, __int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex)
void NetUpdateBoxName (FString *NewName)
void PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure (APrimalStructureItemContainer *PoweredStructure)
void GetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC, TArray< FMultiUseEntry > *MultiUseEntries)
- Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalStructure
FVector2DOverlayTooltipPaddingField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipScaleField ()
FStringStatsPanelStructureTitleField ()
FStringRemoteInventoryTitleField ()
bool & bHideStatusBarsField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalStructureSnapSettings > & StructureSnapSettingsClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & ConsumesPrimalItemField ()
float & ScaleFactorField ()
int & StructureSnapTypeFlagsField ()
TArray< FPrimalStructureSnapPoint > & SnapPointsField ()
float & PlacementOffsetForVerticalGroundField ()
float & PlacementInitialTracePointOffsetForVerticalGroundField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & StructuresAllowedToBeVerticalGroundField ()
float & TraceDistanceFromActorToWallVerticalGroundField ()
FVectorPlacementHitLocOffsetField ()
FVectorPlacementEncroachmentCheckOffsetField ()
FVectorPlacementEncroachmentBoxExtentField ()
FVectorPlacementTraceScaleField ()
FVectorSnapAlternatePlacementTraceScaleField ()
FRotatorPlacementRotOffsetField ()
FRotatorPlacementTraceRotOffsetField ()
FRotatorSnappingRotationOffsetField ()
float & RepairAmountRemainingField ()
float & RepairCheckIntervalField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckZExtentUpField ()
float & RepairPercentPerIntervalField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventPlacingOnFloorClassesField ()
TArray< FName > & PreventPlacingOnFloorTagsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowPlacingOnFloorClassesField ()
TSubobjectPtr< USceneComponent > & MyRootTransformField ()
int & TraceIgnoreStructuresWithTypeFlagsField ()
int & bTraceCheckOnlyUseStructuresWithTypeFlagsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > AllowStructureColorSetsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > AlternateStructureColorSetsField ()
FVectorWaterVolumeCheckPointOffsetField ()
float & WaterPlacementMinimumWaterHeightField ()
float & PlacementMaxZDeltaField ()
float & PlacementChooseRotationMaxRangeOverrideField ()
float & PlacementMaxRangeField ()
float & MaxSnapLocRangeField ()
float & SnapOverlapCheckRadiusField ()
float & MaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistanceField ()
float & AdditionalFoundationSupportDistanceForLinkedStructuresField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckZExtentField ()
FVector2DPlacementFloorCheckXYExtentField ()
float & LastHealthPercentageField ()
FRotatorTakeGroundNormalRotationOffsetField ()
FVectorForceSnappedStructureToGroundCheckExtentField ()
float & BarrierPlacementPreventionDistanceField ()
FVectorOverrideCheckStructurePlacementOverlapForceEncroachmentExtentField ()
float & DemolishGiveItemCraftingResourcePercentageField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & AllowReplacementByStructureClassTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & PreventReplacementOfStructureClassTypeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventReplacementOfStructureClassTypesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventReplacementByStructureClassTypesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowReplacementByStructureClassTypesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowReplacementOfStructureClassTypesField ()
FVectorReplacementCheckOffsetField ()
float & MaximumHeightAboveWorldGroundField ()
float & MaximumHeightUnderWorldMaxKillZField ()
FRotatorPreviewCameraRotationField ()
FVectorPreviewCameraPivotOffsetField ()
float & PreviewCameraDistanceScaleFactorField ()
float & PreviewCameraDefaultZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraMaxZoomMultiplierField ()
float & ReturnDamageAmountField ()
int & StructureRangeTypeFlagField ()
int & LimitMaxStructuresInRangeTypeFlagField ()
float & ReturnDamageImpulseField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ReturnDamageTypeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UDamageType > > & ReturnDamageExcludeIncomingTypesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UDamageType > > & ReturnDamageOnlyForIncomingTypesField ()
int & OwningPlayerIDField ()
FStringOwningPlayerNameField ()
long double & LastInAllyRangeTimeField ()
int & LastInAllyRangeTimeSerializedField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & SaddleDinoField ()
TArray< APrimalDinoCharacter * > LatchedDinosField ()
UMaterialInterface * PreviewMaterialField ()
FVectorPreviewGizmoMeshOffsetField ()
float & PreviewGizmoMeshScaleField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > LinkedStructuresField ()
TArray< unsigned int > & LinkedStructuresIDField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > StructuresPlacedOnFloorField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & SnapToStructureTypesToExcludeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & SnapFromStructureTypesToExcludeField ()
APrimalStructurePlacedOnFloorStructureField ()
APrimalStructurePrimarySnappedStructureChildField ()
APrimalStructurePrimarySnappedStructureParentField ()
FStringOwnerNameField ()
FieldArray< __int16, 6 > StructureColorsField ()
APawnAttachedToField ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS * AttachedTransponderField ()
unsigned int & StructureIDField ()
unsigned int & AttachedToDinoID1Field ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & OnlyAllowStructureClassesToAttachField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & OnlyAllowStructureClassesFromAttachField ()
unsigned int & TaggedIndexField ()
unsigned int & TaggedIndexTwoField ()
unsigned int & ProcessTreeTagField ()
long double & LastStructureStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastColorizationTimeField ()
UMaterialInterface * StructureIconMaterialField ()
UPhysicalMaterialForceComponentsPhysMaterialField ()
float & ColorizationRangeMultiplierField ()
FVectorAdvancedRotationPlacementOffsetField ()
FVectorSpawnEmitterLocationOffsetField ()
FRotatorSpawnEmitterRotationOffsetField ()
USoundBase * PlacementSoundField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PickupGivesItemField ()
float & ExcludeInStructuresRadiusField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ExcludeInStructuresRadiusClassesField ()
float & LastFadeOpacityField ()
bool & bClientAddedToStructuresArrayField ()
long double & LastFailedPinTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UMeshComponent > & PrimaryMeshComponentField ()
FVectorWorldGeometryObstructionCheckOffsetField ()
TArray< FString > & PreventBuildStructureReasonStringOverridesField ()
FVectorFloatingHudLocTextOffsetField ()
float & LastBumpedDamageTimeField ()
int & ForceLimitStructuresInRangeField ()
int & PlacementMaterialForwardDirIndexField ()
float & ForcePreventPlacingInOfflineRaidStructuresRadiusField ()
FNameAttachToStaticMeshSocketNameBaseField ()
TSubclassOf< AActor > & ItemsUseAlternateActorClassAttachmentField ()
float & UnstasisAutoDestroyAfterTimeField ()
char & TribeGroupStructureRankField ()
char & TribeRankHUDYOffsetField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > > & PreventSaddleDinoClassesField ()
TArray< FName > & PreventSaddleDinoTagsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > > & AllowSaddleDinoClassesField ()
FNamePlaceOnWallUseStaticMeshTagField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & SnapStructureClassField ()
float & DemolishActivationTimeField ()
FVectorGroundEncroachmentCheckLocationOffsetField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & TempBasedPawnWaitingForAttachmentParentReplicationField ()
int & StructureMinAllowedVersionField ()
int & SavedStructureMinAllowedVersionField ()
float & OverrideEnemyFoundationPreventionRadiusField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ForceAllowWallAttachmentClassesField ()
float & LimitMaxStructuresInRangeRadiusField ()
float & BaseStructureWeightField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & FastDecayLinkedStructureClassesField ()
float & PlacementMaxZAbovePlayerHeightField ()
float & LandClaimPlacementRadiusField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalRaft > & LastAttachedShipField ()
float & SnapToWaterSurface_ZOffsetField ()
float & NoClaimFlagDecayDestructionPeriodField ()
float & NoClaimFlagDecayDestructionPeriodMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructureClaimFlag > & LinkedToClaimFlagField ()
float & MyExtraShipStructureHealthMultiplierField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > & StructureShipSizeClass_MaxField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > & StructureShipSizeClass_MinField ()
int & RequirePlacementOnShipDeckIndexField ()
int & SnapToShipDeckIndexField ()
UStaticMeshMyStaticMeshOverrideField ()
TArray< FName > & EncroachmentCheckIgnoreStructureTypeTagsField ()
FNameStructureTypeTagField ()
long double & CheckUntilAttachedToShipStartTimeField ()
float & ShipPlacementRotationOffsetField ()
TArray< FPrimalStructureSnapPointOverride > & SnapToModelOverridesField ()
TArray< FPrimalStructureSnapPointOverride > & SnapFromModelOverridesField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > AlternateSnapPreviewsField ()
UStaticMeshPreviewDefaultStaticMeshField ()
float & SnapCheckIntervalDistanceField ()
float & TimeToAllowFreePickupField ()
float & FreePickupTextYOffsetField ()
float & AdditionalRepairPercentNextIntervalField ()
float & MaxAdditionalRepairPercentField ()
float & FlatAdditionalRepairPercentField ()
UMeshComponentPreviewGizmoComponentField ()
UPrimalItemCraftedFromStatItemField ()
FNamePaintingFileNameOverrideField ()
float & NPC_AdditionalUseRadiusField ()
FStringTutorialHintStringField ()
int & PreviewLastPlacementResultField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventParentStructureClassesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowParentStructureClassesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventChildStructureClassesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowChildStructureClassesField ()
float & ShipStructureOffsetFromHUDBottomYField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckStartOffsetZField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckEndOffsetZField ()
float & ShipPlacementMaxBelowZOffsetField ()
float & TraceDistanceFromActorToCeilingField ()
float & PlacementInitialTracePointOffsetForCeilingField ()
float & PlacementOffsetForCeilingField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & StructuresAllowedToBeCeilingField ()
float & PreventPlacingNearEnemyRadiusField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlippable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlipped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShowInPlaceableList ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRepairing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInitializedMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowWallAttachments ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPRefreshedStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientAddPlacedOnFloorStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementUsesWeaponClipAmmo ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDyingWhenDemolished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteTakeAnythingAsGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAdvancedRotationPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePlacementOnDynamicsFoliageAndDoors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSeatedDisableCollisionCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPIsAllowedToBuildEx ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPHandleStructureEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePlacingOnVerticalGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementShouldNotBeHorizontal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresGroundedPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacingOnOtherTeamStructuresPvPOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUseSkeletalMeshComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDisableFootSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTraceThruEncroachmentPoints ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSpawnEffects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDinoPlacementDistanceIncrease ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingRemoval ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontOverrideCollisionProfile ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAttachToPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAttachToSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementTraceIgnorePawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequireFreePrimarySnappedStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowPlacementInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePlacingOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeAnythingAsGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceCheckNearbyEnemyFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFloorCollisionGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWall ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisallowPreventCropsBiomes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeRepaired ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeRepairedByAnyTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReturnDamageOnHitFromPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowUseFromRidingDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFenceFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseFenceFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyBlockSelfTraceChannel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasPlacementSnapped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCoreStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeprecateStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresToBeInsideZoneVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowLoadBearing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsEnvironmentStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDemolished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetStaticMobility ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPvE ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBeginPlayIgnoreApplyScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresPlacementOnStructureFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePlacementOnStructureFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePlacementCollisionCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresSnapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnappingRequiresNearbyFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSnapRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementChooseRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyWhenLostFoundationAndPlacementChooseRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresPlacingOnWall ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnapRequiresPlacementOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSnapOntoSameLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyFoundationIfSnappedToFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFoundationRequiresGroundTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacingOnGroundRequiresNoStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeGroundNormal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeGroundNormalDirectly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFinalPlacementDontAdjustForMaxRange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckForOverlappingStructuresOnPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlockOverlappingStructuresOnPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebug ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseFadeInEffect ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsingStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesHealth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreSnappedToOtherFloorStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnforceStructureLinkExactRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceSnappedStructureToGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBlockIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStationaryStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnorePawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacingOnOtherTeamStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPlacementInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowInRegularStructurePreventionZones ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventEnemyStructuresNearby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowEnemyDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontActuallySnapJustPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreMaxStructuresInRange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPaintingUseSkeletalMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesPaintingComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBuildUpon ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasResetDecayTime ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowInPreventionVolumes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceCreateDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetInfoFromConsumedItemForPlacedStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bImmuneToAutoDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreMaxStructuresInSmallRadius ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAttachToSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePersonalStructureOwnership ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideAllowStructureAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverideDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideAllowSnappingWith ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseTribeGroupStructureRank ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBlockStationaryTraces ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachToStaticMeshSocket ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachToStaticMeshSocketRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceGroundForFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideSnappedToTransform ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableStructureOnElectricStorm ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPreviewStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructureUseAltCollisionChannel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDemolishJustDestroy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHighPriorityDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableSnapStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesWorldSpaceMaterial ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreStationaryObjectTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowNearSupplyCrateSpawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPickupGiveItemRequiresAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAllowPickupGiveItem ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAttachedChildStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPreviewIfWeaponPlaced ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShowHullTooltip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanPlaceOnStructureSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseStructureClassForParentActorClassAttachments ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetAttachmentTimer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetStructureWeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPostSpawnInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBeganPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bResetSnapCycle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructurePlacedNotifyParentStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPaintingUseTaggedMeshComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckStructurePlacementOverlapForceEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageByShipImpact ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacementOutsideShipBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideAttachedTurretYawLimits ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCraftedFromStatItem ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientRequestedStatItem ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacementOnOtherTeamDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontSetStructureCollisionChannelsCreateDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLandPlacementRequiresLandClaim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreMaxSaddleStructuresNum ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreParentStructureDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGroundTraceAllowCollisionWithWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseSnapFromPlacementOverrideEvenWhenNotSnapped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientMobileStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnapToWaterSurface ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDurabilityHealthScaling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnappedSeatStructuresIgnoreGroundForStandingLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlippedIgnoreComponentOffsets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlipOnlyMyStaticMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetFlippedComponentOffsets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePlacingOnCeiling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTryPlacingOnCeiling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSpawingStructureDeathActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceSpawningStructureDeathActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSetDynamicMaterialParams ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAlternateStructureColorSetOnShips ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresPlacementOnShip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPlacementOnShip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlignWithShipRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCriticalShipStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_TickCriticalStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideAttachedTurretCameraSocketName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacementWhileSeated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseSkeletalMeshForSocketSnapPoints ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShowAttachedToShipMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventEnemyTeamPainting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowPlacementWhenUsingClimbingPickOrFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementWantsToBeFlipped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTryVerticalGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowSaddleStructureBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayerPlacementRequiresBeingOnStructurePlacerArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSeatedForceDisableCollisionCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseShipStructureHealthMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceOnChildStructurePlacedNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMobileStructureForceAllowAsGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCreationOfDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSkipPartialWorldSave ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructureSaveDirty ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventGivingDemolishResources ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerIsTestingForPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerDestroyedFailedPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacedOnShip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDestructionFoundationCheck ()
float AddAggroOnBump (APrimalDinoCharacter *BumpedBy)
bool AddRepairPercentForNextInterval (float Multiplier)
bool AllowBeginPlacementBy_Implementation (AShooterPlayerController *ByPC)
bool AllowColoringBy (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem)
bool AllowCreateDynamicMaterials ()
bool AllowJumpOutOfWaterOnto (AActor *Jumper)
bool AllowPickupForItem (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool AllowPlacingMeOnStructure_Implementation (APrimalStructure *ParentStructure, FPlacementData *ThePlacementData)
bool AllowPlacingOnSaddleParentClass (APrimalDinoCharacter *theDino, bool bForcePrevent)
bool AllowPlacingStructureOnMe_Implementation (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, FPlacementData *ThePlacementData)
bool AllowSaving ()
bool AllowSnappingWith (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, APlayerController *ForPC)
bool AllowSpawnForPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC, bool bCheckCooldownTime, APrimalStructure *FromStructure)
bool AllowStructureAccess (APlayerController *ForPC)
void ApplyColorToRegions (__int16 CustomColorID, bool *ApplyToRegions)
void ApplyLinkedIDs (bool bRelinkParents)
void ApplyPrimalItemSettingsToStructure (UMeshComponent *meshToColorize, UPrimalItem *AssociatedPrimalItem)
void ApplyScale (bool bOnlyInitPhysics)
void BPGetAllLinkedStructures (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *OutLinkedStructures)
void BPGetInfoFromConsumedItemForPlacedStructure_Implementation (UPrimalItem *ItemToConsumed)
TArray< int > * BPGetLinkedStructureIDs (TArray< int > *result)
TArray< FPrimalStructureSnapPoint > * BPGetSnappingPoints ()
FPlacementData * BPPlacingWallAttachmentOnMe_Implementation (FPlacementData *result, APrimalStructure *AttachedStructure, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData)
void BeginPlay ()
bool CanAutoDemolish (bool bCanImmediatelyAutoDemolish, bool bForceCheckClaimFlagOverlap)
bool CanBePainted ()
bool CanBeRepaired (AShooterPlayerController *ByPC, bool bCurrentlyRepairing)
int CanPlaceCriticalShipStructure (APrimalRaft *OnShip)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
bool CheckNotEncroaching (FVector PlacementLocation, FRotator PlacementRotation, AActor *DinoCharacter, APrimalStructure *SnappedToParentStructure, APrimalStructure *ReplacesStructure, bool bUseAlternatePlacementTraceScale)
void CheckUntilAttachedToValidShip ()
bool ClampBuildLocation (FVector FromLocation, AActor **OutHitActor, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, bool bDontAdjustForMaxRange, APlayerController *PC)
void ClearCustomColors_Implementation ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientUpdateLinkedStructures_Implementation (TArray< unsigned int > *NewLinkedStructures)
void ClientUpdatedStructureColors_Implementation ()
void CreateDynamicMaterials ()
void DelayedClientAttachParentReplicationFixupCheck (APrimalCharacter *PawnToCheck, float Timeout)
void DelayedDisableSnapParent ()
void Demolish (APlayerController *ForPC)
void Destroyed ()
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool DoAnyTribePermissionsRestrict (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void DrawStructureTooltip (AShooterHUD *HUD, bool bForMultiUseSelector)
void FadeInEffectTick ()
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
bool FinalStructurePlacement (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, APawn *AttachToPawn, FName BoneName, bool bIsFlipped, UClass **ClassOverride)
void GetAllLinkedStructures (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *OutLinkedStructures)
APrimalRaftGetAttachedToShip ()
FNameGetAttachedTurretCameraSocketNameOverride_Implementation (FName *result, APrimalStructure *ForStructure)
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > * GetBedFilterClass_Implementation (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *result)
ADayCycleManager * GetDayCycleManager ()
float GetDemolishGivesResourcesMultiplier (APlayerController *ForPC)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FStringGetEntryDescription (FString *result)
UTexture2DGetEntryIcon (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
UMaterialInterface * GetEntryIconMaterial (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
FStringGetEntryString (FString *result)
int GetHitPawnCollisionGroup ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
APrimalStructureDoorGetLinkedDoor ()
APrimalStructureGetNearbyFoundation (FPlacementData *PlacementData, APlayerController *ForPC)
float GetNoClaimFlagDecayPeriod ()
int GetNumStructuresInRange (FVector AtLocation, float WithinRange)
UPaintingTexture * GetPaintingTexture ()
USceneComponentGetParticleBaseComponent ()
FVectorGetParticleSystemClampingVelocity (FVector *result)
int GetPinCode ()
bool GetPlacingGroundLocation (AActor **OutHitActor, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement, int SnapPointCycle, TArray< FLocRot > *AlternateSnapTransforms, bool bIgnoreSnapCheckDistanceInterval)
UPrimitiveComponentGetPrimaryHitComponent ()
bool GetSnapPlacementMeshOverride (FPlacementData *PlacementData, UStaticMesh **OutStaticMesh, UClass **OutReplacementClass, FVector *PreviewLocOffset, FRotator *PreviewRotOffset)
FVectorGetSnapPointLocation (FVector *result, int SnapPointIndex, bool bOverrideTransform, FVector OverrideLoc, FRotator OverrideRot)
UMeshComponentGetSnapSocketMeshComponent ()
bool GetSnapToLocation (FVector *AtLoc, FRotator *AtRotation, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, APrimalStructure **OutParentStructure, int *OutSnapToIndex, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement, int SnapPointCycle, TArray< FLocRot > *AlternateSnapTransforms)
void GetSnapToParentStructures (FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, int InitialMySnapIndex, APrimalStructure *InitialParent, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *SnapToParentStructures, APlayerController *PC)
FSpawnPointInfoGetSpawnPointInfo (FSpawnPointInfo *result)
float GetSpoilingTimeMultiplier (UPrimalItem *anItem)
FLinearColorGetStructureColor (FLinearColor *result, int ColorRegionIndex)
FLinearColorGetStructureColorForID (FLinearColor *result, int SetNum, int ID)
int GetStructureColorValue (int ColorRegionIndex)
TArray< short > * GetStructureColorsArray (TArray< short > *result)
float GetStructureDamageMultiplier ()
float GetStructureDemolishTime ()
float GetStructureRepairCooldownTime ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > * GetStructureShipMaxSizeClass (TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > *result)
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > * GetStructureShipMinSizeClass (TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > *result)
float GetStructureWeight ()
float GetTargetingDesirability (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString_Implementation (FString *result)
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceDataListEntryInterface ()
bool IncludeTransformInHeaderData ()
void InitDynamicMaterials (UMeshComponent *Component)
bool Internal_IsInSnapChain (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
int IsAllowedToBuild (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, bool bDontAdjustForMaxRange, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, bool bFinalPlacement, TArray< FLocRot > *AlternateSnapTransforms, FVector *SnapCheckStartLoc)
bool IsAttachedToShipInDryDock ()
bool IsAttachedToShipInWetDock ()
bool IsAttachedToSunkenShip ()
bool IsCheckingForAttachedToValidShip ()
bool IsFullValidWorldStructure ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
bool IsOnlyLinkedToFastDecayStructures ()
bool IsOnlyLinkedToFastDecayStructuresInternal (TSet< APrimalStructure *, DefaultKeyFuncs< APrimalStructure *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocator > *TestedStructures)
bool IsShipStructure ()
void ModifyClientSideMoveToLocation (FVector *MoveToLoc)
bool ModifyMoveToOrderedActorsArray (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *MoveToArray, APrimalCharacter *FromPlayer)
void NPC_OnArrivedAtStructure (APrimalCharacter *ForChar)
void NetDoSpawnEffects_Implementation ()
void NetSpawnCoreStructureDeathActor_Implementation (float BuffTimeReductionMultiplier)
void NetUpdateOriginalOwnerNameAndID_Implementation (int NewOriginalOwnerID, FString *NewOriginalOwnerName)
void NetUpdateTeamAndOwnerName_Implementation (int NewTeam, FString *NewOwnerName)
void NonPlayerFinalStructurePlacement (int PlacementTargetingTeam, int PlacementOwningPlayerID, FString *PlacementOwningPlayerName, APrimalStructure *ForcePrimaryParent, bool bLinkToParent)
float OffsetHUDFromBottomScreenY_Implementation (AHUD *ForHUD)
void OnAttachedShipDeath ()
void OnAttachedToRaft ()
void OnAttachedToValidShip ()
void OnDeserializedByGame (EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)
void OnFailedToAttachToValidShip ()
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void OnStructurePlacedNotify (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, APawn *AttachToPawn, FName BoneName, bool bFlipped)
void PlacedStructureLocation (APlayerController *ByPC)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
void PostSpawnInitialize ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void PrepareAsPlacementPreview ()
void PrepareForSaving ()
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
bool PreventChoosingRotation (APrimalStructurePlacer *ForPlacer)
bool PreventPlacingOnFloorClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > FloorClass)
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
void RefreshStructureColors ()
void RemoveLinkedStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
void RepairCheckTimer ()
void SaddleDinoDied ()
void ServerRequestUseItemWithActor (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem, int AdditionalData)
void SetAllowStructureColorSet (TArray< int > newColorSet)
void SetDinoSaddleAttachment (APrimalDinoCharacter *myDino, FName BoneName, FVector RelLoc, FRotator RelRot, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void SetEnabled (bool bEnabled)
void SetEnabledPrimarySnappedStructureParent_Implementation (bool bEnabled)
void SetLinkedIDs ()
void SetStaticMobility ()
void SetStructureCollisionChannels ()
void SetStructureColorValue (int ColorRegionIndex, int SetVal)
void SetStructureColors (TArray< short > InStructureColors)
void SetupComponentCollisionChannels (UPrimitiveComponent *PrimitiveComponent, bool bSetupDestructionMesh, bool bSetupMeshMaterials)
void SetupDynamicMeshMaterials (UMeshComponent *meshComp, bool bDisableWorldSpaceEffects)
bool SkipDuringPartialWorldSave ()
void StartRepair ()
void Stasis ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool TickCriticalShipStructure (float DeltaTime)
void TickPlacingShipStructure (APrimalRaft *OnShip, FVector LastPlacementHitLoc)
bool TickPlacingStructure (APrimalStructurePlacer *PlacerActor, float DeltaTime)
void TimeoutFor_DelayedClientAttachParentReplicationFixupCheck ()
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateStencilValues ()
void UpdateTribeGroupStructureRank_Implementation (char NewRank)
void UpdatedHealth (bool bDoReplication)
bool UseDynamicMobility ()
bool AllowBeginPlacementBy (AShooterPlayerController *ByPC)
bool AllowPlacingMeOnStructure (APrimalStructure *ParentStructure, FPlacementData *ThePlacementData)
bool AllowPlacingStructureOnMe (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, FPlacementData *ThePlacementData)
bool BPAllowJumpOutOfWaterOnto (AActor *Jumper)
bool BPAllowPickupGiveItem (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPAllowSnappingWith (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPApplyCustomDurabilityOnPickup (UPrimalItem *pickedup)
bool BPCanFinalPlaceOnStructureSaddle (FPlacementData *data, APawn *AttachToPawn)
bool BPForceConsideredEnemyFoundation (APlayerController *PC, APrimalStructure *ForNewStructure, FVector *TestAtLocation)
void BPGetInfoFromConsumedItemForPlacedStructure (UPrimalItem *ItemToConsumed)
void BPGetSnapFromPlacementMeshOverride (APrimalStructure *ParentStructure, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, UStaticMesh **OutMeshOverride, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *OutClassOverride, FVector *PreviewLocOffset, FRotator *PreviewRotOffset)
void BPGetSnapToPlacementMeshOverride (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, UStaticMesh **OutMeshOverride, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *OutClassOverride, FVector *PreviewLocOffset, FRotator *PreviewRotOffset)
float BPGetStructureWeight ()
bool BPHandleBedFastTravel (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, APrimalStructure *ToBed)
void BPHandleStructureEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool BPImpactEffect (FHitResult *HitRes, FVector *ShootDirection)
int BPIsAllowedToBuild (FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, int CurrentAllowedReason)
int BPIsAllowedToBuildEx (FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, int CurrentAllowedReason, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement)
bool BPOverrideAllowStructureAccess (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIsAccessAllowed)
FStringBPOverrideCantBuildReasonString (FString *result, int CantBuildReason)
bool BPOverrideDemolish (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
FVectorBPOverridePlacementLocation (FVector *result, FVector PlacementLocation)
bool BPOverrideSnappedToTransform (APrimalStructure *childStructure, int ChildSnapFromIndex, FVector UnsnappedPlacementPos, FRotator UnsnappedPlacementRot, FVector SnappedPlacementPos, FRotator SnappedPlacementRot, int SnapToIndex, FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation, int *bForceInvalidateSnap)
void BPPlacedStructureLocation (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, APawn *AttachToPawn, FName BoneName, bool bFlipped)
FPlacementData * BPPlacingWallAttachmentOnMe (FPlacementData *result, APrimalStructure *AttachedStructure, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData)
void BPPlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
void BPPostSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
bool BPPreventPlacementOnPawn (APlayerController *PC, APrimalCharacter *ForCharacter, FName ForBone)
bool BPPreventPlacingOnFloorStructure (FPlacementData *theOutPlacementData, APrimalStructure *FloorStructure)
bool BPPreventPlacingStructureOntoMe (APlayerController *PC, APrimalStructure *ForNewStructure, FHitResult *ForHitResult)
bool BPPreventReplacementBy (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
bool BPPreventReplacementOf (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
bool BPPreventSpawnForPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC, bool bCheckCooldownTime, APrimalStructure *FromStructure)
bool BPPreventUsingAsFloorForStructure (FPlacementData *theOutPlacementData, APrimalStructure *StructureToPlaceOnMe)
void BPProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
void BPRefreshedStructureColors ()
void BPSaddleDinoDied ()
void BPStructurePreGetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPTriggerStasisEvent ()
void BPUnstasis ()
bool BPUseCountStructureInRange ()
int BP_CanPlaceCriticalShipStructure (APrimalRaft *OnShip)
bool BP_ModifyClientSideMoveToLocation (FVector *MoveToLoc)
bool BP_ModifyMoveToOrderedActorsArray (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *MoveToArray, APrimalCharacter *FromPlayer)
void BP_OnAttachedShipDeath ()
void BP_OnAttachedToValidShip ()
void BP_OnDemolished (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BP_OnFailedToAttachToValidShip ()
void BP_OnRepair (float RepairAmount)
void BP_OnStructurePlacedNotify (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, APawn *AttachToPawn, FName BoneName, bool bFlipped)
bool BP_PreventChoosingRotation (APrimalStructurePlacer *ForPlacer)
void BP_TickCriticalShipStructure (float DeltaTime)
void ClearCustomColors ()
void ClientUpdateLinkedStructures (TArray< unsigned int > *NewLinkedStructures)
void ClientUpdatedStructureColors ()
void DrawPlacementHUD (AHUD *HUD)
FNameGetAttachedTurretCameraSocketNameOverride (FName *result, APrimalStructure *ForStructure)
FVectorGetAttachedTurretYawLimitsOverride (FVector *result, APrimalStructure *ForStructure)
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > * GetBedFilterClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *result)
FStringGetTutorialHintString (FString *result)
bool IsValidForSnappingFrom (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure)
bool IsValidSnapPointFrom (APrimalStructure *ParentStructure, int MySnapPointFromIndex)
bool IsValidSnapPointTo (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, int MySnapPointToIndex)
void MultiAddStructuresPlacedOnFloor (APrimalStructure *structure)
void NetDoSpawnEffects ()
void NetSpawnCoreStructureDeathActor (float BuffTimeReductionMultiplier)
void NetUpdateOriginalOwnerNameAndID (int NewOriginalOwnerID, FString *NewOriginalOwnerName)
void NetUpdateTeamAndOwnerName (int NewTeam, FString *NewOwnerName)
void OnChildStructurePlacedNotify (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure)
void OnShipImpactedStructure (APrimalRaft *Ship, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void PlacedOnDino (APrimalDinoCharacter *OnChar)
void SetEnabledPrimarySnappedStructureParent (bool bEnabled)
bool StructurePlacementOverlapForceEncroachment (APrimalStructure *PlacingStructure, AActor *OnDinoCharacter, APrimalStructure *SnappedToParentStructure, APrimalStructure *ReplacesStructure, FVector *PlacementLocation, FVector *EncroachmentCheckLocation, FVector *EncroachmentCheckExtent)
void UpdateTribeGroupStructureRank (char NewRank)
FVector2DOverlayTooltipPaddingField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipScaleField ()
FNameStructureTagField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & ConsumesPrimalItemField ()
float & ScaleFactorField ()
int & StructureSnapTypeFlagsField ()
TArray< FPrimalStructureSnapPoint > & SnapPointsField ()
TArray< FStructureVariant > & VariantsField ()
int & CurrentVariantField ()
float & PlacementOffsetForVerticalGroundField ()
float & PlacementInitialTracePointOffsetForVerticalGroundField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & StructuresAllowedToBeVerticalGroundField ()
float & TraceDistanceFromActorToWallVerticalGroundField ()
FVectorPlacementHitLocOffsetField ()
FVectorPlacementEncroachmentCheckOffsetField ()
FVectorPlacementEncroachmentBoxExtentField ()
FVectorPlacementTraceScaleField ()
FVectorSnapAlternatePlacementTraceScaleField ()
FRotatorPlacementRotOffsetField ()
FRotatorPlacementTraceRotOffsetField ()
FRotatorSnappingRotationOffsetField ()
float & RepairAmountRemainingField ()
float & RepairCheckIntervalField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckZExtentUpField ()
float & RepairPercentPerIntervalField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & PreventPlacingOnFloorClassesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & AllowPlacingOnFloorClassesField ()
TSubobjectPtr< USceneComponent > & MyRootTransformField ()
int & TraceIgnoreStructuresWithTypeFlagsField ()
int & bTraceCheckOnlyUseStructuresWithTypeFlagsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > AllowStructureColorSetsField ()
FVectorWaterVolumeCheckPointOffsetField ()
float & WaterPlacementMinimumWaterHeightField ()
float & PlacementMaxZDeltaField ()
float & PlacementChooseRotationMaxRangeOverrideField ()
float & PlacementMaxRangeField ()
float & MaxSnapLocRangeField ()
float & SnapOverlapCheckRadiusField ()
float & MaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistanceField ()
float & PlacementFloorCheckZExtentField ()
float & LastHealthPercentageField ()
FRotatorTakeGroundNormalRotationOffsetField ()
float & DemolishGiveItemCraftingResourcePercentageField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & AllowReplacementByStructureClassTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & PreventReplacementOfStructureClassTypeField ()
float & MaximumHeightAboveWorldGroundField ()
float & MaximumHeightUnderWorldMaxKillZField ()
FRotatorPreviewCameraRotationField ()
FVectorPreviewCameraPivotOffsetField ()
float & PreviewCameraDistanceScaleFactorField ()
float & PreviewCameraDefaultZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraMaxZoomMultiplierField ()
float & ReturnDamageAmountField ()
int & StructureRangeTypeFlagField ()
int & LimitMaxStructuresInRangeTypeFlagField ()
float & ReturnDamageImpulseField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ReturnDamageTypeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UDamageType > > & ReturnDamageExcludeIncomingTypesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UDamageType > > & ReturnDamageOnlyForIncomingTypesField ()
int & OwningPlayerIDField ()
FStringOwningPlayerNameField ()
long double & LastInAllyRangeTimeField ()
long double & PickupAllowedBeforeNetworkTimeField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & SaddleDinoField ()
TArray< APrimalDinoCharacter * > LatchedDinosField ()
UMaterialInterface * PreviewMaterialField ()
FNamePreviewMaterialColorParamNameField ()
TArray< FVector > & PlacementTraceDirectionsField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > LinkedStructuresField ()
TArray< unsigned int > & LinkedStructuresIDField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > & StructuresPlacedOnFloorField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & SnapToStructureTypesToExcludeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & SnapFromStructureTypesToExcludeField ()
TArray< FName > & SnapToStructureTagsToExcludeField ()
TArray< FName > & SnapFromStructureTagsToExcludeField ()
APrimalStructure *& PlacedOnFloorStructureField ()
APrimalStructurePrimarySnappedStructureChildField ()
APrimalStructurePrimarySnappedStructureParentField ()
FStringOwnerNameField ()
FieldArray< __int16, 6 > StructureColorsField ()
APawnAttachedToField ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS * AttachedTransponderField ()
unsigned int & StructureIDField ()
unsigned int & AttachedToDinoID1Field ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & OnlyAllowStructureClassesToAttachField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & OnlyAllowStructureClassesFromAttachField ()
unsigned int & TaggedIndexField ()
unsigned int & TaggedIndexTwoField ()
unsigned int & ProcessTreeTagField ()
long double & LastStructureStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastColorizationTimeField ()
UMaterialInterface * StructureIconMaterialField ()
FVectorAdvancedRotationPlacementOffsetField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalEmitterSpawnable > & SpawnEmitterField ()
FVectorSpawnEmitterLocationOffsetField ()
FRotatorSpawnEmitterRotationOffsetField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PickupGivesItemField ()
float & ExcludeInStructuresRadiusField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ExcludeInStructuresRadiusClassesField ()
float & LastFadeOpacityField ()
bool & bClientAddedToStructuresArrayField ()
long double & LastFailedPinTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UMeshComponent > & PrimaryMeshComponentField ()
UStructurePaintingComponentPaintingComponentField ()
TArray< FString > & PreventBuildStructureReasonStringOverridesField ()
FVectorFloatingHudLocTextOffsetField ()
float & LastBumpedDamageTimeField ()
int & ForceLimitStructuresInRangeField ()
int & PlacementMaterialForwardDirIndexField ()
float & ForcePreventPlacingInOfflineRaidStructuresRadiusField ()
FNameAttachToStaticMeshSocketNameBaseField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalHarvestingComponent > & StructureHarvestingComponentField ()
UPrimalHarvestingComponentMyStructureHarvestingComponentField ()
TSubclassOf< AActor > & ItemsUseAlternateActorClassAttachmentField ()
float & UnstasisAutoDestroyAfterTimeField ()
char & TribeGroupStructureRankField ()
char & TribeRankHUDYOffsetField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > > & PreventSaddleDinoClassesField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > > & AllowSaddleDinoClassesField ()
FNamePlaceOnWallUseStaticMeshTagField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & SnapStructureClassField ()
float & DemolishActivationTimeField ()
FVectorGroundEncroachmentCheckLocationOffsetField ()
int & StructureMinAllowedVersionField ()
int & SavedStructureMinAllowedVersionField ()
float & OverrideEnemyFoundationPreventionRadiusField ()
float & ExpandEnemyFoundationPreventionRadiusField ()
int & BedIDField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ForceAllowWallAttachmentClassesField ()
float & LimitMaxStructuresInRangeRadiusField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & FastDecayLinkedStructureClassesField ()
float & PlacementMaxZAbovePlayerHeightField ()
TArray< USceneComponent * > OverrideTargetComponentsField ()
float & OverrideApproachRadiusField ()
AMissionTypeOwnerMissionField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlippable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlipped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShowInPlaceableList ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRepairing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInitializedMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowWallAttachments ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPRefreshedStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientAddPlacedOnFloorStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementUsesWeaponClipAmmo ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDyingWhenDemolished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAbsoluteTakeAnythingAsGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePlacementOnDynamicsFoliageAndDoors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSeatedDisableCollisionCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPIsAllowedToBuildEx ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPHandleStructureEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePlacingOnVerticalGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementShouldNotBeHorizontal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresGroundedPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacingOnOtherTeamStructuresPvPOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUseSkeletalMeshComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > UseBPOverrideTargetLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideFoundationSupportDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDisableFootSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTraceThruEncroachmentPoints ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSpawnEffects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDinoPlacementDistanceIncrease ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingRemoval ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontOverrideCollisionProfile ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAdvancedRotationPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPlacingPlayerStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRootFoundationLimitBuildArea ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCenterOffscreenFloatingHUDWidgets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAttachToPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAttachToSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementTraceIgnorePawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequireFreePrimarySnappedStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowPlacementInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePlacingOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeAnythingAsGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceCheckNearbyEnemyFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFloorCollisionGroup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWall ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisallowPreventCropsBiomes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeRepaired ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReturnDamageOnHitFromPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowUseFromRidingDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFenceFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseFenceFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyBlockSelfTraceChannel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasPlacementSnapped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCoreStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeprecateStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresToBeInsideZoneVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowLoadBearing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsEnvironmentStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDemolished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetStaticMobility ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPvE ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBeginPlayIgnoreApplyScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnVariantSwitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresPlacementOnStructureFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePlacementOnStructureFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyStructureIfFloorDestroyed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePlacementCollisionCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresSnapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnappingRequiresNearbyFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSnapRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAllowSnapRotationForStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacementChooseRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequiresPlacingOnWall ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnapRequiresPlacementOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSnapOntoSameLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyFoundationIfSnappedToFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFoundationRequiresGroundTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlacingOnGroundRequiresNoStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeGroundNormal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakeGroundNormalDirectly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFinalPlacementDontAdjustForMaxRange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebug ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseFadeInEffect ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsingStructureColors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDefaultVariant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSPlusStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPickingUpStructureAfterPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePickingUpStructureAfterPlacementOnTryMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesHealth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreSnappedToOtherFloorStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnforceStructureLinkExactRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceSnappedStructureToGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBlockIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStationaryStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnorePawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPlacingOnOtherTeamStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPlacementInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowInRegularStructurePreventionZones ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventEnemyStructuresNearby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowEnemyDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontActuallySnapJustPlacement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreMaxStructuresInRange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPaintingUseSkeletalMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesPaintingComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBuildUpon ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasResetDecayTime ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowInPreventionVolumes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceCreateDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetInfoFromConsumedItemForPlacedStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bImmuneToAutoDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreMaxStructuresInSmallRadius ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTargetingByCorruptDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTreatAsFoundationForSnappedStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnStructurePickup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPerInstanceSnapPoints ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSnapToWaterSurface ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasisUnlessPrevented ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAttachToSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePersonalStructureOwnership ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideAllowStructureAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverideDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideAllowSnappingWith ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideAllowSnappingWithButAlsoCallSuper ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnLinkedStructureDestroyed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseTribeGroupStructureRank ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBlockStationaryTraces ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachToStaticMeshSocket ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachToStaticMeshSocketRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceGroundForFoundation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideSnappedToTransform ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideSnappedFromTransform ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverridePlacementRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableStructureOnElectricStorm ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPreviewStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructureUseAltCollisionChannel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDemolishJustDestroy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHighPriorityDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableSnapStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintDrawHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintDrawPreviewHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesWorldSpaceMaterial ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreStationaryObjectTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowNearSupplyCrateSpawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPickupGiveItemRequiresAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAllowPickupGiveItem ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAttachedChildStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPreviewIfWeaponPlaced ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStructuresInRangeTypeFlagUseAltCollisionChannel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDrawingHUDPickupTimer ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceDataListEntryInterface ()
FRotatorGetPlayerSpawnRotation (FRotator *result)
void SetBoundsScale (float NewScale)
void SetContainerActive (bool reset)
int GetHitPawnCollisionGroup ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void BeginPlay ()
void DestroyByMeshing ()
void ApplyPrimalItemSettingsToStructure (UMeshComponent *meshToColorize, UPrimalItem *AssociatedPrimalItem)
void SetLinkedIDs ()
void ApplyLinkedIDs (bool bRelinkParents)
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void SetDinoSaddleAttachment (APrimalDinoCharacter *myDino, FName BoneName, FVector RelLoc, FRotator RelRot, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void PostSpawnInitialize ()
void LoadedFromSaveGame ()
void SetStructureCollisionChannels ()
void ApplyScale (bool bOnlyInitPhysics)
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
bool UseDynamicMobility ()
void SetStaticMobility ()
bool IsLinkedToWaterOrPowerSource ()
void PrepareAsPlacementPreview ()
bool TickPlacingStructure (APrimalStructurePlacer *PlacerActor, float DeltaTime)
FStringGetDebugInfoString (FString *result)
bool ShouldInstance (UProperty *Property)
int IsAllowedToBuild (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, bool bDontAdjustForMaxRange, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, bool bFinalPlacement)
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > * GetBedFilterClass_Implementation (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *result)
FSpawnPointInfoGetSpawnPointInfo (FSpawnPointInfo *result)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
bool AllowSpawnForPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC, bool bCheckCooldownTime, APrimalStructure *FromStructure)
void NetUpdateOriginalOwnerNameAndID_Implementation (int NewOriginalOwnerID, FString *NewOriginalOwnerName)
void LinkStructure (APrimalStructure *NewLinkedStructure)
void NonPlayerFinalStructurePlacement (int PlacementTargetingTeam, int PlacementOwningPlayerID, FString *PlacementOwningPlayerName, APrimalStructure *ForcePrimaryParent)
bool FinalStructurePlacement (APlayerController *PC, FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, FRotator PlayerViewRotation, APawn *AttachToPawn, FName BoneName, bool bIsFlipped)
FVectorGetSnapPointLocation (FVector *result, int SnapPointIndex, bool bOverrideTransform, FVector OverrideLoc, FRotator OverrideRot)
bool GetSnapToLocation (FVector *AtLoc, FRotator *AtRotation, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, APrimalStructure **OutParentStructure, int *OutSnapToIndex, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement, int SnapPointCycle)
void GetSnapToParentStructures (FVector AtLocation, FRotator AtRotation, int InitialMySnapIndex, APrimalStructure *InitialParent, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *SnapToParentStructures, APlayerController *PC)
bool GetPlacingGroundLocation (AActor **OutHitActor, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement, int SnapPointCycle, UPrimitiveComponent **OutComponent)
bool ClampBuildLocation (FVector FromLocation, AActor **OutHitActor, FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, bool bDontAdjustForMaxRange, APlayerController *PC)
bool CheckNotEncroaching (FVector PlacementLocation, FRotator PlacementRotation, AActor *DinoCharacter, APrimalStructure *SnappedToParentStructure, APrimalStructure *ReplacesStructure, bool bUseAlternatePlacementTraceScale)
APrimalStructureGetNearbyFoundation (FPlacementData *PlacementData, APlayerController *ForPC)
void NetSpawnCoreStructureDeathActor_Implementation ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DestroyStructuresPlacedOnFloor ()
void RemoveLinkedStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void OnRep_CurrentVariant ()
void OnRep_StructureColors ()
void RefreshStructureColors (UMeshComponent *ForceRefreshComponent)
FLinearColorGetStructureColorForID (FLinearColor *result, int SetNum, int ID)
bool Internal_IsInSnapChain (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
void GetAllLinkedStructures (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *OutLinkedStructures)
void BPGetAllLinkedStructures (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *OutLinkedStructures)
long double GetForceDemolishTime ()
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void Demolish (APlayerController *ForPC, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
bool DoAnyTribePermissionsRestrict (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void DrawStructureTooltip (AShooterHUD *HUD, bool bForMultiUseSelector)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void NetUpdateTeamAndOwnerName_Implementation (int NewTeam, FString *NewOwnerName)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
bool AllowSnapRotationForStructure (int ThisSnapPointIndex, APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, int OtherStructureSnapPointIndex)
void PlacedStructure (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void UpdatedHealth (bool bDoReplication)
void SetupDynamicMeshMaterials (UMeshComponent *meshComp)
void StartRepair ()
void RepairCheckTimer ()
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void Stasis ()
void Destroyed ()
void Unstasis ()
UPrimitiveComponentGetPrimaryHitComponent ()
void ForceReplicateLinkedStructures ()
void ClientUpdateLinkedStructures_Implementation (TArray< unsigned int > *NewLinkedStructures)
bool AllowColoringBy (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem)
void ServerRequestUseItemWithActor (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem, int AdditionalData)
void ApplyColorToRegions (__int16 CustomColorID, bool *ApplyToRegions)
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
void NetDoSpawnEffects_Implementation ()
void FadeInEffectTick ()
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool bCheckedBox)
float AddAggroOnBump (APrimalDinoCharacter *BumpedBy)
int GetNumStructuresInRange (FVector AtLocation, float WithinRange)
bool AllowPickupForItem (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool CanPickupStructureFromRecentPlacement ()
void DisableStructurePickup ()
void MultiSetPickupAllowedBeforeNetworkTime_Implementation (long double NewTime)
bool AllowSnappingWith (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, APlayerController *ForPC)
bool SetVariant (int VariantIndex, bool bForceSet)
void RefreshVariantSettings (int NewVariantIndex)
void MultiRefreshVariantSettings_Implementation (int NewVariantIndex)
FStructureVariantGetDefaultVariant (FStructureVariant *result)
bool AllowStructureAccess (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool CanBePainted ()
UPaintingTexture * GetPaintingTexture ()
APrimalStructureDoorGetLinkedDoor ()
FStringGetEntryString (FString *result)
UTexture2DGetEntryIcon (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
UMaterialInterface * GetEntryIconMaterial (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
UObjectGetObjectW ()
FStringGetEntryDescription (FString *result)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void ClearCustomColors_Implementation ()
bool PreventPlacingOnFloorClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > FloorClass)
void UpdateTribeGroupStructureRank_Implementation (char NewRank)
bool AllowPlacingOnSaddleParentClass (APrimalDinoCharacter *theDino, bool bForcePrevent)
float GetStructureDemolishTime ()
bool IsOnlyLinkedToFastDecayStructures ()
bool IsOnlyLinkedToFastDecayStructuresInternal (TSet< APrimalStructure *, DefaultKeyFuncs< APrimalStructure *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocator > *TestedStructures)
bool CanAutoDemolish ()
bool IsValidSnapPointFrom_Implementation (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, int MySnapPointToIndex)
FNameGetSnapPointName (FName *result, int SnapPointIndex)
ADayCycleManager * GetDayCycleManager ()
void DelayedDisableSnapParent ()
void SetEnabledPrimarySnappedStructureParent_Implementation (bool bEnabled)
void SetEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool AllowCreateDynamicMaterials ()
void CreateDynamicMaterials (UMeshComponent *ForceCreateForComponent)
FLinearColorGetStructureColor (FLinearColor *result, int ColorRegionIndex)
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
void UpdateStencilValues ()
int GetStructureColorValue (int ColorRegionIndex)
void SetStructureColorValue (int ColorRegionIndex, int SetVal)
void StructureHarvestingDepleted (UPrimalHarvestingComponent *fromComponent)
void SetHarvestingActive (bool bActive, bool bOverrideBaseHealth, float BaseHarvestHealthMult, bool bAssignToTribe, int AssignedToTribeID)
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
bool GetClosestTargetOverride (FVector *attackPos, FVector *targetPos)
bool IsDeprecated ()
bool IsActiveEventStructure ()
void DeferredDeprecationCheck ()
void BlueprintDrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, float CenterX, float CenterY)
void BlueprintDrawPreviewHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, float CenterX, float CenterY)
bool BPAllowPickupGiveItem (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPAllowSnappingWith (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPAllowSnapRotationForStructure (int ThisSnapPointIndex, FName ThisSnapPointName, APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, int OtherStructureSnapPointIndex, FName OtherStructureSnapPointName)
bool BPAllowSwitchToVariant (int VariantIndex)
void BPApplyCustomDurabilityOnPickup (UPrimalItem *pickedup)
void BPBeginPreview ()
void BPDefaultProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox)
bool BPForceConsideredEnemyFoundation (APlayerController *PC, APrimalStructure *ForNewStructure, FVector *TestAtLocation)
void BPGetInfoFromConsumedItemForPlacedStructure (UPrimalItem *ItemToConsumed)
bool BPHandleBedFastTravel (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, APrimalStructure *ToBed)
void BPHandleStructureEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool BPImpactEffect (FHitResult *HitRes, FVector *ShootDirection)
int BPIsAllowedToBuild (FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, int CurrentAllowedReason)
int BPIsAllowedToBuildEx (FPlacementData *OutPlacementData, int CurrentAllowedReason, APlayerController *PC, bool bFinalPlacement, bool bChoosingRotation)
void BPOnDemolish (APlayerController *ForPC, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BPOnStructurePickup (APlayerController *PlayerController, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > ItemType, UPrimalItem *NewlyPickedUpItem, bool bIsQuickPickup)
void BPOnVariantSwitch (int NewVariantIndex)
bool BPOverrideAllowStructureAccess (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIsAccessAllowed)
FStringBPOverrideCantBuildReasonString (FString *result, int CantBuildReason)
bool BPOverrideDemolish (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
FRotatorBPOverridePlacementRotation (FRotator *result, FVector ViewPos, FRotator ViewRot)
bool BPOverrideSnappedFromTransform (APrimalStructure *parentStructure, int ParentSnapFromIndex, FName ParentSnapFromName, FVector UnsnappedPlacementPos, FRotator UnsnappedPlacementRot, FVector SnappedPlacementPos, FRotator SnappedPlacementRot, int SnapToIndex, FName SnapToName, FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation, int *bForceInvalidateSnap)
bool BPOverrideSnappedToTransform (APrimalStructure *childStructure, int ChildSnapFromIndex, FName ChildSnapFromName, FVector UnsnappedPlacementPos, FRotator UnsnappedPlacementRot, FVector SnappedPlacementPos, FRotator SnappedPlacementRot, int SnapToIndex, FName SnapToName, FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation, int *bForceInvalidateSnap)
FVectorBPOverrideTargetLocation (FVector *result, FVector *attackPos)
void BPPlacedStructure (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPPlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
void BPPostSetStructureCollisionChannels ()
bool BPPreventPlacementOnPawn (APlayerController *PC, APrimalCharacter *ForCharacter, FName ForBone)
bool BPPreventPlacingOnFloorStructure (FPlacementData *theOutPlacementData, APrimalStructure *FloorStructure)
bool BPPreventPlacingStructureOntoMe (APlayerController *PC, APrimalStructure *ForNewStructure, FHitResult *ForHitResult)
bool BPPreventSpawnForPlayer (AShooterPlayerController *PC, bool bCheckCooldownTime, APrimalStructure *FromStructure)
bool BPPreventUsingAsFloorForStructure (FPlacementData *theOutPlacementData, APrimalStructure *StructureToPlaceOnMe)
void BPRefreshedStructureColors ()
void BPStructurePreGetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPTreatAsFoundationForSnappedStructure (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure, FPlacementData *WithPlacementData)
void BPTriggerStasisEvent ()
void BPUnstasis ()
bool BPUseCountStructureInRange ()
void ClearCustomColors ()
void ClientUpdateLinkedStructures (TArray< unsigned int > *NewLinkedStructures)
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > * GetBedFilterClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > *result)
bool IsValidForSnappingFrom (APrimalStructure *OtherStructure)
bool IsValidSnapPointFrom (APrimalStructure *ParentStructure, int MySnapPointFromIndex)
bool IsValidSnapPointTo (APrimalStructure *ChildStructure, int MySnapPointToIndex)
void MultiAddStructuresPlacedOnFloor (APrimalStructure *structure)
void MultiRefreshVariantSettings (int NewVariantIndex)
void MultiSetPickupAllowedBeforeNetworkTime (long double NewTime)
void NetDoSpawnEffects ()
void NetSpawnCoreStructureDeathActor ()
void NetUpdateOriginalOwnerNameAndID (int NewOriginalOwnerID, FString *NewOriginalOwnerName)
void NetUpdateTeamAndOwnerName (int NewTeam, FString *NewOwnerName)
void SetEnabledPrimarySnappedStructureParent (bool bEnabled)
void UpdateTribeGroupStructureRank (char NewRank)
void GetMultiUseEntries (APlayerController *ForPC, TArray< FMultiUseEntry > *MultiUseEntries)
- Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalTargetableActor
float & LowHealthPercentageField ()
TSubclassOf< AActor > & DestructionActorTemplateField ()
float & LifeSpanAfterDeathField ()
USoundCue * DeathSoundField ()
float & PassiveDamageHealthReplicationPercentIntervalField ()
float & PassiveDamageHealthReplicationPercentIntervalMaxField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroMultiplierField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeFalloffField ()
FVectorNewDestructibleMeshLocationOffsetField ()
FVectorNewDestructibleMeshScaleOverrideField ()
FRotatorNewDestructibleMeshRotationOffsetField ()
FStringDescriptiveNameField ()
TSubclassOf< ADestroyedMeshActor > & DestroyedMeshActorClassField ()
bool & bPreventDestructionMeshField ()
bool & bUseSimpleFadingDestructionMeshField ()
float & ReplicatedHealthField ()
float & HealthField ()
float & MaxHealthField ()
float & NewDestructibleMeshDeathImpulseScaleField ()
float & NewMinDestructibleDeathImpulseField ()
float & DestructibleImpulseReplacementForZeroDeathImpulseField ()
float & DestructibleMeshImpulseZOffsetField ()
float & LastReplicatedHealthValueField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalStructureSettings > & StructureSettingsClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalStructureSettings > & ShipStructureSettingsClassOverrideField ()
UPrimalStructureSettingsMyStructureSettingsCDOField ()
float & LastHealthBeforeTakeDamageField ()
long double & NextAllowRepairTimeField ()
float & BaseTargetingDesirabilityField ()
float & LastPreBlueprintAdjustmentActualDamageField ()
float & LastReplicatedHealthField ()
long double & LastTookDamageTimeField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestructionActorTemplateServerOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyedMeshUseSkeletalMeshComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventZeroDamageInstigatorSelfDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasDamaged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetWithinPreventionVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWithinPreventionVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageByFriendlyDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceZeroDamageProcessing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFloatingDamageNumbers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoAllowRadialDamageWithoutVisiblityTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDestructionEffects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDamageRepairCooldown ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHarvestingComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrawHealthBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideHealthBarHealthPercent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideGetOwningDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideGetLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestructibleMeshImpulseUseBoundsCenter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintDrawHUD ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceTargetableInterface ()
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowRadialDamageWithoutVisiblityTrace (FHitResult *Hit)
void BeginPlay ()
void Destroyed ()
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
float GetHealth ()
float GetHealthPercentage ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
float GetMaxHealth ()
float GetStructureRepairCooldownTime ()
float GetTargetingDesirability (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
bool IsAlive ()
bool IsDead ()
bool IsInvincible ()
bool IsOfTribe (int ID)
bool IsTargetableDead ()
bool NetExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams)
void NetUpdatedHealth_Implementation (int NewHealth)
void OnRep_ReplicatedHealth ()
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingGeneric_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath)
void PlayHitEffectPoint_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
float SetHealth (float newHealth)
void SetMaxHealth (float newMaxHealth)
void Suicide ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void UpdatedHealth (bool bDoReplication)
long double BPGetLastDamagedTime ()
APrimalDinoCharacterBPGetOwningDino ()
void BPHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FVector DamageLoc, FRotator HitNormal)
FVectorBPOverrideGetLocation (FVector *result)
float BPOverrideHealthBarHealthPercent ()
bool BPShouldShowHealthBar ()
void BPSpawnedDestroyedMeshActor (AActor *DestroyedMeshActor)
bool BPSupressImpactEffects (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent)
void BlueprintDrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, float CenterX, float CenterY)
void PlayDyingRadial (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectGeneric (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void GetDestructionEffectTransform (FVector *OutEffectLoc, FRotator *OutEffectRot)
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
float GetLowHealthPercentage ()
float & LowHealthPercentageField ()
TSubclassOf< AActor > & DestructionActorTemplateField ()
float & LifeSpanAfterDeathField ()
USoundCue * DeathSoundField ()
float & PassiveDamageHealthReplicationPercentIntervalField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroMultiplierField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeFalloffField ()
FVectorDestructibleMeshLocationOffsetField ()
FVectorDestructibleMeshScaleOverrideField ()
FRotatorDestructibleMeshRotationOffsetField ()
FStringDescriptiveNameField ()
TSubclassOf< ADestroyedMeshActor > & DestroyedMeshActorClassField ()
float & ReplicatedHealthField ()
float & HealthField ()
float & MaxHealthField ()
float & DestructibleMeshDeathImpulseScaleField ()
TArray< FBoneDamageAdjuster > & BoneDamageAdjustersField ()
float & LastReplicatedHealthValueField ()
UPrimalHarvestingComponentMyHarvestingComponentField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShooterPhysMaterialType::Type > & TargetableDamageFXDefaultPhysMaterialField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalStructureSettings > & StructureSettingsClassField ()
UPrimalStructureSettingsMyStructureSettingsCDOField ()
float & LastHealthBeforeTakeDamageField ()
long double & NextAllowRepairTimeField ()
float & LastPreBlueprintAdjustmentActualDamageField ()
float & LastReplicatedHealthField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestructionActorTemplateServerOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyedMeshUseSkeletalMeshComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventZeroDamageInstigatorSelfDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetWithinPreventionVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWithinPreventionVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageByFriendlyDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceZeroDamageProcessing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFloatingDamageNumbers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoAllowRadialDamageWithoutVisiblityTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDestructionEffects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDamageRepairCooldown ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHarvestingComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDied ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > BPOverrideDestroyedMeshTextures ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceTargetableInterface ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void Destroyed ()
void BeginPlay ()
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
bool IsDead ()
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingGeneric_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void GetDestructionEffectTransform (FVector *OutEffectLoc, FRotator *OutEffectRot)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectPoint_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
float GetMaxHealth ()
float GetLowHealthPercentage ()
bool IsAlive ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
float GetHealth ()
float GetHealthPercentage ()
float SetHealth (float newHealth)
void SetMaxHealth (float newMaxHealth)
bool IsOfTribe (int ID)
void NetUpdatedHealth_Implementation (int NewHealth)
bool IsTargetableDead ()
EShooterPhysMaterialType::Type GetTargetableDamageFXDefaultPhysMaterial ()
void Suicide ()
bool NetExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams)
void UpdatedHealth (bool bDoReplication)
void OnRep_ReplicatedHealth ()
bool AllowRadialDamageWithoutVisiblityTrace ()
bool IsInvincible ()
void HarvestingDepleted (UPrimalHarvestingComponent *fromComponent)
void BPDied (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BPHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FVector DamageLoc, FRotator HitNormal)
bool BPSupressImpactEffects (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent)
void OverrideDestroyedMeshTextures (UMeshComponent *meshComp)
void PlayHitEffectGeneric (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AActor
float & CustomTimeDilationField ()
float & ClientReplicationSendNowThresholdField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RemoteRoleField ()
AActorOwnerField ()
long double & LastReplicatedMovementField ()
int & LastFrameForceNetUpdateField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RoleField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetDormancy > & NetDormancyField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & ReplicatedComponentsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< USoundBase > & LastPostProcessVolumeSoundField ()
int & DefaultStasisComponentOctreeFlagsField ()
int & DefaultStasisedOctreeFlagsField ()
int & DefaultUnstasisedOctreeFlagsField ()
UPrimitiveComponentStasisCheckComponentField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenDormantField ()
AActorNetworkSpatializationParentField ()
float & NetworkAndStasisRangeMultiplierField ()
float & NetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
long double & UnstasisLastInRangeTimeField ()
long double & LastPreReplicationTimeField ()
long double & LastEnterStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastExitStasisTimeField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
float & ReplicationIntervalMultiplierField ()
int & ForceImmediateReplicationFrameField ()
char & StasisSetIndexField ()
char & RandomStartByteField ()
unsigned __int64 & LastFrameUnStasisField ()
volatile int & LastUnstasisFrameCounterField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & StasisUnRegisteredComponentsField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredDormantField ()
int & NetTagField ()
long double & NetUpdateTimeField ()
float & NetUpdateFrequencyField ()
float & NetPriorityField ()
long double & LastNetUpdateTimeField ()
FNameNetDriverNameField ()
unsigned int & UniqueActorIdField ()
int & TargetingTeamField ()
float & OverrideStasisComponentRadiusField ()
APawnInstigatorField ()
long double & CreationTimeField ()
long double & OriginalCreationTimeField ()
int & CustomActorFlagsField ()
TArray< AActor * > ChildrenField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateShiftTagField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateFrameCountField ()
USceneComponentRootComponentField ()
TArray< AMatineeActor * > ControllingMatineeActorsField ()
float & InitialLifeSpanField ()
TArray< FName > & LayersField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ParentComponentActorField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TArray< FName > & TagsField ()
unsigned __int64 & HiddenEditorViewsField ()
FVectorDefaultActorLocationField ()
float & ForceMaximumReplicationRateUntilTimeField ()
long double & LastActorForceReplicationTimeField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > OwnedComponentsField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > SerializedComponentsField ()
__int64 & LastActorUnstasisedCycleField ()
int & LastFrameCalculcatedNetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
int & NetworkDormantChildrenOpIdxField ()
bool & bShouldSendPartialBunchesOverThresholdAsReliableField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetTemporary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMapActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasHighVolumeRPCs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetStartup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasingAllowSteppingUp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyRelevantToOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceHiddenReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChangedActorTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasExecutedActorConstruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEverSetTimer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClimbable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachmentReplicationUseNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnstreamComponentsUseEndOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreNetworkRangeScaling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedHudDrawingRequiresSameTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNPCSpawnFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSavedWhenStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventShovel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollisionImpactPreventShipDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetCritical ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateInstigator ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDestroyedEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyPointForLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTearOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExchangedRoles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseOwnerRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseClientRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoNotCook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHibernateChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlockInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintMultiUseEntries ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideMultiUseCenterText ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSaving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiUseCenterHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyInitialReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetworkSpatializationForceRelevancyCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunningUserConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFinishedSpawning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeferredBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasReplicatedProperties ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorEnableCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoDestroyWhenFinished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDamaged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingKillPending ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollideWhenPlacing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetMulticasting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetConnectionDidInitialSort ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDormantNetMulticastForceFullReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoOverrideHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideHiddenShadowValue ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLevelBoundsRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReplicateDormantChildrenWithoutSpatialRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasisComponentRadiusForceDistanceCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemUsed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemDropped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPInventoryItemUsedHandlesDurability ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceAllowsInventoryUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateVelocityHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyReplicateOnNetForcedUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorSeamlessTraveled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoresOriginShifting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventActorStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLayerGroupedVisibility ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSkeletalComponentsForceParallelAnims ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceInfiniteDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRegularForceNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInitializedSeamlessGridInfo ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreSpatialComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasForceIgnoreSpatialComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateUniqueActorId ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevantPrimalStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsBeginPlayAfterSingleplayerGridTravel ()
bool AllowSeamlessTravel ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result)
bool IsMarkedForSeamlessTravel ()
void UnmarkAbortedForSeamlessTravel ()
bool IsLevelBoundsRelevant ()
bool HasAuthority ()
bool IsPendingKillPending ()
void MarkForSeamlessTravel (unsigned int DestinationServerId, ESeamlessVolumeSide::Side DestinationServerVolumeSide)
bool ActorHasTag (FName Tag)
void AddActorLocalOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorLocalRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorLocalTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
UActorComponentAddComponent (FName TemplateName, bool bManualAttachment, FTransform *RelativeTransform, UObject *ComponentTemplateContext)
void AddControllingMatineeActor (AMatineeActor *InMatineeActor)
void AddOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
bool AllowSaving ()
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
void AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
bool BPIsA (TSubclassOf< AActor > anActorClass)
bool BPIsMarkedForSeamlessTravel ()
float BPOverrideServerMultiUseAcceptRange_Implementation ()
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void BeginDestroy ()
void BeginPlay ()
void CalcCamera (float DeltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo *OutResult)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
bool CheckActorComponents ()
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool CheckStillInWorld ()
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
void ClearNetworkSpatializationParent ()
void ClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void CopyRemoteRoleFrom (AActor *CopyFromActor)
void CreateChildActors ()
UActorComponentCreateComponentFromTemplate (UActorComponent *Template, FString *InName)
bool Destroy (bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel)
void DestroyChildActors ()
void DestroyConstructedComponents ()
void DestroyInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DestroyMeNextFrame ()
void Destroyed ()
void DetachRootComponentFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DetachSceneComponentsFromParent (USceneComponent *InParentComponent, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DisableComponentsSimulatePhysics ()
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DispatchBlockingHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FHitResult *Hit)
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void EndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ExchangeNetRoles (bool bRemoteOwned)
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void FinalSeamlessTravelled ()
void FinishAndRegisterComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void FinishSpawning (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void FlushNetDormancy ()
bool ForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void ForceNetRelevant ()
void ForceReplicateNowWithChannel ()
void GetActorBounds (bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Origin, FVector *BoxExtent)
bool GetActorEnableCollision ()
FVectorGetActorForwardVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRightVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorScale3D (FVector *result)
float GetActorTimeDilation ()
FVectorGetActorUpVector (FVector *result)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString_Implementation (FString *result)
void GetAllSceneComponents (TArray< USceneComponent * > *OutComponents)
AActorGetAttachParentActor ()
FNameGetAttachParentSocketName (FName *result)
void GetAttachedActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
UActorComponentGetComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
UActorComponentGetComponentByCustomTag (FName TheTag)
void GetComponents (TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutComponents)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBox (FBox *result, bool bNonColliding)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBoxForLevelBounds (FBox *result)
void GetComponentsBoundingCylinder (float *OutCollisionRadius, float *OutCollisionHalfHeight, bool bNonColliding)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByClass (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByCustomTag (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, FName TheTag)
ECollisionResponse GetComponentsCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
float GetDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FStringGetEditTextString_Implementation (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *AssociatedObject1, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
float GetHorizontalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
float GetInputAxisKeyValue (FKey InputAxisKey)
float GetInputAxisValue (FName InputAxisName)
FVectorGetInputVectorAxisValue (FVector *result, FKey InputAxisKey)
APawnGetInstigator ()
AControllerGetInstigatorController ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetInterpolatedVelocity (FVector *result)
bool GetIsMapActor ()
long double GetLastRenderTime (bool ignoreShadow)
float GetLifeSpan ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
float GetNetPriority (FVector *ViewPos, FVector *ViewDir, APlayerController *Viewer, UActorChannel *InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)
float GetNetStasisAndRangeMultiplier (bool bIsForNetworking)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
ENetRole GetRemoteRole ()
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
void GetSubobjectsWithStableNamesForNetworking (TArray< UObject * > *ObjList)
FTransformGetTransform (FTransform *result)
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
float GetVerticalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleUnhiddenComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UWorldGetWorld ()
AWorldSettingsGetWorldSettings ()
bool HasNetOwner ()
void InitializeComponents ()
float InternalTakeRadialDamage (float Damage, FRadialDamageEvent *RadialDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bTranslationOnly)
void InventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
bool IsAttachedTo (AActor *Other)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool IsInGameplayWorld ()
bool IsInOrOwnedBy (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsInPersistentLevel (bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersistent)
bool IsMatineeControlled ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
bool IsNetStartupActor ()
bool IsOwnedOrControlledBy (AActor *TestOwner)
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
bool IsRelevancyOwnerFor (AActor *ReplicatedActor, AActor *ActorOwner, AActor *ConnectionActor)
bool IsRootComponentCollisionRegistered ()
bool IsRootComponentMovable ()
bool IsRootComponentStatic ()
bool IsRootComponentStationary ()
void K2_AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void K2_AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void K2_DestroyComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
FRotatorK2_GetActorRotation (FRotator *result)
USceneComponentK2_GetRootComponent ()
UWorldK2_GetWorld ()
bool K2_SetActorLocation (FVector NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool K2_TeleportTo (FVector DestLocation, FRotator DestRotation, bool bSimpleTeleport)
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void MakeNoise (float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector NoiseLocation)
void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill ()
void MarkComponentsRenderStateDirty ()
void MatineeUpdated ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
void Multi_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem_Implementation (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow_Implementation (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Multi_DrawDebugLine_Implementation (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FColor LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugSphere_Implementation (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void MulticastProperty (FName PropertyName, bool bUnreliable)
void MulticastPropertyToPlayer (FName PropertyName, APlayerController *PC, bool bUnreliable)
void NetActorSpawnActorUnreliable_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetActorSpawnActor_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo_Implementation (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetDetachRootComponentFromAny_Implementation ()
void Net_DrawDebugBox (FVector *Center, FVector *BoxExtent, FQuat *Rotation, FColor *BoxColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugCapsule (FVector *Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, FQuat *Rotation, FColor *CapsuleColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector *AxisLoc, FRotator *AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Net_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow (FVector *LineStart, FVector *LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor *ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugLine (FVector *LineStart, FVector *LineEnd, FColor *LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Net_DrawDebugSphere (FVector *Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor *SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void OnSubobjectCreatedFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void OnSubobjectDestroyFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void PlaySoundAtLocation (USoundCue *InSoundCue, FVector SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PlaySoundOnActor (USoundCue *InSoundCue, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PostActorConstruction ()
void PostInitProperties ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostLoadSubobjects (FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph)
void PostNetInit ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PostNetReceivePhysicState ()
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void PreNetReceive ()
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, int CinematicTextureGroups)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parameters)
void PropertyServerToClientsUnreliable_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void PropertyServerToClients_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void REP_ActivateManualDirtyForPlayer (FName *PropertyName, APlayerController *PC)
void RegisterActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bDoComponents, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllComponents ()
void RemoveControllingMatineeActor (AMatineeActor *InMatineeActor)
void RemoveOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void ReregisterAllComponents ()
void RerunConstructionScripts ()
void ResetOwnedComponents ()
void ResetPropertiesForConstruction ()
void ResetSpatialComponent ()
void RouteEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void SendExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams, bool bIsReliable)
void ServerSendSimpleExecCommandToEveryone (FName CommandName, bool bIsReliable, bool bForceSendToLocalPlayer, bool bIgnoreRelevancy)
void SetActorEnableCollision (bool bNewActorEnableCollision, bool bCheckRecreatePhysicsState)
void SetActorHiddenInGame (bool bNewHidden)
bool SetActorLocation (FVector *NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorLocationAndRotation (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeLocation (FVector NewRelativeLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeRotation (FRotator NewRelativeRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector NewRelativeScale)
void SetActorRelativeTransform (FTransform *NewRelativeTransform, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorRotation (FQuat *NewRotation)
bool SetActorRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
void SetActorScale3D (FVector *NewScale3D)
void SetActorTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool SetActorTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void SetAutonomousProxy (bool bInAutonomousProxy)
void SetLifeSpan (float InLifespan)
void SetNetUpdateTime (long double NewUpdateTime)
void SetNetworkSpatializationParent (AActor *NewParent)
void SetOwner (AActor *NewOwner)
void SetReplicates (bool bInReplicates)
bool SetRootComponent (USceneComponent *NewRootComponent)
void SetTickFunctionEnabled (bool bEnableTick)
void SetTickableWhenPaused (bool bTickableWhenPaused)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void SnapRootComponentTo (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName)
void Stasis ()
void StopActorSound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, float FadeOutTime)
float TakeDamage (float DamageAmount, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void UninitializeComponents (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void UnregisterAllComponents (bool bDetachFromOtherParent)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateOverlaps (bool bDoNotifies)
void GatherCurrentMovement ()
AActorGetOwner ()
void ForceNetUpdate (bool bDormantDontReplicateProperties, bool bAbsoluteForceNetUpdate, bool bDontUpdateChannel)
void ForceReplicateNow (bool bForceCreateChannel, bool bForceCreateChannelIfRelevant)
void ActorPlaySound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void ActorPlaySoundUnreliable (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
bool AllowGrappling ()
bool AllowIgnoreCharacterEncroachment (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *EncroachingCharacter)
bool AllowManualMultiUseActivation (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPAttachedRootComponent ()
void BPChangedActorTeam ()
void BPClientDoMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int ClientUseIndex)
void BPClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
bool BPConsumeSetPinCode (APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool BPConsumeUsePinCode (AActor *FromKeypadActor, APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsActivating)
bool BPForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
FStringBPOverrideMultiUseCenterText (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC)
float BPOverrideServerMultiUseAcceptRange ()
void BPPostInitializeComponents ()
void BPPostLoadedFromSeamlessTravel ()
void BPPreInitializeComponents ()
bool BPTryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel ()
void ClientSeamlessTravelled ()
void DrawActorFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
void DrawBasicFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString (FString *result)
FStringGetEditTextString (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *AssociatedObject1, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
void InitializedSeamlessGridInfo ()
bool IsValidLockOnTarget (APawn *AttackerPawn)
void K2_OnBecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void K2_OnEndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ModifyHudMultiUseLoc (FVector2D *theVec, APlayerController *PC, int index)
void Multi_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Multi_DrawDebugLine (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FColor LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugSphere (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void NetActorSpawnActor (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetSpawnedActor (AActor *SpawnedActor)
float OffsetHUDFromBottomScreenY (AHUD *ForHUD)
float OffsetHUDFromCenterScreenY (AHUD *ForHUD)
void PrepareClientMapActorForSeamlessTravel ()
void PropertyServerToClients (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void PropertyServerToClientsUnreliable (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void ReceiveActorBeginCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorBeginOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorEndCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorEndOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorOnClicked ()
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnter (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchLeave (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnReleased ()
void ReceiveAnyDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveBeginPlay ()
void ReceiveDestroyed ()
void ReceiveEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void ReceiveHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void ReceiveInput (FString *InputName, float Value, FVector VectorValue, bool bStarted, bool bEnded)
void ReceivePointDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FName BoneName, FVector ShotFromDirection, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveRadialDamage (float DamageReceived, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector Origin, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void RecieveMatineeUpdated ()
void ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel ()
void ThrottledTick ()
void UserConstructionScript ()
float & CustomTimeDilationField ()
float & ClientReplicationSendNowThresholdField ()
bool & bForceAllowNetMulticastField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RemoteRoleField ()
AActorOwnerField ()
long double & LastReplicatedMovementField ()
int & LastFrameForceNetUpdateField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RoleField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetDormancy > & NetDormancyField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & ReplicatedComponentsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< USoundBase > & LastPostProcessVolumeSoundField ()
int & DefaultStasisComponentOctreeFlagsField ()
UPrimitiveComponentStasisCheckComponentField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenField ()
AActorNetworkSpatializationParentField ()
float & NetworkAndStasisRangeMultiplierField ()
long double & UnstasisLastInRangeTimeField ()
long double & LastPreReplicationTimeField ()
long double & LastEnterStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastExitStasisTimeField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
float & ReplicationIntervalMultiplierField ()
int & ForceImmediateReplicationFrameField ()
char & StasisSetIndexField ()
char & RandomStartByteField ()
unsigned __int64 & LastFrameUnStasisField ()
volatile int & LastUnstasisFrameCounterField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & StasisUnRegisteredComponentsField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredDormantField ()
int & NetTagField ()
long double & NetUpdateTimeField ()
float & NetUpdateFrequencyField ()
float & NetPriorityField ()
long double & LastNetUpdateTimeField ()
FNameNetDriverNameField ()
int & TargetingTeamField ()
float & OverrideStasisComponentRadiusField ()
APawnInstigatorField ()
long double & CreationTimeField ()
long double & OriginalCreationTimeField ()
TArray< AActor * > ChildrenField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateShiftTagField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateFrameCountField ()
USceneComponentRootComponentField ()
TArray< AMatineeActor * > ControllingMatineeActorsField ()
float & InitialLifeSpanField ()
TArray< FName > & LayersField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ParentComponentActorField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TArray< FName > & TagsField ()
unsigned __int64 & HiddenEditorViewsField ()
FTargetingTeamChangedOnTargetingTeamChangedField ()
FVectorDefaultActorLocationField ()
FGuidUniqueGuidIdField ()
float & ForceMaximumReplicationRateUntilTimeField ()
long double & LastActorForceReplicationTimeField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > OwnedComponentsField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > SerializedComponentsField ()
int & LastFrameCalculcatedNetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetTemporary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMapActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasHighVolumeRPCs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetStartup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasingAllowSteppingUp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyRelevantToOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceHiddenReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChangedActorTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasExecutedActorConstruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEverSetTimer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClimbable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachmentReplicationUseNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnstreamComponentsUseEndOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideUILocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBasedActorsOutOfFastTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetShowDebugAnimationComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsPerformanceThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedPerformanceThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceInfiniteDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCheckForErrors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRegularForceNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideTargetingLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetHUDDrawLocationOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNPCSpawnFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetCritical ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCustomIsRelevantForClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateInstigator ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDestroyedEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyPointForLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTearOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExchangedRoles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseOwnerRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseClientRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoNotCook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHibernateChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlockInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintMultiUseEntries ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetMultiUseCenterText ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSaving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiUseCenterHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyInitialReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetworkSpatializationForceRelevancyCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunningUserConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFinishedSpawning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeferredBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasReplicatedProperties ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorEnableCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoDestroyWhenFinished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDamaged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingKillPending ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollideWhenPlacing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetMulticasting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetConnectionDidInitialSort ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDormantNetMulticastForceFullReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoOverrideHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideHiddenShadowValue ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLevelBoundsRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReplicateDormantChildrenWithoutSpatialRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasisComponentRadiusForceDistanceCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemUsed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemDropped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPInventoryItemUsedHandlesDurability ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceAllowsInventoryUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateRotationHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateVelocityHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyReplicateOnNetForcedUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorSeamlessTraveled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoresOriginShifting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventActorStasis ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *RequestedBy)
bool IsLevelBoundsRelevant ()
bool IsPendingKillPending ()
bool IsOwnedBy (AActor *TestOwner)
void SetRemoteRoleForBackwardsCompat (ENetRole InRemoteRole)
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
UGameInstanceGetOwner ()
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool CheckActorComponents ()
void ResetOwnedComponents ()
void PostInitProperties ()
UWorldGetWorld ()
bool IsInGameplayWorld ()
UGameInstanceGetGameInstance ()
bool IsNetStartupActor ()
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostLoadSubobjects (FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parameters)
void RegisterActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bDoComponents, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void SetActorTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void GetComponentsBoundingCylinder (float *OutCollisionRadius, float *OutCollisionHalfHeight, bool bNonColliding)
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
float GetApproachRadius ()
bool IsRootComponentCollisionRegistered ()
bool IsAttachedTo (AActor *Other)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBox (FBox *result, bool bNonColliding)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBoxForLevelBounds (FBox *result)
bool CheckStillInWorld ()
void UpdateOverlaps (bool bDoNotifies)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
long double GetLastRenderTime (bool ignoreShadow)
void SetOwner (AActor *NewOwner)
bool HasNetOwner ()
void AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void DetachRootComponentFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DetachSceneComponentsFromParent (USceneComponent *InParentComponent, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
AActorGetAttachParentActor ()
FNameGetAttachParentSocketName (FName *result)
void GetAttachedActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
bool ActorHasTag (FName Tag)
bool IsMatineeControlled ()
bool IsRootComponentStatic ()
bool IsRootComponentStationary ()
bool IsRootComponentMovable ()
bool IsRelevancyOwnerFor (AActor *ReplicatedActor, AActor *ActorOwner, AActor *ConnectionActor)
void FlushNetDormancy ()
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, int CinematicTextureGroups)
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
FTransformActorToWorld (FTransform *result)
FTransformGetTransform (FTransform *result)
void ClearNetworkSpatializationParent ()
void SetNetworkSpatializationParent (AActor *NewParent)
void Destroyed ()
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void MakeNoise (float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector NoiseLocation)
float TakeDamage (float DamageAmount, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
float InternalTakeRadialDamage (float Damage, FRadialDamageEvent *RadialDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DispatchBlockingHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FHitResult *Hit)
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void EndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
AControllerGetInstigatorController ()
void CalcCamera (float DeltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo *OutResult)
void ForceNetRelevant ()
void GetActorEyesViewPoint (FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation)
FVectorGetActorViewDirection (FVector *result)
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void InventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
bool ForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
ECollisionResponse GetComponentsCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void AddOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void RemoveOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
UActorComponentGetComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UActorComponentGetComponentByCustomTag (FName TheTag)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByClass (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByCustomTag (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, FName TheTag)
void DisableComponentsSimulatePhysics ()
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
void FinishSpawning (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void PreSave ()
void PostActorConstruction ()
void SetReplicates (bool bInReplicates)
void CopyRemoteRoleFrom (AActor *CopyFromActor)
void PostNetInit ()
void BeginPlay ()
void MatineeUpdated ()
void ForceReplicateNowWithChannel ()
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
float GetInputAxisValue (FName InputAxisName)
float GetInputAxisKeyValue (FKey InputAxisKey)
FVectorGetInputVectorAxisValue (FVector *result, FKey InputAxisKey)
bool SetActorLocation (FVector *NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
bool SetActorRotation (FQuat *NewRotation)
bool SetActorLocationAndRotation (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorScale3D (FVector *NewScale3D)
FVectorGetActorScale3D (FVector *result)
void SetActorRelativeLocation (FVector NewRelativeLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeRotation (FRotator NewRelativeRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector NewRelativeScale)
void SetActorHiddenInGame (bool bNewHidden)
void SetActorEnableCollision (bool bNewActorEnableCollision)
bool Destroy (bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel)
bool HasAuthority ()
bool SetRootComponent (USceneComponent *NewRootComponent)
FVectorGetActorForwardVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorUpVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRightVector (FVector *result)
void GetActorBounds (bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Origin, FVector *BoxExtent)
AWorldSettingsGetWorldSettings ()
void PlaySoundOnActor (USoundCue *InSoundCue, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PlaySoundAtLocation (USoundCue *InSoundCue, FVector SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void UnregisterAllComponents (bool bDetachFromOtherParent)
void RegisterAllComponents ()
void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill ()
void ReregisterAllComponents ()
void MarkComponentsRenderStateDirty ()
void InitializeComponents ()
void UninitializeComponents (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bTranslationOnly)
bool ActorLineTraceSingle (FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
void SetLifeSpan (float InLifespan)
float GetLifeSpan ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void Stasis ()
void Unstasis ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
UWorldK2_GetWorld ()
float GetDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetVerticalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FTransformGetInterpolatedTransform (FTransform *result)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
bool GetMultiUseCenterText (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex, FString *OutCenterText, FLinearColor *OutCenterTextColor)
bool AllowSaving ()
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
void ForceDestroy ()
bool GetIsMapActor ()
void SendExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams, bool bIsReliable)
void ServerSendSimpleExecCommandToEveryone (FName CommandName, bool bIsReliable, bool bForceSendToLocalPlayer, bool bIgnoreRelevancy)
bool IsPrimalCharacterOrStructure ()
void SetTickFunctionEnabled (bool bEnableTick)
bool IsOwnedOrControlledBy (AActor *TestOwner)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
bool BPIsA (TSubclassOf< AActor > anActorClass)
void MulticastProperty (FName PropertyName)
void MulticastPropertyToPlayer (FName PropertyName, APlayerController *PC)
void PropertyServerToClients_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
float GetNetStasisAndRangeMultiplier ()
void StopActorSound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, float FadeOutTime)
void GetAllSceneComponents (TArray< USceneComponent * > *OutComponents)
void ActorPlaySound_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo_Implementation (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetDetachRootComponentFromAny_Implementation ()
FVectorGetHUDWorldDrawLocation (FVector *result, FName *HUDTag)
void ResetPropertiesForConstruction ()
void DestroyConstructedComponents ()
void RerunConstructionScripts ()
UActorComponentCreateComponentFromTemplate (UActorComponent *Template, FString *InName)
UActorComponentAddComponent (FName TemplateName, bool bManualAttachment, FTransform *RelativeTransform, UObject *ComponentTemplateContext)
void PreNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PostNetReceivePhysicState ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void GetSubobjectsWithStableNamesForNetworking (TArray< UObject * > *ObjList)
void OnSubobjectCreatedFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void OnSubobjectDestroyFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
void GetComponents (TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutComponents)
void GatherCurrentMovement ()
void ForceReplicateNow (bool bForceCreateChannel, bool bForceCreateChannelIfRelevant)
void ForceNetUpdate (bool bDormantDontReplicateProperties, bool bAbsoluteForceNetUpdate, bool bDontUpdateChannel)
void ActorPlaySound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void ActorPlaySoundUnreliable (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
bool AllowGrappling ()
bool AllowIgnoreCharacterEncroachment (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *EncroachingCharacter)
bool AllowManualMultiUseActivation (APlayerController *ForPC)
FVectorBP_GetHUDWorldDrawLocation (FVector *result, FName HUDTag)
FVectorBP_OverrideTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
void BPAttachedRootComponent ()
void BPChangedActorTeam ()
bool BPConsumeSetPinCode (APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool BPConsumeUsePinCode (AActor *FromKeypadActor, APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsActivating)
bool BPForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
int BPGetExtraSpecialBlueprintInt ()
bool BPGetMultiUseCenterText (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex, FString *OutCenterText, FLinearColor *OutCenterTextColor)
void BPInventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
FVectorBPOverrideUILocation (FVector *result, APlayerController *ForPC)
void DrawBasicFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
float GetUsablePriority ()
void K2_OnBecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void K2_OnEndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ModifyHudMultiUseLoc (FVector2D *theVec, APlayerController *PC, int index)
void MulticastDrawDebugArrow (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugBox (FVector Center, FVector Extent, FLinearColor LineColor, FRotator Rotation, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugCapsule (FVector Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, FRotator Rotation, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugCapsuleWithExtents (FVector Top, FVector Bottom, float Radius, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool bPersistent)
void MulticastDrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, float Duration, float Thickness)
void MulticastDrawDebugCylinder (FVector Start, FVector End, float Radius, int Segments, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration)
void MulticastDrawDebugLine (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, float Thickness, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugPoint (FVector Position, float Size, FLinearColor PointColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugSphere (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugString (FVector TextLocation, FString *Text, AActor *TestBaseActor, FLinearColor TextColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void OnInventoryItemGrind ()
void PerformanceThrottledTick ()
void PropertyServerToClients (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void ReceiveActorBeginCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorBeginOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorEndCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorEndOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorOnClicked ()
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnter (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchLeave (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnReleased ()
void ReceiveAnyDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveBeginPlay ()
void ReceiveDestroyed ()
void ReceiveEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void ReceiveHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void ReceiveInput (FString *InputName, float Value, FVector VectorValue, bool bStarted, bool bEnded)
void ReceivePointDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FName BoneName, FVector ShotFromDirection, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveRadialDamage (float DamageReceived, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector Origin, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void RecieveMatineeUpdated ()
void ThrottledTick ()
void UserConstructionScript ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
void ExecuteUbergraph (int EntryPoint)
bool AreAllOuterObjectsValid ()
FNameGetExporterName (FName *result)
FStringGetDetailedInfoInternal (FString *result)
UObjectGetArchetype ()
bool IsBasedOnArchetype (UObject *const SomeObject)
bool IsInBlueprint ()
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void LoadLocalized (UObject *LocBase, bool bLoadHierachecally)
void LocalizeProperty (UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString > *PropertyTagChain, UProperty *const BaseProperty, UProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress)
void BeginDestroy ()
void FinishDestroy ()
FStringGetDetailedInfo (FString *result)
bool ConditionalBeginDestroy ()
bool ConditionalFinishDestroy ()
void ConditionalPostLoad ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
bool IsSelected ()
void CollectDefaultSubobjects (TArray< UObject * > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects)
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool IsAsset ()
bool IsSafeForRootSet ()
void LoadConfig (UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, UProperty *PropertyToLoad)
void ConditionalShutdownAfterError ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsFullNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
UFunctionFindFunctionChecked (FName InName)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parms)
 __declspec (dllexport) UProperty *FindProperty(FName name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBaseUtility
int GetLinkerUE4Version ()
int GetLinkerLicenseeUE4Version ()
FStringGetPathName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void GetPathName (UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString)
FStringGetFullName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void MarkPackageDirty ()
bool IsIn (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsA (UClass *SomeBase)
void * GetInterfaceAddress (UClass *InterfaceClass)
bool IsDefaultSubobject ()
int GetLinkerIndex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
EObjectFlagsObjectFlagsField ()
int & InternalIndexField ()
UClassClassField ()
FNameNameField ()
UObjectOuterField ()
void DeferredRegister (UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)
bool IsValidLowLevel ()
bool IsValidLowLevelFast (bool bRecursive)
void Register (const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)

Static Public Member Functions

static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalStructure
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static APrimalStructureBPGetFromID (UWorld *World, int TheStructureID)
static int BPGetStructureID (APrimalStructure *PrimalStructure)
static void CleanUpTree (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static void CleanUpTree (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static void CullAgainstFoundations (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static bool CullAgainstFoundations (APrimalStructure **StartingStructure, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void FindFoundations (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void FlagReachable (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure)
static APrimalStructureGetClosestStructureToPoint (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector AtPoint, float OverlapRadius)
static APrimalStructureGetFromID (UWorld *World, unsigned int TheStructureID)
static void GetNearbyStructuresOfClass (UWorld *World, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > StructureClass, FVector *Location, float Range, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Structures)
static int GetNumStructuresInRangeStructureTypeFlag (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLocation, int TypeFlag, float WithinRange, bool bCheckBPCountStructureInRange, bool bUseInternalOctree, APrimalStructure *IgnoreStructure)
static void GetStructuresInRange (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLocation, float WithinRange, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > StructureClass, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StructuresOut, bool bUseInternalOctree, APrimalStructure *IgnoreStructure)
static bool IsPointNearSupplyCrateSpawn (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtPoint)
static bool IsPointObstructedByWorldGeometry (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector ThePoint, bool bIgnoreTerrain, bool bOnlyCheckTerrain, bool bIgnoreFoliage, float OBSTRUCTION_CHECK_DIST)
static void ReprocessTree (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructure ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static APrimalStructureGetFromID (UWorld *World, unsigned int TheStructureID)
static APrimalStructureBPGetFromID (UWorld *World, int TheStructureID)
static int BPGetStructureID (APrimalStructure *PrimalStructure)
static bool IsPointNearSupplyCrateSpawn (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtPoint)
static void ReprocessTree (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static void FindFoundations (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void FindFoundations (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void CullAgainstFoundations (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static bool CullAgainstFoundations (APrimalStructure **StartingStructure, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void FlagConnectionsLessThan (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Structures, int Connections, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StructuresToDestroy)
static void FlagConnectionsLessThan (APrimalStructure **StartingStructure, int Connections, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StructuresToDestroy)
static void FlagReachable (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Foundations)
static void FlagReachable (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure)
static void CleanUpTree (TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StartingStructures, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static void CleanUpTree (APrimalStructure *StartingStructure, AController *InstigatorController, AActor *DamageCauser)
static void GetNearbyStructuresOfClass (UWorld *World, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > StructureClass, FVector *Location, float Range, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *Structures)
static void GetStructuresInRange (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLocation, float WithinRange, TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > StructureClass, TArray< APrimalStructure * > *StructuresOut, bool bUseInternalOctree, APrimalStructure *IgnoreStructure)
static int GetNumStructuresInRangeStructureTypeFlag (UWorld *theWorld, FVector AtLocation, int TypeFlag, float WithinRange, bool bCheckBPCountStructureInRange, bool bUseInternalOctree, APrimalStructure *IgnoreStructure, bool bCheckWithAltCollisionChannel)
static bool IsPointObstructedByWorldGeometry (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector ThePoint, bool bIgnoreTerrain, bool bOnlyCheckTerrain, bool bIgnoreFoliage, float OBSTRUCTION_CHECK_DIST)
static APrimalStructureGetClosestStructureToPoint (UWorld *ForWorld, FVector AtPoint, float OverlapRadius)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructure ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalTargetableActor
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalTargetableActor ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalTargetableActor ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AActor
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void MakeNoiseImpl (AActor *NoiseMaker, float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector *NoiseLocation)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAActor ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static const wchar_t * StaticConfigName ()
static void MakeNoiseImpl (AActor *NoiseMaker, float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector *NoiseLocation)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAActor ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static UObjectGetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo (UClass *Class, UObject *Outer, FName Name, bool bIsCDO)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
static void EmitBaseReferences (UClass *RootClass)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 935 of file PrimalStructure.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateContainerStringField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivateContainerStringField ( )

Definition at line 770 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivateContainerStringField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivateContainerStringField ( )

Definition at line 954 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivateMaterialsField() [1/2]

TArray< UMaterialInterface * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivateMaterialsField ( )

Definition at line 760 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivateMaterialsField() [2/2]

TArray< UMaterialInterface * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivateMaterialsField ( )

Definition at line 944 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivationCooldownTimeField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivationCooldownTimeField ( )

Definition at line 823 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivationCooldownTimeField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActivationCooldownTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1006 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField() [1/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField ( )

Definition at line 773 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField() [2/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ActiveRequiresFuelItemsField ( )

Definition at line 957 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddToValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllers()

int APrimalStructureItemContainer::AddToValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllers ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 928 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AllowSaving() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::AllowSaving ( )

Definition at line 947 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AllowSaving() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::AllowSaving ( )

Definition at line 1088 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AllowToggleActivation() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::AllowToggleActivation ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 904 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AllowToggleActivation() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::AllowToggleActivation ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 1089 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ApplyPinCode() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::ApplyPinCode ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
int appledPinCode,
bool bIsSetting,
int TheCustomIndex )

Definition at line 931 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ApplyPinCode() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::ApplyPinCode ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
int appledPinCode,
bool bIsSetting,
int TheCustomIndex )

Definition at line 1090 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bActiveRequiresPower() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bActiveRequiresPower ( )

Definition at line 870 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bActiveRequiresPower() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bActiveRequiresPower ( )

Definition at line 1052 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 885 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAllowAutoActivateWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 1067 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowCustomName() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAllowCustomName ( )

Definition at line 836 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowCustomName() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAllowCustomName ( )

Definition at line 1019 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageAmountField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageAmountField ( )

Definition at line 790 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageAmountField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageAmountField ( )

Definition at line 973 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 789 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 972 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageTypeField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageTypeField ( )

Definition at line 791 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BasedCharacterDamageTypeField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BasedCharacterDamageTypeField ( )

Definition at line 974 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BatteryClassOverrideField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BatteryClassOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 756 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BatteryClassOverrideField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BatteryClassOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 940 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateContainer() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateContainer ( )

Definition at line 833 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateContainer() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateContainer ( )

Definition at line 1016 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateIfPowered() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateIfPowered ( )

Definition at line 872 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateIfPowered() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateIfPowered ( )

Definition at line 1054 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateWhenFueled() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateWhenFueled ( )

Definition at line 835 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateWhenFueled() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateWhenFueled ( )

Definition at line 1018 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateWhenNoPower() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 886 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoActivateWhenNoPower() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bAutoActivateWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 1068 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( )

Definition at line 884 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bBPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( )

Definition at line 1066 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 883 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bBPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 1065 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCanToggleActivation() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCanToggleActivation ( )

Definition at line 834 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCanToggleActivation() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCanToggleActivation ( )

Definition at line 1017 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCheckStartedUnderwater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCheckStartedUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 848 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCheckStartedUnderwater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCheckStartedUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1030 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bClientBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bClientBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ( )

Definition at line 842 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bContainerActivated() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bContainerActivated ( )

Definition at line 837 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bContainerActivated() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bContainerActivated ( )

Definition at line 1020 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater ( )

Definition at line 839 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCraftingSubstractConnectedWater ( )

Definition at line 1022 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCraftingSubstractOwnWater()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bCraftingSubstractOwnWater ( )

Definition at line 1081 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved ( )

Definition at line 867 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemoved ( )

Definition at line 1049 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults ( )

Definition at line 888 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDestroyWhenAllItemsRemovedExceptDefaults ( )

Definition at line 1070 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDidSetContainerActive() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDidSetContainerActive ( )

Definition at line 891 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDidSetContainerActive() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDidSetContainerActive ( )

Definition at line 1073 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisableActivationUnderwater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisableActivationUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 862 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisableActivationUnderwater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisableActivationUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1045 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI ( )

Definition at line 843 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUI ( )

Definition at line 1025 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary ( )

Definition at line 849 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUISecondary ( )

Definition at line 1031 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary ( )

Definition at line 850 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDisplayActivationOnInventoryUITertiary ( )

Definition at line 1032 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDrinkingWater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDrinkingWater ( )

Definition at line 868 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDrinkingWater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDrinkingWater ( )

Definition at line 1050 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDropInventoryOnDestruction() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDropInventoryOnDestruction ( )

Definition at line 866 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDropInventoryOnDestruction() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bDropInventoryOnDestruction ( )

Definition at line 1048 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BeginPlay() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BeginPlay ( )

Definition at line 909 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BeginPlay() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BeginPlay ( )

Definition at line 1091 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bForceDropInventoryOnDeath()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bForceDropInventoryOnDeath ( )

Definition at line 1079 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bForceNoPinLocking() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bForceNoPinLocking ( )

Definition at line 840 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bForceNoPinLocking() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bForceNoPinLocking ( )

Definition at line 1023 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bForceNoStructureLocking()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bForceNoStructureLocking ( )

Definition at line 1082 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bForcePreventAutoActivateWhenConnectedToWater()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bForcePreventAutoActivateWhenConnectedToWater ( )

Definition at line 863 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 851 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bFuelAllowActivationWhenNoPower ( )

Definition at line 1033 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHandledDestruction() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bHandledDestruction ( )

Definition at line 879 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHandledDestruction() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bHandledDestruction ( )

Definition at line 1061 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHasFuel() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bHasFuel ( )

Definition at line 860 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHasFuel() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bHasFuel ( )

Definition at line 1043 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHideAutoActivateToggle()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bHideAutoActivateToggle ( )

Definition at line 893 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends ( )

Definition at line 890 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bInventoryForcePreventItemAppends ( )

Definition at line 1072 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems ( )

Definition at line 889 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bInventoryForcePreventRemoteAddItems ( )

Definition at line 1071 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsAmmoContainer()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsAmmoContainer ( )

Definition at line 1078 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsLocked() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsLocked ( )

Definition at line 858 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsLocked() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsLocked ( )

Definition at line 1041 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPinLocked() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPinLocked ( )

Definition at line 859 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPinLocked() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPinLocked ( )

Definition at line 1042 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPowered() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPowered ( )

Definition at line 875 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPowered() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPowered ( )

Definition at line 1057 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPowerJunction() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPowerJunction ( )

Definition at line 871 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsPowerJunction() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsPowerJunction ( )

Definition at line 1053 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsUnderwater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 861 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsUnderwater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bIsUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1044 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bLastToggleActivated() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bLastToggleActivated ( )

Definition at line 873 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bLastToggleActivated() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bLastToggleActivated ( )

Definition at line 1055 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOnlyAllowTeamActivation() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bOnlyAllowTeamActivation ( )

Definition at line 876 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOnlyAllowTeamActivation() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bOnlyAllowTeamActivation ( )

Definition at line 1058 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated ( )

Definition at line 838 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bOnlyUseSpoilingMultipliersIfActivated ( )

Definition at line 1021 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOverrideHasPowerString()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bOverrideHasPowerString ( )

Definition at line 1040 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BoxNameField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BoxNameField ( )

Definition at line 763 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BoxNameField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BoxNameField ( )

Definition at line 947 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BoxNamePrefaceStringField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BoxNamePrefaceStringField ( )

Definition at line 815 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BoxNamePrefaceStringField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::BoxNamePrefaceStringField ( )

Definition at line 998 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPApplyPinCode()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPApplyPinCode ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
int appledPinCode,
bool bIsSetting,
int TheCustomIndex )

Definition at line 975 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPCanBeActivated() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPCanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 976 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPCanBeActivated() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPCanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 1146 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ( AShooterPlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 977 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ( AShooterPlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 1147 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPClientRequestInventoryUpdate()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPClientRequestInventoryUpdate ( AShooterPlayerController * FromPC)

Definition at line 1148 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPContainerActivated() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPContainerActivated ( )

Definition at line 978 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPContainerActivated() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPContainerActivated ( )

Definition at line 1149 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPContainerDeactivated() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPContainerDeactivated ( )

Definition at line 979 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPContainerDeactivated() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPContainerDeactivated ( )

Definition at line 1150 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier() [1/2]

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 980 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier() [2/2]

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 1151 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory()

int APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory ( TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > ItemToCheckFor)

Definition at line 1152 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( APrimalStructureWaterPipe * ForWaterPipe)

Definition at line 981 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPIsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( APrimalStructureWaterPipe * ForWaterPipe)

Definition at line 1153 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPNotifyInventoryItemChange() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPNotifyInventoryItemChange ( bool bIsItemAdd,
UPrimalItem * theItem,
bool bEquipItem )

Definition at line 982 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPNotifyInventoryItemChange() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPNotifyInventoryItemChange ( bool bIsItemAdd,
UPrimalItem * theItem,
bool bEquipItem )

Definition at line 1154 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 983 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPOnContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 1155 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredAllowBattery() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredAllowBattery ( )

Definition at line 852 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredAllowBattery() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredAllowBattery ( )

Definition at line 1034 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredAllowNPC()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredAllowNPC ( )

Definition at line 1037 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredAllowSolar()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredAllowSolar ( )

Definition at line 855 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredHasBattery() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredHasBattery ( )

Definition at line 854 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredHasBattery() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredHasBattery ( )

Definition at line 1036 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredHasNPC()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredHasNPC ( )

Definition at line 1039 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredUsingBattery() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredUsingBattery ( )

Definition at line 853 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredUsingBattery() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredUsingBattery ( )

Definition at line 1035 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredUsingNPC()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredUsingNPC ( )

Definition at line 1038 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredUsingSolar()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredUsingSolar ( )

Definition at line 856 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive ( )

Definition at line 869 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPoweredWaterSourceWhenActive ( )

Definition at line 1051 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPPreGetMultiUseEntries() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPPreGetMultiUseEntries ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 984 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPPreGetMultiUseEntries() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPPreGetMultiUseEntries ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 1156 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPreventToggleActivation() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPreventToggleActivation ( )

Definition at line 845 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPreventToggleActivation() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bPreventToggleActivation ( )

Definition at line 1027 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPSetPlayerConstructor() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPSetPlayerConstructor ( APlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 985 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPSetPlayerConstructor() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::BPSetPlayerConstructor ( APlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 1157 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReplicateItemFuelClass() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bReplicateItemFuelClass ( )

Definition at line 877 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReplicateItemFuelClass() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bReplicateItemFuelClass ( )

Definition at line 1059 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReplicateLastActivatedTime() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bReplicateLastActivatedTime ( )

Definition at line 896 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReplicateLastActivatedTime() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bReplicateLastActivatedTime ( )

Definition at line 1077 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bRequiresItemExactClass() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bRequiresItemExactClass ( )

Definition at line 887 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bRequiresItemExactClass() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bRequiresItemExactClass ( )

Definition at line 1069 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ( )

Definition at line 841 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ( )

Definition at line 1024 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ( )

Definition at line 846 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ( )

Definition at line 1028 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bStartedUnderwater() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bStartedUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 847 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bStartedUnderwater() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bStartedUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1029 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bStructureEnableActorTickWhenActivated()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bStructureEnableActorTickWhenActivated ( )

Definition at line 1080 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsLocking() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsLocking ( )

Definition at line 864 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsLocking() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsLocking ( )

Definition at line 1046 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsPinActivation() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsPinActivation ( )

Definition at line 874 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsPinActivation() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsPinActivation ( )

Definition at line 1056 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsPinLocking() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsPinLocking ( )

Definition at line 865 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSupportsPinLocking() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bSupportsPinLocking ( )

Definition at line 1047 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPActivated() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPActivated ( )

Definition at line 880 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPActivated() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPActivated ( )

Definition at line 1062 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPCanBeActivated() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPCanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 881 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPCanBeActivated() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPCanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 1063 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ( )

Definition at line 882 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPCanBeActivatedByPlayer ( )

Definition at line 1064 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 844 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPGetFuelConsumptionMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 1026 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPGetQuantityOfItemWithoutCheckingInventory ( )

Definition at line 1075 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor ( )

Definition at line 895 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseBPSetPlayerConstructor ( )

Definition at line 1076 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseCooldownOnTransferAll()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseCooldownOnTransferAll ( )

Definition at line 894 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseDeathCacheCharacterID() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseDeathCacheCharacterID ( )

Definition at line 892 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseDeathCacheCharacterID() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseDeathCacheCharacterID ( )

Definition at line 1074 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseOpenSceneAction() [1/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseOpenSceneAction ( )

Definition at line 878 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseOpenSceneAction() [2/2]

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::bUseOpenSceneAction ( )

Definition at line 1060 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanBeActivated() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::CanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 903 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanBeActivated() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::CanBeActivated ( )

Definition at line 1092 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanOpen() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::CanOpen ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 922 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanOpen() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::CanOpen ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 1093 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CaptainOrdersActivationGroupField()

TEnumAsByte< enum ECaptainOtherActions::Type > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CaptainOrdersActivationGroupField ( )

Definition at line 1012 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CharacterBasedOnUpdate() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CharacterBasedOnUpdate ( AActor * characterBasedOnMe,
float DeltaSeconds )

Definition at line 946 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CharacterBasedOnUpdate() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CharacterBasedOnUpdate ( AActor * characterBasedOnMe,
float DeltaSeconds )

Definition at line 1094 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckAutoReactivate() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckAutoReactivate ( )

Definition at line 935 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckAutoReactivate() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckAutoReactivate ( )

Definition at line 1095 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckForDeathCacheEmitter() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckForDeathCacheEmitter ( )

Definition at line 910 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckForDeathCacheEmitter() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckForDeathCacheEmitter ( )

Definition at line 1096 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckFuelSetActive() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckFuelSetActive ( )

Definition at line 940 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckFuelSetActive() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CheckFuelSetActive ( )

Definition at line 1097 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientMultiUse() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ClientMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 907 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientMultiUse() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ClientMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 1098 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientNotifyInventoryItemChange()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ClientNotifyInventoryItemChange ( bool bIsItemAdd,
UPrimalItem * theItem,
bool bEquipItem )

Definition at line 942 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ConsumeFuel() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ConsumeFuel ( bool bGiveItem)

Definition at line 936 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ConsumeFuel() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ConsumeFuel ( bool bGiveItem)

Definition at line 1099 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActivated()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActivated ( )

Definition at line 1100 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActivatedSoundField() [1/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActivatedSoundField ( )

Definition at line 805 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActivatedSoundField() [2/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActivatedSoundField ( )

Definition at line 988 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 767 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActiveDecreaseHealthSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 951 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField ( )

Definition at line 772 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerActiveHealthDecreaseDamageTypePassiveField ( )

Definition at line 956 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerDeactivated()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerDeactivated ( )

Definition at line 1101 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerDeactivatedSoundField() [1/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerDeactivatedSoundField ( )

Definition at line 806 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ContainerDeactivatedSoundField() [2/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::ContainerDeactivatedSoundField ( )

Definition at line 989 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CopyStructureValuesFrom() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CopyStructureValuesFrom ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * otherItemContainer)

Definition at line 963 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CopyStructureValuesFrom() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::CopyStructureValuesFrom ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * otherItemContainer)

Definition at line 1102 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentFuelTimeCacheField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentFuelTimeCacheField ( )

Definition at line 778 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentFuelTimeCacheField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentFuelTimeCacheField ( )

Definition at line 962 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentItemCountField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentItemCountField ( )

Definition at line 781 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentItemCountField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentItemCountField ( )

Definition at line 965 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentPinCodeField() [1/2]

unsigned int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentPinCodeField ( )

Definition at line 777 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentPinCodeField() [2/2]

unsigned int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::CurrentPinCodeField ( )

Definition at line 961 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeactivateContainerStringField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeactivateContainerStringField ( )

Definition at line 771 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeactivateContainerStringField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeactivateContainerStringField ( )

Definition at line 955 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeathCacheCharacterIDField() [1/2]

unsigned __int64 & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeathCacheCharacterIDField ( )

Definition at line 825 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeathCacheCharacterIDField() [2/2]

unsigned __int64 & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeathCacheCharacterIDField ( )

Definition at line 1008 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeathCacheCreationTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeathCacheCreationTimeField ( )

Definition at line 799 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeathCacheCreationTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeathCacheCreationTimeField ( )

Definition at line 982 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DefaultAudioTemplateField() [1/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::DefaultAudioTemplateField ( )

Definition at line 811 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DefaultAudioTemplateField() [2/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::DefaultAudioTemplateField ( )

Definition at line 994 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DeferredNotifyItemAdded()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::DeferredNotifyItemAdded ( )

Definition at line 939 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DemolishInventoryDepositClassField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DemolishInventoryDepositClassField ( )

Definition at line 807 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DemolishInventoryDepositClassField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DemolishInventoryDepositClassField ( )

Definition at line 990 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DisabledOpenSceneActionNameField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DisabledOpenSceneActionNameField ( )

Definition at line 797 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DisabledOpenSceneActionNameField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DisabledOpenSceneActionNameField ( )

Definition at line 980 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DrawHUD() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::DrawHUD ( AShooterHUD * HUD)

Definition at line 948 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DrawHUD() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::DrawHUD ( AShooterHUD * HUD)

Definition at line 1103 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 828 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DropInventoryDepositTraceDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1011 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField ( )

Definition at line 769 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::DropInventoryOnDestructionLifespanField ( )

Definition at line 953 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EnableActive() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::EnableActive ( )

Definition at line 955 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EnableActive() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::EnableActive ( )

Definition at line 1104 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EngramRequirementClassOverrideField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::EngramRequirementClassOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 792 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EngramRequirementClassOverrideField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::EngramRequirementClassOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 975 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField() [1/2]

TArray< float > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField ( )

Definition at line 817 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField() [2/2]

TArray< float > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelConsumeDecreaseDurabilityAmountsField ( )

Definition at line 1000 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 768 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 952 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField() [1/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField ( )

Definition at line 775 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField() [2/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemsConsumedGiveItemsField ( )

Definition at line 959 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField() [1/2]

TArray< float > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 774 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField() [2/2]

TArray< float > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemsConsumeIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 958 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemTrueClassField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemTrueClassField ( )

Definition at line 808 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FuelItemTrueClassField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::FuelItemTrueClassField ( )

Definition at line 991 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform ( FVector * spawnLoc,
FRotator * spawnRot )

Definition at line 956 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetBlueprintSpawnActorTransform ( FVector * spawnLoc,
FRotator * spawnRot )

Definition at line 1105 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDeathCacheCharacterID()

int APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetDeathCacheCharacterID ( )

Definition at line 972 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDebugInfoString()

FString * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetDebugInfoString ( FString * result)

Definition at line 921 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDescriptiveName() [1/2]

FString * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetDescriptiveName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 930 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDescriptiveName() [2/2]

FString * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetDescriptiveName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 1106 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetLifetimeReplicatedProps() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps ( TArray< FLifetimeProperty > * OutLifetimeProps)

Definition at line 915 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetLifetimeReplicatedProps() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps ( TArray< FLifetimeProperty > * OutLifetimeProps)

Definition at line 1107 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetMultiUseEntries()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetMultiUseEntries ( APlayerController * ForPC,
TArray< FMultiUseEntry > * MultiUseEntries )

Definition at line 990 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetOverrideAudioTemplate() [1/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetOverrideAudioTemplate ( )

Definition at line 916 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetOverrideAudioTemplate() [2/2]

USoundBase * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetOverrideAudioTemplate ( )

Definition at line 1108 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPinCode()

int APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetPinCode ( )

Definition at line 927 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass() [1/4]

static UClass * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetPrivateStaticClass ( )

Definition at line 900 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass() [2/4]

static UClass * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetPrivateStaticClass ( )

Definition at line 1086 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass() [3/4]

static UClass * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetPrivateStaticClass ( const wchar_t * Package)

Definition at line 974 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass() [4/4]

static UClass * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetPrivateStaticClass ( const wchar_t * Package)

Definition at line 1158 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetReloadRateMultiplier()

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetReloadRateMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 1159 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSpawnPointInfo() [1/2]

FSpawnPointInfo * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetSpawnPointInfo ( FSpawnPointInfo * result)

Definition at line 967 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSpawnPointInfo() [2/2]

FSpawnPointInfo * APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetSpawnPointInfo ( FSpawnPointInfo * result)

Definition at line 1109 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetStructureWeight()

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetStructureWeight ( )

Definition at line 1110 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetUsablePriority()

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetUsablePriority ( )

Definition at line 1111 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetUsablePriority_Implementation()

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::GetUsablePriority_Implementation ( )

Definition at line 969 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HasPowerStringOverrideField()

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::HasPowerStringOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 938 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HasSamePinCode()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::HasSamePinCode ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * otherContainer)

Definition at line 925 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HyperThermiaInsulationField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::HyperThermiaInsulationField ( )

Definition at line 765 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HyperThermiaInsulationField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::HyperThermiaInsulationField ( )

Definition at line 949 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HypoThermiaInsulationField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::HypoThermiaInsulationField ( )

Definition at line 766 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HypoThermiaInsulationField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::HypoThermiaInsulationField ( )

Definition at line 950 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ InActivateMaterialsField() [1/2]

TArray< UMaterialInterface * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::InActivateMaterialsField ( )

Definition at line 761 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ InActivateMaterialsField() [2/2]

TArray< UMaterialInterface * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::InActivateMaterialsField ( )

Definition at line 945 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ InsulationRangeField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::InsulationRangeField ( )

Definition at line 764 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ InsulationRangeField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::InsulationRangeField ( )

Definition at line 948 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsPinLocked()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsPinLocked ( )

Definition at line 926 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsPlayerControllerInPinCodeValidationList()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsPlayerControllerInPinCodeValidationList ( APlayerController * PlayerController)

Definition at line 971 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsPowered() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsPowered ( )

Definition at line 902 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsPowered() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsPowered ( )

Definition at line 1087 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsValidatedPinCodePlayerController()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsValidatedPinCodePlayerController ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 929 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer ( APrimalDinoCharacter * ForDino)

Definition at line 986 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsValidForDinoFeedingContainer ( APrimalDinoCharacter * ForDino)

Definition at line 1160 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( APrimalStructureWaterPipe * ForWaterPipe)

Definition at line 917 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsValidWaterSourceForPipe() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::IsValidWaterSourceForPipe ( APrimalStructureWaterPipe * ForWaterPipe)

Definition at line 1112 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ JunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField() [1/2]

FVector & APrimalStructureItemContainer::JunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField ( )

Definition at line 804 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ JunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField() [2/2]

FVector & APrimalStructureItemContainer::JunctionCableBeamOffsetEndField ( )

Definition at line 987 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ JunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField() [1/2]

FVector & APrimalStructureItemContainer::JunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField ( )

Definition at line 803 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ JunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField() [2/2]

FVector & APrimalStructureItemContainer::JunctionCableBeamOffsetStartField ( )

Definition at line 986 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastActivatedTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastActivatedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 821 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastActivatedTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastActivatedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1004 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastActiveStateChangeTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastActiveStateChangeTimeField ( )

Definition at line 786 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastActiveStateChangeTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastActiveStateChangeTimeField ( )

Definition at line 970 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField ( )

Definition at line 801 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastBasedCharacterDamageFrameField ( )

Definition at line 984 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField ( )

Definition at line 800 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastBasedCharacterDamageTimeField ( )

Definition at line 983 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastCheckedFuelTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastCheckedFuelTimeField ( )

Definition at line 779 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastCheckedFuelTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastCheckedFuelTimeField ( )

Definition at line 963 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastDeactivatedTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastDeactivatedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 820 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastDeactivatedTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastDeactivatedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1003 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastLockStateChangeTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastLockStateChangeTimeField ( )

Definition at line 785 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastLockStateChangeTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastLockStateChangeTimeField ( )

Definition at line 969 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField ( )

Definition at line 787 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastPowerJunctionLinkIDField ( )

Definition at line 971 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSignNamingTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastSignNamingTimeField ( )

Definition at line 802 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSignNamingTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastSignNamingTimeField ( )

Definition at line 985 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSolarRefreshTimeField()

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LastSolarRefreshTimeField ( )

Definition at line 755 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField() [1/2]

AActor * APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField ( )

Definition at line 793 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField() [2/2]

AActor * APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedBlueprintSpawnActorPointField ( )

Definition at line 976 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField() [1/2]

TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructure > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField ( )

Definition at line 783 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField() [2/2]

TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructure > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedPowerJunctionStructureField ( )

Definition at line 967 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField ( )

Definition at line 780 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::LinkedPowerJunctionStructureIDField ( )

Definition at line 964 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LoadedFromSaveGame()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::LoadedFromSaveGame ( )

Definition at line 962 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MapMarkerLocationInfoField()

FPrimalMapMarkerEntryData & APrimalStructureItemContainer::MapMarkerLocationInfoField ( )

Definition at line 788 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxActivationDistanceField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::MaxActivationDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 814 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxActivationDistanceField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::MaxActivationDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 997 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxItemCountField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::MaxItemCountField ( )

Definition at line 782 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxItemCountField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::MaxItemCountField ( )

Definition at line 966 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MovePowerJunctionLink() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::MovePowerJunctionLink ( )

Definition at line 959 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MovePowerJunctionLink() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::MovePowerJunctionLink ( )

Definition at line 1113 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyChildEmitterSpawnableField() [1/2]

UChildActorComponent * APrimalStructureItemContainer::MyChildEmitterSpawnableField ( )

Definition at line 762 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyChildEmitterSpawnableField() [2/2]

UChildActorComponent * APrimalStructureItemContainer::MyChildEmitterSpawnableField ( )

Definition at line 946 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyInventoryComponentField() [1/2]

UPrimalInventoryComponent * APrimalStructureItemContainer::MyInventoryComponentField ( )

Definition at line 751 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyInventoryComponentField() [2/2]

UPrimalInventoryComponent * APrimalStructureItemContainer::MyInventoryComponentField ( )

Definition at line 937 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetDestructionTimeField() [1/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetDestructionTimeField ( )

Definition at line 776 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetDestructionTimeField() [2/2]

long double & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetDestructionTimeField ( )

Definition at line 960 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetContainerActive() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetSetContainerActive ( bool bSetActive,
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass,
__int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex )

Definition at line 987 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetContainerActive() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetSetContainerActive ( bool bSetActive,
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass,
__int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex )

Definition at line 1161 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetContainerActive_Implementation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetSetContainerActive_Implementation ( bool bSetActive,
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass,
__int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex )

Definition at line 951 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetContainerActive_Implementation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetSetContainerActive_Implementation ( bool bSetActive,
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NetReplicatedFuelItemClass,
__int16 NetReplicatedFuelItemColorIndex )

Definition at line 1114 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateBoxName() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateBoxName ( FString * NewName)

Definition at line 988 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateBoxName() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateBoxName ( FString * NewName)

Definition at line 1162 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation ( FString * NewName)

Definition at line 952 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateBoxName_Implementation ( FString * NewName)

Definition at line 1115 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateLocation_Implementation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateLocation_Implementation ( FVector NewLocation)

Definition at line 950 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateLocation_Implementation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NetUpdateLocation_Implementation ( FVector NewLocation)

Definition at line 1116 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField ( )

Definition at line 784 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NextConsumeFuelGiveItemTypeField ( )

Definition at line 968 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NoPowerStringOverrideField()

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NoPowerStringOverrideField ( )

Definition at line 939 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyCraftedItem() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyCraftedItem ( UPrimalItem * anItem)

Definition at line 961 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyCraftedItem() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyCraftedItem ( UPrimalItem * anItem)

Definition at line 1117 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemAdded() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemAdded ( UPrimalItem * anItem,
bool bEquipItem )

Definition at line 938 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemAdded() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemAdded ( UPrimalItem * anItem,
bool bEquipItem )

Definition at line 1118 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemQuantityUpdated() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemQuantityUpdated ( UPrimalItem * anItem,
int amount )

Definition at line 937 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemQuantityUpdated() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemQuantityUpdated ( UPrimalItem * anItem,
int amount )

Definition at line 1119 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemRemoved() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemRemoved ( UPrimalItem * anItem)

Definition at line 941 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyItemRemoved() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyItemRemoved ( UPrimalItem * anItem)

Definition at line 1120 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 758 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 942 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField ( )

Definition at line 759 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::NotifyNearbyPowerGeneratorOctreeGroupField ( )

Definition at line 943 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnDeserializedByGame()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::OnDeserializedByGame ( EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)

Definition at line 1121 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OpenSceneActionNameField() [1/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::OpenSceneActionNameField ( )

Definition at line 796 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OpenSceneActionNameField() [2/2]

FString & APrimalStructureItemContainer::OpenSceneActionNameField ( )

Definition at line 979 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideAudioTemplatesField() [1/2]

TArray< USoundBase * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideAudioTemplatesField ( )

Definition at line 813 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideAudioTemplatesField() [2/2]

TArray< USoundBase * > APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideAudioTemplatesField ( )

Definition at line 996 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideHasWaterSource() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideHasWaterSource ( )

Definition at line 957 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideHasWaterSource() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideHasWaterSource ( )

Definition at line 1122 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField() [1/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField ( )

Definition at line 812 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField() [2/2]

TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::OverrideParticleTemplateItemClassesField ( )

Definition at line 995 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlacedStructure()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PlacedStructure ( AShooterPlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 914 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlacedStructureLocation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PlacedStructureLocation ( )

Definition at line 911 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlacedStructureLocation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PlacedStructureLocation ( APlayerController * ByPC)

Definition at line 1123 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlayDying() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PlayDying ( float KillingDamage,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
APawn * InstigatingPawn,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 953 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlayDying() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PlayDying ( float KillingDamage,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
APawn * InstigatingPawn,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 1124 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PostSpawnInitialize() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PostSpawnInitialize ( )

Definition at line 964 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PostSpawnInitialize() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PostSpawnInitialize ( )

Definition at line 1125 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField ( )

Definition at line 827 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredBatteryDurabilityToDecreasePerSecondField ( )

Definition at line 1010 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField ( )

Definition at line 795 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredNearbyStructureRangeField ( )

Definition at line 978 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField ( )

Definition at line 794 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredNearbyStructureTemplateField ( )

Definition at line 977 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredOverrideCounterField() [1/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredOverrideCounterField ( )

Definition at line 757 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PoweredOverrideCounterField() [2/2]

int & APrimalStructureItemContainer::PoweredOverrideCounterField ( )

Definition at line 941 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * PoweredStructure)

Definition at line 989 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PowerGeneratorBuiltNearbyPoweredStructure ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * PoweredStructure)

Definition at line 1163 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PreInitializeComponents() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PreInitializeComponents ( )

Definition at line 908 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PreInitializeComponents() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::PreInitializeComponents ( )

Definition at line 1126 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ProcessEditText() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ProcessEditText ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
FString * TextToUse,
bool bCheckedBox )

Definition at line 949 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ProcessEditText() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ProcessEditText ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
FString * TextToUse,
bool bCheckedBox,
int ExtraID1,
int ExtraID2 )

Definition at line 1127 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField ( )

Definition at line 819 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RandomFuelUpdateTimeMaxField ( )

Definition at line 1002 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField ( )

Definition at line 818 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RandomFuelUpdateTimeMinField ( )

Definition at line 1001 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshFuelState() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshFuelState ( )

Definition at line 943 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshFuelState() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshFuelState ( )

Definition at line 1128 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshInventoryItemCounts() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshInventoryItemCounts ( )

Definition at line 970 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshInventoryItemCounts() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshInventoryItemCounts ( )

Definition at line 1129 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshPowered() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshPowered ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * InDirectPower)

Definition at line 958 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshPowered() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshPowered ( APrimalStructureItemContainer * InDirectPower)

Definition at line 1131 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshPowerJunctionLink() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshPowerJunctionLink ( )

Definition at line 960 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshPowerJunctionLink() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::RefreshPowerJunctionLink ( )

Definition at line 1130 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoteInventoryAllowActivation() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::RemoteInventoryAllowActivation ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 933 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoteInventoryAllowActivation() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::RemoteInventoryAllowActivation ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 1132 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoteInventoryAllowViewing()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::RemoteInventoryAllowViewing ( APlayerController * ForPC)

Definition at line 932 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedFuelItemClassField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ReplicatedFuelItemClassField ( )

Definition at line 809 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedFuelItemClassField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ReplicatedFuelItemClassField ( )

Definition at line 992 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField() [1/2]

__int16 & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField ( )

Definition at line 810 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField() [2/2]

__int16 & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ReplicatedFuelItemColorIndexField ( )

Definition at line 993 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField() [1/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField ( )

Definition at line 798 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField() [2/2]

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::RequiresItemForOpenSceneActionField ( )

Definition at line 981 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ServerCloseRemoteInventory()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::ServerCloseRemoteInventory ( AShooterPlayerController * ByPC)

Definition at line 923 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetContainerActive() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetContainerActive ( bool bNewActive)

Definition at line 920 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetContainerActive() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetContainerActive ( bool bNewActive)

Definition at line 1133 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetDelayedActivation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetDelayedActivation ( )

Definition at line 918 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetDelayedActivation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetDelayedActivation ( )

Definition at line 1134 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetDisabledTimer() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetDisabledTimer ( float DisabledTime)

Definition at line 954 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetDisabledTimer() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetDisabledTimer ( float DisabledTime)

Definition at line 1135 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetPlayerConstructor() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetPlayerConstructor ( APlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 968 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetPlayerConstructor() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetPlayerConstructor ( APlayerController * PC)

Definition at line 1136 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetPoweredOverrideCounter() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetPoweredOverrideCounter ( int NewPoweredOverrideCounter)

Definition at line 965 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetPoweredOverrideCounter() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::SetPoweredOverrideCounter ( int NewPoweredOverrideCounter)

Definition at line 1137 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 826 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::SinglePlayerFuelConsumptionIntervalsMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1009 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SolarRefreshIntervalField()

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::SolarRefreshIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 754 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SolarRefreshIntervalMaxField()

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::SolarRefreshIntervalMaxField ( )

Definition at line 753 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SolarRefreshIntervalMinField()

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::SolarRefreshIntervalMinField ( )

Definition at line 752 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Stasis() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::Stasis ( )

Definition at line 912 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Stasis() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::Stasis ( )

Definition at line 1138 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StaticClass()

static UClass * APrimalStructureItemContainer::StaticClass ( )

Definition at line 901 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer() [1/2]

static void APrimalStructureItemContainer::StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer ( )

Definition at line 973 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer() [2/2]

static void APrimalStructureItemContainer::StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalStructureItemContainer ( )

Definition at line 1164 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SubtractWaterFromConnections() [1/2]

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::SubtractWaterFromConnections ( float Amount,
bool bAllowNetworking )

Definition at line 906 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SubtractWaterFromConnections() [2/2]

float APrimalStructureItemContainer::SubtractWaterFromConnections ( float Amount,
bool bAllowNetworking )

Definition at line 1139 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TargetingTeamChanged() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::TargetingTeamChanged ( )

Definition at line 966 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TargetingTeamChanged() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::TargetingTeamChanged ( )

Definition at line 1140 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TribeGroupInventoryRankField() [1/2]

char & APrimalStructureItemContainer::TribeGroupInventoryRankField ( )

Definition at line 816 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TribeGroupInventoryRankField() [2/2]

char & APrimalStructureItemContainer::TribeGroupInventoryRankField ( )

Definition at line 999 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TryActivation() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::TryActivation ( )

Definition at line 919 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TryActivation() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::TryActivation ( )

Definition at line 1141 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TryMultiUse() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::TryMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 905 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TryMultiUse() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::TryMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 1142 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Unstasis() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::Unstasis ( )

Definition at line 913 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Unstasis() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::Unstasis ( )

Definition at line 1143 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [1/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 934 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease() [2/2]

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::UpdateContainerActiveHealthDecrease ( )

Definition at line 1144 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateSolarPower()

void APrimalStructureItemContainer::UpdateSolarPower ( )

Definition at line 945 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UsablePriorityField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::UsablePriorityField ( )

Definition at line 824 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UsablePriorityField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::UsablePriorityField ( )

Definition at line 1007 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UseBPApplyPinCode()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalStructureItemContainer::UseBPApplyPinCode ( )

Definition at line 857 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers() [1/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers ( )

Definition at line 944 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers() [2/2]

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::UseItemSpoilingTimeMultipliers ( )

Definition at line 1145 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllersField()

TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterPlayerController > > & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ValidatedByPinCodePlayerControllersField ( )

Definition at line 829 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField() [1/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField ( )

Definition at line 822 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField() [2/2]

float & APrimalStructureItemContainer::ValidCraftingResourceMaxDurabilityField ( )

Definition at line 1005 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ VerifyPinCode()

bool APrimalStructureItemContainer::VerifyPinCode ( int pinCode)

Definition at line 924 of file PrimalStructure.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: