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APrimalRaft Struct Reference

#include <PrimalStructure.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for APrimalRaft:
+ Collaboration diagram for APrimalRaft:

Public Member Functions

UTexture2DIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderFreeFireIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderStandDownIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderAttackMyTargetIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderManualFireIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderRedAlertIconField ()
UTexture2DOrderUnRedAlertIconField ()
TSubobjectPtr< UAudioComponent > & MovingSoundComponentField ()
USoundBase * MovingSoundCueField ()
float & OverrideSaddleStructureMaxFoundationSupport2DBuildDistanceField ()
float & WetDockOceanZOffsetField ()
FVectorClientRaftInterpLocField ()
FRotatorClientRaftInterpRotField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > & ShipSizeClassField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & DriverField ()
FVectorVelocityFromPrevServerField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterPlayerController > & LocalCaptainControllerField ()
APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeatAttachedDriverSeatField ()
TArray< APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeat * > AttachedCaptiansOrderSeatsField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > AttachedSailsField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > AttachedMiscCriticalStructuresField ()
float & SailUnits_MaxField ()
float & MaxWeightMultiplierField ()
int & CollisionImpactWeightClassField ()
float & SailingVelocity_MaxAllowedField ()
float & ShipBowOffsetField ()
float & ThrottleCheckIntervalField ()
long double & LastThrottleCheckStartTimeField ()
float & BaseMovementWeightField ()
float & Sails_MaxThrottleForceField ()
float & Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MinField ()
float & Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MaxField ()
float & Sails_MaxMovementWeightField ()
float & Sails_AdditionalMaxVelocityField ()
FVectorSails_ThrottleForceLocationField ()
FVectorThrottleForceLocation_OffsetField ()
float & Sails_SteeringForce_AtVelocityMaxField ()
float & MaxSailRotationField ()
float & RotateSailsSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & CurrentSailRotationField ()
float & ReplicatedSailRotationField ()
float & Sails_AvgSailRotationSpeedField ()
float & CaptainSkillSailRotationMultiplierField ()
float & CaptainSkillSailOpenMultiplierField ()
float & RudderSteeringRateField ()
float & RudderAutoBackAngleField ()
float & RudderSteerForceField ()
float & FixedThrottleRateField ()
float & SteeringForce_MaxAllowedField ()
float & SteeringForce_MinAllowedField ()
float & RudderAngleThresholdField ()
FVectorRudderCenterField ()
float & MinMovingSoundSpeedField ()
float & DefaultLinearDampingField ()
float & DefaultAngularDampingField ()
float & RaftCharacterBasingAbsoluteMaxDirZField ()
float & CurrentAngularDampingField ()
float & CurrentLinearDampingField ()
int & RowingSeatCount_MaxField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > AttachedRowingSeatsField ()
float & RowingSeatImpulseMultiplierField ()
float & RowingImpulse_MaxField ()
float & RowingSeats_RowingIntervalField ()
float & RowingSeats_RowingInputField ()
long double & LastRowTimeField ()
float & ShipMaximumAdditionalBedsStatusValueField ()
float & ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMinField ()
float & ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMaxField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipType::Type > & ShipTypeField ()
long double & NetworkCreationTimeField ()
APrimalStructureShipHullMyShipHullField ()
APrimalStructureMyShipDockField ()
APrimalBuffMySunkenShipBuffField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureShipHull > & ShipHullClassField ()
int & NumberOfBedsField ()
int & NumberOfCrewField ()
int & AdditionalNumberOfBedsField ()
int & AdditionalNumberOfCrewField ()
char & CurrentBedCountField ()
long double & DiedAtTimeField ()
float & TimeSinceLastFadeOutField ()
bool & bUnstasisNoWaterField ()
int & NoWaterTriesField ()
int & LastFrameDisabledForcedVelocityDirectionField ()
long double & LastTakeDamageFromEnemyTimeField ()
long double & LastCauseDamageToEnemyRaftTimeField ()
float & ThrottleInputField ()
float & ThrottleRatio_TargetField ()
float & ReplicatedThrottleRatio_TargetField ()
float & SteeringInputField ()
float & RudderAngleField ()
float & SailTurningInputField ()
USceneComponentRudderSteeringComponentField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & CollisionImpactDamageTypeField ()
float & CollisionImpactAbsoluteMinImpulseField ()
float & CollisionImpactMinImpulseField ()
float & CollisionImpactMaxImpulseField ()
float & CollisionImpactMinDamageAmountField ()
float & CollisionImpactMaxDamageAmountField ()
float & CollisionImpactMinDamageRadiusField ()
float & CollisionImpactMaxDamageRadiusField ()
float & CollisionImpactMinIntervalField ()
long double & LastCollisionImpactTimeField ()
bool & bIsInDrydockField ()
bool & bIsInWetDockField ()
bool & bBeganPlayField ()
bool & bUsingLongRangeStasisField ()
USphereComponentLongRangeStasisComponentField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & OpenWaterSpoilingItemClassField ()
float & LastDistanceToShoreField ()
float & LastOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ()
FVectorPreviousLinearVelocityField ()
FVectorPreviousAngularVelocityField ()
float & MinOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ()
float & MaxOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ()
float & MinOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField ()
float & MaxOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField ()
float & BaseClaimTimeField ()
float & BaseUnclaimTimeField ()
float & ExtraClaimTimePerLevelField ()
float & ClaimTimeMultiplierField ()
float & PercentOfWeightForMinSinkingSpeedField ()
float & PercentOfWeightForMaxSinkingSpeedField ()
float & ShipHullSinkMovementForceMultiplierField ()
FVectorLastPositionField ()
bool & bWasAnchoredOrDryDockedField ()
FVector2DSailHUDIconYMinMaxField ()
APrimalStructureItemContainerMyRepairBoxField ()
APrimalStructureClaimFlag * CurrentClaimFlagField ()
float & MaximumSwimOntoBaseTraceDistanceField ()
float & AutoAnchorDryDockReleasedGracePeriodField ()
int & NumBasedCharactersField ()
long double & LastReleasedFromDryDockTimeField ()
float & ThrottleForceMultiplierField ()
bool & bIncrementedAnchoredShipsField ()
bool & bIncrementedUnanchoredShipsField ()
float & MinMaxThrottleRatioToBeachField ()
float & MinAllowedGroundDistField ()
float & GroundDistToStopShipField ()
float & GlobalSailForceMultiplierField ()
float & GlobalSteeringForceMultiplierField ()
float & ShipBeachedStartTimeField ()
bool & bPreventsDinosWithStructureSupportingSaddlesField ()
float & ExternalForceMultiplierField ()
int & LastMarkedFrameCountField ()
long double & LastFrameMarkedTimeField ()
long double & LastSentSailRotationToServerTimeField ()
float & LastSentSailRotationToServerValueField ()
long double & LastSentThrottleTargetToServerTimeField ()
float & LastSentThrottleTargetToServerValueField ()
float & LastSentSteeringInputToServerValueField ()
float & Teleport_AllowedAboveTopDeckDistField ()
float & Teleport_AllowedBelowTopDeckDistField ()
long double & LastWantsForcedMovementTimeField ()
int & ForcedMovementDirectionField ()
TArray< FOrderingGroupInfo > & StationGroupsField ()
TArray< unsigned char > & StationGroupsCurrentActiveOrderField ()
TArray< FVector > & CurrentManualFireLocationsField ()
float & FrontGroupMinYCoordinateField ()
float & BackGroupMaxYCoordinateField ()
float & MaxTimeToShootAtLocationField ()
float & ShipWeightMovementForcePowerField ()
unsigned int & ServerStationGroupsUpdateIndexField ()
unsigned int & LocalStationGroupsUpdateIndexField ()
FVectorCaptainsOrdersCameraOriginTargetingOffsetField ()
FVectorCapOrdersAdditionTPVOffsetField ()
FieldArray< int, 3 > CaptainExtraActionsStatesField ()
float & AutoPilot_AllowSnapToHeadingBelowAngularVelocityField ()
float & AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_SlowField ()
float & AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_StopField ()
float & AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_ResumeField ()
float & AutoPilot_AngularVelocityMaxInterpSpeedField ()
float & AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MINField ()
float & AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MAXField ()
float & ScaleFloatingHUDMaxDistanceField ()
float & DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceAllyField ()
float & DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceEnemyField ()
AActorLastDamageCauserField ()
long double & ClientStartedInterpolationAtTimeField ()
FNameVesselDynamicsCollisionProfileNameField ()
float & OvercrewedIsOverweightMinSinkingPercentField ()
float & CollideOntoEnemyRaftDamageImpulseMultiplierField ()
float & FixedBackwardsThrottleForceField ()
float & MaxBackwardsVelocityField ()
float & ClientUnanchoringAllowSlowInterpolationPeriodField ()
float & ClientUnanchoringLocationInterpSpeedField ()
float & ClientUnanchoringRotationInterpSpeedField ()
float & ClientUnanchoringInterpSpeedFastField ()
float & ShipStructureHealthMultiplierField ()
float & UnRedAlertTeleWaitTimeField ()
int & NumOfLieutenantSeatsAllowedField ()
FStringKilledNotificationStringField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseForcestoApply ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsNPCShip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientIsInterpolatingRaft ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSimulatePhysics ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyUseBPSimulatePhysics ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSmallRaft ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugSteering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugSailing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugRowing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugRowing_ForceAllSeatsRowSync ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDriverSeats ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowSails ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRowingSeats ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoFullyBuildInShipYard ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReleaseImmediatelyFromShipyard ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowReturnToShipyard ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanMoveWithoutRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSailsAffectThrottleLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_AdjustRowingImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCheckingThrottle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickRowing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedToActiveArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickRefreshStationGroupOrders ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsingAutoStationGrouping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesStationGrouping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateCurrentSailRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowShipForcedMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientSideSailingForces ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeadTicked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAnchoredSetToOceanHeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseRaftBPTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSetThrottle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHealthPercentageUseHullHealth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSmallRaftPushAwayPlayers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAutoPilot ()
bool IsLargeRaft ()
void ActivateAllHighlights (bool bRequestFromCaptain, int LTSeatIndex, char IconsToActivate)
void ActivateGroup (int GroupIndex, bool bIsForCaptain, bool bNewValue, int LtIndex)
void AddForceToBeApplied (FVector Location, FVector Force, FName ForceName)
void AddForceToBeAppliedAtCenterOfGravity (FVector Force, FName ForceName)
void AddForceToBeAppliedAtCustomSocket (FVector Force, FName ForceName, FName SocketName)
void AddForceToShipAtLocation (FVector Force, FVector Location, bool bIgnoreBeachedThrottleForceMultiplier)
void AddImpulseToShipAtLocation (FVector Impulse, FVector Location)
void AddTorqueToBeApplied (FVector Force, FName ForceName)
bool AllowAutoPilot_Tick ()
void ApplyGlobalDamageToShip (float DamageAmount, bool bIsPercent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageType)
bool AreAllMannedSailsClosing ()
bool AreAllMannedSailsOpening ()
void AttachToOtherShip (APrimalRaft *OtherShip, TEnumAsByte< enum EAttachLocation::Type > AttachType, bool bAttachAtWorldTransform, FVector AttachAtWorldLoc, FRotator AttachAtWorldRot)
bool BaseIgnoreWaveLocking (APrimalCharacter *BasedChar)
void BeginPlay ()
FVectorCalculateManualFireCannonCenterLocation (FVector *result, TArray< int > *GroupsIndex, FVector TargetLocation)
void CalculateSailRotation ()
void CalculateSteeringVelocity ()
void CalculateThrottleForce ()
int CanAddCriticalShipStructure (APrimalStructure *NewStructure)
bool CanDoPhysicsRotationAccelerationFollowsRotationDirectMove ()
bool CanOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, bool bBuildingStructures)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void ChangeGroupName (int GroupIndex, FString NewName)
void CheckForChangeThrottle ()
void CheckStructurePlacementOnMe_Implementation (int *AllowReturnValue, APrimalStructure *PlacingStructure, AShooterPlayerController *PC, FVector *AtLocation, FRotator *AtRotation, FPlacementData *PlacementData)
void ClearStationGroup (int GroupIndex, bool bNotifyChange)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ()
void Destroyed ()
void DetachFromShip (bool bDetachAtWorldTransform, FVector DetachAtWorldLoc, FRotator DetachAtWorldRot)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DoImpactDamageToShipStructures (FVector AtLocation, float AtRange, float AtDamage, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool DoesShipHaveBasedPawns (bool bRequireActivePawns)
void DrawDinoFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, bool bDrawDinoOrderIcon)
bool EndOrderForGroup (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, int GroupIndex, int StationsToFire, AActor *OrderTarget, FVector TargetLocation, bool bUpdateGroupInfos)
void EndOrderForGroups (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, TArray< int > *GroupsIndex, TArray< int > *StationsToFire, AActor *OrderTarget, FVector TargetLocation)
void ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroup (ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex, int GroupIndex, int ForceOnGroup, bool bUpdateGroupInfos)
void ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroups (ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex, TArray< int > *GroupsIndex)
void FinalSeamlessTravelled ()
void FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroup (ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex, int GroupIndex, int StationsToFire, AActor *OrderTarget, FVector OrderLocation, int ForceOnGroup, bool bUpdateGroupInfos)
void FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroups (ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex, TArray< int > *GroupsIndex, TArray< int > *StationsToFire, AActor *OrderTarget, FVector OrderLocation)
void FirstTicked ()
bool ForceAllowAddBuffOfClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)
void ForceClearAllBasingCharacters (bool bForceSetFalling)
void ForceClearBasingCharacter (APrimalCharacter *theChar, bool bForceSetFalling)
void ForceMoveShip ()
void ForceUpdateBasedPawnsMovements ()
FVector2DGetAutoPilotHeading (FVector2D *result)
float GetAverageMannedSailOpenRatio ()
void GetBasedCrewCounts (int *OutPlayers, int *OutCrew)
FStringGetCaptainOrderCommand (FString *result, ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, bool bFromCaptain)
float GetCrewPaymentIntervalMultiplier ()
int GetCurrentBasedCrewCount (bool bOnlyCountNPCs)
UTexture2DGetCurrentCaptainOrderIcon (ECaptainOrder::Type CurrentCaptainOrder)
FVectorGetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat (FVector *result, APrimalStructureSeating *seatToCheck)
int GetCurrentSinkReason ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeatGetDominantSeatForGroup (int GroupIndex)
AShooterCharacterGetDriver ()
FStringGetEntryDescription (FString *result)
UTexture2DGetEntryIcon (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
FStringGetEntryString (FString *result)
float GetGroundDistanceFromHullBottom (bool *OutMovingAway)
float GetHealthPercentage ()
FVectorGetInterpolatedVelocity (FVector *result)
long double GetLastRowTime ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
APrimalStructureSeatingGetLocalCaptainsSeat ()
APrimalStructureGetMainDriverSeat ()
int GetMannedSailsCount ()
float GetMaxFloatingHUDRange ()
float GetMaxMovementWeight ()
float GetThrottleForce ()
FVectorGetParticleSystemClampingVelocity (FVector *result)
FStringGetRaftDescriptiveName (FString *result)
float GetRotationRateWithAcceleration11 (float CurrentRotation, float TargetRotation, float RotationSpeed, float DeltaTime, float CurrentDesiredRotationRate, float DesiredRotationRate)
float GetRowingInterval ()
float GetRudderAngle ()
float GetSaddleStructureMaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistance (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
void GetSailThrottleForce (APrimalStructureSail *ForSail, float *OutThrottleForceMultiplier, float *OutSteeringForceMultiplier)
float GetSailUnitPercentage ()
TMap< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, 0 > > * GetShipAmmoTotals (TMap< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, 0 > > *result, TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > ammoTypes)
TArray< APawn * > * GetShipBasedPawns (TArray< APawn * > *result, USceneComponent *OnComponent, bool bOnlyActivePawns)
FVectorGetShipForwardVector (FVector *result)
float GetShipMovementForceMult ()
FVectorGetShipRightVector (FVector *result)
FRotatorGetShipRotation (FRotator *result, float YawOffset)
float GetShipRowingInput ()
int GetShipRowingSeatCount ()
int GetShipSailCount ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > * GetShipSizeClass (TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > *result)
float GetShipTargetThrottleRatio ()
FVectorGetShipVelocity (FVector *result)
FVectorGetShipVelocityAtLocation (FVector *result, FVector AtLocation)
float GetShipWeightPercentage ()
float GetShipWeightSinkingPercentage ()
float GetSinkTargetPitch ()
float GetSpoilingTimeMultiplier (UPrimalItem *anItem)
FStringGetStationGroupName (FString *result, int groupIndex)
float GetSteeringForce ()
float GetTimeToResetRudderAngle (float WithInput)
float GetTotalClaimTime ()
float GetTotalSailUnits ()
float GetTotalUnclaimTime ()
bool HasOpenSails ()
bool HasOpenUnMannedSails ()
void InitializeStationGroups ()
bool IsAnchored ()
bool IsAutoPilotActive ()
bool IsCheatWind ()
bool IsDocked ()
bool IsDryDocked ()
bool IsPointInsideThisRaft (FVector *TestPoint)
bool IsShipCheckingForRowing ()
bool IsUpdatingComponentTransforms (USceneComponent *InSceneComponent)
void MarkForSeamlessTravel (unsigned int DestinationServerId, ESeamlessVolumeSide::Side DestinationServerVolumeSide)
void Multi_OnShipRow_Implementation ()
void NetClientInterpolateTo_Implementation (FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation)
void NetForceSyncTransform_Implementation (FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation)
void NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder_Implementation (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, int GroupIndex)
void NetUpdateDinoNameStrings_Implementation (FString *NewTamerString, FString *NewTamedName)
void OnActivateGroupHighlight (int GroupIndex, bool bActivate, char IconsToActivate)
void OnAddCriticalShipStructure (APrimalStructure *NewStructure)
void OnDeserializedByGame (EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)
void OnRemoveCriticalShipStructure (APrimalStructure *OldStructure)
void OnRep_IsInDrydock ()
void OnRep_IsInWetDock ()
void OnSaddleStructuresUpdated (APrimalStructure *SaddleStructure, bool bWasRemoved)
void OnShipRowingStart ()
void OnShipRowingStop ()
void OnStructurePlacedOnShip (APrimalStructure *NewStructure)
void OnStructureRemovedFromShip (APrimalStructure *OldStructure)
void OnUpdatedStationGroupInfos ()
UPrimitiveComponentOverrideBasedProjectileBoundsComponent (UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
int OverrideBasedProjectileOutOfBounds (UPrimitiveComponent *ProjectileUpdatedComponent)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox, unsigned int ExtraID1, unsigned int ExtraID2)
bool RaftStructurePreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void RefreshLongRangeStasis ()
void RemoveForceToBeApplied (FName ForceName)
void RemoveTameUnitCost ()
void RemoveTorqueToBeApplied (FName ForceName)
void ResetSailingInputs ()
void ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ()
void SetAimLocation (FVector AimLocation)
void SetAutoStationGrouping (bool NewValue)
void SetCharacterStatusTameable (bool bSetTameable, bool bCreateInventory, bool keepInventoryForWakingTame)
void SetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat (APrimalStructureSeating *seatToCheck, FVector *location)
void SetDeath (bool bForceRagdoll)
bool SetOrderForGroup (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, int GroupIndex, bool bUpdateGroupInfos)
void SetOrderForGroups (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, TArray< int > *GroupsIndex)
void SetShipDriver (AShooterCharacter *NewDriver)
void SetShipReleasedState (bool bIsReleased, APlayerController *ForPC)
void SetShipWetDockReleasedState (bool bIsReleased)
void SetSteeringInput (float Val)
void SetThrottleInput (float Val)
void SetThrottleRatio (float NewRatio, bool bForceSetNow)
void SetTurningSailsInput (float Val)
void ShipRow ()
void SimulatePhysics (float DeltaSeconds)
void Stasis ()
void StopActivateAllHighlights ()
void SyncRowingVarsToNPCs ()
float TakeDamage (float DamageAmount, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void TeleportSucceeded (bool bIsATest, bool bSimpleTeleport)
void TempDisableForcedVelocityDirection ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void TickCriticalShipStructures (float DeltaSeconds)
void TickRowing ()
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void UnPossessed ()
void UnseatAllNPCs (bool bIfCannotUse)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateCaptainSkillSailMultipliers ()
void UpdatePhysicsBase ()
void UpdateRaftRelevant ()
void UpdateRowingVars ()
void UpdateSailingVars ()
void UpdateShouldTickRowing ()
void UpdateTameUnitCost ()
void UpdateTickEnabledForGroup (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, int GroupIndex)
void UpdatedBasedPawns ()
void VesselDynamicsOnHit (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
bool WantsLongRangeStasis ()
bool WantsVesselPhysics ()
bool BPAllowMovementSound ()
void BPSetAimLocation (FVector AimLocation)
bool BPSetThrottleInput (float Val)
void BPSimulatePhysics (float DeltaTime)
void BPTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void BPVesselDynamicsOnHit (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void BP_AdjustRowImpulse (int FromRowingSeatIndex, int TotalNumActiveRowers, int CurrentActiveRowerNum, FVector *Location, FVector *Impulse)
void BP_OnShipRow ()
void Multi_OnShipRow ()
void NetClientInterpolateTo (FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation)
void NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder (ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder, int GroupIndex)
- Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalDinoCharacter
FWeightedObjectListDeathInventoryTemplatesField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ForcedMasterTargetField ()
FNameMountCharacterSocketNameField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & MountCharacterField ()
ECollisionChannelMeshOriginalCollisionChannelField ()
float & ColorizationIntensityField ()
FVectorRidingAttackExtraVelocityField ()
UAnimMontage * StartChargeAnimationField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > AttackAnimationsField ()
TArray< float > & AttackAnimationWeightsField ()
TArray< float > & AttackAnimationsTimeFromEndToConsiderFinishedField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > FemaleMaterialOverridesField ()
float & PaintConsumptionMultiplierField ()
float & ChargingBlockedStopTimeThresholdField ()
TArray< FName > & MeleeSwingSocketsField ()
int & MeleeDamageAmountField ()
float & MeleeDamageImpulseField ()
float & MeleeSwingRadiusField ()
TArray< FDinoAttackInfo > & AttackInfosField ()
char & CurrentAttackIndexField ()
char & LastAttackIndexField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & MeleeDamageTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & StepActorDamageTypeOverrideField ()
float & AttackOffsetField ()
float & FleeHealthPercentageField ()
float & BreakFleeHealthPercentageField ()
FStringTamerStringField ()
FStringTamedNameField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipPaddingField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipScaleField ()
FVectorRiderFPVCameraOffsetField ()
FVectorLandingLocationField ()
long double & StartLandingTimeField ()
long double & LastAxisStartPressTimeField ()
long double & LastMoveForwardTimeField ()
float & LandingTraceMaxDistanceField ()
float & FlyingWanderFixedDistanceAmountField ()
float & FlyingWanderRandomDistanceAmountField ()
float & AcceptableLandingRadiusField ()
float & MaxLandingTimeField ()
FieldArray< float, 2 > GenderSpeedMultipliersField ()
float & ChargeSpeedMultiplierField ()
UAnimMontage * ChargingAnimField ()
float & ChargingStaminaPerSecondDrainField ()
float & ChargingStopDotTresholdField ()
FVectorLastChargeLocationField ()
long double & LastStartChargingTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & RiderField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & PreviousRiderField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & SaddleItemClassField ()
TArray< FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinition > & NoSaddlePassengerSeatsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & CarriedCharacterField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & PreviousCarriedCharacterField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoWithPassengerAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoWithDinoPassengerAnimField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & PassengerPerSeatField ()
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > SavedPassengerPerSeatField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & PrevPassengerPerSeatField ()
long double & LastClientCameraRotationServerUpdateField ()
int & LastPlayedAttackAnimationField ()
char & AttackIndexOfPlayedAnimationField ()
TArray< FDinoBaseLevelWeightEntry > & DinoBaseLevelWeightEntriesField ()
float & OriginalCapsuleHalfHeightField ()
TArray< FVector > & LastSocketPositionsField ()
TSet< AActor *, DefaultKeyFuncs< AActor *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocatorMeleeSwingHurtListField ()
long double & EndAttackTargetTimeField ()
FVectorRidingFirstPersonViewLocationOffsetField ()
float & BabyChanceOfTwinsField ()
float & BabyGestationSpeedField ()
float & ExtraBabyGestationSpeedMultiplierField ()
long double & LastEggBoostedTimeField ()
float & WildPercentageChanceOfBabyField ()
float & WildBabyAgeWeightField ()
float & BabyGestationProgressField ()
float & LastBabyAgeField ()
float & LastBabyGestationProgressField ()
float & BabyChanceOfTripletsField ()
float & BabyAgeField ()
float & MaxPercentOfCapsulHeightAllowedForIKField ()
float & SlopeBiasForMaxCapsulePercentField ()
float & AutoFadeOutAfterTameTimeField ()
float & FlyingForceRotationRateModifierField ()
TArray< FName > & HideBoneNamesField ()
FStringHideBonesStringField ()
FVectorWaterSurfaceExtraJumpVectorField ()
FVectorFlyerTakeOffAdditionalVelocityField ()
float & OpenDoorDelayField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestIntervalField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestSearchRangeField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestCollectRadiusField ()
FVectorTamedWanderHarvestCollectOffsetField ()
float & RootLocSwimOffsetField ()
float & PlayAnimBelowHealthPercentField ()
float & LeavePlayAnimBelowHealthPercentField ()
float & PlatformSaddleMaxStructureBuildDistance2DField ()
UAnimMontage * PlayAnimBelowHealthField ()
USoundBase * LowHealthExitSoundField ()
USoundBase * LowHealthEnterSoundField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalDinoSettings > & LowHealthDinoSettingsField ()
float & SwimOffsetInterpSpeedField ()
float & CurrentRootLocSwimOffsetField ()
float & AIRangeMultiplierField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > PreventColorizationRegionsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > ColorSetIndicesField ()
FieldArray< float, 6 > ColorSetIntensityMultipliersField ()
float & MeleeAttackStaminaCostField ()
UAnimMontage * WakingTameAnimationField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TargetField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TamedFollowTargetField ()
float & PercentChanceFemaleField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & DeathGiveItemClassesField ()
TArray< float > & DeathGiveItemChanceToBeBlueprintField ()
float & DeathGiveItemQualityMinField ()
float & DeathGiveItemQualityMaxField ()
float & DeathGiveItemRangeField ()
FStringDeathGiveAchievementField ()
USoundBase * OverrideAreaMusicField ()
FVectorUnboardLocationOffsetField ()
float & LastTimeWhileHeadingToGoalField ()
float & RidingNetUpdateFequencyField ()
float & RiderMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderExtraMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderMaxRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderRotationRateModifierField ()
float & SwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & chargingRotationRateModifierField ()
UAnimMontage * EnterFlightAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * ExitFlightAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * SleepConsumeFoodAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * WakingConsumeFoodAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * FallAsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * TamedUnsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * WildUnsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * OpenDoorAnimField ()
float & ControlFacePitchInterpSpeedField ()
float & TamedWalkableFloorZField ()
float & CurrentMovementAnimRateField ()
int & MinPlayerLevelForWakingTameField ()
float & ForceNextAttackIndexField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalInventoryComponent > & TamedInventoryComponentTemplateField ()
float & DeathInventoryChanceToUseField ()
float & WakingTameFeedIntervalField ()
long double & LastWakingTameFedTimeField ()
float & DeathInventoryQualityPerLevelMultiplierField ()
float & RequiredTameAffinityField ()
float & RequiredTameAffinityPerBaseLevelField ()
char & TamedAITargetingRangeField ()
FNamePassengerBoneNameOverrideField ()
float & CurrentTameAffinityField ()
float & TameIneffectivenessModifierField ()
float & TameIneffectivenessByAffinityField ()
int & LastFrameUseLowQualityAnimationTickField ()
int & MaxSaddleStructuresHeightField ()
int & SaddlePivotOffsetField ()
int & MaxSaddleStructuresNumField ()
float & OverTameLimitDamagePercentPerIntervalField ()
float & OverTameLimitDamageIntervalField ()
long double & LastOverTameLimitDamageTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalDinoSettings > & DinoSettingsClassField ()
float & TamingFoodConsumeIntervalField ()
float & DediForceAttackAnimTimeField ()
float & DediForceStartAttackAfterAnimTimeField ()
float & WakingTameFoodIncreaseMultiplierField ()
int & TamingTeamIDField ()
int & OwningPlayerIDField ()
FStringOwningPlayerNameField ()
long double & TamingLastFoodConsumptionTimeField ()
unsigned int & DinoID1Field ()
unsigned int & DinoID2Field ()
FRotatorPreviousAimRotField ()
int & TamedAggressionLevelField ()
float & TamingIneffectivenessModifierIncreaseByDamagePercentField ()
int & NPCSpawnerExtraLevelOffsetField ()
float & NPCSpawnerLevelMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructureItemContainer_SupplyCrate > & LinkedSupplyCrateField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeMinIntervalField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeMaxIntervalField ()
float & MeleeHarvestDamageMultiplierField ()
float & AllowRidingMaxDistanceField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeCacheField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BaseEggClassField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & EggItemsToSpawnField ()
TArray< float > & EggWeightsToSpawnField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & FertilizedEggItemsToSpawnField ()
TArray< float > & FertilizedEggWeightsToSpawnField ()
float & EggChanceToSpawnUnstasisField ()
float & EggIntervalBetweenUnstasisChancesField ()
float & EggRangeMaximumNumberFromSameDinoTypeField ()
int & EggMaximumNumberFromSameDinoTypeField ()
float & EggRangeMaximumNumberField ()
int & EggMaximumNumberField ()
float & UntamedWalkingSpeedModifierField ()
float & TamedWalkingSpeedModifierField ()
float & UntamedRunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & TamedRunningSpeedModifierField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalColorSet > & RandomColorSetsMaleField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalColorSet > & RandomColorSetsFemaleField ()
UAnimSequence * RiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * TurningRightRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * TurningLeftRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * LatchedRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * RiderMoveAnimOverrideField ()
float & RidingAnimSpeedFactorField ()
UAnimMontage * StartRidingAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimMontage * StopRidingAnimOverrideField ()
FNameTargetingTeamNameOverrideField ()
float & ExtraTamedSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraUnTamedSpeedMultiplierField ()
long double & LastEggSpawnChanceTimeField ()
FNameOriginalNPCVolumeNameField ()
float & OutsideOriginalNPCVolumeStasisDestroyIntervalField ()
float & StasisedDestroyIntervalField ()
FVectorFirstSpawnLocationField ()
float & TamedAllowNamingTimeField ()
float & MovementSpeedScalingRotationRatePowerField ()
float & AttackNoStaminaTorpidityMultiplierField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodField ()
long double & TamedAtTimeField ()
long double & LastInAllyRangeTimeField ()
int & LastInAllyRangeTimeSerializedField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > LatchedOnStructuresField ()
UPrimalDinoSettingsMyDinoSettingsCDOField ()
int & OriginalTargetingTeamField ()
float & PreviousRootYawSpeedField ()
long double & LastTimeFallingField ()
float & FloatingHUDTextScaleField ()
float & FloatingHUDTextScaleMinField ()
float & TamedCorpseLifespanField ()
float & MateBoostDamageReceiveMultiplierField ()
float & MateBoostDamageGiveMultiplierField ()
float & MateBoostRangeField ()
FNameDinoNameTagField ()
AShooterPlayerControllerAttackMyTargetForPlayerControllerField ()
float & RidingAttackExtraVelocityDelayField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageIntervalField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageExtraRadiusField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageAmountGeneralField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageAmountHarvestableField ()
long double & LastRadialStepDamageTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & StepHarvestableDamageTypeField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageIntervalField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageRadiusField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageAmountField ()
TArray< FName > & StepDamageFootDamageSocketsField ()
float & DurationBeforeMovingStuckPawnField ()
FVectorLastCheckedLocationField ()
long double & LastValidNotStuckTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * StartledAnimationRightDefaultField ()
UAnimMontage * StartledAnimationLeftField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > StartledAnimationsField ()
UAnimMontage * FlyingStartledAnimationField ()
float & RandomPlayStartledAnimIntervalMinField ()
float & RandomPlayStartledAnimIntervalMaxField ()
float & StartledAnimationCooldownField ()
float & DefaultActivateAttackRangeOffsetField ()
float & CorpseTargetingMultiplierField ()
long double & LastFootStepDamageTimeField ()
long double & LastStartledTimeField ()
float & CorpseLifespanNonRelevantField ()
float & MinStaminaForRiderField ()
float & LoseStaminaWithRiderRateField ()
float & FollowingRunDistanceField ()
float & MaxDinoKillerTransferWeightPercentField ()
float & NPCZoneVolumeCountWeightField ()
float & NPCLerpToMaxRandomBaseLevelField ()
FVectorFloatingHUDTextWorldOffsetField ()
long double & LastAttackedTargetTimeField ()
long double & LastForcedLandingCheckTimeField ()
long double & LastAllyTargetLookTimeField ()
long double & LastAttackedTimeField ()
long double & LastPlayerDinoOverlapRelevantTimeField ()
FRotatorDinoAimRotationOffsetField ()
long double & LastDinoAllyLookInterpTimeField ()
FVectorLastRiderOverlappedPositionField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & AutoDragByPawnField ()
long double & NextRidingFlyerUndergroundCheckField ()
long double & LastSetRiderTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & RepairRequirementsItemField ()
float & RepairAmountRemainingField ()
float & RepairCheckIntervalField ()
float & RepairPercentPerIntervalField ()
FVectorRiderCheckTraceOffsetField ()
FVectorRiderEjectionImpulseField ()
float & WakingTameAffinityDecreaseFoodPercentageField ()
float & WakingTameAllowFeedingFoodPercentageField ()
float & WakingTameFoodAffinityMultiplierField ()
float & CheckForWildAmbientHarvestingIntervalMinField ()
float & CheckForWildAmbientHarvestingIntervalMaxField ()
float & WildAmbientHarvestingTimerField ()
UAnimMontage * WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationsField ()
float & WildAmbientHarvestingRadiusField ()
int & FlyerNumUnderGroundFailField ()
int & AbsoluteBaseLevelField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & TamedHarvestDamageTypeField ()
FDinoSaddleStructSaddleStructField ()
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > DraggedRagdollsField ()
FVectorLastOverrodeRandomWanderLocationField ()
float & ChargeBumpDamageField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ChargeBumpDamageTypeField ()
float & ChargeBumpImpulseField ()
float & MinChargeIntervalField ()
float & PlayerMountedLaunchFowardSpeedField ()
float & PlayerMountedLaunchUpSpeedField ()
float & AttackOnLaunchMaximumTargetDistanceField ()
float & KeepFlightRemainingTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * MountCharacterAnimationField ()
UAnimMontage * UnmountCharacterAnimationField ()
UAnimMontage * EndChargingAnimationField ()
float & FlyingRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & ChargingAnimDelayField ()
FNameRiderSocketNameField ()
float & ChargingActivationRequiresStaminaField ()
float & ChargingActivationConsumesStaminaField ()
float & FlyerHardBreakingOverrideField ()
float & BabyScaleField ()
float & BabySpeedMultiplierField ()
float & BabyPitchMultiplierField ()
float & BabyVolumeMultiplierField ()
float & BabyWrongTemperatureHealthPercentDecreaseField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & WanderAroundActorField ()
float & WanderAroundActorMaxDistanceField ()
long double & ChargingStartBlockedTimeField ()
long double & LastChargeEndTimeField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > SaddledStructuresField ()
long double & LastTamedFlyerNearbyAllyCheckTimeField ()
TSet< FName, DefaultKeyFuncs< FName, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocator > & MatingRequiresBiomeTagsSetField ()
long double & LastUpdatedBabyAgeAtTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedGestationAtTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedMatingAtTimeField ()
float & BabyAgeSpeedField ()
float & ExtraBabyAgeSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & XPEarnMultiplierField ()
TArray< FName > & MatingRequiresBiomeTagsField ()
float & FemaleMatingRangeAdditionField ()
float & FemaleMatingTimeField ()
FNameSaddledRiderSocketNameField ()
long double & NextAllowedMatingTimeField ()
float & MatingProgressField ()
long double & LastMatingNotificationTimeField ()
long double & LastMatingWrongTemperatureNotificationTimeField ()
APrimalDinoCharacterMatingWithDinoField ()
UAnimMontage * MatingAnimationMaleField ()
long double & LastAmbientHarvestingAttackTimeField ()
long double & PreviousAmbientTemperatureTimeField ()
float & HypoThermalInsulationField ()
float & HyperThermalInsulationField ()
float & CachedAmbientTemperatureField ()
float & GlobalSpawnEntryWeightMultiplierField ()
FieldArray< char, 16 > GestationEggNumberOfLevelUpPointsAppliedField ()
float & GestationEggTamedIneffectivenessModifierField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > GestationEggColorSetIndicesField ()
float & NewFemaleMinTimeBetweenMatingField ()
float & NewFemaleMaxTimeBetweenMatingField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & DefaultTamedBuffsField ()
FVectorInterpolatedVelocityField ()
FVectorOldInterpolatedLocationField ()
float & HyperThermiaInsulationField ()
float & HypoThermiaInsulationField ()
float & InsulationRangeField ()
float & GangOverlapRangeField ()
float & GangDamageResistanceField ()
float & GangDamageField ()
int & MaxGangCountField ()
int & GangCountField ()
USoundBase * StingerKilledMineField ()
USoundBase * StingerKilledTheirsField ()
long double & LastGangCheckTimeField ()
FVectorLastGangCheckPositionField ()
int & PreviousTargetingTeamField ()
int & LastRiderExitFrameCounterField ()
float & WildRandomScaleField ()
float & HeldJumpSlowFallingGravityZScaleField ()
UAnimMontage * SlowFallingAnimField ()
float & SlowFallingStaminaCostPerSecondField ()
float & NoRiderRotationModifierField ()
FNameRiderFPVCameraUseSocketNameField ()
FNameRiderLatchedFPVCameraUseSocketNameField ()
FNamePassengerFPVCameraRootSocketField ()
TArray< FName > & FPVRiderBoneNamesToHideField ()
float & ExtraRunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierMinField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierMaxField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierSpeedField ()
float & LastHigherScaleExtraRunningSpeedValueField ()
long double & LastHigherScaleExtraRunningSpeedTimeField ()
float & RiderMovementSpeedScalingRotationRatePowerMultiplierField ()
int & LoadDestroyWildDinosUnderVersionField ()
int & SaveDestroyWildDinosUnderVersionField ()
float & AllowWaterSurfaceExtraJumpStaminaCostField ()
USoundBase * PlayKillLocalSoundField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & RiderAttackTargetField ()
FVectorRiderAttackLocationField ()
char & TribeGroupPetOrderingRankField ()
char & TribeGroupPetRidingRankField ()
char & FollowStoppingDistanceField ()
FStringImprinterNameField ()
unsigned __int64 & ImprinterPlayerDataIDField ()
float & BabyMinCuddleIntervalField ()
float & BabyMaxCuddleIntervalField ()
float & BabyCuddleGracePeriodField ()
float & BabyCuddleLoseImpringQualityPerSecondField ()
float & BabyCuddleWalkDistanceField ()
FVectorBabyCuddleWalkStartingLocationField ()
long double & BabyNextCuddleTimeField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EBabyCuddleType::Type > & BabyCuddleTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BabyCuddleFoodField ()
UAnimMontage * BabyCuddledAnimationField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & MyBabyCuddleFoodTypesField ()
float & RiderMaxImprintingQualityDamageReductionField ()
float & RiderMaxImprintingQualityDamageMultiplierField ()
float & BabyImprintingQualityTotalMaturationTimeField ()
float & WakingTameMaxDistanceField ()
FStringTutorialHintStringField ()
float & TimeBetweenTamedWakingEatAnimationsField ()
long double & LastEatAnimationTimeField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageRunningMultiplierField ()
float & maxRangeForWeaponTriggeredTooltipField ()
float & StepRadialDamageOffsetField ()
float & ForcePawnBigPushingForTimeField ()
float & RemainingXPPerHitField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > & AlphaDinoBuffField ()
float & AlphaXPMultiplierMinLevelField ()
float & AlphaXPMultiplierMaxLevelField ()
float & AlphaHarvestComponentHealthMultiplierMinLevelField ()
float & AlphaHarvestComponentHealthMultiplierMaxLevelField ()
float & AlphaLeveledDamageMultiplierField ()
float & WildLeveledDamageMultiplierField ()
float & TamedLeveledDamageMultiplierField ()
float & AlphaResistanceMultiplierField ()
float & AlphaPercentageChanceField ()
float & AlphaLevelMinField ()
float & AlphaLevelMaxField ()
int & ReplicateHighlightTagTeamField ()
float & EnemyDrawFloatingHUDLimitDistanceField ()
float & AIDinoForceActiveUntasisingRangeField ()
float & WildRunningRotationRateModifierField ()
float & TamedRunningRotationRateModifierField ()
float & TamedSwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & WildSwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & RiderFlyingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & NoRiderFlyingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & AICombatRotationRateModifierField ()
float & WalkingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & SetAttackTargetTraceDistanceField ()
float & SetAttackTargetTraceWidthField ()
float & WanderRadiusMultiplierField ()
long double & RepeatPrimaryAttackLastSendTimeField ()
long double & NextTamedDinoCharacterStatusTickTimeField ()
long double & LastTamedDinoCharacterStatusTickTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * PlayerMountedCarryAnimationField ()
float & HealthBarOffsetYField ()
float & LimitRiderYawOnLatchedRangeField ()
float & LatchingDistanceLimitField ()
float & LatchingInitialYawField ()
float & LatchingInitialPitchField ()
float & LatchingInterpolatedPitchField ()
float & LatchedFirstPersonViewAngleField ()
float & LatchingCameraInterpolationSpeedField ()
float & TargetLatchingInitialYawField ()
float & CurrentStrafeMagnitudeField ()
float & GainStaminaWhenLatchedRateField ()
int & LastFrameMoveRightField ()
int & LastFrameMoveLeftField ()
FRotatorLastRiderMountedWeaponRotationField ()
long double & LastRiderMountedWeaponRotationSentTimeField ()
int & DeathGivesDossierIndexField ()
float & DeathGivesDossierDelayField ()
FNameSaddleRiderMovementTraceThruSocketNameField ()
float & SwimmingRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & RidingSwimmingRunSpeedModifierField ()
long double & DinoDownloadedAtTimeField ()
FStringUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringLatestUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringPreviousUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringTamedOnServerNameField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & DinoAncestorsField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & DinoAncestorsMaleField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & NextBabyDinoAncestorsField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & NextBabyDinoAncestorsMaleField ()
int & MaxAllowedRandomMutationsField ()
int & RandomMutationRollsField ()
float & RandomMutationChanceField ()
float & RandomMutationGivePointsField ()
int & RandomMutationsMaleField ()
int & RandomMutationsFemaleField ()
int & GestationEggRandomMutationsFemaleField ()
int & GestationEggRandomMutationsMaleField ()
FNameWakingTameDistanceSocketNameField ()
int & WakingTameConsumeEntireStackMaxQuantityField ()
float & AttackPlayerDesirabilityMultiplierField ()
long double & LastAutoHealingItemUseField ()
long double & LastStartedCarryingCharacterTimeField ()
float & FlyerAttachedExplosiveSpeedMultiplierField ()
TArray< FDinoExtraDefaultItemList > & DinoExtraDefaultInventoryItemsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalEngramEntry > > & DeathGiveEngramClassesField ()
float & SinglePlayerOutgoingDamageModifierField ()
float & SinglePlayerIncomingDamageModifierField ()
int & LastTickDelayFrameCountField ()
long double & NextTickDelayAllowTimeField ()
long double & IgnoreZeroVelocityNoPreFrameTickingTillField ()
float & TickStatusTimeAccumulationField ()
long double & LastServerTamedTickField ()
int & LastTempDampenMovementInputAccelerationFrameField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoLevelUpAnimationOverrideField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< AActor > > & DamageVictimClassesIgnoreBlockingGeomtryTraceField ()
long double & LastVacuumSpaceCheckTimeField ()
long double & LastGrappledTimeField ()
float & CloneBaseElementCostField ()
float & CloneElementCostPerLevelField ()
FNameNonDedicatedFreezeWildDinoPhysicsIfLevelUnloadedField ()
TArray< FName > & NonDedicatedFreezeWildDinoPhysicsIfLevelsUnloadedField ()
FVectorUnboardLocationTraceOffsetField ()
FNameAttackLineOfSightMeshSocketNameField ()
float & AttackForceWalkDistanceMultiplierField ()
float & AttackForceWalkRotationRateMultiplierField ()
int & OverrideDinoTameSoundIndexField ()
USoundBase * SwimSoundField ()
float & SwimSoundIntervalPerHundredSpeedField ()
float & SwimSoundTimeCacheField ()
TSubclassOf< AController > & TamedAIControllerOverrideField ()
int & PersonalTamedDinoCostField ()
long double & UploadEarliestValidTimeField ()
TArray< FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinition > & SaddlePassengerSeatOverridesField ()
UAnimSequence * OverrideSaddleDinoRiderAnimationOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * OverrideSaddleDinoRiderMoveAnimationOverrideField ()
float & StasisAutoDestroyIntervalField ()
float & CarryCameraYawOffsetField ()
float & ExtraDamageMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraTamedBaseHealthMultiplierField ()
float & AttackRangeOffsetField ()
char & CurrentPassengerSeatIndexField ()
float & ExtraUntamedNetworkAndStasisRangeMultiplierField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & AbsoluteVehicleBasedCharactersField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UPrimitiveComponent > > & AbsoluteVehicleBasedCharactersBasesField ()
long double & LastTimeSwimSuffocatingField ()
float & NPC_UsableStructureCheck_RadiusField ()
ANPCZoneManagerDirectLinkedNPCZoneManagerField ()
float & DirectLinkedNPCZoneManagerSpawnWeightField ()
float & TheMaxHealthPercentageForBolaField ()
float & WildDinoBolaTrapTimeOverrideField ()
float & TamedDinoBolaTrapTimeOverrideField ()
float & WildDinoBolaEscapeSetHealthToMinPercentField ()
float & MinTemperatureToBreedField ()
float & MaxTemperatureToBreedField ()
float & TemperatureToBreedInsulationMultiplierField ()
float & WakingTameAffinityDecreaseGracePeriodField ()
float & ShipImpactDamageMultiplierField ()
float & ShipImpactImpulseMultiplierField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > & DinoFeedingContainerClassField ()
UTexture2DReplicatedTeamHighlightTagTextureField ()
FItemNetIDDeathIncrementClipAmmoItemIDField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UPrimalInventoryComponent > & DeathIncrementClipAmmoInventoryField ()
TArray< ADroppedItem * > DroppedItemsOnMeField ()
FStringDemolishStringOverrideField ()
float & WildPostSeamlessTravelStasisAutoDestroyIntervalMinField ()
float & WildPostSeamlessTravelStasisAutoDestroyIntervalMaxField ()
FVectorNPCSpawnLocOffsetField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > & RiderBuffField ()
float & Teleport_OnRaft_AllowedWithinRangeField ()
float & Teleport_OffRaft_AllowedWithinRangeField ()
float & Teleport_BetweenRafts_AllowedWithinRangeField ()
float & Teleport_OffRaft_MaxDistField ()
float & ExtraStasisComponentCollisionPlayerRelevantRangeField ()
FStringForceUnlockDiscoveryZoneNameField ()
long double & ForceClearMoveIgnoreActorsTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > & MountedBuffField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackStopsMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocationBasedAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvestAllowUsableHarvestingAsWell ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPKilledSomethingEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDinoResetAffinityOnUnsleep ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bKeepInventoryForWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReachedDestination ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHadLinkedSupplyCrate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRemovingStructuresOnDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bResetUseAccelerationForRequestedMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHiddenForLocalPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunCheckCarriedTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > CanElevate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsElevating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBraking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > MovingForward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderCorpseHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyStructurePlacedNearby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanTargetCorpse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPShouldForceFlee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReceivedDinoAncestors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceWanderOverrideNPCZoneManager ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeprecateDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFoodItemAutoConsume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerAllowFlyingWithExplosive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUseDediAttackTiming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventExitingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWakingTameConsumeEntireStack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCarryCharacterWithoutRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildDinoPreventWeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRetainCarriedCharacterOnDismount ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnTamedProcessOrder ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMythicalCreature ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanCharge ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCancelInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bChargeDamageStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicatePitchWhileSwimming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAutoTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderJumpTogglesFlight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCarryFlyerDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerForceNoPitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoTameable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysSetTamingTeamOnItemAdd ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDinoLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheatForceTameRide ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFemale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderUseDirectionalAttackIndex ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetingIgnoredByWildDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetingIgnoreWildDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanMountOnHumans ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIKIgnoreSaddleStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackTargetWhenLaunched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanOpenLockedDoors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseColorization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeSwingDamageBlockedByStrutures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTargetingCorpses ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderDontRequireSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowsFishingOnSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeOrdered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverridePlatformStructureLimit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeAttackHarvetUsableComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlatformSaddleIgnoreRotDotCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInteprolatedVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarnivore ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRidingInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesGender ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetEverything ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvestNonUsableHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableTamedWandering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollectVictimItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerInitializedDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNPCSpawnerOverrideLevel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasMateBoost ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > NPCSpawnerAddLevelOffsetBeforeMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamingHasFood ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontWander ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAnimIsMoving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoStepDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventBasingWhenUntamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bChargingRequiresWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseRootLocSwimOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseLowQualityAnimationTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplaySummonedNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayKilledNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetAttackWeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerForceUpdateDinoGameplayMeshNearPlayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAllRiderWeapons ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDeathAutoGrab ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAutoUnstasisDestroy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysUpdateAimOffsetInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationServerTickPose ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSleepingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvest ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSimulatedNetLandCheckFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRefreshedColorization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoopIsEgg ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoopIsDud ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasChargingBlocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasRidingFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInitializedForReplicatedBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientWasTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerPreventRiderAutoFly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowFlyerLandedRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerFlyingRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerCapsuleExpansion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncludeCarryWeightOfBasedPawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceRiderNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePerfectTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanHaveBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBabyGestation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUnalignedDinoBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideLevelMusicIfTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsSaddleStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBonesHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDelayedAttachement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeRepaired ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDontAutoLandOnDismount ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRepairing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanUnclaimTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowWildDinoEquipment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseTamedVisibleComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseGang ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintDrawFloatingHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEggBoosted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTamedTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideWantsToRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPlayDying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPassengerSeats ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bScaleInsulationByMeleeDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryOnlyAllowCraftingWhenWandering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseWildRandomScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHeldJumpSlowFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHeldJumpSlowFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingSlowFallingAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildProduceEggDynamically ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWakingTameFeeding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDisablingTaming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerAllowRidingInCaves ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeSwingDamageBlockedByAllStationaryObjects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChargingModifyInputAcceleration ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnRepIsCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventOrderAllowed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPassengerDinosUsePassengerAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesPassengerAnimOnDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreServerTamedTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > LastPlayedAttackAnimationWasAlt ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bApplyRootBoneTranslationsWhenPainting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoNotMirrorPaintUVs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWaitingForFirstIKTraceOrBasedMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyDoStepDamageWhenRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShouldNotifyClientWhenLanded ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPlatformSaddleMultiFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMountedDinoMeshHiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePlayerMountedCarryingDinoAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRotationRateModifier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageFoliageOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUntamedRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTogglingPublicSeating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPublicSeating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowWaterSurfaceExtraJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseVelocityForRequestedMoveIfStuck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDoAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageNonFoliageWithoutRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageAllTargetables ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNonFoliageFeetSocketsOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderDontBeBlockedByPawnMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseExtendedUnstasisCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickedStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDinoAutoConsumeInventoryFood ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNoCharacterStatusComponentTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRaidDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildIgnoredByAutoTurrets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildAllowTargetingNeutralStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoStepDamageTamedOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageNonFoliageTamedOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDroppedInventoryDeposit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceWildDeathInventoryDeposit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarryingCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarryingPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsManualFoodEat ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontPlayAttackingMusic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreRagdollHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPModifyAimOffsetTargetLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsVehicle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisallowPostNetReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakingOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackStopsRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDinoAllowBackwardsFlight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDinoAllowStrafing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreTargetingLiveUnriddenDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepedForceCreateInventory ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocalForceNearbySkelMeshUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDisableEnemyTargetingMaxDeltaZ ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBossDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedAIAllowSpecialAttacks ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedAIToggleSpecialAttacks ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocalPrimaryAttackPressed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRepeatPrimaryAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUploading ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventHibernation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderMovementLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTameTimerSet ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNeutered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllWhistles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDoHarvestAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestingQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestingWeightsArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideFloatingHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDinoPostBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowTickingThisFrame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrawHealthBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseShoulderMountedLaunch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSetupTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncrementedNumDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowPvECarry ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnderwaterMating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBabyPreventExitingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDontGainImpulseOnSubmerged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanAutodrag ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanDragCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDraggingWhileFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSingleplayerFreezePhysicsWhenNoTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSingleplayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCloneDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAdvancedAnimLerp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWanderingUnderWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildAllowFollowTamedTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageSameTeamAndClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowsTurretMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsInTurretMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPShouldCancelDoAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyDesiredRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseLocalSpaceDesiredRotationWithRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDesiredRotationIsLocalSpace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedLandingClearRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_CustomModifier_RotationRate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_CustomModifier_MaxSpeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnStartLandingNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsClearingRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttackForceWalkDistanceMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePerFrameTicking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHadStaticBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoKillXP ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllyLook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBabyInitiallyUnclaimed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceTurretFastTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLastAnyLegOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressWakingTameMessage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasDied ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasPlayDying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableCollisionWithDinosWhenFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTrapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWildTrapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsTrapTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDestroyOnRapidDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFallingBumpCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDestroyingDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckBPAllowClaiming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintExtraBabyScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNeuter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetDragSocketDinoName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetEverythingIncludingSameTeamInPVE ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUsePhysicalFootSurfaceTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnPostNetReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPassiveFlee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyTargetConscious ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsShip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsOceanManagerDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUniqueGlobalOceanManagerDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSaddleStructuresPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOceanManagerDinoStasisPreventReUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventForcedOffsetFromOceanSurface ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDinoPreventsUnclaiming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseCreationTimeDestroyInterval ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTameNameChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRequireWakingTameMinItemQuanityToFeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnclaimResetToOriginalTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedToStructureDinosArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBolaSleepingAnimations ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceRefreshBasedPawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateHighlightTagTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMateBoost ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStaticGender ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawHealthbarIfUntamedIsTargetingTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedToStasisAutoDestroyArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDinoSimpleDescriptiveName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGiveXPPerHit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidAllowTickingTickingThisFrame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMoveToLocationDontRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCheckForFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCheckForFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowTameRenameOnce ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasTameRenamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventDinoSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawFloatingHUDLimitDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyMateBoostChanged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUniqueControllerAttackInputs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventAIAttackSelection ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysForcedAggro ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAIUseOverlapTargetCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildTargetEverything ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanSkipProjectileSpawnWallCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowedToBeAlpha ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAlpha ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRandomMutationColor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEquippedItemsForceUseFirstPlayerAttachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrawBlueprintFloatingHUDWhenRidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnMountStateChanged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHandleUseButtonPressBP ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGlideWhenFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGlideWhenMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowBackwardsMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventBackwardsWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupplyPlayerMountedCarryAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowMountedCarryRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanLatch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatchedDownward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatching ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRotateToFaceLatchingObject ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLimitRiderYawOnLatched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowMountedWeaponry ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bKeepAffinityOnDamageRecievedWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPFedWakingTameEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceRiderDrawCrosshair ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawHUDWithoutRecentlyRendered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideFloatingName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanTargetVehicles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRidingRequiresTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDeathNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseCustomHealthBarColor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnUpdateMountedDinoMeshHiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInterceptMoveInputEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustAttackIndex ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckBPAllowCarryCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnEndCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnStartCharging ()
bool AllowPushOthers ()
float GetXPMultiplier ()
bool IsVehicle ()
void AddBasedPawn (AActor *anPawn)
void AddDinoReferenceInLatchingStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure)
void AddFlyerTakeOffImpulse ()
bool AddPassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, int PassengerSeatIndex, bool bForcePassenger, bool bAllowFlyersAndWaterDinos)
void AddStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure, FVector RelLoc, FRotator RelRot, FName BoneName)
bool AddToMeleeSwingHurtList (AActor *AnActor)
void AddedImprintingQuality_Implementation (float Amount)
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
int AllowBolaBuffBy_Implementation (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *CanCarryPawn)
bool AllowEquippingItemType (EPrimalEquipmentType::Type equipmentType)
bool AllowExtendedCraftingFunctionality ()
bool AllowFallDamage ()
bool AllowHurtAnimation ()
bool AllowIKFreeze ()
bool AllowMountedWeaponry (bool bIgnoreCurrentWeapon, bool bWeaponForcesMountedWeaponry)
bool AllowMovementMode (EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char NewCustomMode)
bool AllowNewEggAtLocation (FVector *AtLocation)
bool AllowPenetrationCheck (AActor *OtherActor)
bool AllowSeamlessTravel ()
bool AllowTickPhysics ()
bool AllowWakingTame_Implementation (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool AllowZoneAutoKill ()
void ApplyBoneModifiers (bool bForce)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ApplyGestationBoneModifiers ()
void ApplyRidingAttackExtraVelocity ()
bool AreSpawnerSublevelsLoaded ()
void AutoDrag ()
void AutoTame ()
AShooterCharacterBPConsumeInventoryFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem, bool bConsumeEntireStack)
bool BPIsTamed ()
void BPNotifyNameEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void BeginPlay ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > * BlueprintOverrideHarvestDamageType_Implementation (TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *result, float *OutHarvestDamageMultiplier)
void BrakeDinoBP (float Val)
void CalcCapsuleHalfHeight ()
bool CanAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool CanBeCarried (APrimalCharacter *ByCarrier)
bool CanCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *CanCarryPawn)
bool CanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool CanFly ()
bool CanMount (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter)
bool CanOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, bool bBuildingStructures)
bool CanReceiveMoveToCommands (AShooterCharacter *FromPlayer)
bool CanRide (AShooterCharacter *byPawn, char *bOutHasSaddle, char *bOutCanRideOtherThanSaddle, bool bDontCheckDistance)
bool CanTakePassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, int PassengerSeatIndex, bool bForcePassenger, bool bAllowFlyersAndWaterDinos)
bool CanTame (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTamedDinos, bool bAbsoluteForceTame)
bool CanTarget (ITargetableInterface *Victim)
bool CarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *character, bool byPassCanCarryCheck)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void CheckAndHandleBasedPlayersBeingPushedThroughWalls ()
void CheckForTamedFoodConsumption ()
void CheckForWildAmbientHarvesting ()
bool CheckLocalPassengers ()
void ClearAllSaddleStructures ()
void ClearCarriedCharacter (bool fromCarriedCharacter, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void ClearCarryingDino (bool bFromDino, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void ClearCharacterAIMovement ()
void ClearMountCharacter (bool bFromMountCharacter)
void ClearPassengers ()
void ClearRider (bool FromRider, bool bCancelForceLand, bool SpawnDinoDefaultController, int OverrideUnboardDirection)
void ClearRidingDinoAsPassenger (bool bFromDino)
void ClientInterruptLanding_Implementation ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientShouldNotifyLanded_Implementation ()
void ClientStartLanding_Implementation (FVector loc)
AShooterCharacterConsumeInventoryFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem, float *AffinityIncrease, bool bDontDecrementItem, float *FoodIncrease, float FoodAmountMultiplier, bool bConsumeEntireStack, int FoodItemQuantity)
void ControllerLeavingGame (AShooterPlayerController *theController)
ADroppedItemCreateCloneFertilizedEgg (FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, TSubclassOf< ADroppedItem > DroppedItemTemplateOverride)
void CycleAttackWeightsForAttackAtIndex (int attackIndex)
void DealDamage (FHitResult *Impact, FVector *ShootDir, int DamageAmount, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageType, float Impulse)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut_Implementation ()
void DestroyController ()
void Destroyed ()
void DidLand ()
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DinoKillerTransferItemsToInventory (UPrimalInventoryComponent *FromInventory)
bool DisableHarvesting ()
bool DoAttack (int AttackIndex, bool bSetCurrentAttack)
void DoMate (APrimalDinoCharacter *WithMate)
void DoNeuter_Implementation ()
bool DoesDinoHaveBasedPawns (bool bRequireActivePawns)
void DrawDinoFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, bool bDrawDinoOrderIcon)
void DrawFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void ElevateDinoBP (float Val)
void EmitPoop ()
void EndCharging (bool bForce)
void FaceRotation (FRotator NewControlRotation, float DeltaTime, bool bFromController)
void FedWakingTameDino_Implementation ()
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
AShooterCharacterFindFirstFoodItemPlayerCharacter ()
void FinishedLanding ()
void FireMultipleProjectiles_Implementation (TArray< FVector > *Locations, TArray< FVector > *Directions, bool bScaleProjectileDamageByDinoDamage)
void FireProjectileLocal (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
void FireProjectile_Implementation (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
bool ForceAllowAccelerationRotationWhenFalling ()
bool ForceAllowBackwardsMovement ()
void ForceClearRider ()
void ForceRefreshTransform ()
void ForceUpdateColorSets_Implementation (int ColorRegion, int ColorSet)
float GetAIFollowStoppingDistanceMultiplier ()
float GetAIFollowStoppingDistanceOffset ()
float GetAffinityIncreaseForFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
FRotatorGetAimOffsets (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
FRotatorGetAimOffsetsForTarget (FRotator *result, AActor *AimTarget, float DeltaTime, bool bOverrideYawLimits, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset, FName SocketOverrideName)
FRotatorGetAimOffsetsTransform (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FTransform *RootRotOffsetTransform, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString_Implementation (FString *result)
APrimalStructureExplosiveGetAttachedExplosive ()
float GetAttachedSoundPitchMultiplier ()
float GetAttachedSoundVolumeMultiplier ()
float GetAttackRangeOffset ()
void GetAttackTargets (AActor **attackActor, FVector *attackLoc)
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > * GetBabyCuddleFood (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > *result)
float GetBaseDragWeight ()
float GetBaseTargetingDesire (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
UPrimalItemGetBestInventoryFoodItem (float *FoodIncrease, bool bLookForAffinity, bool bFoodItemRequiresLivePlayerCharacter, UPrimalItem **foundFoodItem, bool bLookForWorstFood)
float GetCarryingSocketYaw (bool RefreshBones)
float GetCorpseLifespan ()
float GetCorpseTargetingMultiplier ()
TArray< FName > * GetCurrentBiomeTags (TArray< FName > *result)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
TArray< APawn * > * GetDinoBasedPawns (TArray< APawn * > *result, USceneComponent *OnComponent, bool bOnlyActivePawns)
FLinearColorGetDinoColor (FLinearColor *result, int ColorRegionIndex)
long double GetDinoDeathTime ()
FStringGetDinoDescriptiveName (FString *result)
UAnimMontage * GetDinoLevelUpAnimation ()
TArray< AActor * > * GetDinoPlatformCollisionIgnoreActors (TArray< AActor * > *result)
USoundBase * GetDinoTameSound_Implementation ()
FVectorGetDinoVelocity (FVector *result)
FStringGetEntryDescription (FString *result)
UTexture2DGetEntryIcon (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
UMaterialInterface * GetEntryIconMaterial (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
FStringGetEntryString (FString *result)
int GetExtraFoodItemEffectivenessMultipliersIndex (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > * GetFirstAffinityFoodItemClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > *result)
FVectorGetFloatingHUDLocation (FVector *result)
int GetFoodItemEffectivenessMultipliersIndex (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
long double GetForceClaimTime ()
bool GetForceTickPose ()
float GetGestationTimeRemaining ()
float GetGravityZScale ()
float GetHealthPercentage ()
FVectorGetInterpolatedLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetLandingLocation (FVector *result)
float GetLeveledDamageMultiplier ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
float GetMaxFloatingHUDRange ()
float GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
float GetMyCurrentAmbientTemperature ()
float GetNetStasisAndRangeMultiplier (bool bIsForNetworking)
int GetNumPassengerSeats (bool bOnlyManualPassengerSeats)
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceDataListEntryInterface ()
int GetOriginalTargetingTeam ()
AActorGetOtherActorToIgnore ()
APrimalCharacterGetPassengerPerSeat (int SeatIndex)
FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinitionGetPassengerSeatDefinition (char SeatIndex)
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > * GetPassengers (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *result)
void GetPassengersAndSeatIndexes (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *Passengers, TArray< int > *Indexes)
int GetRandomBaseLevel ()
int GetRequiredWakingTameFoodItemQuanity (UPrimalItem *FoodItem)
void GetRidingCarryingIgnoreList (TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreList)
float GetRotationRateModifier ()
float GetRunningSpeedModifier (bool bIsForDefaultSpeed)
float GetSaddleStructureMaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistance (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
int GetSeatIndexForPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar)
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
FVectorGetSocketLocationTemp (FVector *result, FName SocketName)
float GetSpeedModifier ()
int GetTamedDinoCountCost ()
AActorGetTamedFollowTarget ()
float GetTargetingDesirability (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
AActorGetTargetingPlayer ()
TArray< AActor * > * GetTracingIgnoreActors ()
FStringGetTutorialHintString_Implementation (FString *result)
char GetWiegthedAttack (float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
void GiveDeathDossier ()
void HandleUnstasised (bool bWasFromHibernation)
bool HasReachedDestination (FVector *Goal)
void ImprintOnPlayerTarget (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTameLimit)
void IncrementImprintingQuality ()
void IncrementNumTamedDinos ()
void InitDownloadedTamedDino (AShooterPlayerController *TamerController, int AltTeam)
bool InitializeForReplicatedBasing ()
void InterruptLanding ()
int IsActorTickAllowed ()
bool IsAttacking ()
bool IsCurrentAttackStopsMovement ()
bool IsCurrentlyPlayingAttackAnimation ()
bool IsDamageOccludedByStructures (AActor *DamageCauser)
bool IsFemale ()
bool IsFleeing ()
bool IsImprintPlayer (AShooterCharacter *ForChar)
bool IsInMatingBiome ()
bool IsNearFeed (AShooterPlayerState *ForPlayer)
bool IsPrimalCharFriendly (APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
bool IsShip ()
bool IsTaming ()
bool IsUpdatingComponentTransforms (USceneComponent *InSceneComponent)
bool IsUsingBolaSleepingAnimations ()
bool IsValidForStatusUpdate ()
int IsWithinBreedingTemperature ()
void KeepFlight (float ForDuration)
void KeepFlightTimer ()
void LinkedSupplyCrateDestroyed (APrimalStructureItemContainer_SupplyCrate *aCrate)
void LowerDinoBP (float Val)
void ModifyDesiredRotation (FRotator *InDesiredRotation)
bool ModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *InputAcceleration)
void MoveBlockedBy (FHitResult *Impact)
void MoveForward (float Val)
void MoveRight (float Val)
void MoveUp (float Val)
bool NPC_FindNearbyUsableStructures (TArray< AActor * > *FoundStructures)
APrimalStructureNPC_GetClosestUsableStructure ()
void NetUpdateDinoNameStrings_Implementation (FString *NewTamerString, FString *NewTamedName)
void NetUpdateDinoOwnerData_Implementation (FString *NewOwningPlayerName, int NewOwningPlayerID)
void NotifyBumpedPawn (APawn *BumpedPawn)
void NotifyBumpedStructure (AActor *BumpedStructure)
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void OffBrake ()
void OnBrake ()
void OnClientReceivedTransformAfterPairingNetGUID (FVector *Loc, FRotator *Rot)
void OnControllerInitiatedAttack (int AttackIndex)
void OnDeserializedByGame (EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)
void OnElevateDino (float Val)
void OnLowerDino (float Val)
void OnNPCStartedAttack_Implementation (int AttackIndex, int AnimationIndex, bool bIsAltAnim, AActor *MyTarget)
void OnPressCrouch ()
void OnPressDrag ()
void OnPressProne ()
void OnPressReload ()
void OnPrimalCharacterSleeped ()
void OnPrimalCharacterUnsleeped ()
void OnRep_CarriedCharacter ()
void OnRep_PassengerPerSeat ()
void OnRep_Rider ()
void OnRep_Saddle ()
void OnRep_bBonesHidden ()
void OnRep_bIsCharging ()
void OnRep_bIsFlying ()
void OnSaddleStructuresUpdated (APrimalStructure *SaddleStructure, bool bWasRemoved)
void OnStartFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, int weaponAttackIndex, bool bDoLeftSide, bool bOverrideCurrentAttack)
void OnStartJump ()
void OnStartTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
void OnStopFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, int weaponAttackIndex)
void OnStopTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
bool OverrideForcePreventExitingWater ()
void OverrideRandomWanderLocation_Implementation (FVector *originalDestination, FVector *inVec)
void PlayAttackAnimationOfAnimationArray (int AnimationIndex, TArray< UAnimMontage * > attackAnimations)
void PlayChargingAnim ()
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHardEndChargingShake_Implementation ()
void PlayWeightedAttackAnimation ()
bool PlayedAnimationHasAttack ()
void Poop (bool bForcePoop)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostNetInit ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PrepareForSaving ()
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox, unsigned int ExtraID1, unsigned int ExtraID2)
FRotatorProcessRootRotAndLoc (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FVector *RootLocOffset, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, float CurrentAimBlending, FRotator *TargetAimRot, float *RootRot)
void ReceiveAnyDamage_Implementation (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void RefreshBabyScaling ()
void RefreshColorization ()
void RegisterAllComponents ()
void RemoveBasedPawn (AActor *anPawn)
void RemoveDinoReferenceFromLatchingStructure ()
void RemoveFromMeleeSwingHurtList (AActor *AnActor)
bool RemoveInventoryAllowViewing (APlayerController *ForPC)
void RemovePassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, bool bFromCharacter, bool bFromPlayerController)
void RemoveSaddleAttachment (FItemNetID Id)
void RemoveStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure)
void RepairCheckTimer ()
void ResetCurrentAttackIndex ()
void ResetTakingOff ()
void Restart ()
bool SaddleDinoHasAnyDemolishableStructures ()
void SaddledStructureDestroyed (APrimalStructure *theStructure)
void ServerCallAggressive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallAttackTarget_Implementation (AActor *TheTarget)
void ServerCallFollowDistanceCycleOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallFollowOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallFollow_Implementation ()
void ServerCallMoveTo_Implementation (FVector MoveToLoc, AActor *TargetActor)
void ServerCallNeutral_Implementation ()
void ServerCallPassive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallSetAggressive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallStayOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallStay_Implementation ()
void ServerClearRider_Implementation (int OverrideUnboardDirection)
void ServerFinishedLanding_Implementation ()
void ServerGiveDefaultWeapon_Implementation (bool bOnlyGiveDefaultWeapon)
void ServerInterruptLanding_Implementation ()
void ServerRequestAttack_Implementation (int attackIndex)
void ServerRequestBraking_Implementation (bool bWantsToBrake)
void ServerRequestToggleFlight_Implementation ()
void ServerRequestWaterSurfaceJump_Implementation ()
void ServerSetRiderMountedWeaponRotation_Implementation (FRotator InVal)
void ServerSleepingTick ()
void ServerTamedTick ()
void ServerToClientsPlayAttackAnimation_Implementation (char AttackinfoIndex, char AnimationIndex, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, AActor *MyTarget)
void ServerToggleCharging_Implementation ()
void ServerUpdateAttackTargets_Implementation (AActor *AttackTarget, FVector AttackLocation)
void ServerUpdateBabyAge (float overrideAgePercent)
void ServerUpdateGestation ()
void SetAlwaysForcedAggro (bool bEnable)
void SetAnimWeightsForAttackAtIndex (int attackIndex, TArray< float > newWeights)
void SetBabyAge (float TheAge)
void SetCarryingDino (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino)
void SetCharacterStatusTameable (bool bSetTameable, bool bCreateInventory, bool keepInventoryForWakingTame)
void SetCurrentAttackIndex (char index)
void SetCurrentWeapon (AShooterWeapon *NewWeapon, AShooterWeapon *LastWeapon)
void SetDynamicMusic (USoundBase *newMusic)
void SetFlight (bool bFly, bool bCancelForceLand)
void SetForcedAggro (ITargetableInterface *Targetable, float AggroAmount, float ForcedAggroTime)
void SetImprintPlayer (AShooterCharacter *ForChar)
void SetLastAttackTimeForAttack (int AttackIndex, long double NewTime)
void SetLastMovementDesiredRotation (FRotator *InRotation)
void SetMountCharacter (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter)
void SetMovementAccelerationVector (FVector fVector)
void SetNewStasisAutoDestroyInterval (float NewInterval)
void SetPreventSaving (bool fPreventSaving)
void SetRider (AShooterCharacter *aRider)
void SetRidingDinoAsPassenger (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinition *SeatDefinition)
void SetSleeping (bool bSleeping, bool bUseRagdollLocationOffset)
void SetStasisComponentRadius (float StasisOverrideRadius)
bool SetTurretMode_Implementation (bool enabled)
void SetupColorization ()
void SetupTamed (bool bWasJustTamed)
bool ShouldAttackOfPlayedAnimationStopMovement ()
bool ShouldDealDamage (AActor *TestActor)
bool ShouldDisableControllerDesiredRotation ()
bool ShouldForceFlee ()
bool ShouldIgnoreHitResult (UWorld *InWorld, FHitResult *TestHit, FVector *MovementDirDenormalized)
bool ShouldIgnoreMoveCombiningOverlap ()
bool ShouldReplicateRotPitch ()
bool ShouldStillAllowRequestedMoveAcceleration ()
bool SkipDuringPartialWorldSave ()
void SpawnDefaultController ()
void SpawnEgg ()
void SpawnNewAIController (TSubclassOf< AController > NewAIController)
bool SpecialActorWantsPerFrameTicking ()
void StartCharging (bool bForce)
void StartForceSkelUpdate (float ForTime, bool bForceUpdateMesh, bool bServerOnly)
void StartLanding (FVector OverrideLandingLocation)
void StartRepair ()
void StartSurfaceCameraForPassenger (AShooterCharacter *Passenger, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, bool bInvertTurnInput)
void StartSurfaceCameraForPassengers (float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
void Stasis ()
void StealDino (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, int TargetingTeamOverride)
void StopActiveState (bool bShouldResetAttackIndex)
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void TameDino (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTameLimit, int OverrideTamingTeamID)
void TamedDinoUnstasisConsumeFood (long double ForceTimeSinceStasis)
bool TamedProcessOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
void TempDampenInputAcceleration ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void TickBasedCharacters (float DeltaSeconds)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void UnPossessed ()
void UnclaimDino (bool bDestroyAI)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateAttackTargets ()
void UpdateBabyCuddling_Implementation (long double NewBabyNextCuddleTime, char NewBabyCuddleType, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NewBabyCuddleFood)
void UpdateCarriedLocationAndRotation (float DeltaSeconds)
void UpdateGang ()
void UpdateIK ()
void UpdateImprintingDetails_Implementation (FString *NewImprinterName, unsigned __int64 NewImprinterPlayerDataID)
void UpdateImprintingQuality_Implementation (float NewImprintingQuality)
void UpdateMateBoost ()
void UpdateMating ()
void UpdateStatusComponent (float DeltaSeconds)
void UpdateTribeGroupRanks_Implementation (char NewTribeGroupPetOrderingRank, char NewTribeGroupPetRidingRank)
void UpdateWakingTame (float DeltaTime)
bool UseLowQualityAnimationTick ()
bool UseLowQualityBehaviorTreeTick ()
bool UseLowQualityMovementTick ()
bool FlyingUseHighQualityCollision ()
bool WalkingAllowCheckFall (FVector *DeltaWalk)
bool WalkingAllowCheckFloor (FVector *DeltaWalk)
bool WantsPerFrameSkeletalAnimationTicking ()
int WasAllowedToTickThisFrame ()
void WasPushed (ACharacter *ByOtherCharacter)
void AddedImprintingQuality (float Amount)
bool AllowWakingTame (APlayerController *ForPC)
void AnimNotifyMountedDino ()
int BPAdjustAttackIndex (int attackIndex)
bool BPAllowCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *checkCharacter)
bool BPAllowClaiming (AShooterPlayerController *forPlayer)
bool BPAllowEquippingItemType (EPrimalEquipmentType::Type equipmentType)
void BPBecomeAdult ()
void BPBecomeBaby ()
bool BPCanAutodrag (APrimalCharacter *characterToDrag)
bool BPCanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool BPCanIgnoreImmobilizationTrap (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > TrapClass, bool bForceTrigger)
bool BPCanTargetCorpse ()
FVectorBPChargingModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *result, FVector inputAcceleration)
bool BPDesiredRotationIsLocalSpace ()
void BPDidClearCarriedCharacter (APrimalCharacter *PreviousCarriedCharacter)
void BPDidSetCarriedCharacter (APrimalCharacter *PreviousCarriedCharacter)
void BPDinoARKDownloadedBegin ()
void BPDinoARKDownloadedEnd ()
void BPDinoPostBeginPlay ()
void BPDoAttack (int AttackIndex)
void BPDoHarvestAttack (int harvestIndex)
void BPDrawToRiderHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void BPFedWakingTameEvent (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPForceTurretFastTargeting ()
FNameBPGetDragSocketDinoName (FName *result, APrimalDinoCharacter *aGrabbedDino)
FVectorBPGetHealthBarColor (FVector *result)
bool BPHandleControllerInitiatedAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool BPHandleOnStopFire ()
bool BPHandleOnStopTargeting ()
bool BPHandleUseButtonPress (AShooterPlayerController *RiderController)
void BPKilledSomethingEvent (APrimalCharacter *killedTarget)
FVectorBPModifyAimOffsetTargetLocation (FVector *result, FVector *AimTargetLocation)
bool BPModifyDesiredRotation (FRotator *InDesiredRotation, FRotator *OutDesiredRotation)
float BPModifyHarvestingQuantity (float originalQuantity, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > resourceSelected)
void BPModifyHarvestingWeightsArray (TArray< float > *resourceWeightsIn, TArray< UPrimalItem * > *resourceItems, TArray< float > *resourceWeightsOut)
void BPNotifyAddPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar, int SeatIndex)
void BPNotifyBabyAgeIncrement (float PreviousAge, float NewAge)
void BPNotifyCarriedDinoBabyAgeIncrement (APrimalDinoCharacter *AgingCarriedDino, float PreviousAge, float NewAge)
void BPNotifyClaimed ()
void BPNotifyClearPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar, int SeatIndex)
void BPNotifyClearRider (AShooterCharacter *RiderClearing)
void BPNotifyIfPassengerLaunchShoulderMount (APrimalCharacter *launchedCharacter)
void BPNotifyMateBoostChanged ()
void BPNotifySetRider (AShooterCharacter *RiderSetting)
void BPNotifyStructurePlacedNearby (APrimalStructure *NewStructure)
void BPOnClearMountedDino ()
void BPOnEndCharging ()
void BPOnRepIsCharging ()
void BPOnSaddleStructuresUpdated (APrimalStructure *SaddleStructure, bool bWasRemoved)
void BPOnSetFlight (bool bFly)
void BPOnSetMountedDino ()
void BPOnStartCharging ()
bool BPOnStartJump ()
void BPOnTamedProcessOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget, bool orderNotExecuted)
void BPOrderedMoveToLoc (FVector *DestLoc, AActor *DestActor)
bool BPOverrideMoveToOrder (FVector MoveToLocation, AShooterCharacter *OrderingPlayer, AActor *TargetActor)
void BPPreOnSaddleStructuresAdded (APrimalStructure *SaddleStructure)
bool BPPreventAIAttackSelection ()
bool BPPreventOrderAllowed (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget, bool orderNotExecuted)
bool BPPreventRiding (AShooterCharacter *byPawn, bool bDontCheckDistance)
void BPSentKilledNotification (AShooterPlayerController *ToPC)
void BPSetupTamed (bool bWasJustTamed)
bool BPShouldCancelDoAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool BPShouldForceFlee ()
void BPTamedConsumeFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
void BPUnsetupDinoTameable ()
void BPUntamedConsumeFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
float BP_GetCustomModifier_MaxSpeed ()
float BP_GetCustomModifier_RotationRate ()
bool BP_InterceptMoveForward (float axisValue)
bool BP_InterceptMoveRight (float axisValue)
void BP_OnPostNetReplication (FVector ReplicatedLoc, FRotator ReplicatedRot)
void BP_OnRiderChangeWeapons (AShooterCharacter *theRider, UPrimalItem *newWeapon)
void BP_OnStartLandingNotify ()
void BP_OnTargetedByTamedOrder (APrimalCharacter *OrderingCharacter, APrimalDinoCharacter *AttackingDino, bool bForced)
FVectorBP_OverrideClosestShipEdgeTeleportLocation (FVector *result, FVector CurrentShipEdgeLocation, APrimalRaft *ForShip)
bool BP_PreventCarrying ()
void BSetupDinoTameable ()
float BlueprintAdjustOutputDamage (int AttackIndex, float OriginalDamageAmount, AActor *HitActor, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *OutDamageType, float *OutDamageImpulse)
bool BlueprintCanAttack (int AttackIndex, float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
bool BlueprintCanRiderAttack (int AttackIndex)
void BlueprintDrawFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, float CenterX, float CenterY, float DrawScale)
float BlueprintExtraBabyScaling ()
float BlueprintGetAttackWeight (int AttackIndex, float inputWeight, float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > * BlueprintOverrideHarvestDamageType (TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *result, float *OutHarvestDamageMultiplier)
bool BlueprintOverrideWantsToRun (bool bInputWantsToRun)
void BlueprintPlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BlueprintTamedTick ()
void CheckStructurePlacementOnMe (int *AllowReturnValue, APrimalStructure *PlacingStructure, AShooterPlayerController *PC, FVector *AtLocation, FRotator *AtRotation, FPlacementData *PlacementData)
void ClientInterruptLanding ()
void ClientShouldNotifyLanded ()
void ClientStartLanding (FVector landingLoc)
void DinoShoulderMountedLaunch (FVector launchDir, AShooterCharacter *throwingCharacter)
void DoNeuter ()
float DoOverrideMountedAirControl (float AirControlIn)
void FedWakingTameDino ()
void FireMultipleProjectiles (TArray< FVector > *Locations, TArray< FVector > *Directions, bool bScaleProjectileDamageByDinoDamage)
void FireProjectile (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
void ForceUpdateColorSets (int ColorRegion, int ColorSet)
USoundBase * GetDinoTameSound ()
FStringGetTutorialHintString (FString *result)
void HandleMountedDinoAction (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void InterruptLatching ()
void NetUpdateDinoNameStrings (FString *NewTamerString, FString *NewTamedName)
void NetUpdateDinoOwnerData (FString *NewOwningPlayerName, int NewOwningPlayerID)
void OnNPCStartedAttack (int AttackIndex, int AnimationIndex, bool bIsAltAnim, AActor *MyTarget)
void OnUpdateMountedDinoMeshHiding (bool bshouldBeVisible)
bool OverrideFinalWanderLocation (FVector *outVec)
void OverrideRandomWanderLocation (FVector *originalDestination, FVector *inVec)
void PlayHardEndChargingShake ()
void RidingTick ()
void ServerClearRider (int OverrideUnboardDirection)
void ServerFinishedLanding ()
void ServerInterruptLanding ()
void ServerRequestAttack (int attackIndex)
void ServerRequestBraking (bool bWantsToBrake)
void ServerRequestToggleFlight ()
void ServerRequestWaterSurfaceJump ()
void ServerSetRiderMountedWeaponRotation (FRotator InVal)
void ServerToClientsPlayAttackAnimation (char AttackinfoIndex, char animationIndex, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, AActor *MyTarget)
void ServerToggleCharging ()
void ServerUpdateAttackTargets (AActor *AttackTarget, FVector AttackLocation)
bool SetTurretMode (bool enabled)
void UpdateBabyCuddling (long double NewBabyNextCuddleTime, char NewBabyCuddleType, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NewBabyCuddleFood)
void UpdateImprintingDetails (FString *NewImprinterName, unsigned __int64 NewImprinterPlayerDataID)
void UpdateImprintingQuality (float NewImprintingQuality)
void UpdateTribeGroupRanks (char NewTribeGroupPetOrderingRank, char NewTribeGroupPetRidingRank)
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ForcedMasterTargetField ()
FNameMountCharacterSocketNameField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & MountCharacterField ()
ECollisionChannelMeshOriginalCollisionChannelField ()
FVectorRidingAttackExtraVelocityField ()
UAnimMontage * StartChargeAnimationField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > AttackAnimationsField ()
TArray< float > & AttackAnimationWeightsField ()
TArray< float > & AttackAnimationsTimeFromEndToConsiderFinishedField ()
float & ColorizationIntensityField ()
TArray< UMaterialInterface * > FemaleMaterialOverridesField ()
float & PaintConsumptionMultiplierField ()
float & ChargingBlockedStopTimeThresholdField ()
TArray< FName > & MeleeSwingSocketsField ()
int & MeleeDamageAmountField ()
float & MeleeDamageImpulseField ()
float & MeleeSwingRadiusField ()
TArray< FDinoAttackInfo > & AttackInfosField ()
char & CurrentAttackIndexField ()
char & LastAttackIndexField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & MeleeDamageTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & StepActorDamageTypeOverrideField ()
float & AttackOffsetField ()
float & FleeHealthPercentageField ()
float & BreakFleeHealthPercentageField ()
FStringTamerStringField ()
FStringTamedNameField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipPaddingField ()
FVector2DOverlayTooltipScaleField ()
FVectorRiderFPVCameraOffsetField ()
FVectorLandingLocationField ()
long double & StartLandingTimeField ()
long double & LastAxisStartPressTimeField ()
long double & LastMoveForwardTimeField ()
float & FinalNPCLevelMultiplierField ()
float & LandingTraceMaxDistanceField ()
float & FlyingWanderFixedDistanceAmountField ()
float & FlyingWanderRandomDistanceAmountField ()
float & AcceptableLandingRadiusField ()
float & MaxLandingTimeField ()
FieldArray< float, 2 > GenderSpeedMultipliersField ()
float & ChargeSpeedMultiplierField ()
UAnimMontage * ChargingAnimField ()
float & ChargingStaminaPerSecondDrainField ()
float & ChargingStopDotTresholdField ()
FVectorLastChargeLocationField ()
long double & LastStartChargingTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & RiderField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & PreviousRiderField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & SaddleItemClassField ()
FStringSaddleSlotNameOverrideField ()
TArray< FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinition > & NoSaddlePassengerSeatsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & CarriedCharacterField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & PreviousCarriedCharacterField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoWithPassengerAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoWithDinoPassengerAnimField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & PassengerPerSeatField ()
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > SavedPassengerPerSeatField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & PrevPassengerPerSeatField ()
long double & LastClientCameraRotationServerUpdateField ()
TArray< USceneComponent * > OverrideTargetComponentsField ()
int & LastPlayedAttackAnimationField ()
char & AttackIndexOfPlayedAnimationField ()
TArray< FDinoBaseLevelWeightEntry > & DinoBaseLevelWeightEntriesField ()
float & OriginalCapsuleHalfHeightField ()
TArray< FVector > & LastSocketPositionsField ()
TSet< AActor *, DefaultKeyFuncs< AActor *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocatorMeleeSwingHurtListField ()
long double & EndAttackTargetTimeField ()
FVectorRidingFirstPersonViewLocationOffsetField ()
float & BabyChanceOfTwinsField ()
float & BabyGestationSpeedField ()
float & ExtraBabyGestationSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & AutoFadeOutAfterTameTimeField ()
float & BasedCameraSpeedMultiplierField ()
long double & LastEggBoostedTimeField ()
float & WildPercentageChanceOfBabyField ()
float & WildBabyAgeWeightField ()
float & BabyGestationProgressField ()
float & FlyerForceLimitPitchMinField ()
float & FlyerForceLimitPitchMaxField ()
float & LastBabyAgeField ()
float & LastBabyGestationProgressField ()
float & BabyChanceOfTripletsField ()
float & BabyAgeField ()
float & MaxPercentOfCapsulHeightAllowedForIKField ()
float & SlopeBiasForMaxCapsulePercentField ()
float & FlyingForceRotationRateModifierField ()
TArray< FName > & HideBoneNamesField ()
FStringHideBonesStringField ()
FVectorWaterSurfaceExtraJumpVectorField ()
FVectorFlyerTakeOffAdditionalVelocityField ()
float & OpenDoorDelayField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestIntervalField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestSearchRangeField ()
float & TamedWanderHarvestCollectRadiusField ()
FVectorTamedWanderHarvestCollectOffsetField ()
float & RootLocSwimOffsetField ()
float & PlayAnimBelowHealthPercentField ()
float & LeavePlayAnimBelowHealthPercentField ()
float & PlatformSaddleMaxStructureBuildDistance2DField ()
UAnimMontage * PlayAnimBelowHealthField ()
USoundBase * LowHealthExitSoundField ()
USoundBase * LowHealthEnterSoundField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalDinoSettings > & LowHealthDinoSettingsField ()
float & SwimOffsetInterpSpeedField ()
float & CurrentRootLocSwimOffsetField ()
float & AIRangeMultiplierField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > PreventColorizationRegionsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > AllowPaintingColorRegionsField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > ColorSetIndicesField ()
FieldArray< FName, 6 > ColorSetNamesField ()
FieldArray< float, 6 > ColorSetIntensityMultipliersField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalBuff > & ColorOverrideBuffField ()
long double & ColorOverrideBuffDeactivateTimeField ()
float & ColorOverrideBuffInterpSpeedField ()
float & MeleeAttackStaminaCostField ()
UAnimMontage * WakingTameAnimationField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TargetField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TamedFollowTargetField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TamedLandTargetField ()
float & PercentChanceFemaleField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & DeathGiveItemClassesField ()
TArray< float > & DeathGiveItemChanceToBeBlueprintField ()
float & DeathGiveItemQualityMinField ()
float & DeathGiveItemQualityMaxField ()
float & DeathGiveItemRangeField ()
FStringDeathGiveAchievementField ()
USoundBase * OverrideAreaMusicField ()
FVectorUnboardLocationOffsetField ()
float & LastTimeWhileHeadingToGoalField ()
float & ForceUpdateIKTimerField ()
long double & LastColorizationTimeField ()
float & RidingNetUpdateFequencyField ()
float & RiderMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderExtraMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderMaxRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & RiderRotationRateModifierField ()
float & SwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & chargingRotationRateModifierField ()
UAnimMontage * EnterFlightAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * ExitFlightAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * SleepConsumeFoodAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * WakingConsumeFoodAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * FallAsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * TamedUnsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * WildUnsleepAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * OpenDoorAnimField ()
float & ControlFacePitchInterpSpeedField ()
float & TamedWalkableFloorZField ()
float & CurrentMovementAnimRateField ()
int & MinPlayerLevelForWakingTameField ()
float & ForceNextAttackIndexField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalInventoryComponent > & TamedInventoryComponentTemplateField ()
FWeightedObjectListDeathInventoryTemplatesField ()
float & DeathInventoryChanceToUseField ()
float & WakingTameFeedIntervalField ()
long double & LastWakingTameFedTimeField ()
float & DeathInventoryQualityPerLevelMultiplierField ()
float & RequiredTameAffinityField ()
float & RequiredTameAffinityPerBaseLevelField ()
char & TamedAITargetingRangeField ()
FNamePassengerBoneNameOverrideField ()
float & CurrentTameAffinityField ()
float & TameIneffectivenessModifierField ()
float & TameIneffectivenessByAffinityField ()
int & LastFrameUseLowQualityAnimationTickField ()
bool & bUseBPIsValidUnStasisCasterField ()
TArray< FPrimalSaddleStructure > & SaddleStructuresField ()
int & MaxSaddleStructuresHeightField ()
bool & CalculateStructureHeightFromSaddleField ()
bool & CalculateStructureDistanceFromSaddleField ()
int & SaddlePivotOffsetField ()
int & MaxSaddleStructuresNumField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalDinoSettings > & DinoSettingsClassField ()
float & TamingFoodConsumeIntervalField ()
float & DediForceAttackAnimTimeField ()
float & DediForceStartAttackAfterAnimTimeField ()
float & WakingTameFoodIncreaseMultiplierField ()
int & TamingTeamIDField ()
int & OwningPlayerIDField ()
FStringOwningPlayerNameField ()
long double & TamingLastFoodConsumptionTimeField ()
unsigned int & DinoID1Field ()
unsigned int & DinoID2Field ()
FRotatorPreviousAimRotField ()
int & TamedAggressionLevelField ()
float & TamingIneffectivenessModifierIncreaseByDamagePercentField ()
int & NPCSpawnerExtraLevelOffsetField ()
float & NPCSpawnerLevelMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructureItemContainer_SupplyCrate > & LinkedSupplyCrateField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeMinIntervalField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeMaxIntervalField ()
float & MeleeHarvestDamageMultiplierField ()
float & AllowRidingMaxDistanceField ()
float & UntamedPoopTimeCacheField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BaseEggClassField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & EggItemsToSpawnField ()
TArray< float > & EggWeightsToSpawnField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & FertilizedEggItemsToSpawnField ()
TArray< float > & FertilizedEggWeightsToSpawnField ()
float & EggChanceToSpawnUnstasisField ()
float & EggIntervalBetweenUnstasisChancesField ()
float & EggRangeMaximumNumberFromSameDinoTypeField ()
int & EggMaximumNumberFromSameDinoTypeField ()
float & EggRangeMaximumNumberField ()
int & EggMaximumNumberField ()
FNameEggSpawnSocketNameField ()
UAnimMontage * EggLayingAnimationField ()
float & UntamedWalkingSpeedModifierField ()
float & TamedWalkingSpeedModifierField ()
float & UntamedRunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & TamedRunningSpeedModifierField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalColorSet > & RandomColorSetsMaleField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalColorSet > & RandomColorSetsFemaleField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalColorSet > & SpawnerColorSetsField ()
UAnimSequence * RiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * TurningRightRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * TurningLeftRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * LatchedRiderAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimSequence * RiderMoveAnimOverrideField ()
float & RidingAnimSpeedFactorField ()
UAnimMontage * StartRidingAnimOverrideField ()
UAnimMontage * StopRidingAnimOverrideField ()
FNameTargetingTeamNameOverrideField ()
float & ExtraTamedSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraUnTamedSpeedMultiplierField ()
long double & LastEggSpawnChanceTimeField ()
FNameOriginalNPCVolumeNameField ()
float & OutsideOriginalNPCVolumeStasisDestroyIntervalField ()
float & StasisedDestroyIntervalField ()
float & TamedAllowNamingTimeField ()
float & MovementSpeedScalingRotationRatePowerField ()
float & AttackNoStaminaTorpidityMultiplierField ()
float & DecayDestructionPeriodField ()
long double & TamedAtTimeField ()
long double & LastInAllyRangeTimeField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > LatchedOnStructuresField ()
UPrimalDinoSettingsMyDinoSettingsCDOField ()
int & OriginalTargetingTeamField ()
float & LocInterpolationSnapDistanceField ()
float & PreviousRootYawSpeedField ()
long double & LastTimeFallingField ()
float & TamedCorpseLifespanField ()
float & MateBoostDamageReceiveMultiplierField ()
float & MateBoostDamageGiveMultiplierField ()
float & MateBoostRangeField ()
FNameDinoNameTagField ()
AShooterPlayerControllerAttackMyTargetForPlayerControllerField ()
float & RidingAttackExtraVelocityDelayField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageIntervalField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageExtraRadiusField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageAmountGeneralField ()
float & StepDamageRadialDamageAmountHarvestableField ()
long double & LastRadialStepDamageTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & StepHarvestableDamageTypeField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageIntervalField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageRadiusField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageAmountField ()
TArray< FName > & StepDamageFootDamageSocketsField ()
float & DurationBeforeMovingStuckPawnField ()
FVectorLastCheckedLocationField ()
long double & LastValidNotStuckTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * StartledAnimationRightDefaultField ()
UAnimMontage * StartledAnimationLeftField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > StartledAnimationsField ()
UAnimMontage * FlyingStartledAnimationField ()
float & RandomPlayStartledAnimIntervalMinField ()
float & RandomPlayStartledAnimIntervalMaxField ()
float & StartledAnimationCooldownField ()
float & DefaultActivateAttackRangeOffsetField ()
float & CorpseTargetingMultiplierField ()
long double & LastFootStepDamageTimeField ()
long double & LastStartledTimeField ()
float & CorpseLifespanNonRelevantField ()
float & MinStaminaForRiderField ()
float & LoseStaminaWithRiderRateField ()
float & FollowingRunDistanceField ()
float & MaxDinoKillerTransferWeightPercentField ()
float & NPCZoneVolumeCountWeightField ()
float & NPCLerpToMaxRandomBaseLevelField ()
FVectorFloatingHUDTextWorldOffsetField ()
long double & LastAttackedTargetTimeField ()
long double & LastForcedLandingCheckTimeField ()
long double & LastAllyTargetLookTimeField ()
long double & LastAttackedTimeField ()
long double & LastPlayerDinoOverlapRelevantTimeField ()
FRotatorDinoAimRotationOffsetField ()
long double & LastDinoAllyLookInterpTimeField ()
FVectorLastRiderOverlappedPositionField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & AutoDragByPawnField ()
long double & NextRidingFlyerUndergroundCheckField ()
long double & LastSetRiderTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & RepairRequirementsItemField ()
float & RepairAmountRemainingField ()
float & RepairCheckIntervalField ()
float & RepairPercentPerIntervalField ()
FVectorRiderCheckTraceOffsetField ()
FVectorRiderEjectionImpulseField ()
float & WakingTameAffinityDecreaseFoodPercentageField ()
float & WakingTameAllowFeedingFoodPercentageField ()
float & WakingTameFoodAffinityMultiplierField ()
float & CheckForWildAmbientHarvestingIntervalMinField ()
float & CheckForWildAmbientHarvestingIntervalMaxField ()
float & WildAmbientHarvestingTimerField ()
UAnimMontage * WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalHarvestingComponent > > & WildAmbientHarvestingComponentClassesField ()
float & WildAmbientHarvestingRadiusField ()
int & FlyerNumUnderGroundFailField ()
int & AbsoluteBaseLevelField ()
TArray< FStatValuePair > & OverrideBaseStatLevelsOnSpawnField ()
TArray< TEnumAsByte< enum EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type > > & OverrideStatPriorityOnSpawnField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & TamedHarvestDamageTypeField ()
FDinoSaddleStructSaddleStructField ()
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > DraggedRagdollsField ()
FVectorLastOverrodeRandomWanderLocationField ()
float & ChargeBumpDamageField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & ChargeBumpDamageTypeField ()
float & ChargeBumpImpulseField ()
float & MinChargeIntervalField ()
float & PlayerMountedLaunchFowardSpeedField ()
float & PlayerMountedLaunchUpSpeedField ()
float & AttackOnLaunchMaximumTargetDistanceField ()
float & KeepFlightRemainingTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * MountCharacterAnimationField ()
UAnimMontage * UnmountCharacterAnimationField ()
UAnimMontage * EndChargingAnimationField ()
float & FlyingRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & ChargingAnimDelayField ()
FNameRiderSocketNameField ()
float & ChargingActivationRequiresStaminaField ()
float & ChargingActivationConsumesStaminaField ()
float & FlyerHardBreakingOverrideField ()
float & BabyScaleField ()
float & BabySpeedMultiplierField ()
float & BabyPitchMultiplierField ()
float & BabyVolumeMultiplierField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & WanderAroundActorField ()
float & WanderAroundActorMaxDistanceField ()
long double & ChargingStartBlockedTimeField ()
long double & LastChargeEndTimeField ()
TArray< APrimalStructure * > SaddledStructuresField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > & BuffGivenToBasedCharactersField ()
long double & LastTamedFlyerNearbyAllyCheckTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedBabyAgeAtTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedGestationAtTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedMatingAtTimeField ()
float & BabyAgeSpeedField ()
float & ExtraBabyAgeSpeedMultiplierField ()
float & FemaleMatingRangeAdditionField ()
float & FemaleMatingTimeField ()
long double & NextAllowedMatingTimeField ()
float & MatingProgressField ()
long double & LastMatingNotificationTimeField ()
APrimalDinoCharacter *& MatingWithDinoField ()
UAnimMontage * MatingAnimationMaleField ()
FieldArray< char, 12 > GestationEggNumberOfLevelUpPointsAppliedField ()
float & GestationEggTamedIneffectivenessModifierField ()
FieldArray< char, 6 > GestationEggColorSetIndicesField ()
float & NewFemaleMinTimeBetweenMatingField ()
float & NewFemaleMaxTimeBetweenMatingField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & DefaultTamedBuffsField ()
FVectorInterpolatedVelocityField ()
FVectorOldInterpolatedLocationField ()
float & HyperThermiaInsulationField ()
float & HypoThermiaInsulationField ()
float & InsulationRangeField ()
float & GangOverlapRangeField ()
float & GangDamageResistanceField ()
float & GangDamageField ()
int & MaxGangCountField ()
int & GangCountField ()
long double & LastGangCheckTimeField ()
FVectorLastGangCheckPositionField ()
int & PreviousTargetingTeamField ()
int & LastRiderExitFrameCounterField ()
float & WildRandomScaleField ()
float & HeldJumpSlowFallingGravityZScaleField ()
UAnimMontage * SlowFallingAnimField ()
float & SlowFallingStaminaCostPerSecondField ()
float & NoRiderRotationModifierField ()
FNameRiderFPVCameraUseSocketNameField ()
FNameRiderLatchedFPVCameraUseSocketNameField ()
FNamePassengerFPVCameraRootSocketField ()
TArray< FName > & FPVRiderBoneNamesToHideField ()
float & ExtraRunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierMinField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierMaxField ()
float & ScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifierSpeedField ()
float & LastHigherScaleExtraRunningSpeedValueField ()
long double & LastHigherScaleExtraRunningSpeedTimeField ()
float & RiderMovementSpeedScalingRotationRatePowerMultiplierField ()
float & HighQualityLedgeDetectionExtraTraceDistanceField ()
int & LoadDestroyWildDinosUnderVersionField ()
int & SaveDestroyWildDinosUnderVersionField ()
float & AllowWaterSurfaceExtraJumpStaminaCostField ()
USoundBase * PlayKillLocalSoundField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & RiderAttackTargetField ()
FVectorRiderAttackLocationField ()
char & TribeGroupPetOrderingRankField ()
char & TribeGroupPetRidingRankField ()
char & FollowStoppingDistanceField ()
FStringImprinterNameField ()
unsigned __int64 & ImprinterPlayerDataIDField ()
float & BabyMinCuddleIntervalField ()
float & BabyMaxCuddleIntervalField ()
float & BabyCuddleGracePeriodField ()
float & BabyCuddleLoseImpringQualityPerSecondField ()
float & BabyCuddleWalkDistanceField ()
FVectorBabyCuddleWalkStartingLocationField ()
long double & BabyNextCuddleTimeField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EBabyCuddleType::Type > & BabyCuddleTypeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & BabyCuddleFoodField ()
UAnimMontage * BabyCuddledAnimationField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & MyBabyCuddleFoodTypesField ()
float & RiderMaxImprintingQualityDamageReductionField ()
float & RiderMaxImprintingQualityDamageMultiplierField ()
float & BabyImprintingQualityTotalMaturationTimeField ()
float & WakingTameMaxDistanceField ()
float & TimeBetweenTamedWakingEatAnimationsField ()
long double & LastEatAnimationTimeField ()
float & StepDamageFootDamageRunningMultiplierField ()
float & maxRangeForWeaponTriggeredTooltipField ()
float & StepRadialDamageOffsetField ()
float & ForcePawnBigPushingForTimeField ()
float & WanderRadiusMultiplierField ()
float & AIDinoForceActiveUntasisingRangeField ()
float & WildRunningRotationRateModifierField ()
float & TamedRunningRotationRateModifierField ()
float & TamedSwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & WildSwimmingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & RiderFlyingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & NoRiderFlyingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & AICombatRotationRateModifierField ()
float & WalkingRotationRateModifierField ()
float & SetAttackTargetTraceDistanceField ()
float & SetAttackTargetTraceWidthField ()
long double & RepeatPrimaryAttackLastSendTimeField ()
long double & NextTamedDinoCharacterStatusTickTimeField ()
long double & LastTamedDinoCharacterStatusTickTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * PlayerMountedCarryAnimationField ()
float & HealthBarOffsetYField ()
AMissionTypeOwnerMissionField ()
float & LimitRiderYawOnLatchedRangeField ()
float & LatchingDistanceLimitField ()
float & LatchingInitialYawField ()
float & LatchingInitialPitchField ()
float & LatchingInterpolatedPitchField ()
float & LatchedFirstPersonViewAngleField ()
float & LatchingCameraInterpolationSpeedField ()
float & TargetLatchingInitialYawField ()
float & CurrentStrafeMagnitudeField ()
float & GainStaminaWhenLatchedRateField ()
float & AIAggroNotifyNeighborsClassesRangeScaleField ()
int & LastFrameMoveRightField ()
int & LastFrameMoveLeftField ()
FRotatorLastRiderMountedWeaponRotationField ()
long double & LastRiderMountedWeaponRotationSentTimeField ()
int & DeathGivesDossierIndexField ()
float & DeathGivesDossierDelayField ()
FNameSaddleRiderMovementTraceThruSocketNameField ()
float & SwimmingRunSpeedModifierField ()
float & RidingSwimmingRunSpeedModifierField ()
long double & DinoDownloadedAtTimeField ()
FStringUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringLatestUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringPreviousUploadedFromServerNameField ()
FStringTamedOnServerNameField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & DinoAncestorsField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & DinoAncestorsMaleField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & NextBabyDinoAncestorsField ()
TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > & NextBabyDinoAncestorsMaleField ()
int & MaxAllowedRandomMutationsField ()
int & RandomMutationRollsField ()
float & RandomMutationChanceField ()
float & RandomMutationGivePointsField ()
int & RandomMutationsMaleField ()
int & RandomMutationsFemaleField ()
int & GestationEggRandomMutationsFemaleField ()
int & GestationEggRandomMutationsMaleField ()
FNameWakingTameDistanceSocketNameField ()
int & WakingTameConsumeEntireStackMaxQuantityField ()
float & AttackPlayerDesirabilityMultiplierField ()
long double & LastAutoHealingItemUseField ()
long double & LastStartedCarryingCharacterTimeField ()
float & FlyerAttachedExplosiveSpeedMultiplierField ()
TArray< FDinoExtraDefaultItemList > & DinoExtraDefaultInventoryItemsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & DeathGiveEngramClassesField ()
float & SinglePlayerOutgoingDamageModifierField ()
float & SinglePlayerIncomingDamageModifierField ()
int & LastTickDelayFrameCountField ()
long double & NextTickDelayAllowTimeField ()
float & TickStatusTimeAccumulationField ()
long double & LastServerTamedTickField ()
int & LastTempDampenMovementInputAccelerationFrameField ()
UAnimMontage * DinoLevelUpAnimationOverrideField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< AActor > > & DamageVictimClassesIgnoreBlockingGeomtryTraceField ()
long double & LastVacuumSpaceCheckTimeField ()
long double & LastGrappledTimeField ()
float & CloneBaseElementCostField ()
float & CloneElementCostPerLevelField ()
int & LastValidTameVersionField ()
int & SavedLastValidTameVersionField ()
FNameNonDedicatedFreezeDinoPhysicsIfLevelUnloadedField ()
TArray< FName > & NonDedicatedFreezeWildDinoPhysicsIfLevelsUnloadedField ()
FVectorUnboardLocationTraceOffsetField ()
FNameAttackLineOfSightMeshSocketNameField ()
float & AttackForceWalkDistanceMultiplierField ()
float & AttackForceWalkRotationRateMultiplierField ()
int & OverrideDinoTameSoundIndexField ()
USoundBase * SwimSoundField ()
float & SwimSoundIntervalPerHundredSpeedField ()
float & SwimSoundTimeCacheField ()
TSubclassOf< AController > & TamedAIControllerOverrideField ()
int & PersonalTamedDinoCostField ()
long double & UploadEarliestValidTimeField ()
float & StasisAutoDestroyIntervalField ()
float & CarryCameraYawOffsetField ()
float & ExtraDamageMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraTamedBaseHealthMultiplierField ()
float & AttackRangeOffsetField ()
float & DinoExtraIncreasePlayerCollisionActivationDistanceSquaredField ()
char & CurrentPassengerSeatIndexField ()
float & OverrideApproachRadiusField ()
float & TamedOverrideStasisComponentRadiusField ()
UStaticMeshUniqueDino_MapMarkerMeshField ()
FColorUniqueDino_MapMarkerColorField ()
float & OverrideDinoMaxExperiencePointsField ()
int & MaxDinoTameLevelsField ()
int & DestroyTamesOverLevelClampOffsetField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > & ForceAllowFoodAsConsumableListField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackStopsMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocationBasedAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvestAllowUsableHarvestingAsWell ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPKilledSomethingEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventDinoResetAffinityOnUnsleep ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bKeepInventoryForWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReachedDestination ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHadLinkedSupplyCrate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRemovingStructuresOnDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bResetUseAccelerationForRequestedMove ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHiddenForLocalPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunCheckCarriedTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > CanElevate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsElevating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBraking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > MovingForward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderCorpseHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyStructurePlacedNearby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanTargetCorpse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPShouldForceFlee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReceivedDinoAncestors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceWanderOverrideNPCZoneManager ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeprecateDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceFoodItemAutoConsume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerAllowFlyingWithExplosive ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUseDediAttackTiming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventExitingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWakingTameConsumeEntireStack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCarryCharacterWithoutRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildDinoPreventWeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugMeleeAttacks ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRetainCarriedCharacterOnDismount ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnTamedProcessOrder ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnTamedOrderReceived ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAttackWithCryoSickness ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanCryo ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildPreventTeleporting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPClampMaxHarvestHealth ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCheckCanSpawnFromLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanCharge ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCancelInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bChargeDamageStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicatePitchWhileSwimming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAutoTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderJumpTogglesFlight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCarryFlyerDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerForceNoPitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerForceLimitPitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoTameable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysSetTamingTeamOnItemAdd ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDinoLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheatForceTameRide ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFemale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderUseDirectionalAttackIndex ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetingIgnoredByWildDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetingIgnoreWildDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanMountOnHumans ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIKIgnoreSaddleStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackTargetWhenLaunched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanOpenLockedDoors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseColorization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeSwingDamageBlockedByStrutures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTargetingCorpses ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderDontRequireSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowsFishingOnSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeOrdered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverridePlatformStructureLimit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeAttackHarvetUsableComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlatformSaddleIgnoreRotDotCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInteprolatedVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarnivore ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRidingInWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesGender ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetEverything ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvestNonUsableHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableTamedWandering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableTamedMating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollectVictimItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerInitializedDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNPCSpawnerOverrideLevel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasMateBoost ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > NPCSpawnerAddLevelOffsetBeforeMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamingHasFood ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontWander ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAnimIsMoving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoStepDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventBasingWhenUntamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAlwaysAllowBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bChargingRequiresWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseRootLocSwimOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseLowQualityAnimationTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplaySummonedNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisplayKilledNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetAttackWeight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerForceUpdateDinoGameplayMeshNearPlayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAllRiderWeapons ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAllRiderWeaponsOnReequip ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDeathAutoGrab ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAutoUnstasisDestroy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysUpdateAimOffsetInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > WildAmbientHarvestingAnimationServerTickPose ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSleepingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedWanderHarvest ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSimulatedNetLandCheckFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRefreshedColorization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoopIsEgg ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPoopIsDud ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasChargingBlocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasRidingFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInitializedForReplicatedBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientWasTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerPreventRiderAutoFly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowFlyerLandedRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerFlyingRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerCapsuleExpansion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncludeCarryWeightOfBasedPawns ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceRiderNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePerfectTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanHaveBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBabyGestation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUnalignedDinoBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideLevelMusicIfTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReachedMaxStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsSaddleStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBonesHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDelayedAttachement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeRepaired ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDontAutoLandOnDismount ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRepairing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasBaby ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanUnclaimTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowWildDinoEquipment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseTamedVisibleComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDemolish ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseGang ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintDrawFloatingHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEggBoosted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTamedTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideWantsToRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPlayDying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupportsPassengerSeats ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddPassengerSeatMultiUseEntries ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseSaddlePassengerSeatsWhenAvailable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bScaleInsulationByMeleeDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInventoryOnlyAllowCraftingWhenWandering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseWildRandomScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHeldJumpSlowFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHeldJumpSlowFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingSlowFallingAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildProduceEggDynamically ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWakingTameFeeding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDisablingTaming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerAllowRidingInCaves ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bScaleExtraRunningSpeedModifier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideCrosshairAlpha ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideCrosshairColor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetCrosshairLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCenterOffscreenFloatingHUDWidgets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClampOffscreenFloatingHUDWidgets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseFixedSpawnLevel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTreatCrouchInputAsAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetRiderUnboardLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetRiderUnboardDirection ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUniqueDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bModifyBasedCamera ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnRefreshColorization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideAncestorsButton ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OverrideDinoName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDinoTooltipCustomProgressBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDisplayTamedMessage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideTamingDescriptionLabel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanMountOnCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetRiderSocket ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPShowTamingPanel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMeleeSwingDamageBlockedByAllStationaryObjects ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChargingModifyInputAcceleration ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnRepIsCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventOrderAllowed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPassengerDinosUsePassengerAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesPassengerAnimOnDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideRotationOnCarriedCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAdvancedCarryRelease ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceCarriedPlayerToCheckForWalls ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClearRiderOnDinoImmobilized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPIsBasedOnActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPUnstasisConsumeFood ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnDinoStartled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSimulateRootMotion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideStencilAllianceForTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableHighQualityAIVolumeLedgeChecking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoHighQualityLedgeChecking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyDoStepDamageWhenRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShouldNotifyClientWhenLanded ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPlatformSaddleMultiFloors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMountedDinoMeshHiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePlayerMountedCarryingDinoAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRotationRateModifier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageFoliageOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUntamedRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTogglingPublicSeating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowPublicSeating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowWaterSurfaceExtraJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseVelocityForRequestedMoveIfStuck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDoAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageNonFoliageWithoutRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageAllTargetables ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNonFoliageFeetSocketsOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderDontBeBlockedByPawnMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseExtendedUnstasisCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickedStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDinoAutoConsumeInventoryFood ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNoCharacterStatusComponentTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRaidDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildIgnoredByAutoTurrets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildAllowTargetingNeutralStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoStepDamageTamedOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStepDamageNonFoliageTamedOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDroppedInventoryDeposit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceWildDeathInventoryDeposit ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarryingCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarryingPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanTakePassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsManualFoodEat ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontPlayAttackingMusic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreRagdollHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPModifyAimOffsetTargetLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPModifyAimOffsetNoTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsVehicle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisallowPostNetReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTakingOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttackStopsRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDinoAllowBackwardsFlight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDinoAllowStrafing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreTargetingLiveUnriddenDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepedForceCreateInventory ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocalForceNearbySkelMeshUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDisableEnemyTargetingMaxDeltaZ ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBossDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedAIAllowSpecialAttacks ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTamedAIToggleSpecialAttacks ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLocalPrimaryAttackPressed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRepeatPrimaryAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventUploading ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventHibernation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRiderMovementLocked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTameTimerSet ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNeutered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllWhistles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDoHarvestAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestingQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestingWeightsArray ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyHarvestDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideFloatingHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableHarvesting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDinoPostBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowTickingThisFrame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyerDontGainImpulseOnSubmerged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanAutodrag ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanDragCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDraggingWhileFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSingleplayerFreezePhysicsWhenNoTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSingleplayer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCloneDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAdvancedAnimLerp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWanderingUnderWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWildAllowFollowTamedTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageSameTeamAndClass ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowsTurretMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRidingInTurretMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsInTurretMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPShouldCancelDoAttack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyDesiredRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseLocalSpaceDesiredRotationWithRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPDesiredRotationIsLocalSpace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedLandingClearRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCameraViewTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRobot ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_CustomModifier_RotationRate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_CustomModifier_MaxSpeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnStartLandingNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsClearingRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttackForceWalkDistanceMultiplier ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePerFrameTicking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHadStaticBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoKillXP ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllyLook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBabyInitiallyUnclaimed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceTurretFastTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLastAnyLegOnGround ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressWakingTameMessage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFlyerLanding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasDied ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasPlayDying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableCollisionWithDinosWhenFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTrapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWildTrapping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsTrapTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreDestroyOnRapidDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventFallingBumpCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDestroyingDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckBPAllowClaiming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintExtraBabyScale ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNeuter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetDragSocketName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetDragSocketDinoName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetLookOffsetSocketName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetEverythingIncludingSameTeamInPVE ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUsePhysicalFootSurfaceTrace ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnPostNetReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPassiveFlee ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidAllowTickingTickingThisFrame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyTargetConscious ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPManagedFPVViewLocationNoRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideSaddleInFPV ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCloning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventStasisOnDedi ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCheckForFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCheckForFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowCarryWaterDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_AllowWalkableSlopeOverride ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_CanFly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OverrideBasedCharactersCameraInterpSpeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideFloatingHUDLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInterceptPlayerEmotes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_ShouldPreventBasedCharactersCameraInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRidingIsSeperateUnstasisCaster ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsOceanManagerDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > DisableCameraShakes ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OverrideCarriedCharacterTransform ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnBasedPawnNotifies ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesWaterWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasInvisiableSaddle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseWildDinoMapMultipliers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreFlierRidingRestrictions ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRotatingUpdatesDinoIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OverrideRiderCameraCollisionSweep ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDrawHealthBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseShoulderMountedLaunch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePreciseLaunching ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidSetupTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIncrementedNumDinos ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowInvalidTameVersion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowPvECarry ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnderwaterMating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBabyPreventExitingWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnMountStateChanged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHandleUseButtonPressBP ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGlideWhenFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bGlideWhenMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowBackwardsMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventBackwardsWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSupplyPlayerMountedCarryAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowMountedCarryRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanLatch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatchedDownward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsLatching ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRotateToFaceLatchingObject ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLimitRiderYawOnLatched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowMountedWeaponry ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bKeepAffinityOnDamageRecievedWakingTame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPFedWakingTameEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceRiderDrawCrosshair ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDrawHUDWithoutRecentlyRendered ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHideFloatingName ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanTargetVehicles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRidingRequiresTamed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDeathNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseCustomHealthBarColor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnUpdateMountedDinoMeshHiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInterceptTurnInputEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInterceptMoveInputEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustAttackIndex ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCheckBPAllowCarryCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnEndCharging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyMateBoostChanged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAllowBackwardsMovementWithNoRider ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCorrupted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHordeDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPOverrideHealthBarOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDropWildEggsWithoutMateBoost ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsTemporaryMissionDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventInventoryAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowWildRunningWithoutTarget ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceDataListEntryInterface ()
void OnDinoStartled (UAnimMontage *StartledAnimPlayed, bool bFromAIController)
float GetXPMultiplier ()
bool IsBossDino ()
bool UseHighQualityMovement ()
bool AllowPushOthers ()
FVectorGetActorCenterTraceLocation (FVector *result)
void CheckAndHandleBasedPlayersBeingPushedThroughWalls ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void PlayHardEndChargingShake_Implementation ()
void SetForcedAggro (ITargetableInterface *Targetable, float AggroAmount, float ForcedAggroTime)
void BPSetForcedAggro (AActor *TargetableActor, float AggroAmount, float ForcedAggroTime)
float GetAttackRangeOffset ()
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void AutoDrag ()
bool CanRide (AShooterCharacter *byPawn, char *bOutHasSaddle, char *bOutCanRideOtherThanSaddle, bool bDontCheckDistance)
bool CanCryo (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void Stasis ()
void Unstasis ()
void HandleUnstasised (bool bWasFromHibernation)
bool IsRemoteDino ()
bool IsValidUnStasisCaster ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostInitProperties ()
void RegisterAllComponents ()
int GetRandomBaseLevel ()
bool AllowZoneAutoKill ()
void StopActiveState (bool bShouldResetAttackIndex)
bool DoAttack (int AttackIndex, bool bSetCurrentAttack, bool bInterruptCurrentAttack)
bool CancelCurrentAttack (bool bStopCurrentAttackAnim, float AttackAnimBlendOutTime)
void ApplyRidingAttackExtraVelocity ()
bool HasReachedDestination (FVector *Goal)
bool IsDamageOccludedByStructures (AActor *DamageCauser)
bool DisableHarvesting ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool CanAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool IsAttacking ()
void PlayAttackAnimationOfAnimationArray (int AnimationIndex, TArray< UAnimMontage * > attackAnimations)
void PlayWeightedAttackAnimation ()
bool IsCurrentlyPlayingAttackAnimation ()
bool IsWakingTame ()
void OnDinoCheat (FName CheatName, bool bSetValue, float Value)
bool AddToMeleeSwingHurtList (AActor *AnActor)
bool ShouldDealDamage (AActor *TestActor)
void DealDamage (FHitResult *Impact, FVector *ShootDir, int DamageAmount, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageType, float Impulse)
bool CanCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *CanCarryPawn)
bool AllowCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *CanCarryPawn)
bool CarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *character, bool byPassCanCarryCheck)
void ClearCarriedCharacter (bool fromCarriedCharacter, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void OnRep_bIsCharging ()
void ClearPassengers ()
bool AddPassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, int PassengerSeatIndex, bool bForcePassenger, bool bAllowFlyersAndWaterDinos, bool bSkipLineTrace)
void RemovePassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, bool bFromCharacter, bool bFromPlayerController)
bool CheckLocalPassengers ()
bool IsPassengerSeatAvailable (int PassengerSeatIndex)
int GetNumAvailablePassengerSeats (bool bOnlyManualPassengerSeats)
bool CanTakePassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, int PassengerSeatIndex, bool bForcePassenger, bool bAllowFlyersAndWaterDinos, bool bSkipLineTrace)
int GetNumPassengerSeats (bool bOnlyManualPassengerSeats)
FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinitionGetPassengerSeatDefinition (char SeatIndex)
void OnRep_PassengerPerSeat ()
void OnRep_bIsFlying ()
void ServerToggleCharging_Implementation ()
void StartCharging (bool bForce)
void PlayChargingAnim ()
void EndCharging (bool bForce)
bool AllowHurtAnimation ()
void SetRider (AShooterCharacter *aRider)
void OnRep_Rider ()
void OnRep_CarriedCharacter ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void ForceUpdateColorSets_Implementation (int ColorRegion, int ColorSet)
void MulticastUpdateAllColorSets_Implementation (int Color0, int Color1, int Color2, int Color3, int Color4, int Color5)
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
FStringGetCurrentDinoName (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC)
void ForceClearRider ()
bool CanClearRider ()
void ClearRider (bool FromRider, bool bCancelForceLand, bool SpawnDinoDefaultController, int OverrideUnboardDirection, bool bForceEvenIfBuffPreventsClear)
void ControllerLeavingGame (AShooterPlayerController *theController)
FStringGetEntryString (FString *result)
UTexture2DGetEntryIcon (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
UMaterialInterface * GetEntryIconMaterial (UObject *AssociatedDataObject, bool bIsEnabled)
UObjectGetObjectW ()
FStringGetEntryDescription (FString *result)
UTextureGetDinoEntryIcon ()
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
bool CanOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, bool bBuildingStructures)
bool TamedProcessOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget)
void ServerSleepingTick ()
float GetAffinityIncreaseForFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
void ServerTamedTick ()
UPrimalItemGetBestInventoryFoodItem (float *FoodIncrease, bool bLookForAffinity, bool bFoodItemRequiresLivePlayerCharacter, UPrimalItem **foundFoodItem, bool bLookForWorstFood)
AShooterCharacterConsumeInventoryFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem, float *AffinityIncrease, bool bDontDecrementItem, float *FoodIncrease, float FoodAmountMultiplier, bool bConsumeEntireStack)
AShooterCharacterFindFirstFoodItemPlayerCharacter ()
int GetFoodItemEffectivenessMultipliersIndex (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > * GetFirstAffinityFoodItemClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > *result)
int GetExtraFoodItemEffectivenessMultipliersIndex (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
void ServerClearRider_Implementation (int OverrideUnboardDirection)
void ElevateDinoBP (float Val)
void OnElevateDino (float Val)
void LowerDinoBP (float Val)
void OnLowerDino (float Val)
void BrakeDinoBP (float Val)
void OnBrake ()
void OffBrake ()
void ServerRequestBraking_Implementation (bool bWantsToBrake)
void OnStartFire (bool bFromGamepadRight)
void OnStopFire (bool bFromGamepadRight)
void OnStartTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
void OnControllerInitiatedAttack (int AttackIndex)
void UpdateAttackTargets ()
bool IsMovementTethered ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
float GetApproachRadius ()
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
bool GetClosestTargetOverride (FVector *attackPos, FVector *targetPos)
void ExportDino (APlayerController *ForPC)
void ServerUpdateAttackTargets_Implementation (AActor *AttackTarget, FVector AttackLocation)
void GetAttackTargets (AActor **attackActor, FVector *attackLoc)
void ServerRequestAttack_Implementation (int attackIndex)
void OnPrimalCharacterSleeped ()
void UnPossessed ()
FRotatorProcessRootRotAndLoc (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FVector *RootLocOffset, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, float CurrentAimBlending, FRotator *TargetAimRot, float *RootRot)
FRotatorGetAimOffsets (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
FRotatorGetAimOffsetsTransform (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FTransform *RootRotOffsetTransform, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
FRotatorGetCurrentAimOffsetsRotation (FRotator *result)
float GetRootYawSpeed (float DeltaTime)
void TempDampenInputAcceleration ()
bool ModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *InputAcceleration)
float GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
bool IsInTekShield ()
float GetSpeedModifier ()
TArray< AActor * > * GetDinoPlatformCollisionIgnoreActors (TArray< AActor * > *result)
float GetRotationRateModifier ()
bool IsFleeing ()
void FaceRotation (FRotator NewControlRotation, float DeltaTime, bool bFromController)
void MoveForward (float Val)
void MoveRight (float Val)
void MoveUp (float Val)
void TurnInput (float Val)
void SetCurrentAttackIndex (char index)
void ResetCurrentAttackIndex ()
int BPGetCurrentAttackIndex ()
bool GetCurrentAttackInfo (int *AttackIndex, FDinoAttackInfo *AttackInfo)
bool BPHasCurrentAttack ()
char GetWiegthedAttack (float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
void FireProjectileLocal (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
void DinoFireProjectileEx_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AShooterProjectile > ProjectileClass, FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage, bool bAddDinoVelocityToProjectile, float OverrideInitialSpeed, float OverrideMaxSpeed, float ExtraDirectDamageMultiplier, float ExtraExplosionDamageMultiplier, bool spawnOnOwningClient)
void FireMultipleProjectilesEx_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AShooterProjectile > ProjectileClass, TArray< FVector > *Locations, TArray< FVector > *Directions, bool bAddPawnVelocityToProjectile, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage, USceneComponent *HomingTarget, FVector HomingTargetOffset, float OverrideInitialSpeed)
void FireProjectile_Implementation (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
void ServerToClientsPlayAttackAnimation_Implementation (char AttackinfoIndex, char AnimationIndex, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, AActor *MyTarget)
bool IsCurrentAttackStopsMovement ()
void ServerRequestToggleFlight_Implementation ()
void CalcCapsuleHalfHeight ()
void ClientStartLanding_Implementation (FVector loc)
void StartLanding (FVector OverrideLandingLocation)
bool IsLandingOnDino (FVector *loc)
void ServerInterruptLanding_Implementation ()
void InterruptLanding ()
void ClientInterruptLanding_Implementation ()
void ServerFinishedLanding_Implementation ()
void FinishedLanding ()
void ClientShouldNotifyLanded_Implementation ()
FVectorGetLandingLocation (FVector *result)
bool CanFly ()
bool HasBuffPreventingFlight ()
bool HasBuffPreventingClearRiderOnDinoImmobilized ()
void SetFlight (bool bFly, bool bCancelForceLand)
void KeepFlight (float ForDuration)
void KeepFlightTimer ()
void DidLand ()
void AddFlyerTakeOffImpulse ()
void OnStartJump ()
void OnStopJump ()
void ServerRequestWaterSurfaceJump_Implementation ()
bool IsUpdatingComponentTransforms (USceneComponent *InSceneComponent)
bool UseLowQualityMovementTick ()
bool UseLowQualityAnimationTick ()
bool UseLowQualityBehaviorTreeTick ()
void UpdateNetDynamicMusic ()
bool CanTame (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTamedDinos)
void SetupTamed (bool bWasJustTamed)
void TameDino (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTameLimit, int OverrideTamingTeamID, bool bPreventNameDialog, bool bSkipAddingTamedLevels, bool bSuppressNotifications)
void SetCharacterStatusTameable (bool bSetTameable, bool bCreateInventory, bool keepInventoryForWakingTame)
void OnPrimalCharacterUnsleeped ()
bool IsValidForStatusUpdate ()
AActorGetOtherActorToIgnore ()
long double GetForceClaimTime ()
void UnclaimDino (bool bDestroyAI)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
bool SetTurretMode_Implementation (bool enabled)
void SetTurretModeMovementRestrictions (bool enabled)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void LinkedSupplyCrateDestroyed (APrimalStructureItemContainer_SupplyCrate *aCrate)
bool AllowNewEggAtLocation (FVector *AtLocation)
void SpawnEgg ()
float GetRunningSpeedModifier (bool bIsForDefaultSpeed)
void BeginPlay ()
void ForceRefreshTransform ()
void FlyerCheck ()
void AutoTame ()
void SetupColorization ()
void AssertColorNames ()
void ReassertColorization ()
TArray< unsigned char > * GetColorizationData (TArray< unsigned char > *result)
void SetColorizationData (TArray< unsigned char > *ColorData)
void ModifyFirstPersonCameraLocation (FVector *Loc, float DeltaTime)
void ServerRequestUseItemWithActor (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem, int AdditionalData)
void RefreshColorization (bool bForceRefresh)
bool CanTarget (ITargetableInterface *Victim)
int GetOriginalTargetingTeam ()
float GetTargetingDesirability (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
bool ShouldReplicateRotPitch ()
void NetUpdateDinoNameStrings_Implementation (FString *NewTamerString, FString *NewTamedName)
void ProcessEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, FString *TextToUse, bool checkedBox)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
void Destroyed ()
void DrawFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void DrawDinoFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, bool bDrawDinoOrderIcon)
bool IsNearFeed (AShooterPlayerState *ForPlayer)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut_Implementation ()
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
FStringGetDinoDescriptiveName (FString *result)
TArray< FString > * GetDetailedDescription (TArray< FString > *result, FString *IndentPrefix)
void ServerGiveDefaultWeapon_Implementation ()
void ServerCallFollow_Implementation ()
void ServerCallFollowOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallStay_Implementation ()
void ServerCallStayOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallFollowDistanceCycleOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallLandFlyerOne_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallAggressive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallSetAggressive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallNeutral_Implementation ()
void ServerCallPassive_Implementation ()
void ServerCallAttackTarget_Implementation (AActor *TheTarget)
void ServerCallMoveTo_Implementation (FVector MoveToLoc)
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
float GetCorpseLifespan ()
void UpdateMateBoost ()
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void SpawnDefaultController ()
bool AllowFallDamage (FHitResult *HitResult, float FallDamageAmount, bool CustomFallDamage)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void UpdateIK ()
bool AllowIKFreeze ()
void SetSleeping (bool bSleeping, bool bUseRagdollLocationOffset)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowPenetrationCheck (AActor *OtherActor)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
void LoadedFromSaveGame ()
float GetCorpseTargetingMultiplier ()
void UpdateStatusComponent (float DeltaSeconds)
void CaptureCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item)
void ApplyCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *To, FVector Offset, float MaxExtent, int Pose)
void TamedDinoUnstasisConsumeFood (long double ForceTimeSinceStasis)
AActorGetTamedFollowTarget ()
AActorGetTamedLandTarget ()
void ClearTamedLandTarget ()
void DinoKillerTransferItemsToInventory (UPrimalInventoryComponent *FromInventory)
bool FlyingUseHighQualityCollision ()
bool AllowWalkableSlopeOverride (UPrimitiveComponent *ForComponent)
float GetCarryingSocketYaw (bool RefreshBones)
void GetRidingCarryingIgnoreList (TArray< AActor * > *IgnoreList)
void SetCarryingDino (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino)
void ClearCarryingDino (bool bFromDino, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void UpdateCarriedLocationAndRotation (float DeltaSeconds)
bool CanBeCarried (APrimalCharacter *ByCarrier)
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
void SetMountCharacter (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter)
void StartForceSkelUpdate (float ForTime, bool bForceUpdateMesh, bool bServerOnly)
void ClearMountCharacter (bool bFromMountCharacter)
bool CanMount (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter)
void UpdateNextAllowedMatingTime (long double fromTime)
void SetNextAllowedMatingTime (long double nextAllowedMatingTime)
void InitDownloadedTamedDino (AShooterPlayerController *TamerController, int AltTeam)
void NetUpdateDinoOwnerData_Implementation (FString *NewOwningPlayerName, int NewOwningPlayerID)
bool RemoteInventoryAllowViewing (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool ForceAllowBackwardsMovement ()
bool CanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool IsTaming ()
void UpdateWakingTame (float DeltaTime)
void FedWakingTameDino_Implementation ()
void AddStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure, FVector RelLoc, FRotator RelRot, FName BoneName)
void RemoveStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure)
void InitializeInvisiableSaddle ()
int FindSaddleStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure)
void OnRep_Saddle ()
void RemoveSaddleAttachment (FItemNetID Id)
void ServerUploadCharacter (AShooterPlayerController *UploadedBy)
UAnimMontage * GetPoopAnimation (bool bForcePoop)
void EmitPoop ()
void CheckForWildAmbientHarvesting ()
void OverrideRandomWanderLocation_Implementation (FVector *originalDestination, FVector *inVec)
bool OverrideFinalWanderLocation_Implementation (FVector *outVec)
void BPForceReachedDestination ()
bool AllowEquippingItemType (EPrimalEquipmentType::Type equipmentType)
void OnPressProne ()
void OnReleaseProne ()
void OnPressReload ()
void OnPressCrouch ()
void OnReleaseCrouch ()
void DoDinoCrouch ()
void OnPressCrouchProneToggle ()
void OnReleaseCrouchProneToggle ()
void NotifyBumpedPawn (APawn *BumpedPawn)
void NotifyBumpedStructure (AActor *BumpedStructure)
void DoDeathHarvestingFadeOut ()
void StartRepair ()
void RepairCheckTimer ()
bool InitializeForReplicatedBasing ()
void AddBasedPawn (AActor *anPawn)
void RemoveBasedPawn (AActor *anPawn)
bool AllowMovementMode (EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char NewCustomMode)
void OnRep_bBonesHidden ()
void SetBabyAge (float TheAge)
void ApplyBoneModifiers (bool bForce, bool bForceOnDedicated)
void ApplyGestationBoneModifiers ()
float GetAttachedSoundPitchMultiplier ()
float GetAttachedSoundVolumeMultiplier ()
bool Poop (bool bForcePoop)
float GetBaseDragWeight ()
void ServerUpdateBabyAge (float overrideAgePercent)
void ServerUpdateGestation ()
float GetHealthPercentage ()
void UpdateMating ()
void DoMate (APrimalDinoCharacter *WithMate)
ADroppedItemCreateCloneFertilizedEgg (FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, TSubclassOf< ADroppedItem > DroppedItemTemplateOverride)
FVectorGetInterpolatedLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetDinoVelocity (FVector *result)
void UpdateGang ()
bool WantsPerFrameSkeletalAnimationTicking ()
bool BPIsTamed ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > * BlueprintOverrideHarvestDamageType_Implementation (TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *result, float *OutHarvestDamageMultiplier)
bool ShouldForceFlee ()
float GetGravityZScale ()
bool ForceAllowAccelerationRotationWhenFalling ()
bool ShouldDisableControllerDesiredRotation ()
bool AllowExtendedCraftingFunctionality ()
void ClearCharacterAIMovement ()
void UpdateTribeGroupRanks_Implementation (char NewTribeGroupPetOrderingRank, char NewTribeGroupPetRidingRank)
FVectorGetFloatingHUDLocation (FVector *result)
void WasPushed (ACharacter *ByOtherCharacter)
float GetAIFollowStoppingDistanceMultiplier ()
float GetAIFollowStoppingDistanceOffset ()
FVectorGetSocketLocationTemp (FVector *result, FName SocketName)
void SetMovementAccelerationVector (FVector fVector)
bool GetForceTickPose ()
bool PlayedAnimationHasAttack ()
bool BPGetAttackOfPlayedAnimation (FDinoAttackInfo *OutAttackInfo)
bool ShouldAttackOfPlayedAnimationStopMovement ()
void SetPreventSaving (bool fPreventSaving)
void SetStasisComponentRadius (float StasisOverrideRadius)
void UpdateImprintingDetailsForController (AShooterPlayerController *controller)
void UpdateImprintingDetails_Implementation (FString *NewImprinterName, unsigned __int64 NewImprinterPlayerDataID)
void UpdateImprintingQuality_Implementation (float NewImprintingQuality)
void UpdateBabyCuddling_Implementation (long double NewBabyNextCuddleTime, char NewBabyCuddleType, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NewBabyCuddleFood)
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > * GetBabyCuddleFood (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > *result)
void IncrementImprintingQuality ()
void AddedImprintingQuality_Implementation (float Amount)
bool AllowWakingTame_Implementation (APlayerController *ForPC)
float GetBaseTargetingDesire (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
bool BPAllowEquippingItemType_Implementation (EPrimalEquipmentType::Type equipmentType)
void UpdateUnstasisFlags ()
void UpdateStasisFlags ()
bool IsVehicle ()
void DestroyController ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void ResetTakingOff ()
void RemoveFromMeleeSwingHurtList (AActor *AnActor)
void FireMultipleProjectiles_Implementation (TArray< FVector > *Locations, TArray< FVector > *Directions, bool bScaleProjectileDamageByDinoDamage)
bool IsMissionDino ()
void CycleAttackWeightsForAttackAtIndex (int attackIndex)
void SetAnimWeightsForAttackAtIndex (int attackIndex, TArray< float > newWeights)
AShooterCharacterBPConsumeInventoryFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem, bool bConsumeEntireStack)
void AddDinoReferenceInLatchingStructure (APrimalStructure *Structure)
void RemoveDinoReferenceFromLatchingStructure ()
bool HasTarget ()
UPrimalItemGiveSaddle (TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > SaddleType, float Quality, float MinRandomQuality, bool bAutoEquip)
UPrimalItemGiveSaddleFromString (FString *BlueprintPath, float Quality, float MinRandomQuality, bool bAutoEquip)
void StartSurfaceCameraForPassengers (float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
void StartSurfaceCameraForPassenger (AShooterCharacter *Passenger, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, bool bInvertTurnInput)
TArray< APrimalCharacter * > * GetPassengers (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *result)
void GetPassengersAndSeatIndexes (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *Passengers, TArray< int > *Indexes)
int GetPassengersSeatIndex (APrimalCharacter *Passenger)
bool ShouldIgnoreMoveCombiningOverlap ()
bool AllowMountedWeaponry (bool bIgnoreCurrentWeapon, bool bWeaponForcesMountedWeaponry)
void ModifyDesiredRotation (FRotator *InDesiredRotation)
void GiveDeathDossier ()
void ServerSetRiderMountedWeaponRotation_Implementation (FRotator InVal)
void DoNeuter_Implementation ()
float BPModifyHarvestingQuantity_Implementation (float originalQuantity, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > resourceSelected)
float BPModifyHarvestDamage_Implementation (UPrimalHarvestingComponent *harvestComponent, float inDamage)
bool OverrideForcePreventExitingWater ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveGetAttachedExplosive ()
void OnStopTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
void SetDynamicMusic (USoundBase *newMusic)
FLinearColorGetDinoColor (FLinearColor *result, int ColorRegionIndex)
FLinearColorGetColorForColorizationRegion (FLinearColor *result, int ColorRegionIndex, int ColorIndexOverride)
bool SpecialActorWantsPerFrameTicking ()
int IsActorTickAllowed ()
void IncrementNumTamedDinos ()
UAnimMontage * GetDinoLevelUpAnimation_Implementation ()
bool ShouldStillAllowRequestedMoveAcceleration ()
bool AreSpawnerSublevelsLoaded ()
void SetLastMovementDesiredRotation (FRotator *InRotation)
USoundBase * GetDinoTameSound_Implementation ()
bool AllowTickPhysics ()
void CheckForTamedFoodConsumption (int Steps)
long double GetDinoDeathTime ()
bool ShouldIgnoreHitResult (UWorld *InWorld, FHitResult *TestHit, FVector *MovementDirDenormalized)
bool WalkingAllowCheckFloor (FVector *DeltaWalk)
bool WalkingAllowCheckFall (FVector *DeltaWalk)
float GetGestationTimeRemaining ()
int GetTamedDinoCountCost ()
void ClearAllSaddleStructures ()
bool IsReadyToUpload (UWorld *theWorld)
void ImprintOnPlayerTarget (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC, bool bIgnoreMaxTameLimit)
bool IsImprintPlayer (AShooterCharacter *ForChar)
void SetImprintPlayer (AShooterCharacter *ForChar)
void BPNotifyNameEditText (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
void SetRidingDinoAsPassenger (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, FSaddlePassengerSeatDefinition *SeatDefinition)
void ClearRidingDinoAsPassenger (bool bFromDino)
APrimalCharacterGetPassengerPerSeat (int SeatIndex)
void SetLastAttackTimeForAttack (int AttackIndex, long double NewTime)
int GetSeatIndexForPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar)
bool IsPrimalCharFriendly (APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
void PrepareForSaving ()
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
void RefreshBabyScaling ()
FStringGetDebugInfoString (FString *result)
void GetDinoIDs (int *OutDinoID1, int *OutDinoID2)
void GetDinoIDsAsStrings (FString *OutDinoID1, FString *OutDinoID2)
bool IsDeprecated ()
void DeferredDeprecationCheck ()
bool IsActiveEventDino ()
bool GetAllAttachedCharsInternal (TSet< APrimalCharacter *, DefaultKeyFuncs< APrimalCharacter *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocator > *AttachedChars, APrimalCharacter *OriginalChar, const bool bIncludeBased, const bool bIncludePassengers, const bool bIncludeCarried)
bool ShouldForceDedicatedMovementTickEveryFrame ()
bool ShouldShowDinoTooltip (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void OverrideBasedCharactersCameraInterpSpeed (APrimalCharacter *ForBasedChar, const float DefaultTPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, const float DefaultTPVOffsetInterpSpeed, float *TPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, float *TPVOffsetInterpSpeed)
bool ShouldDisableBasedCharactersCameraInterpolation (APrimalCharacter *ForBasedChar)
bool CanDinoAttackTargetsWithoutRider ()
void ClearControlInputVector ()
void CopyPaintingComponentFrom (APrimalDinoCharacter *Other)
void PerformanceThrottledTick_Implementation ()
void OnVersionChange (bool *doDestroy)
bool BPIsValidUnStasisCaster ()
void AddedImprintingQuality (float Amount)
bool AllowWakingTame (APlayerController *ForPC)
void AnimNotifyMountedDino ()
float BlueprintAdjustOutputDamage (int AttackIndex, float OriginalDamageAmount, AActor *HitActor, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *OutDamageType, float *OutDamageImpulse)
bool BlueprintCanAttack (int AttackIndex, float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
bool BlueprintCanRiderAttack (int AttackIndex)
void BlueprintDrawFloatingHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD, float CenterX, float CenterY, float DrawScale)
float BlueprintExtraBabyScaling ()
float BlueprintGetAttackWeight (int AttackIndex, float inputWeight, float distance, float attackRangeOffset, AActor *OtherTarget)
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > * BlueprintOverrideHarvestDamageType (TSubclassOf< UDamageType > *result, float *OutHarvestDamageMultiplier)
bool BlueprintOverrideWantsToRun (bool bInputWantsToRun)
void BlueprintPlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void BlueprintTamedTick ()
bool BP_AllowWalkableSlopeOverride (UPrimitiveComponent *ForComponent)
bool BP_CanFly ()
float BP_GetCustomModifier_MaxSpeed ()
float BP_GetCustomModifier_RotationRate ()
bool BP_InterceptMoveForward (float axisValue)
bool BP_InterceptMoveRight (float axisValue)
bool BP_InterceptTurnInput (float axisValue)
void BP_OnBasedPawnAddedNotify (AActor *AddedActor)
void BP_OnBasedPawnRemovedNotify (AActor *RemovedActor)
void BP_OnLandingInterruptedNotify ()
void BP_OnPostNetReplication (FVector ReplicatedLoc, FRotator ReplicatedRot)
void BP_OnRiderChangeWeapons (AShooterCharacter *theRider, UPrimalItem *newWeapon)
void BP_OnStartLandFailed (int ReasonIndex)
void BP_OnStartLandingNotify ()
void BP_OnTamedOrderReceived (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget, bool orderNotExecuted)
void BP_OnTargetedByTamedOrder (APrimalCharacter *OrderingCharacter, APrimalDinoCharacter *AttackingDino, bool bForced)
void BP_OverrideBasedCharactersCameraInterpSpeed (APrimalCharacter *ForBasedChar, const float DefaultTPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, const float DefaultTPVOffsetInterpSpeed, float *TPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, float *TPVOffsetInterpSpeed)
bool BP_OverrideCarriedCharacterTransform (APrimalCharacter *ForCarriedChar)
FStringBP_OverrideDinoName (FString *result, FString *CurrentDinoName, APlayerController *ForPC)
FHitResultBP_OverrideRiderCameraCollisionSweep (FHitResult *result, FVector *SweepStart, FVector *SweepEnd)
bool BP_PreventCarrying ()
bool BP_PreventCarryingByCharacter (APrimalCharacter *ByCarrier)
bool BP_ShouldDisableBasedCharactersCameraInterpolation (APrimalCharacter *ForBasedChar)
int BPAdjustAttackIndex (int attackIndex)
bool BPAllowCarryCharacter (APrimalCharacter *checkCharacter)
bool BPAllowClaiming (AShooterPlayerController *forPlayer)
bool BPAllowEquippingItemType (EPrimalEquipmentType::Type equipmentType)
void BPBecomeAdult ()
void BPBecomeBaby ()
bool BPCanAutodrag (APrimalCharacter *characterToDrag)
bool BPCanCryo (AShooterPlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPCanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool BPCanIgnoreImmobilizationTrap (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > TrapClass, bool bForceTrigger)
bool BPCanMountOnCharacter (APrimalCharacter *character)
bool BPCanTakePassenger (APrimalCharacter *Character, int PassengerSeatIndex, bool bForcePassenger, bool bAllowFlyersAndWaterDinos)
bool BPCanTargetCorpse ()
FVectorBPChargingModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *result, FVector inputAcceleration)
float BPClampMaxHarvestHealth ()
bool BPDesiredRotationIsLocalSpace ()
void BPDidClearCarriedCharacter (APrimalCharacter *PreviousCarriedCharacter)
void BPDidSetCarriedCharacter (APrimalCharacter *PreviousCarriedCharacter)
void BPDinoARKDownloadedBegin ()
void BPDinoARKDownloadedEnd ()
void BPDinoPostBeginPlay ()
void BPDinoPrepareForARKUploading ()
bool BPDinoTooltipCustomTamingProgressBar (bool *overrideTamingProgressBarIfActive, float *progressPercent, FString *Label)
bool BPDinoTooltipCustomTorpidityProgressBar (bool *overrideTorpidityProgressBarIfActive, float *progressPercent, FString *Label)
bool BPDisplayTamedMessage ()
void BPDoAttack (int AttackIndex)
void BPDoHarvestAttack (int harvestIndex)
void BPDrawToRiderHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void BPFedWakingTameEvent (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool BPForceTurretFastTargeting ()
float BPGetCrosshairAlpha ()
FLinearColorBPGetCrosshairColor (FLinearColor *result)
void BPGetCrosshairLocation (float CanvasClipX, float CanvasClipY, float *OutX, float *OutY)
FNameBPGetDragSocketDinoName (FName *result, APrimalDinoCharacter *aGrabbedDino)
FNameBPGetDragSocketName (FName *result, APrimalCharacter *DraggingChar)
FVectorBPGetHealthBarColor (FVector *result)
FNameBPGetLookOffsetSocketName (FName *result, APrimalCharacter *ForPrimalChar)
FNameBPGetRiderSocket (FName *result)
FVectorBPGetRiderUnboardDirection (FVector *result, APrimalCharacter *RidingCharacter)
FVectorBPGetRiderUnboardLocation (FVector *result, APrimalCharacter *RidingCharacter)
bool BPHandleControllerInitiatedAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool BPHandleOnStopFire ()
bool BPHandleOnStopTargeting ()
bool BPHandleUseButtonPress (AShooterPlayerController *RiderController)
bool BPIsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
void BPKilledSomethingEvent (APrimalCharacter *killedTarget)
FRotatorBPModifyAimOffsetNoTarget (FRotator *result, FRotator *Aim)
FVectorBPModifyAimOffsetTargetLocation (FVector *result, FVector *AimTargetLocation)
bool BPModifyDesiredRotation (FRotator *InDesiredRotation, FRotator *OutDesiredRotation)
float BPModifyHarvestingQuantity (float originalQuantity, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > resourceSelected)
void BPModifyHarvestingWeightsArray (TArray< float > *resourceWeightsIn, TArray< UPrimalItem * > *resourceItems, TArray< float > *resourceWeightsOut)
void BPNotifyAddPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar, int SeatIndex)
void BPNotifyBabyAgeIncrement (float PreviousAge, float NewAge)
void BPNotifyCarriedDinoBabyAgeIncrement (APrimalDinoCharacter *AgingCarriedDino, float PreviousAge, float NewAge)
void BPNotifyClaimed ()
void BPNotifyClearPassenger (APrimalCharacter *PassengerChar, int SeatIndex)
void BPNotifyClearRider (AShooterCharacter *RiderClearing)
void BPNotifyIfPassengerLaunchShoulderMount (APrimalCharacter *launchedCharacter)
void BPNotifyMateBoostChanged ()
void BPNotifySetRider (AShooterCharacter *RiderSetting)
void BPNotifyStructurePlacedNearby (APrimalStructure *NewStructure)
void BPNotifyWildHarvestAttack (int harvestIndex)
void BPOnClearMountedDino ()
void BPOnDinoCheat (FName CheatName, bool bSetValue, float Value)
void BPOnDinoStartled (UAnimMontage *StartledAnimPlayed, bool bFromAIController)
void BPOnEndCharging ()
void BPOnRefreshColorization (TArray< FLinearColor > *Colors)
void BPOnRepIsCharging ()
void BPOnSetFlight (bool bFly)
void BPOnSetMountedDino ()
bool BPOnStartJump ()
bool BPOnStopJump ()
void BPOnTamedProcessOrder (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget, bool orderNotExecuted)
void BPOrderedMoveToLoc (FVector *DestLoc)
FVectorBPOverrideFloatingHUDLocation (FVector *result)
int BPOverrideGetAttackAnimationIndex (int AttackIndex, TArray< UAnimMontage * > *AnimationArray)
float BPOverrideHealthBarOffset (APlayerController *forPC)
bool BPOverrideMoveToOrder (FVector MoveToLocation, AShooterCharacter *OrderingPlayer)
FStringBPOverrideTamingDescriptionLabel (FString *result, FSlateColor *TextColor)
bool BPPreventOrderAllowed (APrimalCharacter *FromCharacter, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, bool bForce, AActor *enemyTarget, bool orderNotExecuted)
bool BPPreventRiding (AShooterCharacter *byPawn, bool bDontCheckDistance)
void BPSentKilledNotification (AShooterPlayerController *ToPC)
void BPSetupTamed (bool bWasJustTamed)
bool BPShouldCancelDoAttack (int AttackIndex)
bool BPShouldForceFlee ()
bool BPShowTamingPanel (bool currentVisibility)
void BPTamedConsumeFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
void BPUnsetupDinoTameable ()
float BPUnstasisConsumeFood (float FoodNeeded)
void BPUntamedConsumeFoodItem (UPrimalItem *foodItem)
void BSetupDinoTameable ()
void ClientInterruptLanding ()
void ClientShouldNotifyLanded ()
void ClientStartLanding (FVector landingLoc)
void DinoFireProjectileEx (TSubclassOf< AShooterProjectile > ProjectileClass, FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage, bool bAddDinoVelocityToProjectile, float OverrideInitialSpeed, float OverrideMaxSpeed, float ExtraDirectDamageMultiplier, float ExtraExplosionDamageMultiplier, bool spawnOnOwningClient)
void DinoShoulderMountedLaunch (FVector launchDir, AShooterCharacter *throwingCharacter)
void DoNeuter ()
float DoOverrideMountedAirControl (float AirControlIn)
void FedWakingTameDino ()
void FireMultipleProjectiles (TArray< FVector > *Locations, TArray< FVector > *Directions, bool bScaleProjectileDamageByDinoDamage)
void FireProjectile (FVector Origin, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ShootDir, bool bScaleProjDamageByDinoDamage)
void ForceUpdateColorSets (int ColorRegion, int ColorSet)
UAnimMontage * GetDinoLevelUpAnimation ()
USoundBase * GetDinoTameSound ()
FNameGetSocketForMeleeTraceForHitBlockers (FName *result, int AttackIndex)
void HandleMountedDinoAction (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
bool InterceptMountedOnPlayerEmoteAnim (UAnimMontage *EmoteAnim)
bool InterceptRiderEmoteAnim (UAnimMontage *EmoteAnim)
void InterruptLatching ()
void NetUpdateDinoNameStrings (FString *NewTamerString, FString *NewTamedName)
void NetUpdateDinoOwnerData (FString *NewOwningPlayerName, int NewOwningPlayerID)
void OnUpdateMountedDinoMeshHiding (bool bshouldBeVisible)
bool OverrideFinalWanderLocation (FVector *outVec)
void OverrideRandomWanderLocation (FVector *originalDestination, FVector *inVec)
void PlayHardEndChargingShake ()
void RidingTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void ServerClearRider (int OverrideUnboardDirection)
void ServerFinishedLanding ()
void ServerInterruptLanding ()
void ServerRequestAttack (int attackIndex)
void ServerRequestBraking (bool bWantsToBrake)
void ServerRequestToggleFlight ()
void ServerRequestWaterSurfaceJump ()
void ServerSetRiderMountedWeaponRotation (FRotator InVal)
void ServerToClientsPlayAttackAnimation (char AttackinfoIndex, char animationIndex, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, AActor *MyTarget)
void ServerToggleCharging ()
void ServerUpdateAttackTargets (AActor *AttackTarget, FVector AttackLocation)
bool SetTurretMode (bool enabled)
void UpdateBabyCuddling (long double NewBabyNextCuddleTime, char NewBabyCuddleType, TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > NewBabyCuddleFood)
void UpdateImprintingDetails (FString *NewImprinterName, unsigned __int64 NewImprinterPlayerDataID)
void UpdateImprintingQuality (float NewImprintingQuality)
void UpdateTribeGroupRanks (char NewTribeGroupPetOrderingRank, char NewTribeGroupPetRidingRank)
void GetDinoData (FARKDinoData *OutDinoData)
FStringGetColorSetInidcesAsString (FString *result)
TArray< FName > * GetColorSetNamesAsArray (TArray< FName > *result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalCharacter
TSubclassOf< UPrimalHarvestingComponent > & DeathHarvestingComponentField ()
UPrimalHarvestingComponentMyDeathHarvestingComponentField ()
FVectorOldLocationField ()
FRotatorOldRotationField ()
float & EffectorInterpSpeedField ()
float & HalfLegLengthField ()
float & TwoLeggedVirtualPointDistFactorField ()
float & FullIKDistanceField ()
float & SimpleIkRateField ()
FVectorGroundCheckExtentField ()
long double & LastForceAimedCharactersTimeField ()
long double & ForceFootCacheUntilTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * JumpAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * LandedAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * HurtAnimField ()
USoundCue * HurtSoundField ()
FNameRootBodyBoneNameField ()
TArray< APrimalBuff * > BuffsField ()
TArray< APrimalBuff * > SeamlessTravelBuffsField ()
EWeaponAttackInput::TypeLastShieldBlockingInputPressedField ()
EWeaponAttackInput::TypeLastInputPressedField ()
long double & LastTimePressedInputField ()
float & currentStaggeringTimeField ()
long double & lastTimeStaggeredField ()
FPrimalCharacterNotifyAttackStarted & NotifyAttackStartedField ()
FPrimalCharacterNotifyAttackEnded & NotifyAttackEndedField ()
FStringTribeNameField ()
float & WaterSubmergedDepthThresholdField ()
float & ProneWaterSubmergedDepthThresholdField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMovementMode > & SubmergedWaterMovementModeField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMovementMode > & UnSubmergedWaterMovementModeField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PoopItemClassField ()
FNameDragBoneNameField ()
FNameDragSocketNameField ()
float & MaxDragDistanceField ()
float & MaxDragDistanceTimeoutField ()
TArray< FName > & BonesToIngoreWhileDraggedField ()
float & PreviewCameraMaxZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraDefaultZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraDistanceScaleFactorField ()
USoundBase * StartDraggedSoundField ()
USoundBase * EndDraggedSoundField ()
APrimalCharacterDraggedCharacterField ()
APrimalCharacterDraggingCharacterField ()
FTransformLocalDraggedCharacterTransformField ()
long double & StartDraggingTimeField ()
long double & LastDragUpdateTimeField ()
AActorImmobilizationActorField ()
int & CurrentFrameAnimPreventInputField ()
float & BPTimerServerMinField ()
float & BPTimerServerMaxField ()
float & BPTimerNonDedicatedMinField ()
float & BPTimerNonDedicatedMaxField ()
long double & NextBPTimerServerField ()
long double & NextBPTimerNonDedicatedField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ImmobilizationTrapsToIgnoreField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & CarryingDinoField ()
FNameDediOverrideCapsuleCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameDediOverrideMeshCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameSnaredFromSocketField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & DeathDestructionDepositInventoryClassField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroMultiplierField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeFalloffField ()
float & ReplicatedCurrentHealthField ()
float & ReplicatedMaxHealthField ()
float & ReplicatedCurrentTorporField ()
float & ReplicatedMaxTorporField ()
FVectorDragOffsetField ()
AShooterCharacterLastGrapHookPullingOwnerField ()
long double & LastIkUpdateTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedAimOffsetsTimeField ()
FVectorMeshPreRagdollRelativeLocationField ()
FRotatorMeshPreRagdollRelativeRotationField ()
int & DraggingBodyIndexField ()
int & DraggedBoneIndexField ()
int & customBitFlagsField ()
float & RunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & LowHealthPercentageField ()
float & BaseTurnRateField ()
float & BaseLookUpRateField ()
UAnimMontage * DeathAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * DeathAnimFromBackField ()
USoundCue * DeathSoundField ()
USoundCue * RunLoopSoundField ()
USoundCue * RunStopSoundField ()
TArray< USoundCue * > FootStepSoundsPhysMatField ()
TArray< USoundCue * > LandedSoundsPhysMatField ()
FNameMeshRootSocketNameField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UAudioComponent > & LastVoiceAudioComponentField ()
float & MaxFallSpeedField ()
float & FallDamageMultiplierField ()
UAudioComponent * RunLoopACField ()
float & CurrentCarriedYawField ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS * CurrentTransponderField ()
float & TargetCarriedYawField ()
float & ServerTargetCarriedYawField ()
USoundBase * NetDynamicMusicSoundField ()
int & ServerLastFrameCounterChangeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & MountedDinoField ()
float & MountedDinoTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & PreviousMountedDinoField ()
FVectorLastForceFallCheckBaseLocationField ()
FVectorLastHitWallSweepCheckLocationField ()
long double & LastTimeBasedMovementHadCurrentActorField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & LastBasedMovementActorRefField ()
float & GrabWeightThresholdField ()
float & DragWeightField ()
UStaticMeshBolaStaticMeshOverrideField ()
FStringDescriptiveNameField ()
TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > & ReplicatedRagdollPositionsField ()
TArray< FRotator_NetQuantize > & ReplicatedRagdollRotationsField ()
TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > & LastReplicatedRagdollPositionsField ()
TArray< FRotator_NetQuantize > & LastReplicatedRagdollRotationsField ()
FRotatorReplicatedRootRotationField ()
TArray< int > & ReplicatedBonesIndiciesField ()
float & KillXPBaseField ()
TArray< FName > & ReplicatedBonesField ()
float & RagdollReplicationIntervalField ()
float & ClientRotationInterpSpeedField ()
float & ClientLocationInterpSpeedField ()
float & MaxDragMovementSpeedField ()
FRotatorCurrentAimRotField ()
FVectorCurrentRootLocField ()
int & LastYawSpeedWorldFrameCounterField ()
FNameMeshPreRagdollCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameCapsulePreRagdollCollisionProfileNameField ()
UPrimalCharacterStatusComponentMyCharacterStatusComponentField ()
UPrimalInventoryComponentMyInventoryComponentField ()
long double & LastRunningTimeField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOffsetField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOffsetMultiplierField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOrgOffsetField ()
float & LandedSoundMaxRangeField ()
float & FallingDamageHealthScaleBaseField ()
float & FootstepsMaxRangeField ()
float & MinTimeBetweenFootstepsField ()
long double & LastPlayedFootstepTimeField ()
float & MinTimeBetweenFootstepsRunningField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > AnimationsPreventInputField ()
long double & LastNetDidLandField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AController > & LastDamageEventInstigatorField ()
int & CachedNumberOfClientRagdollCorrectionAttemptsField ()
int & NumberOfClientRagdollCorrectionAttemptsField ()
float & ServerForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
float & ClientForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
float & NonRelevantServerForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
FSeamlessIslandInfoMyIslandInfoField ()
UAnimMontage * PoopAnimationField ()
long double & CorpseDestructionTimeField ()
float & CorpseLifespanField ()
float & TPVStructurePlacingHeightMultiplierField ()
float & CorpseFadeAwayTimeField ()
float & RagdollDeathImpulseScalerField ()
USoundCue * PoopSoundField ()
float & BaseTargetingDesirabilityField ()
float & DeadBaseTargetingDesirabilityField ()
FRotatorOrbitCamRotField ()
float & OrbitCamZoomField ()
FVectorLastSubmergedCheckLocField ()
long double & LastTimeNotInFallingField ()
float & MaxCursorHUDDistanceField ()
float & AddForwardVelocityOnJumpField ()
FVectorDeathActorTargetingOffsetField ()
FNameSocketOverrideTargetingLocationField ()
FDamageEventCurrentDamageEventField ()
FVectorLastApproximatePhysVolumeLocationField ()
long double & LastTimeSubmergedField ()
EPhysicalSurfaceLastFootPhysicalSurfaceTypeField ()
long double & LastFootPhysicalSurfaceCheckTimeField ()
float & FootPhysicalSurfaceCheckIntervalField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & LastHurtByNearbyPlayerField ()
float & LastHurtByNearbyPlayerTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & LastAttackedNearbyPlayerField ()
float & LastAttackedNearbyPlayerTimeField ()
long double & LastStartFallingRagdollTimeField ()
FVectorRagdollLastFrameLinearVelocityField ()
float & RagdollImpactDamageVelocityScaleField ()
float & RagdollImpactDamageMinDecelerationSpeedField ()
float & StartFallingImpactRagdollTimeIntervalField ()
long double & LastUnstasisTimeField ()
FVectorPreviousRagdollLocationField ()
int & RagdollPenetrationFailuresField ()
long double & NextBlinkTimeField ()
long double & BlinkTimerField ()
long double & LastInSwimmingSoundTimeField ()
USoundCue * EnteredSwimmingSoundField ()
USoundCue * EnteredSleepingSoundField ()
USoundCue * LeftSleepingSoundField ()
long double & LastRelevantToPlayerTimeField ()
long double & MeshStopForceUpdatingAtTimeField ()
long double & LastWalkingTimeField ()
long double & LastSpecialDamageTimeField ()
float & CorpseDraggedDecayRateField ()
float & PoopAltItemChanceField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PoopAltItemClassField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & DefaultBuffsField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & PossessionBuffsField ()
UTexture2DPoopIconField ()
float & RunningMaxDesiredRotDeltaField ()
long double & CorpseDestructionTimerField ()
float & OriginalCorpseLifespanField ()
float & CorpseHarvestFadeTimeField ()
FVectorCurrentLocalRootLocField ()
float & RootYawField ()
long double & LastTimeInSwimmingField ()
long double & LastListenRangePushTimeField ()
float & LastDamageAmountMaterialValueField ()
float & BuffedDamageMultField ()
float & BuffedResistanceMultField ()
float & ExtraMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & TamedDinoCallOutRangeField ()
long double & LastMyRaftTakeDamageFromEnemyTimeField ()
long double & LastBumpedDamageTimeField ()
FVectorTargetPathfindingLocationOffsetField ()
long double & LastTookDamageTimeField ()
float & ExtraReceiveDamageMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraMeleeDamageMultiplierField ()
float & LastFallingZField ()
int & NumFallZFailsField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & CharactersGrappledToMeField ()
float & DamageTheMeleeDamageCauserPercentField ()
float & DurabilityDegrateTheMeleeDamageCauserPercentField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & DamageTheMeleeDamageCauserDamageTypeField ()
char & TribeGroupInventoryRankField ()
float & ReplicatedMaxInventoryWeightField ()
float & CharacterDamageImpulseMultiplierField ()
float & DefendingInterruptLevelMultiplierField ()
long double & ForceCheckPushThroughWallsTimeField ()
long double & LastStartedBasingOnRaftTimeField ()
long double & LastStoppedEatAnimationTimeField ()
float & ClientRotationInterpSpeedMultiplierGroundField ()
float & GlideGravityScaleMultiplierField ()
float & GlideMaxCarriedWeightField ()
UAnimMontage * lastPlayedMountAnimField ()
float & ScaleDeathHarvestHealthyByMaxHealthBaseField ()
long double & LastForceMeshRefreshBonesTimeField ()
long double & LastStartedBeingCarriedTimeField ()
float & RunMinVelocityRotDotField ()
long double & LastHitDamageTimeField ()
long double & LastLocalHitMarkerTimeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & PreventBuffClassesField ()
long double & DisableUnBasingUntilField ()
long double & TimeStartedTargetingField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & RidingDinoField ()
FNameWeaponAttachPointField ()
float & TargetingTimeField ()
float & RecentHurtAmountField ()
long double & LocalLastHurtTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * ShieldCoverAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * ShieldCrouchedCoverAnimField ()
UAnimSequence * DefaultShieldAnimationField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructureSeating > & SeatingStructureField ()
float & SeatedOnShipDrawDistanceMultiplierField ()
int & SeatingStructureSeatNumberField ()
long double & LastReleaseSeatingStructureTimeField ()
AShooterWeaponCurrentWeaponField ()
long double & StartedRidingTimeField ()
long double & StopRidingTimeField ()
long double & LocalLastViewingInventoryTimeField ()
TArray< TEnumAsByte< enum EWeaponAttackInput::Type > > & ShieldCoverInputsField ()
long double & TimeForNextValidShieldRaiseInField ()
long double & TimeForNextValidShieldRaiseOutField ()
float & Teleport_OntoRaft_CheckRadiusField ()
float & Teleport_OntoRaft_TraceIntervalDistOverrideField ()
int & Teleport_OntoRaft_MaxTraceCountField ()
float & Teleport_OntoRaft_AllowedTopDeckZDistField ()
TSubclassOf< AShooterWeapon > & DefaultWeaponField ()
FNamePreviousAwakeCollisionProfileNameField ()
UAnimSequence * DefaultSeatingAnimationField ()
float & ServerSeatedViewRotationYawField ()
float & ServerSeatedViewRotationPitchField ()
FNamePreAttachToSeatingStructureCollisionProfileNameField ()
UAnimMontage * FireBallistaAnimationField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UPrimitiveComponent > & LastMovementBaseField ()
float & StartWaveLockingThresholdField ()
long double & LastBasedOnRaftTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & LastBasedOnRaftField ()
FVectorMeleeLockOnPointOffsetField ()
TArray< FAssetMatcher > & DamageTypeHurtAnimOverridesField ()
float & LastBasedOnRaftOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ()
long double & NextRefreshedIslandInfoTimeField ()
FVector2DLastRefreshedIslandInfoLocField ()
float & LevelForMaxAIDifficultyField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMovementMode > & LastServerMovementModeField ()
FNameWeaponAttachPointSecondaryField ()
FItemNetIDNextWeaponItemIDSecondaryField ()
FItemNetIDNextWeaponItemIDPrimaryField ()
long double & CharacterDiedAtTimeField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > & PostFeatStaminaRecoveryCooldownDebuffField ()
float & CannonReloadMultiplierField ()
TArray< UClass * > WeaponBreakClassesField ()
TArray< float > & WeaponBreakLifesField ()
FNameNonDediOverrideMeshCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameNonDediOverrideCapsuleCollisionProfileNameField ()
bool & bIgnoreSimulatedRotationField ()
float & SimulatedInterLocSpeedField ()
FVectorSimulatedInterpToLocField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintJumpInputEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsStaggering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHitStaggering ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHoldingAltInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bShieldCoverRequiresAltInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsToRaiseShield ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsToLowerShield ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanForceSkelUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoresMeleeStagger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsToRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActiveRunToggle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBeingDragged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableSpawnDefaultController ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDragging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingWithGrapHook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeathKeepCapsuleCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRemoteRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHealthDamageMaterialOverlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBlinking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepedWaterRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeTorpid ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAlwaysUpdateMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollIgnoresPawnCapsules ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePoopAnimationNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBigDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeathUseRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeCarried ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRecentlyUpdateIk ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIKEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarried ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarriedAsPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIKOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllImmobilizationTraps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceTriggerIgnoredTraps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsImmobilized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanIgnoreWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > ReplicateAllBones ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AutoStopReplicationWhenSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanDrag ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDragged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesRunningAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetDidLand ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSimpleIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowRunningWhileFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOrbitCamera ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientSetCurrentAimRot ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePawnTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTicksOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingRunSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRespawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCurrentFrameAnimPreventInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDraggedFromExtremitiesOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyPlayPoopAnimWhileWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintAnimNotifyCustomEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoDamageImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventImmobilization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAirJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingUseRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDediForceUnregisterSKMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReadyToPoop ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasDynamicBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBeingDraggedByDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingDinoStopped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMissingDynamicBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientRagdollUpdateTimerEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDieIfLeftWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAmphibious ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAmphibiousTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWaterDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlyerDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreTargetingCarnivores ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAimGettingCharacterMeshRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRunningCheckIgnoreVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPlayingLowHealthAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCharacterPainting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickStatusComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateDamageMomentum ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontActuallyEmitPoop ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPHUDOverideBuffProgressBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRunningWhileSwimming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyBumpedByPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyBumpedPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTimerServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTimerNonDedicated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTargetingByTurrets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDelayFootstepsUnderMinInterval ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingDisableIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollRetainAnimations ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAddedAttachments ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanPlayLandingAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyHasRunningAnimationWhenWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsReflectingDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTargetingAndMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWhistleTargetingDown ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreventInputType ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventAllInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAllBuffs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > LastIsInsideVaccumSealedCube ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHeavyCombatMusic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMarkForDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPModifyAllowedViewHitDir ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPLimitPlayerRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPManagedFPVViewLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPCameraRotationFinal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAtMaxInventoryItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsReplicatedRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasAllBodiesSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsNPC ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > LastCheckedSubmergedFull ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowFullSubmergedCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollWasInWaterVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBuffed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingWithOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggedWithOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRunningWhileWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanLandOnWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustMoveForward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetGravity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageWhenMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnMovementModeChangedNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnAnimPlayedNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterNewFallVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnSetRunningEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceTurretFastTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyingOrWaterDinoPreventBackwardsRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingDisableRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasisWhenDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLiveBlinking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreSeatingDetachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAlwaysUpdateMeshAndCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventHurtAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoPhysics ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsViewingInventory ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bViewingInventory ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTargetingParry ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseWeaponAdjustDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHoldingPrimaryFire ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsHoldingSecondaryFire ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanStagger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDidDie ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLockedToSeatingStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanUseWeapon ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRiding ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsOnSeatingStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCacheRidingDinoWeapon ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasLocallyControlled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsControllingBallista ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBallistaAimOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsClimbing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanSitOnStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFirstTicked ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingShieldCoverAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingShieldCoverAnimationForCrouch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnWeaponEquipped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDefaultHurtFX ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsEnemyAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseMeleeDamageMultiplierForProjectiles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesDiedFromBack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDiedFromBack ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugAI_ShipTeleporting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTeleportingOntoRafts ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowTeleportingOntoEnemyRafts ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugAI_ShipMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreviousInCombatState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseRecentHurtAmount ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUsingShipReducedCharacterDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUsingShipReducedCharacterDrawDistance_Seating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsUsingShipReducedCharacterDrawDistance_Based ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceDefaultHurtFXAndUseDmgTypeSound ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceTargetableInterface ()
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowColoringBy (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem)
bool AllowFirstPerson ()
bool AllowHurtAnimation ()
bool AllowSaving ()
FVectorAnimGraphGetInterpolatedLocation (FVector *result)
bool AnimationPreventsInput (bool bTestingForFirstPerson)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void AttachGPSTransponder (APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS *Transponder)
AActorBPGetAimedActor (FHitResult *outHitResult, ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel, float MaxDistanceOverride, float CheckRadius, bool bForceUseCameraLocation, bool bForceUpdateAimedActors)
bool BPIsBasedOnDynamicActor ()
bool IsGameInputAllowed ()
bool BPIsGameplayInputAllowed (bool bCheckForFullBodyAnimations, UAnimMontage *IgnoreFullBodyMontage)
float BPModifyFOV_Implementation (float FOVIn)
void BPNetAddCharacterMovementImpulse (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
void BPNetSetCharacterMovementVelocity (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
float BP_GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
void BeginPlay ()
void BlueprintIsSwitchingWeapons (bool *bIsSwitchingWeapons, bool *bIsUnequipping)
bool CanBaseOnActorWhileSwimming (AActor *BaseActor, FHitResult *HitInfo)
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
bool CanBeCarried (APrimalCharacter *ByCarrier)
bool CanBeDragged ()
bool CanBePainted ()
bool CanBeTargetedBy (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
bool CanDodgeInternal ()
bool CanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool CanHitStagger ()
bool CanIgnoreImmobilizationTrap (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > TrapClass, bool *bForceTrigger)
bool CanJumpInternal_Implementation ()
bool CanMountOnMe (APrimalDinoCharacter *dinoCharacter)
bool CanMove ()
bool CanSetShieldState (bool bLowerShield)
bool CanTeleportOntoClosestValidRaft (APlayerController *ForPC, FVector *FoundLocation)
bool CanTeleportOntoRaft (APrimalRaft *OnRaft, APlayerController *ForPC)
void CaptureCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void ChangeAnimBlueprintIfNeeded ()
bool CharacterIsCarriedAsPassenger ()
void CheckBlockingAndAdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void CheckJumpInput (float DeltaTime)
void CheckJumpOutOfWater ()
void CheckRagdollPenetration ()
void ClearMountedDino (bool fromMountedDino)
void ClearRagdollPhysics ()
void ClientDidPoop_Implementation ()
void ClientFailedPoop_Implementation ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientPlayAnimation_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bPlayOnOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh)
void ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ()
void ClientStopAnimationFPV_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void ClientStopAnimation_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
float ConsumeWeaponBreakLife (UClass *WeaponClass, float BreakWeightToConsume)
void ControllerLeavingGame (AShooterPlayerController *theController)
void DeactivateBuffs (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > ForBuffClass, UPrimalItem *ForInstigatorItem, bool perfectClassMatch)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut_Implementation ()
void DestroyInventory ()
void Destroyed ()
void DidLand ()
void DidTeleport_Implementation (FVector newLoc, FRotator newRot)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool DinoMountOnMe (APrimalDinoCharacter *dinoCharacter, bool bForce)
void DisableShipReducedCharacterDrawDistance (bool bIsFromSeatingStructure)
void DoCharacterDetachment (bool bIncludeRiding, bool bIncludeCarrying, APrimalBuff *BuffToIgnore)
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void DoFindGoodSpot (FVector RagdollLoc, bool bClearCollisionSweep)
void DoSetRagdollPhysics ()
void DownCallOne ()
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void DrawLocalPlayerHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
void DropAllCarriedAndPassengers ()
void DualWieldingSwitchSideWeapon (UPrimalItem *aPrimalItem, bool bIsPrimaryWeapon)
void EmitPoop ()
void EnableBPTimerNonDedicated (bool bEnable)
void EnableBPTimerServer (bool bEnable)
void EnableBodiesGravity ()
void EnableShipReducedCharacterDrawDistance (bool bIsFromSeatingStructure)
void EndDragCharacter ()
void EndForceSkelUpdate ()
bool ExcludePostProcessBlendableMaterial (UMaterialInterface *BlendableMaterialInterface)
void ExecSetPawnSleeping (bool bEnable)
void ExecSetSleeping (bool bEnable)
void FadeOutLoadingMusic ()
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
APrimalRaftFindClosestTeleportRaft (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool FindTeleportLocation (FVector *TeleportLoc, APrimalRaft *OnRaft, FVector TargetLoc)
bool ForceAddUnderwaterCharacterStatusValues ()
bool ForceAllowAddBuffOfClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)
void ForceClearBase (bool bAlsoSetFallingMovementMode)
void ForceRefreshBones ()
void ForceSleepRagdoll ()
void ForceTickPoseDelta ()
float GetAIDifficultyValue ()
FVectorGetAbsoluteDynamicBasedLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetAdjustedMeleeLockOnPointOffset (FVector *result)
AActorGetAimedActor (ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel, UActorComponent **HitComponent, float MaxDistanceOverride, float CheckRadius, int *hitBodyIndex, FHitResult *outHitResult, bool bForceUseCameraLocation, bool bForceUpdateAimedActors, bool bForceUseActorLocation)
APrimalStructureExplosiveGetAttachedExplosive ()
float GetBallistaReloadSpeedMultiplier ()
FRotatorGetBaseAimRotation (FRotator *result)
float GetBaseDragWeight ()
APrimalDinoCharacterGetBasedOnDino ()
APrimalDinoCharacterGetBasedOnDinoOrRaft ()
APrimalRaftGetBasedOnRaft (bool bOnlyCountDirectBase, bool bOnlyCountIndirectBase)
TArray< AActor * > * GetBasedPawns (TArray< AActor * > *result)
APrimalBuffGetBuff (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass, bool bOnlyReturnSkillBuff, bool bOnlyReturnActivatedBuff, bool bUseExactMatch)
APrimalBuffGetBuffForPostEffect (UMaterialInterface *anEffect)
void GetBuffs (TArray< APrimalBuff * > *TheBuffs)
FVectorGetCapsuleBottomLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetCapsuleTopLocation (FVector *result)
float GetCharacterLevel ()
UPrimalCharacterStatusComponentGetCharacterStatusComponent ()
float GetClientRotationInterpSpeed (FVector *RootLoc)
float GetCorpseDecayRate ()
float GetCorpseLifespan ()
float GetCurrentStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
TArray< UAnimMontage * > * GetCurrentlyPlayingAnimations (TArray< UAnimMontage * > *result, bool bReturnIfAnyFound, TArray< FName > SlotsToInclude, TArray< FName > SlotsToExclude, TArray< FName > TagsToInclude, TArray< FName > TagsToExclude, TArray< UAnimMontage * > AnimationsToExclude)
float GetDamageTorpidityIncreaseMultiplierScale ()
float GetDefaultMovementSpeed ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
int GetDirectionalIndexByVector (FVector *TestVec, bool isDodgeTest, float Tolerance)
FVectorGetDirectionalVectorByIndex (FVector *result, const int DirIndex)
float GetDodgeDurationMultiplier ()
float GetDragWeight (APrimalCharacter *ForDragger)
float GetFallAcceleration ()
EPhysicalSurface GetFootPhysicalSurfaceType (bool bForce)
float GetGravityZScale ()
bool GetGroundLocation (FVector *theGroundLoc, FVector *OffsetUp, FVector *OffsetDown, AActor *IgnoredActor)
float GetHealth ()
float GetHealthPercentage ()
float GetImmersionDepth (bool bUseLineTrace)
float GetIndirectTorpidityIncreaseMultiplierScale ()
FVectorGetInterpolatedLocation (FVector *result)
FRotatorGetInterpolatedRotation (FRotator *result)
float GetJumpZModifier ()
float GetKillXP ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
float GetLowHealthPercentage ()
float GetMaxCursorHUDDistance (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
float GetMaxHealth ()
float GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
float GetMaxStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
int GetNearestBoneIndexForDrag (APrimalCharacter *Character, FVector HitLocation)
UTexture2DGetOverrideDefaultCharacterParamTexture (FName theParamName, UTexture2D *CurrentTexture)
UPaintingTexture * GetPaintingTexture (bool bForTattoo, UPrimalPlayerData *TattooPlayerData)
USceneComponentGetParticleBaseComponent ()
float GetPercentStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
UPrimitiveComponentGetPrimaryHitComponent ()
float GetProjectileDamageMultiplier ()
ENetRole GetRole ()
FVectorGetRootBodyBoneLocation (FVector *result)
float BPGetAddForwardVelocityOnJump_Implementation ()
float GetRunningSpeedModifier (bool bIsForDefaultSpeed)
UAnimSequence * GetSeatingAnimation ()
UAnimSequence * GetShieldHeldAnimation ()
UPrimalItemGetShieldItem ()
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
float GetSpoilingTimeMultiplier (UPrimalItem *anItem)
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
FRotatorGetViewRotation (FRotator *result)
float GetWaterSubmergedDepthThreshold ()
FNameGetWeaponAttachPoint (FName *result, bool bSecondaryAttachPoint)
float GetWeaponBaseSpeedModifier ()
float GetWeaponRunSpeed ()
float GetWeaponSpeedMultiplierByDirection (FVector *CharacterDir, FVector *MovementDir)
UPrimalItem_Shield * GetYarkShieldItem ()
void GiveDefaultWeapon (bool bForceGiveDefaultWeapon)
void GiveDefaultWeaponTimer ()
void GivePrimalItemWeapon (UPrimalItem *aPrimalItem)
bool HasBuff (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass, bool useExactMatch)
bool HasShieldAttackForInput (EWeaponAttackInput::Type AttackInput)
void HurtMe (int HowMuch)
void Immobilize (bool bImmobilize, AActor *UsingActor, bool bImmobilizeFalling)
void InitializedAnimScriptInstance ()
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
bool IsAlive ()
bool IsAlliedWithOtherTeam (int OtherTeamID)
bool IsAttachedToSomething ()
bool IsBasedOnRaft (APrimalRaft *SpecificRaft)
bool IsBlockedByShield (FHitResult *HitInfo, FVector *ShotDirection, bool bBlockAllPointDamage, bool bDamageIsFromYarkWeapon)
bool IsBlockingWithShield (bool bCheckActiveBlocking, float TimeFromTransitionEndToConsiderFinished)
bool IsBlockingWithWeapon ()
bool IsCarryingSomething (bool bNotForRunning)
bool IsCharacterHardAttached (bool bIgnoreRiding, bool bIgnoreCarried)
bool IsConscious ()
bool IsControllingBallistaTurret ()
bool IsDead ()
bool IsDodgeDirectionAllowed (int DodgeDirection)
bool IsDraggingCharacter ()
bool IsFiring ()
bool IsIkCurveReversed ()
bool IsInOceanWater ()
bool IsInStatusState (EPrimalCharacterStatusState::Type StatusStateType)
bool IsInVacuumSealedSpace ()
bool IsInputAllowed ()
bool IsInvincible (int AttackerTeam)
bool IsMeshGameplayRelevant ()
bool IsMontagePlaying (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
bool IsMoving ()
bool IsOfTribe (int ID)
bool IsOnSeatingStructure ()
UAnimMontage * IsPlayingAnyFullBodyAnimations (UAnimMontage *IgnoreFullBodyMontage)
bool IsPrimalCharFriendly (APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
bool IsProneOrSitting (bool bIgnoreLockedToSeat)
bool IsRagdolled ()
bool IsRunning (bool bIncludeFalling, bool bIncludeRunTurning)
bool IsShieldTransitioning (float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
bool IsShieldTransitioningIn (float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
bool IsShieldTransitioningOut (float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
bool IsSimulated ()
bool IsSitting (bool bIgnoreLockedToSeat)
bool IsStaggering ()
bool IsSubmerged (bool bDontCheckSwimming, bool bUseFullThreshold, bool bForceCheck, bool bFromVolumeChange)
bool IsSwitchingWeapons ()
bool IsTargetableDead ()
bool IsTargeting ()
bool IsUsingHandIK ()
bool IsUsingShield ()
bool IsUsingYarkShield ()
bool IsValidCharacterToDoClaiming (int VictimTeam)
bool IsValidCharacterToPreventClaiming (int AttackerTeam)
bool IsValidForCombatMusic ()
bool IsValidForStatusRecovery ()
bool IsValidForStatusUpdate ()
bool IsValidLockOnTarget_Implementation (APawn *AttackerPawn)
bool IsWatered ()
bool IsWeaponWielder ()
void LocalPossessedBy (APlayerController *ByController)
void LocalUnpossessed_Implementation ()
void LookInput (float Val)
void LookUpAtRate (float Val)
bool LowerShield ()
void MarkForSeamlessTravel (unsigned int DestinationServerId, ESeamlessVolumeSide::Side DestinationServerVolumeSide)
bool ModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *InputAcceleration)
void MoveForward (float Val)
void MoveRight (float Val)
void MoveUp (float Val)
void NativeSimulateHair (TArray< FVector > *CurrentPos, TArray< FVector > *LastPos, TArray< FVector > *RestPos, TArray< FVector > *PivotPos, TArray< float > *RestDistance, FVector HairSocketLoc, FRotator HairSocketRot, FVector ChestSocketLoc, FRotator ChestSocketRot, float DeltaTime, float Damping, float DampingFrontModifier, float DampingBack, float InWater, float HairWetness, float DragForce, float HairScale, float SpringForce, float SpringForceFrontModifier, float SpringForceBack, float GravityForce, FVector ShoulderLCollisionOffset, float ShoulderLCollisionRadius, FVector ShoulderRCollisionOffset, float ShoulderRCollisionRadius, FVector HeadHairCollisionOffset, float HeadHairCollisionRadius, FVector NeckHairCollisionOffset, float NeckHairCollisionRadius, float MaxDistanceToRestPos, FTransform LastHeadTransform, bool bPosAsPivot, bool bCollideMiddle, bool bCollideWithNeck)
void NetAddCharacterMovementImpulse_Implementation (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
void NetDidLand_Implementation ()
void NetForceUpdateAimedCharacters_Implementation (FVector StartLoc, FVector EndLoc, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bForceUpdateIgnoreActor, float TraceRadius)
void NetOnJumped_Implementation ()
void NetPlaySoundOnCharacter_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundToPlay, bool bPlayOnOwner)
void NetReleaseSeatingStructure_Implementation ()
void NetSetCharacterMovementVelocity_Implementation (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
void NetStopAllAnimMontage_Implementation ()
void NetUpdateTribeName_Implementation (FString *NewTribeName)
void Net_OnIsStaggering_Implementation (bool bNewStaggering, float PlayStaggerAnimAfterDelay, bool bPlayStaggerAnim)
void NotifyBumpedByPawn (APrimalCharacter *ByPawn)
void NotifyBumpedPawn (APawn *BumpedPawn)
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
void NotifyItemQuantityUpdated (UPrimalItem *anItem, int amount)
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void OnAttachedToCharacter ()
void OnAttachedToSeatingStructure ()
void OnBeginDrag_Implementation (APrimalCharacter *Dragged, int BoneIndex, bool bWithGrapHook)
void OnBeginDragged (APrimalCharacter *Dragger)
void OnClientPairedNetGUID ()
void OnClientReceivedTransformAfterPairingNetGUID (FVector *Loc, FRotator *Rot)
void OnDeserializedByGame (EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)
void OnDetachedFromCharacter (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter, int OverrideDirection)
void OnDetachedFromSeatingStructure (APrimalStructureSeating *InSeatingStructure)
void OnEndDrag_Implementation ()
void OnEndDragged (APrimalCharacter *Dragger)
void OnIgnoredMoveToOrder (APlayerController *FromPC)
void OnJumped_Implementation ()
void OnLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
void OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, char PreviousCustomMode)
void OnPrimalCharacterSleeped ()
void OnPrimalCharacterUnsleeped ()
void OnRep_CurrentWeapon (AShooterWeapon *LastWeapon)
void OnRep_IsDead ()
void OnRep_IsSleeping ()
void OnRep_MountedDino ()
void OnRep_PaintingComponent ()
void OnRep_RagdollPositions ()
void OnRunToggle ()
void OnShieldDefenseBroken (float StaggerTime)
void OnStartAltFire ()
void OnStartBlockingAttack ()
void OnStartBreakingAttack ()
void OnStartFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, int weaponAttackIndex, bool bDoLeftSide, bool bOverrideCurrentAttack)
void OnStartFireQuinary ()
void OnStartJump ()
void OnStartRunning ()
void OnStopAltFire ()
void OnStopBlockingAttack ()
void OnStopBreakingAttack ()
void OnStopFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, int weaponAttackIndex)
void OnStopFireQuinary ()
void OnStopJump ()
void OnStopRunning ()
void OnTeleportOntoRaft (APrimalRaft *OntoRaft)
void OrbitCamOff ()
void OrbitCamOn ()
void OrbitCamToggle ()
FVectorOverrideNewFallVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
FVectorOverrideSwimmingVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, const float *FluidFriction, const float *NetBuoyancy, float DeltaTime)
FVectorOverrideWalkingVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, const float *Friction, float DeltaTime)
float PlayAnimEx (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer)
float PlayAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer)
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingPoint_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayFootstep ()
void PlayHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath)
void PlayHitEffectGeneric_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayJumpAnim ()
void PlayLandedAnim ()
void PlayShieldHitResponse (bool bUseHitParticles)
void PlayStaggerAnim ()
FStringPlayerCommand_Implementation (FString *result, FString *TheCommand)
void Poop (bool bForcePoop)
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostNetReceiveVelocity (FVector *NewVelocity)
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void PrepareForSaving ()
bool PreventInputDoesOffset ()
bool PreventInputType (EPrimalCharacterInputType::Type inputType)
bool PreventsTargeting_Implementation (AActor *ByActor)
bool ProcessInputAndStartFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, EWeaponAttackInput::Type AttackInput)
bool ProcessInputAndStopFire (bool bFromGamepadRight, EWeaponAttackInput::Type AttackInput)
void ProcessStaggerForDefender (AActor *DamageCauser, int AttackerAttackIndex, int DefenderAttackIndex, bool bWasAttackBlocked)
void Prone (bool bClientSimulation)
bool RaiseShield (EWeaponAttackInput::Type AttackInput)
void RefreshBiomeZoneVolumes ()
void RefreshEquippedItemStatGroupModifiers ()
void RefreshMyIslandInfo ()
void ReleaseSeatingStructure (APrimalStructureSeating *InSeatingStructure)
void ReleasedRunToggle ()
void RemoveAllJumpDeactivatedBuffs (APrimalBuff *IgnoredBuff)
void RemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
void ReplicateRagdoll ()
void ResetCollisionSweepLocation (FVector *newLocation)
void ServerDinoOrder_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, AActor *enemyTarget)
void ServerPlayFireBallistaAnimation_Implementation ()
void ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ()
void ServerSeatingStructureAction_Implementation (char ActionNumber)
void ServerSetRunning_Implementation (bool bNewRunning)
void ServerSetTargeting_Implementation (bool bNewTargeting, bool bForceForShield, bool bSkipShieldAnim)
void ServerToClientsPlayFireBallistaAnimation_Implementation ()
void ServerTryPoop_Implementation ()
void SetBase (UPrimitiveComponent *NewBaseComponent, FName BoneName, bool bNotifyPawn)
void SetBasedOntoRaft (APrimalDinoCharacter *theDino)
void SetBoundsScale (float NewScale)
void SetCharacterMeshesMaterialScalarParamValue (FName ParamName, float Value)
void SetDeath (bool bForceRagdoll)
void SetDynamicMusic (USoundBase *newMusic)
void SetEnableIK (bool bEnable, bool bForceOnDedicated)
float SetHealth (float newHealth)
void SetRagdollReplication (bool Enabled)
void SetRunning (bool bNewRunning)
void SetShieldState (bool bLowerShield, bool bSkipShieldAnim)
void SetSleeping (bool bSleeping, bool bUseRagdollLocationOffset)
void SetTargeting (bool bNewTargeting, bool bForceForShield, bool bSkipShieldAnim)
bool ShouldAttackStopMoveCollapsing ()
bool ShouldUseWaveLocking (bool bForceCheck)
bool SimulatedPreventBasedPhysics ()
void SleepBodies ()
TArray< AActor * > * SortActorsByRelativeYaw (TArray< AActor * > *result, TArray< AActor * > *actors)
void StartForceSkelUpdate (float ForTime, bool bForceUpdateMesh, bool bServerOnly)
void StartHitStaggering (float staggeringTime)
void StartStaggering (float staggeringTime, float PlayStaggerAnimAfterDelay, bool bPlayStaggerAnim)
void StartedFiringWeapon (bool bPrimaryFire)
void Stasis ()
void StopAllAnimMontages (float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimEx (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimExFPV (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage)
void StopHitStaggering ()
void StopStaggering ()
void Suicide ()
void TagFriendlyStructures ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void TakeFallingDamage (FHitResult *Hit)
void TakeSeatingStructure (APrimalStructureSeating *InSeatingStructure, int SeatNumber, bool bLockedToSeat)
void TeleportSucceeded (bool bIsATest, bool bSimpleTeleport)
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
void TeleportToTargetLocation (FVector AtLocation, APrimalRaft *OnRaft)
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void TickMovementComponent (float DeltaTime)
void TogglePerspective ()
bool TraceForOpenTeleportLocation (FVector AtFloorLocation, FVector *OpenLocation, APrimalDinoCharacter *OnDino, bool bSnapToGround, float GroundCheckDistance)
bool TryAccessInventory ()
void TryAccessInventoryWrapper ()
void TryCallAttackTarget ()
void TryCallFollowDistanceCycleOne ()
void TryCallFollowOne ()
void TryCallMoveTo ()
void TryCallStayOne ()
void TryCutEnemyGrapplingCable ()
void TryDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
void TryGiveDefaultWeapon ()
bool TryLandingOnRaft (APlayerController *ForPC)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void TryPoop ()
bool TryTeleportToBasedShipDeck (const int *ToDeckIndex, APlayerController *ForPC)
bool TryTeleportToTargetLocation (APrimalRaft *OnRaft, FVector TargetLocation, APlayerController *ForPC)
void TurnAtRate (float Val)
void TurnInput (float Val)
void UnPossessed ()
void UnProne (bool bClientSimulation)
void UnequipPrimalItemSideWeapon (bool bIsPrimaryWeapon, bool bIsSwitch)
void UnmarkAbortedForSeamlessTravel ()
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateBasedOnRaft ()
void UpdateBasedOnRaftInventory (float DeltaSeconds)
void UpdateDragging ()
void UpdateIK ()
void UpdateNetDynamicMusic ()
void UpdateRunSounds (bool bNewRunning)
void UpdateSimulatedPosition (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
void UpdateStatusComponent (float DeltaSeconds)
void UpdateStencilValues ()
void UpdateSwimmingState ()
void UpdateTribeName (FString NewTribeName)
void UpdateWindedState ()
bool UseClearOnConsumeInput ()
bool UseFastTurretTargeting ()
void ValidatePaintingComponentOctree ()
void WeaponClampRotation_Implementation (FRotator *InputRot, FRotator CurrentRot, float InputDeltaTime)
void ZoomIn ()
void ZoomOut ()
void ClientHandleNetDestroy ()
bool CanDie (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowBlockingWithShield ()
void BPAddedAttachmentsForItem (UPrimalItem *anItem)
float BPAdjustDamage (float IncomingDamage, FDamageEvent TheDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsPointDamage, FHitResult PointHitInfo)
FRotatorBPCameraBaseOrientation (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
FRotatorBPCameraRotationFinal (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, FRotator *InCurrentFinalRot)
bool BPCanNotifyTeamAggroAI (APrimalDinoCharacter *Dino)
bool BPCanStagger ()
void BPCharacterDetach ()
void BPCharacterSleeped ()
void BPCharacterUnsleeped ()
float BPGetAddForwardVelocityOnJump ()
float BPGetExtraMeleeDamageModifier ()
FVectorBPGetFPVViewLocation (FVector *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
float BPGetGravityZScale ()
float BPGetHUDOverrideBuffProgressBarPercent ()
bool BPHandlePoop ()
bool BPHandleRightShoulderButton ()
void BPInventoryItemRepairedOrBroken (UPrimalItem *TheItem, bool bIsBroken)
FRotatorBPLimitPlayerRotation (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, FRotator InViewRotation)
FVectorBPModifyForwardDirectionInput (FVector *result, FVector *directionInput)
float BPModifyViewHitDir (APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, float InViewHitDir)
void BPNotifyBumpedByPawn (APrimalCharacter *ByPawn)
void BPNotifyBumpedPawn (APrimalCharacter *BumpedPawn)
void BPNotifyDroppedItemPickedUp (ADroppedItem *itemPickedUp, APrimalCharacter *PickedUpBy)
void BPNotifyLevelUp (int ExtraCharacterLevel, EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatType)
void BPOnAnimPlayedNotify (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer)
void BPOnMovementModeChangedNotify ()
void BPOnWeaponEquipped ()
void BPOnWeaponStartedAttack (int weaponAttackIndex, bool useAltAnim)
FVectorBPOverrideCharacterNewFallVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
bool BPOverrideFPVViewLocation (APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
bool BPPreventInputType (EPrimalCharacterInputType::Type inputType)
bool BPPreventStasis ()
void BPRemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
bool BPShouldLimitForwardDirection ()
void BPTimerNonDedicated ()
void BPTimerServer ()
bool BP_CanTeleportOntoRaft (APrimalRaft *OnRaft, APlayerController *ForPC)
APrimalRaftBP_FindClosestTeleportRaft (APlayerController *ForPC, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOn)
bool BP_ForceAllowAddBuffOfClass (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)
bool BP_IsCharacterHardAttached (bool bIgnoreRiding, bool bIgnoreCarried)
void BP_OnIgnoredMoveToOrder (APlayerController *FromPC)
void BP_OnJumpPressed ()
void BP_OnJumpReleased ()
void BP_OnSetDeath ()
void BP_OnSetRunning (bool bNewIsRunning)
void BP_OnTeleportOntoRaft (APrimalRaft *OntoRaft)
void BP_OnZoomIn ()
void BP_OnZoomOut ()
void ChangedAnimationBlueprint ()
void ClientDidPoop ()
void ClientEndRagdollUpdate ()
void ClientFailedPoop ()
void ClientNotifyLevelUp ()
void ClientPlayAnimation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bPlayOnOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh)
void ClientRagdollUpdate (TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > *BoneLocations, FRotator_NetQuantize TargetRootRotation)
void ClientStopAnimation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void ClientStopAnimationFPV (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut ()
void DidTeleport (FVector newLoc, FRotator newRot)
bool GiveKillExperience ()
void LocalUnpossessed ()
void NetAddCharacterMovementImpulse (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
void NetDidLand ()
void NetOnJumped ()
void NetPlaySoundOnCharacter (USoundBase *SoundToPlay, bool bPlayOnOwner)
void NetReleaseSeatingStructure ()
void NetSetCharacterMovementVelocity (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
void NetStopAllAnimMontage ()
void NetUpdateTribeName (FString *NewTribeName)
void Net_OnIsStaggering (bool bNewStaggering, float PlayAnimAfterDelay, bool bPlayStaggerAnim)
void OnActorEnterWater (USceneComponent *Component, FVector OverlapLocation, FVector OverlapVelocity)
void OnActorExitWater (USceneComponent *Component, FVector OverlapLocation, FVector OverlapVelocity)
void OnBeginDrag (APrimalCharacter *Dragged, int BoneIndex, bool bWithGrapHook)
void OnEndDrag ()
void PlayDyingGeneric (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingPoint (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectPoint (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
FStringPlayerCommand (FString *result, FString *TheCommand)
bool PreventsTargeting (AActor *ByActor)
void ServerCallAggressive ()
void ServerCallAttackTarget (AActor *TheTarget)
void ServerCallFollow ()
void ServerCallFollowDistanceCycleOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallFollowOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallMoveTo (FVector MoveToLoc, AActor *TargetActor)
void ServerCallMoveToRaft (FVector MoveToRelLoc, APrimalRaft *TargetRaft, int ToDeckIndex)
void ServerCallNeutral ()
void ServerCallPassive ()
void ServerCallSetAggressive ()
void ServerCallStay ()
void ServerCallStayOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerDinoOrder (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, AActor *target)
void ServerGiveDefaultWeapon (bool bOnlyGiveDefaultWeapon)
void ServerPlayFireBallistaAnimation ()
void ServerSetRunning (bool bNewRunning)
void ServerSetTargeting (bool bNewTargeting, bool bForceForShield, bool bSkipShieldAnim)
void ServerToClientsPlayFireBallistaAnimation ()
void ServerTryPoop ()
void WeaponClampRotation (FRotator *InputRot, FRotator CurrentRot, float InputDeltaTime)
FRotatorGetAimOffsets (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
FVectorOldLocationField ()
FRotatorOldRotationField ()
float & EffectorInterpSpeedField ()
float & HalfLegLengthField ()
float & TwoLeggedVirtualPointDistFactorField ()
float & FullIKDistanceField ()
float & IKAfterFallingTimeField ()
float & SimpleIkRateField ()
FVectorGroundCheckExtentField ()
long double & LastForceAimedCharactersTimeField ()
UAnimMontage * JumpAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * LandedAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * HurtAnimField ()
UAnimMontage * HurtAnim_FlyingField ()
UAnimMontage * PinnedAnimField ()
USoundCue * HurtSoundField ()
FNameRootBodyBoneNameField ()
TArray< APrimalBuff * > BuffsField ()
long double & LastStartedTalkingTimeField ()
FStringTribeNameField ()
float & WaterSubmergedDepthThresholdField ()
float & ProneWaterSubmergedDepthThresholdField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMovementMode > & SubmergedWaterMovementModeField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EMovementMode > & UnSubmergedWaterMovementModeField ()
float & SnapshotScaleField ()
TArray< FPrimalSnapshotPose > & SnapshotPosesField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PoopItemClassField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & TaxidermySkinClassField ()
FNameDragBoneNameField ()
FNameDragSocketNameField ()
float & MaxDragDistanceField ()
float & MaxDragDistanceTimeoutField ()
TArray< FName > & BonesToIngoreWhileDraggedField ()
float & PreviewCameraMaxZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraDefaultZoomMultiplierField ()
float & PreviewCameraDistanceScaleFactorField ()
USoundBase * StartDraggedSoundField ()
USoundBase * EndDraggedSoundField ()
APrimalCharacterDraggedCharacterField ()
APrimalCharacterDraggingCharacterField ()
FTransformLocalDraggedCharacterTransformField ()
long double & StartDraggingTimeField ()
long double & LastDragUpdateTimeField ()
float & StasisConsumerRangeMultiplierField ()
AActorImmobilizationActorField ()
int & CurrentFrameAnimPreventInputField ()
float & BPTimerServerMinField ()
float & BPTimerServerMaxField ()
float & BPTimerNonDedicatedMinField ()
float & BPTimerNonDedicatedMaxField ()
long double & NextBPTimerServerField ()
long double & NextBPTimerNonDedicatedField ()
long double & LastCausedDamageTimeField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > > & ImmobilizationTrapsToIgnoreField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalStructureElevatorPlatform > & BasedElevatorField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & CarryingDinoField ()
FNameDediOverrideCapsuleCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameDediOverrideMeshCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameSnaredFromSocketField ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureItemContainer > & DeathDestructionDepositInventoryClassField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroMultiplierField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeField ()
float & DamageNotifyTeamAggroRangeFalloffField ()
float & ReplicatedCurrentHealthField ()
float & ReplicatedMaxHealthField ()
float & ReplicatedCurrentTorporField ()
float & ReplicatedMaxTorporField ()
AShooterCharacterLastGrapHookPullingOwnerField ()
AActor *& LastGrapHookPullingMeField ()
FVectorDragOffsetField ()
long double & LastIkUpdateTimeField ()
long double & LastUpdatedAimOffsetsTimeField ()
FVectorMeshPreRagdollRelativeLocationField ()
FRotatorMeshPreRagdollRelativeRotationField ()
int & DraggingBodyIndexField ()
int & DraggedBoneIndexField ()
int & customBitFlagsField ()
float & RunningSpeedModifierField ()
float & LowHealthPercentageField ()
float & BaseTurnRateField ()
float & BaseLookUpRateField ()
UAnimMontage * DeathAnimField ()
USoundCue * DeathSoundField ()
USoundCue * RunLoopSoundField ()
USoundCue * RunStopSoundField ()
TArray< USoundCue * > FootStepSoundsPhysMatField ()
TArray< USoundCue * > LandedSoundsPhysMatField ()
FNameMeshRootSocketNameField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< UAudioComponent > & LastVoiceAudioComponentField ()
float & MaxFallSpeedField ()
float & FallDamageMultiplierField ()
UAudioComponent * RunLoopACField ()
float & CurrentCarriedYawField ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS * CurrentTransponderField ()
float & TargetCarriedYawField ()
float & ServerTargetCarriedYawField ()
USoundBase * NetDynamicMusicSoundField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & MountedDinoField ()
float & MountedDinoTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalDinoCharacter > & PreviousMountedDinoField ()
FVectorLastForceFallCheckBaseLocationField ()
FVectorLastHitWallSweepCheckLocationField ()
long double & LastTimeBasedMovementHadCurrentActorField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & LastBasedMovementActorRefField ()
float & GrabWeightThresholdField ()
float & DragWeightField ()
FStringDescriptiveNameField ()
TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > & ReplicatedRagdollPositionsField ()
TArray< FRotator_NetQuantize > & ReplicatedRagdollRotationsField ()
TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > & LastReplicatedRagdollPositionsField ()
TArray< FRotator_NetQuantize > & LastReplicatedRagdollRotationsField ()
FRotatorReplicatedRootRotationField ()
TArray< int > & ReplicatedBonesIndiciesField ()
float & KillXPBaseField ()
TArray< FName > & ReplicatedBonesField ()
float & RagdollReplicationIntervalField ()
TArray< FBoneDamageAdjuster > & BoneDamageAdjustersField ()
float & ClientRotationInterpSpeedField ()
float & ClientLocationInterpSpeedField ()
float & MaxDragMovementSpeedField ()
FRotatorCurrentAimRotField ()
FVectorCurrentRootLocField ()
int & LastYawSpeedWorldFrameCounterField ()
FNameMeshPreRagdollCollisionProfileNameField ()
FNameCapsulePreRagdollCollisionProfileNameField ()
UPrimalCharacterStatusComponentMyCharacterStatusComponentField ()
float & LastTickStaminaValueField ()
UPrimalInventoryComponentMyInventoryComponentField ()
UAnimMontage * SyncedMontageField ()
long double & LastMontageSyncTimeField ()
float & SyncedMontageDurationField ()
float & MontageSyncIntervalField ()
long double & LastRunningTimeField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOffsetField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOffsetMultiplierField ()
FVectorTPVCameraOrgOffsetField ()
float & LandedSoundMaxRangeField ()
float & FallingDamageHealthScaleBaseField ()
float & FootstepsMaxRangeField ()
float & MinTimeBetweenFootstepsField ()
long double & LastPlayedFootstepTimeField ()
float & MinTimeBetweenFootstepsRunningField ()
TArray< UAnimMontage * > AnimationsPreventInputField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalHarvestingComponent > & DeathHarvestingComponentField ()
UPrimalHarvestingComponentMyDeathHarvestingComponentField ()
long double & LastNetDidLandField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AController > & LastDamageEventInstigatorField ()
int & CachedNumberOfClientRagdollCorrectionAttemptsField ()
int & NumberOfClientRagdollCorrectionAttemptsField ()
float & ServerForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
float & ClientForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
float & NonRelevantServerForceSleepRagdollIntervalField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum EShooterPhysMaterialType::Type > & TargetableDamageFXDefaultPhysMaterialField ()
UAnimMontage * PoopAnimationField ()
long double & CorpseDestructionTimeField ()
float & CorpseLifespanField ()
float & TPVStructurePlacingHeightMultiplierField ()
float & CorpseFadeAwayTimeField ()
float & RagdollDeathImpulseScalerField ()
USoundCue * PoopSoundField ()
float & BaseTargetingDesirabilityField ()
float & DeadBaseTargetingDesirabilityField ()
FRotatorOrbitCamRotField ()
float & OrbitCamZoomField ()
float & OrbitCamZoomStepSizeField ()
float & OrbitCamMinZoomLevelField ()
float & OrbitCamMaxZoomLevelField ()
FVectorLastSubmergedCheckLocField ()
long double & LastTimeNotInFallingField ()
float & MaxCursorHUDDistanceField ()
float & AddForwardVelocityOnJumpField ()
FVectorDeathActorTargetingOffsetField ()
FNameSocketOverrideTargetingLocationField ()
FDamageEventCurrentDamageEventField ()
FVectorLastApproximatePhysVolumeLocationField ()
long double & LastTimeSubmergedField ()
EPhysicalSurfaceLastFootPhysicalSurfaceTypeField ()
long double & LastFootPhysicalSurfaceCheckTimeField ()
float & FootPhysicalSurfaceCheckIntervalField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & LastHurtByNearbyPlayerField ()
float & LastHurtByNearbyPlayerTimeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > & LastAttackedNearbyPlayerField ()
float & LastAttackedNearbyPlayerTimeField ()
long double & LastStartFallingRagdollTimeField ()
FVectorRagdollLastFrameLinearVelocityField ()
float & RagdollImpactDamageVelocityScaleField ()
float & RagdollImpactDamageMinDecelerationSpeedField ()
float & StartFallingImpactRagdollTimeIntervalField ()
long double & LastUnstasisTimeField ()
FVectorPreviousRagdollLocationField ()
int & RagdollPenetrationFailuresField ()
long double & NextBlinkTimeField ()
long double & BlinkTimerField ()
long double & LastInSwimmingSoundTimeField ()
USoundCue * EnteredSwimmingSoundField ()
USoundCue * EnteredSleepingSoundField ()
USoundCue * LeftSleepingSoundField ()
long double & LastRelevantToPlayerTimeField ()
long double & MeshStopForceUpdatingAtTimeField ()
long double & LastWalkingTimeField ()
long double & LastSpecialDamageTimeField ()
float & CorpseDraggedDecayRateField ()
float & PoopAltItemChanceField ()
TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & PoopAltItemClassField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & DefaultBuffsField ()
UTexture2DPoopIconField ()
float & RunningMaxDesiredRotDeltaField ()
long double & CorpseDestructionTimerField ()
long double & LastSkinnedTimeField ()
float & OriginalCorpseLifespanField ()
float & CorpseHarvestFadeTimeField ()
FVectorCurrentLocalRootLocField ()
float & RootYawField ()
long double & LastTimeInSwimmingField ()
long double & LastListenRangePushTimeField ()
float & LastDamageAmountMaterialValueField ()
float & BuffedDamageMultField ()
float & BuffedResistanceMultField ()
UStructurePaintingComponentPaintingComponentField ()
float & ExtraMaxSpeedModifierField ()
float & ExtraRotationRateModifierField ()
float & TamedDinoCallOutRangeField ()
long double & LastBumpedDamageTimeField ()
FVectorTargetPathfindingLocationOffsetField ()
long double & LastTookDamageTimeField ()
float & ExtraReceiveDamageMultiplierField ()
float & ExtraMeleeDamageMultiplierField ()
float & LastFallingZField ()
int & NumFallZFailsField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< APrimalCharacter > > & CharactersGrappledToMeField ()
float & DamageTheMeleeDamageCauserPercentField ()
float & DurabilityDegrateTheMeleeDamageCauserPercentField ()
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & DamageTheMeleeDamageCauserDamageTypeField ()
char & TribeGroupInventoryRankField ()
float & CharacterDamageImpulseMultiplierField ()
long double & ForceCheckPushThroughWallsTimeField ()
long double & LastStoppedEatAnimationTimeField ()
float & ClientRotationInterpSpeedMultiplierGroundField ()
float & GlideGravityScaleMultiplierField ()
float & GlideMaxCarriedWeightField ()
UAnimMontage * lastPlayedMountAnimField ()
float & ScaleDeathHarvestHealthyByMaxHealthBaseField ()
long double & LastForceMeshRefreshBonesTimeField ()
long double & LastStartedBeingCarriedTimeField ()
float & RunMinVelocityRotDotField ()
long double & LastHitDamageTimeField ()
char & bShouldBeInGodModeField ()
int & MeshedCounterField ()
int & MeshingTickCounterMultiplierField ()
TArray< TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > > & PreventBuffClassesField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintJumpInputEvents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsToRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActiveRunToggle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBeingDragged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisableSpawnDefaultController ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDragging ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingWithGrapHook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeathKeepCapsuleCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRemoteRunning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHealthDamageMaterialOverlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBlinking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepedWaterRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeTorpid ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDebugIK_ShowTraceNames ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAlwaysUpdateMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollIgnoresPawnCapsules ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsePoopAnimationNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBigDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeathUseRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeCarried ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDamageNotifyTeamAggroAI ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetOverrideCameraInterpSpeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRecentlyUpdateIk ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIKEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarried ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCarriedAsPassenger ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventFallDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyIsDamageCauserOfAddedBuff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventProjectileAttachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIKOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreAllImmobilizationTraps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceTriggerIgnoredTraps ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsImmobilized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanIgnoreWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > ReplicateAllBones ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > AutoStopReplicationWhenSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanDrag ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDragged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesRunningAnimation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetDidLand ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSimpleIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyAllowRunningWhileFlying ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOrbitCamera ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientSetCurrentAimRot ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDisablePawnTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetDeath ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTicksOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPlayingRunSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRespawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCreatedDynamicMaterials ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCurrentFrameAnimPreventInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDraggedFromExtremitiesOnly ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyPlayPoopAnimWhileWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintAnimNotifyCustomEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNoDamageImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventImmobilization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowAirJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingUseRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDediForceUnregisterSKMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReadyToPoop ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasDynamicBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBeingDraggedByDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingDinoStopped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMissingDynamicBase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientRagdollUpdateTimerEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDieIfLeftWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAmphibious ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAmphibiousTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWaterDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsFlyerDino ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreTargetingCarnivores ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAimGettingCharacterMeshRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsRunningCheckIgnoreVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPlayingLowHealthAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCharacterPainting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTickStatusComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateDamageMomentum ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDontActuallyEmitPoop ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPHUDOverideBuffProgressBar ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRunningWhileSwimming ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyBumpedByPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPNotifyBumpedPawn ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTimerServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPTimerNonDedicated ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTriggerBPStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPSetCharacterMeshseMaterialScalarParamValue ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTargetingByTurrets ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDelayFootstepsUnderMinInterval ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingDisableIK ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollRetainAnimations ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAddedAttachments ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanPlayLandingAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyHasRunningAnimationWhenWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsReflectingDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventTargetingAndMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsWhistleTargetingDown ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreventInputType ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventAllInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventAllBuffs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > LastIsInsideVaccumSealedCube ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreSerializeSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseHeavyCombatMusic ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMarkForDestruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPModifyAllowedViewHitDir ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPLimitPlayerRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPManagedFPVViewLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPCameraRotationFinal ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChangesUseQuantity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bServerBPNotifyInventoryItemChanges ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAtMaxInventoryItems ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnStaminaDrained ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStaminaIsGreaterThanZero ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGrabDebugSnapshot ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsAttachedOtherCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnLethalDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustTorpidityDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceCameraStyle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsReplicatedRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasAllBodiesSleeping ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsNPC ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > LastCheckedSubmergedFull ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowFullSubmergedCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRagdollWasInWaterVolume ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBuffed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggingWithOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsDraggedWithOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRunningWhileWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanLandOnWater ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustMoveForward ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustMoveRight ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetGravity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowDamageWhenMounted ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnMovementModeChangedNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnAnimPlayedNotify ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterNewFallVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OnSetRunningEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceTurretFastTargeting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFlyingOrWaterDinoPreventBackwardsRun ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideFlyingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSleepingDisableRagdoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDestroyOnStasisWhenDead ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLiveBlinking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreSeatingDetachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceAlwaysUpdateMeshAndCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetHUDElements ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventHurtAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBeBaseForCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCanBaseOnCharacter ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnLanded ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableMoveCollapsing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_ForceAllowBuffClasses ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCheckJumpInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideHurtAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideDamageCauserHitMarker ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSkinned ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustImpulseFromDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAdjustCharacterMovementImpulse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPModifyFOVInterpSpeed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bVerifyBasingForSaddleStructures ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_OverrideTerminalVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBP_ShouldForceDisableTPVCameraInterpolation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPAllowPlayMontage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventPerPixelPainting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreLowGravityDisorientation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOnMassTeleportEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBlueprintAnimNotifyCustomState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventIKWhenNotWalking ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreCorpseDecompositionMultipliers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInterpHealthDamageMaterialOverlayAlpha ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressPlayerKillNotification ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowCorpseDestructionWithPreventSaving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventInventoryAccess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseGetOverrideSocket ()
UObjectGetUObjectInterfaceTargetableInterface ()
long double GetLastStartedTalkingTime ()
float GetStasisConsumerRangeMultiplier ()
float BPGetAddForwardVelocityOnJump_Implementation ()
bool CanJumpInternal_Implementation ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void ValidatePaintingComponentOctree ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void Destroyed ()
void BeginPlay ()
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void Suicide ()
bool IsDead ()
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void AdjustDamage (float *Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool CanBeTargetedBy (ITargetableInterface *Attacker)
bool IsValidForCombatMusic ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void HurtMe (int HowMuch)
bool CanDie (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool Die (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DeathHarvestingDepleted (UPrimalHarvestingComponent *fromComponent)
void PlayDyingPoint_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial_Implementation (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void OnRep_IsDead ()
void SetDeath (bool bForceRagdoll)
bool CanIgnoreImmobilizationTrap (TSubclassOf< APrimalStructure > TrapClass, bool *bForceTrigger)
void Immobilize (bool bImmobilize, AActor *UsingActor, bool bImmobilizeFalling, bool bPreventDismount)
float GetCorpseLifespan ()
void PlayDying (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectGeneric_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial_Implementation (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool AllowHurtAnimation ()
UPrimitiveComponentGetPrimaryHitComponent ()
void PlayHitEffect (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath)
void DoSetRagdollPhysics ()
void SetRagdollPhysics (bool bUseRagdollLocationOffset, bool bForceRecreateBones, bool bForLoading)
void CheckOnDinoPlatformSaddle ()
void EndDinoPlatformDragging ()
void ForceSleepRagdollEx ()
void ForceSleepRagdoll ()
void ClearRagdollPhysics ()
void DoFindGoodSpot (FVector RagdollLoc, bool bClearCollisionSweep)
void OnRep_IsSleeping ()
void SetSleeping (bool bSleeping, bool bUseRagdollLocationOffset)
void ExecSetSleeping (bool bEnable)
void ExecSetPawnSleeping (bool bEnable)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void UpdateTribeName (FString NewTribeName)
void NetUpdateTribeName_Implementation (FString *NewTribeName)
float GetMaxCursorHUDDistance (AShooterPlayerController *PC)
void DrawHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
bool IsSubmerged (bool bDontCheckSwimming, bool bUseFullThreshold, bool bForceCheck, bool bFromVolumeChange)
float GetWaterSubmergedDepthThreshold ()
float PlayAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage)
bool IsMontagePlaying (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float TimeFromEndToConsiderFinished)
void StopAllAnimMontages (float BlendOutTime)
void TryGiveDefaultWeapon ()
void ToggleWeapon ()
void TryPoop ()
void OrbitCamToggle ()
void OrbitCamOn ()
void OrbitCamOff ()
void ServerRequestDrag_Implementation ()
void ServerDinoOrder_Implementation (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, AActor *enemyTarget)
FVectorBPModifyRightDirectionInput_Implementation (FVector *result, FVector *directionInput)
void MoveForward (float Val)
void MoveRight (float Val)
void MoveUp (float Val)
void TurnInput (float Val)
void LookInput (float Val)
void TurnAtRate (float Val)
void LookUpAtRate (float Val)
bool IsGameInputAllowed ()
bool IsInputAllowed ()
void OnStartFire (bool bFromGamepadRight)
void OnStopFire (bool bFromGamepadRight)
void OnAltFirePressed ()
void OnAltFireReleased ()
void OnStartAltFire (bool bFromGamepad)
void OnStopAltFire (bool bFromGamepad)
void OnStartRunning ()
void OnStopRunning ()
void OnRunTogglePressed ()
void OnRunToggleReleased ()
void OnRunToggle ()
bool IsRunning ()
bool IsMoving ()
void UpdateStatusComponent (float DeltaSeconds)
void ServerCaptureDermis_Implementation (APrimalCharacter *Target)
void CaptureCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item)
void ApplyCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *To, FVector Offset, float MaxExtent, int Pose)
void RemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
void ModifyStasisComponentRadius (float Delta)
void UpdateStencilValues ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void SetCharacterMeshesMaterialScalarParamValue (FName ParamName, float Value)
void EnableBodiesGravity ()
void UpdateSwimmingState ()
FVectorGetRootBodyBoneLocation (FVector *result)
bool IsOwningClient ()
FVectorGetInputDirectionVector (FVector *result, bool bRelativeToViewDirection)
void GetCharacterViewLocationAndDirection (FVector *OutViewLocation, FVector *OutViewDirection, bool *OutFromCrosshairOrCamera, float FallbackAngleOffsetDegrees)
void ZoomIn ()
void ZoomOut ()
void OnStartJump ()
void PlayJumpAnim ()
void PlayLandedAnim ()
void OnJumped_Implementation ()
void NetOnJumped_Implementation ()
void OnVoiceTalkingStateChanged (bool isTalking, bool IsUsingSuperRange)
void OnStopJump ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
float GetRunningSpeedModifier (bool bIsForDefaultSpeed)
float GetMaxHealth ()
bool AllowFirstPerson ()
AActorGetAimedActor (ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel, UActorComponent **HitComponent, float MaxDistanceOverride, float CheckRadius, int *hitBodyIndex, FHitResult *outHitResult, bool bForceUseCameraLocation, bool bForceUpdateAimedActors, bool bForceUseActorLocation)
void GetAimedActor (FHitResult *outHitResult, ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel, float MaxDistanceOverride, float CheckRadius, bool bForceUseCameraLocation, bool bForceUpdateAimedActors)
void OnPrimalCharacterSleeped ()
void OnPrimalCharacterUnsleeped ()
float PlayAnimEx (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, bool bForceKeepSynced, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimEx (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void ClientPlayAnimation_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bPlayOnOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh)
void ClientSyncAnimation_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, float ServerCurrentMontageTime, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void ClientStopAnimation_Implementation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
float StartSyncedMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void StopSyncedMontage (float BlendOutTime, bool bAutoStopAnim)
void SetRunning (bool bNewRunning)
void ServerSetRunning_Implementation (bool bNewRunning)
void UpdateRunSounds (bool bNewRunning)
void ControllerLeavingGame (AShooterPlayerController *theController)
float GetLowHealthPercentage ()
bool IsAlive ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FStringGetShortName (FString *result)
TArray< FString > * GetDetailedDescription (TArray< FString > *result, FString *IndentPrefix)
float GetHealthPercentage ()
float GetHealth ()
FVectorGetInterpolatedLocation (FVector *result)
void DrawFloatingChatMessage (AShooterHUD *HUD, FString Message, long double receivedChatTime)
FRotatorGetInterpolatedRotation (FRotator *result)
FRotatorGetInterpolatedRotation_NonFlattened (FRotator *result)
float GetClientRotationInterpSpeed (FVector *RootLoc)
FRotatorGetAimOffsets (FRotator *result, float DeltaTime, FRotator *RootRotOffset, float *RootYawSpeed, float MaxYawAimClamp, FVector *RootLocOffset)
void ForceRefreshBones ()
void StartForceSkelUpdate (float ForTime, bool bForceUpdateMesh, bool bServerOnly)
void EndForceSkelUpdate ()
void ForceMeshRelevant (float Duration)
bool IsConscious ()
void Stasis ()
void Unstasis ()
bool AllowFallDamage (FHitResult *HitResult, float FallDamageAmount, bool CustomFallDamage)
bool IsSimulated ()
bool IsWildSlow ()
UPrimalCharacterStatusComponentGetCharacterStatusComponent ()
float GetBaseStatusValue (TEnumAsByte< enum EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type > StatusValueType)
void DrawLocalPlayerHUD (AShooterHUD *HUD)
bool IsInStatusState (EPrimalCharacterStatusState::Type StatusStateType)
float GetCurrentStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
float GetMaxStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
float GetPercentStatusValue (EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type StatusValueType)
bool IsValidForStatusUpdate ()
float GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
float BP_GetMaxSpeedModifier ()
float GetRotationRateModifier ()
float GetJumpZModifier ()
bool CanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
float GetDefaultMovementSpeed ()
void TakeFallingDamage (FHitResult *Hit)
void ApplyCustomFallDamage (FVector *Location, FVector *Velocity, float FallDamageThreshold)
void OnLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
void NetDidLand_Implementation ()
void DidLand ()
void FadeOutLoadingMusic ()
void LocalPossessedBy (APlayerController *ByController)
void LocalUnpossessed_Implementation ()
void PlayFootstep ()
EPhysicalSurface GetFootPhysicalSurfaceType (bool bForce, bool bIsForFootstepParticles)
EPhysicalSurface GetPhysMatTypeFromHit (FHitResult *FromHit)
EPhysicalSurface GetPhysMatTypeFromHits (TArray< FHitResult > *FromHits)
bool ModifyInputAcceleration (FVector *InputAcceleration)
bool ShouldAttackStopMoveCollapsing ()
bool AnimationPreventsInput ()
bool BP_AnimationPreventsInput ()
float SetHealth (float newHealth)
bool IsOfTribe (int ID)
void SetRagdollReplication (bool Enabled)
void Serialize (FArchive *Ar)
void ReplicateRagdoll ()
void InitRagdollRepConstraints ()
void TermRagdollRepConstraints ()
void ClientRagdollUpdate_Implementation (TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > *BoneLocations, FRotator_NetQuantize TargetRootRotation)
void SleepBodies ()
void UpdateRagdollReplicationOnClient ()
void ClientEndRagdollUpdate_Implementation ()
void OnRep_RagdollPositions ()
void InitRagdollReplication ()
bool IsDraggingCharacter ()
void EndDragCharacter ()
bool CanDragCharacter (APrimalCharacter *Character)
bool CanBeDragged ()
bool IsInvincible ()
int GetNearestBoneIndexForDrag (APrimalCharacter *Character, FVector HitLocation)
void TryDragCharacter ()
void UpdateDragging ()
void OnBeginDrag_Implementation (APrimalCharacter *Dragged, int BoneIndex, bool bWithGrapHook)
void OnEndDrag_Implementation ()
void OnBeginDragged (APrimalCharacter *Dragger)
void OnEndDragged (APrimalCharacter *Dragger)
bool CanBeCarried (APrimalCharacter *ByCarrier)
float GetKillXP ()
void UpdateIK ()
void SetEnableIK (bool bEnable)
void EnableIK (bool bEnable, bool bForceOnDedicated)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void GetHUDElements (APlayerController *ForPC, TArray< FHUDElement > *OutElements)
void RefreshBiomeZoneVolumes ()
void ForceTickPoseDelta ()
void CheckJumpOutOfWater ()
bool IsTargetableDead ()
EShooterPhysMaterialType::Type GetTargetableDamageFXDefaultPhysMaterial ()
bool Poop (bool bForcePoop)
void EmitPoop ()
bool IsValidForStatusRecovery ()
bool GetGroundLocation (FVector *theGroundLoc, FVector *OffsetUp, FVector *OffsetDown)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut_Implementation ()
void ServerUploadCharacter (AShooterPlayerController *UploadedBy)
FRotatorGetBaseAimRotation (FRotator *result)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void NetAddCharacterMovementImpulse_Implementation (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
void NetSetCharacterMovementVelocity_Implementation (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
bool AllowSaving ()
bool IsWatered ()
void LoadedFromSaveGame ()
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
int LevelUpPlayerAddedStat (TEnumAsByte< enum EPrimalCharacterStatusValue::Type > StatToLevel, int NumLevels, AShooterPlayerController *ForPlayer)
void CheckJumpInput (float DeltaTime)
void ServerTryPoop_Implementation ()
void ClientFailedPoop_Implementation ()
void ClientDidPoop_Implementation ()
void TryAccessInventoryWrapper ()
bool TryAccessInventory ()
bool IsRagdolled ()
void NetForceUpdateAimedCharacters_Implementation (FVector StartLoc, FVector EndLoc, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bForceUpdateIgnoreActor, float TraceRadius)
bool HasBuff (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass, bool useExactMatch)
bool HasBuffWithCustomTag (FName buffCustomTag)
int GetBuffStackCount (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass, bool useExactMatch)
APrimalBuffGetBuff (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)
APrimalBuffGetBuffWithCustomTag (FName BuffCustomTag)
void GetAllBuffs (TArray< APrimalBuff * > *AllBuffs)
void GetBuffs (TArray< APrimalBuff * > *TheBuffs)
APrimalBuffGetBuffForPostEffect (UMaterialInterface *anEffect)
void RemoveAllJumpDeactivatedBuffs (APrimalBuff *IgnoredBuff)
void OnStartTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
void OnStopTargeting (bool bFromGamepadLeft)
void AttachGPSTransponder (APrimalStructureExplosiveTransGPS *Transponder)
void UpdateNetDynamicMusic ()
void NetPlaySoundOnCharacter_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundToPlay, bool bPlayOnOwner)
bool IsMeshGameplayRelevant ()
float GetCorpseDecayRate ()
void TagFriendlyStructures ()
void DestroyByMeshing ()
float GetCarryingSocketYaw (bool RefreshBones)
void SetCarryingDino (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino)
void ClearCarryingDino (bool bFromDino, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void OnAttachedToCharacter ()
void OnDetachedFromCharacter (APrimalCharacter *aCharacter, int OverrideDirection)
void ClearMountedDino (bool fromMountedDino)
bool DinoMountOnMe (APrimalDinoCharacter *dinoCharacter)
bool CanMountOnMe (APrimalDinoCharacter *dinoCharacter)
void OnRep_MountedDino ()
bool HasCryoSickness ()
float GetDragWeight (APrimalCharacter *ForDragger)
void SetBase (UPrimitiveComponent *NewBaseComponent, FName BoneName, bool bNotifyPawn)
void UnPossessed ()
void TryCallAttackTarget ()
void TryCallMoveTo ()
UTexture2DGetOverrideDefaultCharacterParamTexture (FName theParamName, UTexture2D *CurrentTexture)
bool CanBePainted ()
UPaintingTexture * GetPaintingTexture ()
void OnRep_PaintingComponent ()
bool AllowColoringBy (APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *anItem)
FVectorGetFloatingHUDLocation (FVector *result)
void NetStopAllAnimMontage_Implementation ()
void DeactivateBuffs (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > ForBuffClass, UPrimalItem *ForInstigatorItem, bool perfectClassMatch)
bool ExcludePostProcessBlendableMaterial (UMaterialInterface *BlendableMaterialInterface)
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
void TryCallStayOne ()
void TryCallFollowOne ()
void TryCallFollowDistanceCycleOne ()
void TryCallFlyerLandOne ()
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
FStringGetDebugInfoString (FString *result)
long double GetLastCausedDamageTime ()
void SetLastCausedDamageTime (const long double lastCausedDamageTime)
bool SimulatedPreventBasedPhysics ()
bool AllowMovementMode (EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char NewCustomMode)
APrimalDinoCharacterGetBasedOrSeatingOnDino ()
APrimalDinoCharacterGetBasedOnDino ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
void ClientHandleNetDestroy ()
bool UseClearOnConsumeInput ()
float GetDamageTorpidityIncreaseMultiplierScale ()
float GetIndirectTorpidityIncreaseMultiplierScale ()
bool BPIsBasedOnDynamicActor ()
void NotifyBumpedByPawn (APrimalCharacter *ByPawn)
void NotifyBumpedPawn (APawn *BumpedPawn)
ENetRole GetRole ()
void SetMyInventoryComponent (UPrimalInventoryComponent *theInventoryComponent)
FVectorGetTPVCameraOffset (FVector *result)
FVectorGetTPVCameraOffsetMultiplier (FVector *result)
bool UseCenteredTPVCamera ()
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
bool IsBlockedByShield (FHitResult *HitInfo, FVector *ShotDirection, bool bBlockAllPointDamage)
void BPNetAddCharacterMovementImpulse (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ, bool bApplyToBigPawns)
void BPNetSetCharacterMovementVelocity (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
float GetGravityZScale ()
void GetCharactersGrappledToMe (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *GrappledCharsArray)
float GetFallAcceleration ()
void OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, char PreviousCustomMode)
void EnableBPTimerServer (bool bEnable)
void EnableBPTimerNonDedicated (bool bEnable)
void SetCharacterAndRagdollLocation (FVector NewLocation)
void CheckRagdollPenetration ()
APrimalStructureExplosiveGetAttachedExplosive ()
bool IsInVacuumSealedSpace ()
void DownCallOne ()
float BPModifyFOV_Implementation (float FOVIn)
bool AllowOverrideWalkingVelocity ()
bool AllowOverrideSwimmingVelocity ()
bool AllowOverrideNewFallVelocity ()
void OverrideWalkingVelocity (FVector *InitialVelocity, const float *Friction, float DeltaTime)
void OverrideSwimmingVelocity (FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, const float *FluidFriction, const float *NetBuoyancy, float DeltaTime)
void OverrideNewFallVelocity (FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
bool PreventLanding (FVector ImpactPoint, FVector ImpactAccel, FVector *Velocity)
bool AllowOverrideFlyingVelocity ()
void OverrideFlyingVelocity (FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
void SetDynamicMusic (USoundBase *newMusic)
bool PreventsTargeting_Implementation (AActor *ByActor)
bool PreventInputType (EPrimalCharacterInputType::Type inputType)
bool PreventInputDoesOffset ()
float GetImmersionDepth (bool bUseLineTrace)
bool IsAlliedWithOtherTeam (int OtherTeamID)
void TickMovementComponent (float DeltaTime)
void ResetCollisionSweepLocation (FVector *newLocation)
void DidTeleport_Implementation (FVector newLoc, FRotator newRot)
void FinalLoadedFromSaveGame ()
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
FStringPlayerCommand_Implementation (FString *result, FString *TheCommand)
void UpdateSimulatedPosition (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
void NotifyItemQuantityUpdated (UPrimalItem *anItem, int amount)
void NotifyItemAdded (UPrimalItem *anItem, bool bEquipItem)
void NotifyItemRemoved (UPrimalItem *anItem)
void TeleportSucceeded (bool bIsATest, bool bSimpleTeleport)
bool IsAttachedToSomething ()
void AttachToOtherCharacter (APrimalCharacter *characterToAttachTo, FName InSocketName, const bool enableMovementAndCollision, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocation)
void AttachedToOtherCharacterUpdateWorldLocation (FVector *worldLocation)
void DetachFromOtherCharacter (const bool enableMovementAndCollision)
bool UseFastTurretTargeting ()
bool ConsumeProjectileImpact (AShooterProjectile *theProjectile, FHitResult *HitResult)
bool IsProneOrSitting (bool bIgnoreLockedToSeat)
bool CharacterIsCarriedAsPassenger ()
void DoCharacterDetachment (bool bIncludeRiding, bool bIncludeCarrying, APrimalBuff *BuffToIgnore)
bool IsCharacterHardAttached (bool bIgnoreRiding, bool bIgnoreCarried)
void InitializedAnimScriptInstance ()
bool ForceAddUnderwaterCharacterStatusValues ()
bool ShouldForceCameraStyle (APrimalCharacter *ForViewTarget, ECameraStyle::Type *OutForcedCameraStyle)
bool IsPrimalCharFriendly (APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
bool IsHostileTo (APrimalCharacter *OtherCharacter)
bool IsHostileOrAggressiveTo (APrimalCharacter *OtherCharacter)
bool ShouldDealDamageTo (APrimalCharacter *OtherCharacter, bool bAllowDamageToSelf, bool bAllowDamageToTribe, bool bAllowDamageToAlliedTribes)
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
UPrimitiveComponentGetBasedMovementComponent ()
FVectorGetCapsuleTopLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetCapsuleBottomLocation (FVector *result)
void OnMassTeleportEvent (EMassTeleportState::Type EventState, APrimalCharacter *TeleportInitiatedByChar)
bool GetAllAttachedChars (TArray< APrimalCharacter * > *AttachedCharsArray, const bool bIncludeSelf, const bool bIncludeBased, const bool bIncludePassengers, const bool bIncludeCarried)
bool GetAllAttachedCharsInternal (TSet< APrimalCharacter *, DefaultKeyFuncs< APrimalCharacter *, 0 >, FDefaultSetAllocator > *AttachedChars, APrimalCharacter *OriginalChar, const bool bIncludeBased, const bool bIncludePassengers, const bool bIncludeCarried)
bool ShouldForceDedicatedMovementTickEveryFrame ()
float GetMoveAnimRate ()
void ClearCachedIkTraceResults ()
float OverrideTerminalVelocity ()
void ClientCheatFly_Implementation ()
void ClientCheatWalk_Implementation ()
bool UseOverrideWaterJumpVelocity ()
float GetOverrideWaterJumpVelocity (float OutOfWaterZ)
void OverrideCameraInterpSpeed (const float DefaultTPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, const float DefaultTPVOffsetInterpSpeed, float *TPVCameraSpeedInterpMultiplier, float *TPVOffsetInterpSpeed)
void NativeSimulateHair (TArray< FVector > *CurrentPos, TArray< FVector > *LastPos, TArray< FVector > *RestPos, TArray< FVector > *PivotPos, TArray< float > *RestDistance, FVector HairSocketLoc, FRotator HairSocketRot, FVector ChestSocketLoc, FRotator ChestSocketRot, float DeltaTime, float Damping, float DampingFrontModifier, float DampingBack, float InWater, float HairWetness, float DragForce, float HairScale, float SpringForce, float SpringForceFrontModifier, float SpringForceBack, float GravityForce, FVector ShoulderLCollisionOffset, float ShoulderLCollisionRadius, FVector ShoulderRCollisionOffset, float ShoulderRCollisionRadius, FVector HeadHairCollisionOffset, float HeadHairCollisionRadius, FVector NeckHairCollisionOffset, float NeckHairCollisionRadius, float MaxDistanceToRestPos, FTransform LastHeadTransform, bool bPosAsPivot, bool bCollideMiddle, bool bCollideWithNeck)
bool ShouldDisableCameraInterpolation ()
EMovementMode GetPrimalCharMovementMode ()
bool IsPrimalCharWalking ()
bool IsPrimalCharFalling ()
bool IsPrimalCharSwimming ()
bool IsPrimalCharFlying ()
UAnimMontage * GetPoopAnimation (bool bForcePoop)
float GetBaseDragWeight ()
float BPAdjustDamage (float IncomingDamage, FDamageEvent TheDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsPointDamage, FHitResult PointHitInfo)
void PlayDyingGeneric (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingPoint (float KillingDamage, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayDyingRadial (float KillingDamage, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *InstigatingPawn, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectPoint (float DamageTaken, FPointDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void PlayHitEffectRadial (float DamageTaken, FRadialDamageEvent DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool BPPreventStasis ()
FVectorBPAdjustCharacterMovementImpulse (FVector *result, FVector Impulse, bool bVelocityChange, float MassScaleImpulseExponent, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
FVectorBPAdjustImpulseFromDamage (FVector *result, FVector DesiredImpulse, float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent TheDamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsPointDamage, FHitResult PointHitInfo)
void BPCharacterDetach ()
ECameraStyle::Type BPForceCameraStyle (APrimalCharacter *ForViewTarget)
FVectorBPOverrideCharacterNewFallVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
bool AllowPlayMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage)
bool BP_ForceAllowAddBuff (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)
bool BP_IsCharacterHardAttached (bool bIgnoreRiding, bool bIgnoreCarried)
void BP_OnEndCarried (bool bFromDino, bool bCancelAnyCarryBuffs)
void BP_OnJumpPressed ()
void BP_OnJumpReleased ()
void BP_OnSetDeath ()
void BP_OnSetRunning (bool bNewIsRunning)
void BP_OnStartCarried (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino)
void BP_OnZoomIn ()
void BP_OnZoomOut ()
bool BP_ShouldDisableCameraInterpolation ()
void BPAddedAttachmentsForItem (UPrimalItem *anItem)
float BPAdjustTorpidityDamage (float DesiredTorpidityDamage, float HealthDamageAmount, TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageType)
void BPApplyCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *To, FVector Offset, float MaxExtent, int Pose)
FRotatorBPCameraBaseOrientation (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
FRotatorBPCameraRotationFinal (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, FRotator *InCurrentFinalRot)
bool BPCanBaseOnCharacter (APrimalCharacter *BaseCharacter)
bool BPCanBeBaseForCharacter (APawn *Pawn)
bool BPCanNotifyTeamAggroAI (APrimalDinoCharacter *Dino)
void BPCharacterSleeped ()
void BPCharacterUnsleeped ()
void BPCheckJumpInput (bool *bUseCustomErrorMessage, FString *ErrorMessageToDisplay)
float BPGetAddForwardVelocityOnJump ()
float BPGetExtraMeleeDamageModifier ()
FVectorBPGetFPVViewLocation (FVector *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
float BPGetGravityZScale ()
float BPGetHUDOverrideBuffProgressBarPercent ()
void BPGetOverrideCameraInterpSpeed (float DefaultTPVCameraSpeedInterpolationMultiplier, float DefaultTPVOffsetInterpSpeed, float *TPVCameraSpeedInterpolationMultiplier, float *TPVOffsetInterpSpeed)
bool BPHandleLeftShoulderButton ()
bool BPHandlePoop ()
bool BPHandleRightShoulderButton ()
FRotatorBPLimitPlayerRotation (FRotator *result, APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, FRotator InViewRotation)
FVectorBPModifyForwardDirectionInput (FVector *result, FVector *directionInput)
float BPModifyFOVInterpSpeed (float FOVInterpSpeedIn)
FVectorBPModifyRightDirectionInput (FVector *result, FVector *directionInput)
float BPModifyViewHitDir (APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter, float InViewHitDir)
void BPNotifyBPNotifyIsDamageCauserOfAddedBuff (APrimalBuff *buff)
void BPNotifyBumpedByPawn (APrimalCharacter *ByPawn)
void BPNotifyBumpedPawn (APrimalCharacter *BumpedPawn)
void BPNotifyDroppedItemPickedUp (ADroppedItem *itemPickedUp, APrimalCharacter *PickedUpBy)
void BPNotifyLevelUp (int ExtraCharacterLevel)
void BPNotifyToggleHUD (bool bHUDHidden)
void BPOnAnimPlayedNotify (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bReplicate, bool bReplicateToOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer)
bool BPOnAttachmentReplication ()
void BPOnLethalDamage (float KillingDamage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *Killer, AActor *DamageCauser, bool *bPreventDeath)
void BPOnMassTeleportEvent (EMassTeleportState::Type EventState, APrimalCharacter *TeleportInitiatedByChar)
void BPOnMovementModeChangedNotify (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, char PreviousCustomMode)
void BPOnStaminaDrained ()
FVectorBPOverrideFlyingVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *InitialVelocity, FVector *Gravity, float DeltaTime)
bool BPOverrideFPVViewLocation (APrimalCharacter *viewingCharacter)
UAnimMontage * BPOverrideHurtAnim (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser, bool bIsLocalPath, bool bIsPointDamage, FVector PointDamageLocation, FVector PointDamageHitNormal)
void BPPreSerializeSaveGame ()
bool BPPreventFallDamage (FHitResult *HitResult, float FallDamageAmount)
bool BPPreventInputType (EPrimalCharacterInputType::Type inputType)
void BPRemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
void BPSetCharacterMeshesMaterialScalarParamValue (FName ParamName, float Value)
bool BPShouldLimitForwardDirection ()
bool BPShouldLimitRightDirection ()
void BPTimerNonDedicated ()
void BPTimerServer ()
void ClientDidPoop ()
void ClientEndRagdollUpdate ()
void ClientFailedPoop ()
void ClientNotifyLevelUp ()
void ClientPlayAnimation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bPlayOnOwner, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh)
void ClientRagdollUpdate (TArray< FVector_NetQuantize > *BoneLocations, FRotator_NetQuantize TargetRootRotation)
void ClientStopAnimation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, bool bStopOnOwner, float BlendOutTime)
void ClientSyncAnimation (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float PlayRate, float ServerCurrentMontageTime, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void DeathHarvestingFadeOut ()
void DidTeleport (FVector newLoc, FRotator newRot)
bool EnableTurnToFaceRotation ()
TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff_Grappled > * GetGrappledBuffClassOverride (TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff_Grappled > *result)
FNameGetOverrideSocket (FName *result, FName from)
bool GiveKillExperience ()
void LocalUnpossessed ()
void NetAddCharacterMovementImpulse (FVector Impulse, bool bVelChange, float ImpulseExponent, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, bool bOverrideMaxImpulseZ)
void NetDidLand ()
void NetOnJumped ()
void NetPlaySoundOnCharacter (USoundBase *SoundToPlay, bool bPlayOnOwner)
void NetSetCharacterMovementVelocity (bool bSetNewVelocity, FVector NewVelocity, bool bSetNewMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode)
void NetStopAllAnimMontage ()
void NetUpdateTribeName (FString *NewTribeName)
void OnBeginDrag (APrimalCharacter *Dragged, int BoneIndex, bool bWithGrapHook)
void OnEndDrag ()
bool PreventsTargeting (AActor *ByActor)
void ServerCallAggressive ()
void ServerCallAttackTarget (AActor *TheTarget)
void ServerCallFollow ()
void ServerCallFollowDistanceCycleOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallFollowOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallLandFlyerOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCallMoveTo (FVector MoveToLoc)
void ServerCallNeutral ()
void ServerCallPassive ()
void ServerCallSetAggressive ()
void ServerCallStay ()
void ServerCallStayOne (APrimalDinoCharacter *ForDinoChar)
void ServerCaptureDermis (APrimalCharacter *Target)
void ServerDinoOrder (APrimalDinoCharacter *aDino, EDinoTamedOrder::Type OrderType, AActor *target)
void ServerGiveDefaultWeapon ()
void ServerRequestDrag ()
void ServerSetRunning (bool bNewRunning)
void ServerTryPoop ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ACharacter
TSubobjectPtr< UCharacterMovementComponent > & CharacterMovementField ()
unsigned __int16 & LastMoveOnlyRotationPitchField ()
unsigned __int16 & LastMoveOnlyRotationYawField ()
unsigned __int16 & LastReplicatedMoveOnlyRotationPitchField ()
unsigned __int16 & LastReplicatedMoveOnlyRotationYawField ()
FVectorBaseTranslationOffsetField ()
char & ReplicatedMovementModeField ()
float & LeftDynamicActorBaseTimeField ()
float & CrouchedEyeHeightField ()
float & ProneEyeHeightField ()
FDodgeMovementInfo & DodgingMovementInfoField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > CharacterOverrideSoundFromField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > CharacterOverrideSoundToField ()
bool & bInBaseReplicationField ()
float & JumpKeyHoldTimeField ()
float & JumpMaxHoldTimeField ()
int & LastTeleportedFrameField ()
long double & ForceUnfreezeSkeletalDynamicsUntilTimeField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCrouched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsProne ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverDodge ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverProne ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverCrouch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateDesiredRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterParticle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPressedJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientUpdating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPlayingTurningAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientWasFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientResimulateRootMotion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSimGravityDisabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBigPusher ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBePushed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanPushOthers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetDefaultMovementMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideWalkingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideSwimmingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideNewFallVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRelativeBaseUsePitchAndRoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStartedJumpingWhileOnABase ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBasedOnMesh ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsSettingReplicatedBasedMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPreventMovementMode ()
UPrimitiveComponentGetMovementBase ()
bool IsJumping ()
bool NotifyLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
bool ShouldOverrideNewFallVelocity ()
bool ShouldOverrideSwimmingVelocity ()
bool ShouldOverrideWalkingVelocity ()
void SetLastMovementDesiredRotation (FRotator *InRotation)
bool AllowMovementMode (EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char NewCustomMode)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
USoundBase * BPOverrideCharacterSound_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundIn)
void BaseChange ()
bool CanCrouch ()
bool CanDodge ()
bool CanJump ()
bool CanJumpInternal_Implementation ()
bool CanProne ()
void CheckJumpInput (float DeltaTime)
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
void ClearJumpInput ()
void ClientCheatFly_Implementation ()
void ClientCheatGhost_Implementation ()
void ClientCheatWalk_Implementation ()
void Crouch (bool bClientSimulation)
bool DoJump (bool bReplayingMoves)
UActorComponentFindComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
UAnimMontage * GetCurrentMontage ()
float GetDefaultHalfHeight ()
float GetJumpMaxHoldTime ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
bool IsBasedOnDynamicActor ()
bool IsComponentTickDelegated (UActorComponent *Component)
bool IsGamePlayRelevant ()
void Jump ()
void Landed (FHitResult *Hit)
void LaunchCharacter (FVector LaunchVelocity, bool bXYOverride, bool bZOverride)
void NetTeleportSucceeded_Implementation (FVector ToLoc, FRotator ToRot)
void OnEndCrouch (float HeightAdjust, float ScaledHeightAdjust)
void OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, char PrevCustomMode)
void OnRep_DodgingMovementInfo ()
void OnRep_IsCrouched ()
void OnRep_IsProne ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedBasedMovement ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void OnRep_RootMotion ()
void OnStartCrouch (float HeightAdjust, float ScaledHeightAdjust)
void PawnClientRestart ()
float PlayAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer)
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PreNetReceive ()
bool PreventMovementMode (EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char NewCustomMode)
void Prone (bool bClientSimulation)
void RecalculateBaseEyeHeight ()
void Restart ()
void SetBase (UPrimitiveComponent *NewBaseComponent, FName BoneName, bool bNotifyPawn)
bool ShouldNotifyLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
bool ShouldReplicateRotPitch ()
bool ShouldUseWaveLocking (bool bForceCheck)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void StartDodging (FVector InDodgingVelocity, bool bClientSimulation)
void StopAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage)
void StopDodging (bool bClientSimulation)
void StopJumping ()
void TeleportSucceeded (bool bIsATest, bool bSimpleTeleport)
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
void TickFromBaseWhenAttachedToParent ()
void TornOff ()
void TurnOff ()
void UnCrouch (bool bClientSimulation)
void UnPossessed ()
void UnProne (bool bClientSimulation)
void UpdateSimulatedPosition (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
bool BP_PreventMovementMode (EMovementMode newMovementMode, char newCustomMode)
bool CanJumpInternal ()
void ClientCheatFly ()
void ClientCheatGhost ()
void ClientCheatWalk ()
void K2_OnEndCrouch (float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
void K2_OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char PrevCustomMode, char NewCustomMode)
void K2_OnStartCrouch (float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
void K2_UpdateCustomMovement (float DeltaTime)
void NetTeleportSucceeded (FVector ToLoc, FRotator ToRot)
void OnJumped ()
void OnLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
void OnLaunched (FVector LaunchVelocity, bool bXYOverride, bool bZOverride)
void OnWalkingOffLedge ()
TSubobjectPtr< UCharacterMovementComponent > & CharacterMovementField ()
FVectorBaseTranslationOffsetField ()
char & ReplicatedMovementModeField ()
float & LeftDynamicActorBaseTimeField ()
float & CrouchedEyeHeightField ()
float & ProneEyeHeightField ()
float & HarvestingDestructionMeshRangeMultiplerField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > CharacterOverrideSoundFromField ()
TArray< USoundBase * > CharacterOverrideSoundToField ()
bool & bInBaseReplicationField ()
float & JumpKeyHoldTimeField ()
float & JumpMaxHoldTimeField ()
float & ExtraMaxAccelerationModifierField ()
float & ExtraFrictionModifierField ()
int & LastTeleportedFrameField ()
long double & ForceUnfreezeSkeletalDynamicsUntilTimeField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsCrouched ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsProne ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverProne ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanEverCrouch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateDesiredRotation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterSound ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideCharacterParticle ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPressedJump ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientUpdating ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsPlayingTurningAnim ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientWasFalling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClientResimulateRootMotion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSimGravityDisabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsBigPusher ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBePushed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanPushOthers ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSetDefaultMovementMode ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideWalkingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideSwimmingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideNewFallVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideFlyingVelocity ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventWaterHopCorrectionVelChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUsesRootMotion ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBasedUsesFastPathSMCTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBasedUsesFastPathMoveTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceUnfreezeIkNextFrame ()
bool NotifyLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
bool IsJumping ()
float ModifyAirControl (float Damage, FPointDamageEvent *PointDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
UPrimitiveComponentGetMovementBase ()
void SetLastMovementDesiredRotation (FRotator *InRotation)
bool AllowOverrideFlyingVelocity ()
bool AllowOverrideNewFallVelocity ()
bool AllowOverrideSwimmingVelocity ()
bool AllowOverrideWalkingVelocity ()
FRotatorBPModifyRootMotionDeltaRotation_Implementation (FRotator *result, FRotator *Delta)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
float GetDefaultHalfHeight ()
UActorComponentFindComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
void Landed (FHitResult *Hit)
bool CanJump ()
bool CanJumpInternal_Implementation ()
bool DoJump (bool bReplayingMoves)
void RecalculateBaseEyeHeight ()
void OnRep_IsCrouched ()
void OnRep_IsProne ()
bool CanCrouch ()
void Crouch (bool bClientSimulation)
void UnCrouch (bool bClientSimulation)
bool CanProne ()
void Prone (bool bClientSimulation)
void UnProne (bool bClientSimulation)
void OnEndCrouch (float HeightAdjust, float ScaledHeightAdjust)
void OnStartCrouch (float HeightAdjust, float ScaledHeightAdjust)
void ApplyDamageMomentum (float DamageTaken, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, APawn *PawnInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void TeleportSucceeded (bool bIsATest, bool bSimpleTeleport)
void NetTeleportSucceeded_Implementation (FVector ToLoc, FRotator ToRot)
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
void SetBase (UPrimitiveComponent *NewBaseComponent, FName BoneName, bool bNotifyPawn)
bool IsBasedOnDynamicActor ()
void TurnOff ()
void Restart ()
void PawnClientRestart ()
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
void UnPossessed ()
void TornOff ()
void BaseChange ()
void LaunchCharacter (FVector LaunchVelocity, bool bXYOverride, bool bZOverride)
void OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, char PrevCustomMode)
bool ShouldNotifyLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
void Jump ()
void StopJumping ()
void CheckJumpInput (float DeltaTime)
void ClearJumpInput ()
float GetJumpMaxHoldTime ()
void PreNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedBasedMovement ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void OnRep_RootMotion ()
void UpdateSimulatedPosition (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator *NewRotation)
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
bool IsPlayingRootMotion ()
USoundBase * BPOverrideCharacterSound_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundIn)
float PlayAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, FName StartSectionName, bool bForceTickPoseAndServerUpdateMesh, bool bForceTickPoseOnServer, float BlendInTime, float BlendOutTime)
void StopAnimMontage (UAnimMontage *AnimMontage)
UAnimMontage * GetCurrentMontage ()
void ClientCheatWalk_Implementation ()
void ClientCheatFly_Implementation ()
void ClientCheatGhost_Implementation ()
bool ShouldReplicateRotPitch ()
float OverrideTerminalVelocity (bool bIgnoreTrueBlack, bool bUseGrayscale)
bool BP_PreventMovementMode (EMovementMode newMovementMode, char newCustomMode)
FRotatorBPModifyRootMotionDeltaRotation (FRotator *result, FRotator *Delta)
void K2_OnEndCrouch (float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
void K2_OnMovementModeChanged (EMovementMode PrevMovementMode, EMovementMode NewMovementMode, char PrevCustomMode, char NewCustomMode)
void K2_OnStartCrouch (float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
void K2_UpdateCustomMovement (float DeltaTime)
void OnJumped ()
void OnLanded (FHitResult *Hit)
void OnLaunched (FVector LaunchVelocity, bool bXYOverride, bool bZOverride)
void OnWalkingOffLedge ()
bool ReplicateMovementToSimulatedClients ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from APawn
float & BaseEyeHeightField ()
TSubclassOf< AController > & AIControllerClassField ()
APlayerStatePlayerStateField ()
char & RemoteViewPitchField ()
AControllerLastHitByField ()
AControllerControllerField ()
float & AllowedYawErrorField ()
bool & bClearOnConsumeField ()
FVectorControlInputVectorField ()
FVectorLastControlInputVectorField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AController > & SpawnedForControllerField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationPitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationYaw ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationRoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanAffectNavigationGeneration ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMovementStoppingOnPossess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInputEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bProcessingOutsideWorldBounds ()
FVectorGetNavAgentLocation (FVector *result)
void AddControllerPitchInput (float Val)
void AddControllerRollInput (float Val)
void AddControllerYawInput (float Val)
void AddMovementInput (FVector WorldDirection, float ScaleValue, bool bForce)
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ClientSetRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
FVectorConsumeMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
void DestroyPlayerInputComponent ()
void Destroyed ()
void DetachFromControllerPendingDestroy ()
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void FaceRotation (FRotator NewControlRotation, float DeltaTime, bool bFromController)
void GetActorEyesViewPoint (FVector *out_Location, FRotator *out_Rotation)
FRotatorGetBaseAimRotation (FRotator *result)
FRotatorGetControlRotation (FRotator *result)
AControllerGetDamageInstigator (AController *InstigatedBy, UDamageType *DamageType)
float GetDefaultHalfHeight ()
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
FVectorGetLastMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
float GetNetPriority (FVector *ViewPos, FVector *ViewDir, APlayerController *Viewer, UActorChannel *InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
FVectorGetPawnViewLocation (FVector *result, bool bAllTransforms)
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
FRotatorGetViewRotation (FRotator *result)
bool InFreeCam ()
void Internal_AddMovementInput (FVector WorldAccel, bool bForce)
FVectorInternal_ConsumeMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool IsControlled ()
bool IsCrouched ()
bool IsFalling ()
bool IsLocallyControlled ()
bool IsLocallyControlledByPlayer ()
bool IsMoveInputIgnored ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
bool IsWalking ()
FVectorK2_GetMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
void LaunchPawn (FVector LaunchVelocity, bool bXYOverride, bool bZOverride)
void MoveIgnoreActorAdd (AActor *ActorToIgnore)
void OnRep_Controller ()
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void PawnClientRestart ()
void PawnMakeNoise (float Loudness, FVector NoiseLocation, bool bUseNoiseMakerLocation, AActor *NoiseMaker)
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostInputProcessed ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PostNetReceiveVelocity (FVector *NewVelocity)
void PostRegisterAllComponents ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
bool ReachedDesiredRotation ()
void RecalculateBaseEyeHeight ()
void Reset ()
void Restart ()
void SetCanAffectNavigationGeneration (bool bNewValue)
bool ShouldTakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool ShouldTickIfViewportsOnly ()
void SpawnDefaultController ()
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void TickBasedCharacters (float DeltaSeconds)
void TurnOff ()
void UnPossessed ()
void ReceivePossessed (AController *NewController)
void ReceiveUnpossessed (AController *OldController)
float & BaseEyeHeightField ()
TSubclassOf< AController > & AIControllerClassField ()
APlayerStatePlayerStateField ()
char & RemoteViewPitchField ()
AControllerLastHitByField ()
AControllerControllerField ()
float & AllowedYawErrorField ()
bool & bClearOnConsumeField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & TetherActorField ()
float & TetherRadiusField ()
float & TetherHeightField ()
FVectorControlInputVectorField ()
FVectorLastControlInputVectorField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AController > & SpawnedForControllerField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationPitch ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationYaw ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseControllerRotationRoll ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanAffectNavigationGeneration ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventMovementStoppingOnPossess ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bInputEnabled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bProcessingOutsideWorldBounds ()
FVectorGetNavAgentLocation (FVector *result)
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostRegisterAllComponents ()
void UpdateNavAgent ()
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
bool IsLocallyControlled ()
bool ReachedDesiredRotation ()
float GetDefaultHalfHeight ()
bool ShouldTickIfViewportsOnly ()
FVectorGetPawnViewLocation (FVector *result, bool bAllTransforms)
FRotatorGetViewRotation (FRotator *result)
void SpawnDefaultController ()
void TurnOff ()
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void PawnClientRestart ()
void Destroyed ()
bool ShouldTakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
float TakeDamage (float Damage, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
AControllerGetCharacterController ()
FRotatorGetControlRotation (FRotator *result)
void OnRep_Controller ()
void PossessedBy (AController *NewController)
void UnPossessed ()
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
void DestroyPlayerInputComponent ()
bool IsMoveInputIgnored ()
void SetMovementTether (AActor *InTetherActor, float Radius, float Height)
void ClearMovementTether ()
AActorGetTetherObject ()
bool IsMovementTethered ()
bool IsWithinTether ()
bool IsTargetWithinTether (FVector *Destination, float AdditionalRadius)
FVectorGetTetheredDestination (FVector *result, FVector *Destination, float AdditionalRadius)
FVectorGetTetheredVelocity (FVector *result, FVector *RequestedVelocity, float DeltaSeconds)
void AddMovementInput (FVector WorldDirection, float ScaleValue, bool bForce)
FVectorConsumeMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
void Internal_AddMovementInput (FVector WorldAccel, bool bForce)
void PostInputProcessed ()
FVectorInternal_ConsumeMovementInputVector (FVector *result)
void AddControllerPitchInput (float Val)
void AddControllerYawInput (float Val)
void AddControllerRollInput (float Val)
void Restart ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void RecalculateBaseEyeHeight ()
void Reset ()
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
void GetActorEyesViewPoint (FVector *out_Location, FRotator *out_Rotation)
FRotatorGetBaseAimRotation (FRotator *result)
bool InFreeCam ()
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void ClientSetRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
void FaceRotation (FRotator NewControlRotation, float DeltaTime, bool bFromController)
void DetachFromControllerPendingDestroy ()
AControllerGetDamageInstigator (AController *InstigatedBy, UDamageType *DamageType)
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
bool IsWalking ()
bool IsFalling ()
bool IsCrouched ()
void PostNetReceiveVelocity (FVector *NewVelocity)
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void PawnMakeNoise (float Loudness, FVector NoiseLocation, bool bUseNoiseMakerLocation, AActor *NoiseMaker)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
bool IsLocallyControlledByPlayer ()
void InterceptInputEvent (FString *InputName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AActor
float & CustomTimeDilationField ()
float & ClientReplicationSendNowThresholdField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RemoteRoleField ()
AActorOwnerField ()
long double & LastReplicatedMovementField ()
int & LastFrameForceNetUpdateField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RoleField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetDormancy > & NetDormancyField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & ReplicatedComponentsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< USoundBase > & LastPostProcessVolumeSoundField ()
int & DefaultStasisComponentOctreeFlagsField ()
int & DefaultStasisedOctreeFlagsField ()
int & DefaultUnstasisedOctreeFlagsField ()
UPrimitiveComponentStasisCheckComponentField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenDormantField ()
AActorNetworkSpatializationParentField ()
float & NetworkAndStasisRangeMultiplierField ()
float & NetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
long double & UnstasisLastInRangeTimeField ()
long double & LastPreReplicationTimeField ()
long double & LastEnterStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastExitStasisTimeField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
float & ReplicationIntervalMultiplierField ()
int & ForceImmediateReplicationFrameField ()
char & StasisSetIndexField ()
char & RandomStartByteField ()
unsigned __int64 & LastFrameUnStasisField ()
volatile int & LastUnstasisFrameCounterField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & StasisUnRegisteredComponentsField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredDormantField ()
int & NetTagField ()
long double & NetUpdateTimeField ()
float & NetUpdateFrequencyField ()
float & NetPriorityField ()
long double & LastNetUpdateTimeField ()
FNameNetDriverNameField ()
unsigned int & UniqueActorIdField ()
int & TargetingTeamField ()
float & OverrideStasisComponentRadiusField ()
APawnInstigatorField ()
long double & CreationTimeField ()
long double & OriginalCreationTimeField ()
int & CustomActorFlagsField ()
TArray< AActor * > ChildrenField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateShiftTagField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateFrameCountField ()
USceneComponentRootComponentField ()
TArray< AMatineeActor * > ControllingMatineeActorsField ()
float & InitialLifeSpanField ()
TArray< FName > & LayersField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ParentComponentActorField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TArray< FName > & TagsField ()
unsigned __int64 & HiddenEditorViewsField ()
FVectorDefaultActorLocationField ()
float & ForceMaximumReplicationRateUntilTimeField ()
long double & LastActorForceReplicationTimeField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > OwnedComponentsField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > SerializedComponentsField ()
__int64 & LastActorUnstasisedCycleField ()
int & LastFrameCalculcatedNetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
int & NetworkDormantChildrenOpIdxField ()
bool & bShouldSendPartialBunchesOverThresholdAsReliableField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetTemporary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMapActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasHighVolumeRPCs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetStartup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasingAllowSteppingUp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyRelevantToOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceHiddenReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChangedActorTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasExecutedActorConstruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEverSetTimer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClimbable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachmentReplicationUseNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnstreamComponentsUseEndOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoreNetworkRangeScaling ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcedHudDrawingRequiresSameTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNPCSpawnFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSavedWhenStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventShovel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollisionImpactPreventShipDamage ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetCritical ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateInstigator ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDestroyedEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyPointForLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTearOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExchangedRoles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseOwnerRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseClientRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoNotCook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHibernateChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlockInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintMultiUseEntries ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideMultiUseCenterText ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSaving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiUseCenterHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyInitialReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetworkSpatializationForceRelevancyCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunningUserConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFinishedSpawning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeferredBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasReplicatedProperties ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorEnableCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoDestroyWhenFinished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDamaged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingKillPending ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollideWhenPlacing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetMulticasting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetConnectionDidInitialSort ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDormantNetMulticastForceFullReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoOverrideHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideHiddenShadowValue ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLevelBoundsRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReplicateDormantChildrenWithoutSpatialRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasisComponentRadiusForceDistanceCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemUsed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemDropped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPInventoryItemUsedHandlesDurability ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceAllowsInventoryUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateVelocityHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyReplicateOnNetForcedUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorSeamlessTraveled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoresOriginShifting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventActorStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPPostLoadedFromSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLayerGroupedVisibility ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSkeletalComponentsForceParallelAnims ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceInfiniteDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForcePreventSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRegularForceNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseInitializedSeamlessGridInfo ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceIgnoreSpatialComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWasForceIgnoreSpatialComponent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateUniqueActorId ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevantPrimalStructure ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsBeginPlayAfterSingleplayerGridTravel ()
bool AllowSeamlessTravel ()
FStringGetDescriptiveName (FString *result)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result)
bool IsMarkedForSeamlessTravel ()
void UnmarkAbortedForSeamlessTravel ()
bool IsLevelBoundsRelevant ()
bool HasAuthority ()
bool IsPendingKillPending ()
void MarkForSeamlessTravel (unsigned int DestinationServerId, ESeamlessVolumeSide::Side DestinationServerVolumeSide)
bool ActorHasTag (FName Tag)
void AddActorLocalOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorLocalRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorLocalTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldOffset (FVector DeltaLocation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldRotation (FRotator DeltaRotation, bool bSweep)
void AddActorWorldTransform (FTransform *DeltaTransform, bool bSweep)
UActorComponentAddComponent (FName TemplateName, bool bManualAttachment, FTransform *RelativeTransform, UObject *ComponentTemplateContext)
void AddControllingMatineeActor (AMatineeActor *InMatineeActor)
void AddOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
bool AllowSaving ()
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
void ApplyWorldOffset (FVector *InOffset, bool bWorldShift)
void AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
bool BPIsA (TSubclassOf< AActor > anActorClass)
bool BPIsMarkedForSeamlessTravel ()
float BPOverrideServerMultiUseAcceptRange_Implementation ()
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void BeginDestroy ()
void BeginPlay ()
void CalcCamera (float DeltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo *OutResult)
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
bool CheckActorComponents ()
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool CheckStillInWorld ()
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
void ClearNetworkSpatializationParent ()
void ClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void CopyRemoteRoleFrom (AActor *CopyFromActor)
void CreateChildActors ()
UActorComponentCreateComponentFromTemplate (UActorComponent *Template, FString *InName)
bool Destroy (bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel)
void DestroyChildActors ()
void DestroyConstructedComponents ()
void DestroyInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DestroyMeNextFrame ()
void Destroyed ()
void DetachRootComponentFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DetachSceneComponentsFromParent (USceneComponent *InParentComponent, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DisableComponentsSimulatePhysics ()
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DispatchBlockingHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FHitResult *Hit)
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void EndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ExchangeNetRoles (bool bRemoteOwned)
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void FinalSeamlessTravelled ()
void FinishAndRegisterComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void FinishSpawning (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void FlushNetDormancy ()
bool ForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void ForceNetRelevant ()
void ForceReplicateNowWithChannel ()
void GetActorBounds (bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Origin, FVector *BoxExtent)
bool GetActorEnableCollision ()
FVectorGetActorForwardVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRightVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorScale3D (FVector *result)
float GetActorTimeDilation ()
FVectorGetActorUpVector (FVector *result)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString_Implementation (FString *result)
void GetAllSceneComponents (TArray< USceneComponent * > *OutComponents)
AActorGetAttachParentActor ()
FNameGetAttachParentSocketName (FName *result)
void GetAttachedActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
UActorComponentGetComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
UActorComponentGetComponentByCustomTag (FName TheTag)
void GetComponents (TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutComponents)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBox (FBox *result, bool bNonColliding)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBoxForLevelBounds (FBox *result)
void GetComponentsBoundingCylinder (float *OutCollisionRadius, float *OutCollisionHalfHeight, bool bNonColliding)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByClass (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByCustomTag (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, FName TheTag)
ECollisionResponse GetComponentsCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
float GetDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FStringGetEditTextString_Implementation (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *AssociatedObject1, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
float GetHorizontalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
float GetInputAxisKeyValue (FKey InputAxisKey)
float GetInputAxisValue (FName InputAxisName)
FVectorGetInputVectorAxisValue (FVector *result, FKey InputAxisKey)
APawnGetInstigator ()
AControllerGetInstigatorController ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result)
FVectorGetInterpolatedVelocity (FVector *result)
bool GetIsMapActor ()
long double GetLastRenderTime (bool ignoreShadow)
float GetLifeSpan ()
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
float GetNetPriority (FVector *ViewPos, FVector *ViewDir, APlayerController *Viewer, UActorChannel *InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)
float GetNetStasisAndRangeMultiplier (bool bIsForNetworking)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
ENetRole GetRemoteRole ()
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
void GetSubobjectsWithStableNamesForNetworking (TArray< UObject * > *ObjList)
FTransformGetTransform (FTransform *result)
FVectorGetVelocity (FVector *result, bool bIsForRagdoll)
float GetVerticalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleUnhiddenComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UWorldGetWorld ()
AWorldSettingsGetWorldSettings ()
bool HasNetOwner ()
void InitializeComponents ()
float InternalTakeRadialDamage (float Damage, FRadialDamageEvent *RadialDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bTranslationOnly)
void InventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
bool IsAttachedTo (AActor *Other)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool IsInGameplayWorld ()
bool IsInOrOwnedBy (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsInPersistentLevel (bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersistent)
bool IsMatineeControlled ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
bool IsNetStartupActor ()
bool IsOwnedOrControlledBy (AActor *TestOwner)
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
bool IsRelevancyOwnerFor (AActor *ReplicatedActor, AActor *ActorOwner, AActor *ConnectionActor)
bool IsRootComponentCollisionRegistered ()
bool IsRootComponentMovable ()
bool IsRootComponentStatic ()
bool IsRootComponentStationary ()
void K2_AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void K2_AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void K2_DestroyComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
FRotatorK2_GetActorRotation (FRotator *result)
USceneComponentK2_GetRootComponent ()
UWorldK2_GetWorld ()
bool K2_SetActorLocation (FVector NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool K2_TeleportTo (FVector DestLocation, FRotator DestRotation, bool bSimpleTeleport)
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void MakeNoise (float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector NoiseLocation)
void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill ()
void MarkComponentsRenderStateDirty ()
void MatineeUpdated ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
void Multi_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem_Implementation (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow_Implementation (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Multi_DrawDebugLine_Implementation (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FColor LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugSphere_Implementation (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void MulticastProperty (FName PropertyName, bool bUnreliable)
void MulticastPropertyToPlayer (FName PropertyName, APlayerController *PC, bool bUnreliable)
void NetActorSpawnActorUnreliable_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetActorSpawnActor_Implementation (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo_Implementation (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetDetachRootComponentFromAny_Implementation ()
void Net_DrawDebugBox (FVector *Center, FVector *BoxExtent, FQuat *Rotation, FColor *BoxColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugCapsule (FVector *Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, FQuat *Rotation, FColor *CapsuleColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector *AxisLoc, FRotator *AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Net_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow (FVector *LineStart, FVector *LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor *ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Net_DrawDebugLine (FVector *LineStart, FVector *LineEnd, FColor *LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Net_DrawDebugSphere (FVector *Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor *SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void OnSubobjectCreatedFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void OnSubobjectDestroyFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void PlaySoundAtLocation (USoundCue *InSoundCue, FVector SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PlaySoundOnActor (USoundCue *InSoundCue, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PostActorConstruction ()
void PostInitProperties ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostLoadSubobjects (FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph)
void PostNetInit ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PostNetReceivePhysicState ()
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
void PreInitializeComponents ()
void PreNetReceive ()
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, int CinematicTextureGroups)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parameters)
void PropertyServerToClientsUnreliable_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void PropertyServerToClients_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void REP_ActivateManualDirtyForPlayer (FName *PropertyName, APlayerController *PC)
void RegisterActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bDoComponents, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllComponents ()
void RemoveControllingMatineeActor (AMatineeActor *InMatineeActor)
void RemoveOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void ReregisterAllComponents ()
void RerunConstructionScripts ()
void ResetOwnedComponents ()
void ResetPropertiesForConstruction ()
void ResetSpatialComponent ()
void RouteEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void SendExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams, bool bIsReliable)
void ServerSendSimpleExecCommandToEveryone (FName CommandName, bool bIsReliable, bool bForceSendToLocalPlayer, bool bIgnoreRelevancy)
void SetActorEnableCollision (bool bNewActorEnableCollision, bool bCheckRecreatePhysicsState)
void SetActorHiddenInGame (bool bNewHidden)
bool SetActorLocation (FVector *NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorLocationAndRotation (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeLocation (FVector NewRelativeLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeRotation (FRotator NewRelativeRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector NewRelativeScale)
void SetActorRelativeTransform (FTransform *NewRelativeTransform, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorRotation (FQuat *NewRotation)
bool SetActorRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
void SetActorScale3D (FVector *NewScale3D)
void SetActorTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool SetActorTransform (FTransform *NewTransform, bool bSweep)
void SetAutonomousProxy (bool bInAutonomousProxy)
void SetLifeSpan (float InLifespan)
void SetNetUpdateTime (long double NewUpdateTime)
void SetNetworkSpatializationParent (AActor *NewParent)
void SetOwner (AActor *NewOwner)
void SetReplicates (bool bInReplicates)
bool SetRootComponent (USceneComponent *NewRootComponent)
void SetTickFunctionEnabled (bool bEnableTick)
void SetTickableWhenPaused (bool bTickableWhenPaused)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void SnapRootComponentTo (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName)
void Stasis ()
void StopActorSound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, float FadeOutTime)
float TakeDamage (float DamageAmount, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void UninitializeComponents (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void UnregisterAllComponents (bool bDetachFromOtherParent)
void Unstasis ()
void UpdateOverlaps (bool bDoNotifies)
void GatherCurrentMovement ()
AActorGetOwner ()
void ForceNetUpdate (bool bDormantDontReplicateProperties, bool bAbsoluteForceNetUpdate, bool bDontUpdateChannel)
void ForceReplicateNow (bool bForceCreateChannel, bool bForceCreateChannelIfRelevant)
void ActorPlaySound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void ActorPlaySoundUnreliable (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
bool AllowGrappling ()
bool AllowIgnoreCharacterEncroachment (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *EncroachingCharacter)
bool AllowManualMultiUseActivation (APlayerController *ForPC)
void BPAttachedRootComponent ()
void BPChangedActorTeam ()
void BPClientDoMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int ClientUseIndex)
void BPClientIsAboutToSeamlessTravel ()
bool BPConsumeSetPinCode (APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool BPConsumeUsePinCode (AActor *FromKeypadActor, APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsActivating)
bool BPForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
FStringBPOverrideMultiUseCenterText (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC)
float BPOverrideServerMultiUseAcceptRange ()
void BPPostInitializeComponents ()
void BPPostLoadedFromSeamlessTravel ()
void BPPreInitializeComponents ()
bool BPTryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel ()
void ClientSeamlessTravelled ()
void DrawActorFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
void DrawBasicFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
FStringGetAimedTutorialHintString (FString *result)
FStringGetEditTextString (FString *result, APlayerController *ForPC, UObject *AssociatedObject1, int ExtraID1, int ExtraID2)
void InitializedSeamlessGridInfo ()
bool IsValidLockOnTarget (APawn *AttackerPawn)
void K2_OnBecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void K2_OnEndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ModifyHudMultiUseLoc (FVector2D *theVec, APlayerController *PC, int index)
void Multi_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugDirectionalArrow (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FColor ArrowColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void Multi_DrawDebugLine (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FColor LineColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority, float Thickness)
void Multi_DrawDebugSphere (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FColor SphereColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, char DepthPriority)
void NetActorSpawnActor (TSubclassOf< AActor > ActorClass, FVector AtLoc, FRotator AtRot, bool bIgnoreOnDedicatedServer, USceneComponent *AttachToComponent, FName BoneName, AActor *SpawnOwner)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetSpawnedActor (AActor *SpawnedActor)
float OffsetHUDFromBottomScreenY (AHUD *ForHUD)
float OffsetHUDFromCenterScreenY (AHUD *ForHUD)
void PrepareClientMapActorForSeamlessTravel ()
void PropertyServerToClients (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void PropertyServerToClientsUnreliable (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void ReceiveActorBeginCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorBeginOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorEndCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorEndOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorOnClicked ()
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnter (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchLeave (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnReleased ()
void ReceiveAnyDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveBeginPlay ()
void ReceiveDestroyed ()
void ReceiveEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void ReceiveHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void ReceiveInput (FString *InputName, float Value, FVector VectorValue, bool bStarted, bool bEnded)
void ReceivePointDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FName BoneName, FVector ShotFromDirection, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveRadialDamage (float DamageReceived, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector Origin, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void RecieveMatineeUpdated ()
void ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel ()
void ThrottledTick ()
void UserConstructionScript ()
float & CustomTimeDilationField ()
float & ClientReplicationSendNowThresholdField ()
bool & bForceAllowNetMulticastField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RemoteRoleField ()
AActorOwnerField ()
long double & LastReplicatedMovementField ()
int & LastFrameForceNetUpdateField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetRole > & RoleField ()
TEnumAsByte< enum ENetDormancy > & NetDormancyField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & ReplicatedComponentsField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< USoundBase > & LastPostProcessVolumeSoundField ()
int & DefaultStasisComponentOctreeFlagsField ()
UPrimitiveComponentStasisCheckComponentField ()
TArray< AActor * > NetworkSpatializationChildrenField ()
AActorNetworkSpatializationParentField ()
float & NetworkAndStasisRangeMultiplierField ()
long double & UnstasisLastInRangeTimeField ()
long double & LastPreReplicationTimeField ()
long double & LastEnterStasisTimeField ()
long double & LastExitStasisTimeField ()
FNameCustomTagField ()
int & CustomDataField ()
float & ReplicationIntervalMultiplierField ()
int & ForceImmediateReplicationFrameField ()
char & StasisSetIndexField ()
char & RandomStartByteField ()
unsigned __int64 & LastFrameUnStasisField ()
volatile int & LastUnstasisFrameCounterField ()
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UActorComponent > > & StasisUnRegisteredComponentsField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredField ()
float & NetCullDistanceSquaredDormantField ()
int & NetTagField ()
long double & NetUpdateTimeField ()
float & NetUpdateFrequencyField ()
float & NetPriorityField ()
long double & LastNetUpdateTimeField ()
FNameNetDriverNameField ()
int & TargetingTeamField ()
float & OverrideStasisComponentRadiusField ()
APawnInstigatorField ()
long double & CreationTimeField ()
long double & OriginalCreationTimeField ()
TArray< AActor * > ChildrenField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateShiftTagField ()
unsigned int & AnimUpdateRateFrameCountField ()
USceneComponentRootComponentField ()
TArray< AMatineeActor * > ControllingMatineeActorsField ()
float & InitialLifeSpanField ()
TArray< FName > & LayersField ()
TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > & ParentComponentActorField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeField ()
long double & LastRenderTimeIgnoreShadowField ()
TArray< FName > & TagsField ()
unsigned __int64 & HiddenEditorViewsField ()
FTargetingTeamChangedOnTargetingTeamChangedField ()
FVectorDefaultActorLocationField ()
FGuidUniqueGuidIdField ()
float & ForceMaximumReplicationRateUntilTimeField ()
long double & LastActorForceReplicationTimeField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > OwnedComponentsField ()
TArray< UActorComponent * > SerializedComponentsField ()
int & LastFrameCalculcatedNetworkRangeMultiplierField ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetTemporary ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIsMapActor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasHighVolumeRPCs ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetStartup ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventCharacterBasingAllowSteppingUp ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyRelevantToOwner ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceHiddenReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPChangedActorTeam ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasExecutedActorConstruction ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEverSetTimer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoredByCharacterEncroachment ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bClimbable ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAttachmentReplicationUseNetworkParent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUnstreamComponentsUseEndOverlap ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideUILocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceBasedActorsOutOfFastTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetShowDebugAnimationComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedServerThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bWantsPerformanceThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAddedPerformanceThrottledTick ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceInfiniteDrawDistance ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCheckForErrors ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventRegularForceNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPOverrideTargetingLocation ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetHUDDrawLocationOffset ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventNPCSpawnFloor ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetCritical ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPCustomIsRelevantForClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateInstigator ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bSuppressDestroyedEvent ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseOnlyPointForLevelBounds ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateMovement ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bTearOff ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bExchangedRoles ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasised ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingUnstasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingNetUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetLoadOnClient ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseOwnerRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetUseClientRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoNotCook ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHibernateChange ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlockInput ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoStasis ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBlueprintMultiUseEntries ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bEnableMultiUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPGetMultiUseCenterText ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventSaving ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bMultiUseCenterHUD ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyInitialReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseAttachmentReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetworkSpatializationForceRelevancyCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicates ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bRunningUserConstructionScript ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasFinishedSpawning ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDeferredBeginPlay ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bHasReplicatedProperties ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorEnableCollision ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAutoDestroyWhenFinished ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCanBeDamaged ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPendingKillPending ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bCollideWhenPlacing ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetMulticasting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bNetConnectionDidInitialSort ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDormantNetMulticastForceFullReplication ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bDoOverrideHiddenShadow ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOverrideHiddenShadowValue ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bLoadedFromSaveGame ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventLevelBoundsRelevant ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceReplicateDormantChildrenWithoutSpatialRelevancy ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPreInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPPostInitializeComponents ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bForceNetworkSpatialization ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bStasisComponentRadiusForceDistanceCheck ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemUsed ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPInventoryItemDropped ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bBPInventoryItemUsedHandlesDurability ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bUseBPForceAllowsInventoryUse ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateRotationHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateVelocityHighQuality ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bOnlyReplicateOnNetForcedUpdate ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorInitialized ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bActorSeamlessTraveled ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bIgnoresOriginShifting ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bReplicateHidden ()
BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > bPreventActorStasis ()
FVectorGetTargetPathfindingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *RequestedBy)
bool IsLevelBoundsRelevant ()
bool IsPendingKillPending ()
bool IsOwnedBy (AActor *TestOwner)
void SetRemoteRoleForBackwardsCompat (ENetRole InRemoteRole)
FStringGetHumanReadableName (FString *result)
UGameInstanceGetOwner ()
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool CheckActorComponents ()
void ResetOwnedComponents ()
void PostInitProperties ()
UWorldGetWorld ()
bool IsInGameplayWorld ()
UGameInstanceGetGameInstance ()
bool IsNetStartupActor ()
void ClearCrossLevelReferences ()
bool TeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation, bool bIsATest, bool bNoCheck)
bool SimpleTeleportTo (FVector *DestLocation, FRotator *DestRotation)
void AddTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void AddTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor (AActor *PrerequisiteActor)
void RemoveTickPrerequisiteComponent (UActorComponent *PrerequisiteComponent)
void BeginDestroy ()
bool IsReadyForFinishDestroy ()
void PostLoad ()
void PostLoadSubobjects (FObjectInstancingGraph *OuterInstanceGraph)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parameters)
void RegisterActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void RegisterAllActorTickFunctions (bool bRegister, bool bDoComponents, bool bSaveAndRestoreTickState)
void SetActorTickEnabled (bool bEnabled)
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
UNetConnectionGetNetConnection ()
UPlayerGetNetOwningPlayer ()
void Tick (float DeltaSeconds)
void GetComponentsBoundingCylinder (float *OutCollisionRadius, float *OutCollisionHalfHeight, bool bNonColliding)
void GetSimpleCollisionCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHalfHeight)
float GetApproachRadius ()
bool IsRootComponentCollisionRegistered ()
bool IsAttachedTo (AActor *Other)
bool IsBasedOnActor (AActor *Other)
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBox (FBox *result, bool bNonColliding)
FBoxGetComponentsBoundingBoxForLevelBounds (FBox *result)
bool CheckStillInWorld ()
void UpdateOverlaps (bool bDoNotifies)
void GetOverlappingActors (TArray< AActor * > *OverlappingActors, UClass *ClassFilter)
void GetOverlappingComponents (TArray< UPrimitiveComponent * > *OutOverlappingComponents)
long double GetLastRenderTime (bool ignoreShadow)
void SetOwner (AActor *NewOwner)
bool HasNetOwner ()
void AttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void OnRep_AttachmentReplication ()
void AttachRootComponentToActor (AActor *InParentActor, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies)
void DetachRootComponentFromParent (bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
void DetachSceneComponentsFromParent (USceneComponent *InParentComponent, bool bMaintainWorldPosition)
AActorGetAttachParentActor ()
FNameGetAttachParentSocketName (FName *result)
void GetAttachedActors (TArray< AActor * > *OutActors)
bool ActorHasTag (FName Tag)
bool IsMatineeControlled ()
bool IsRootComponentStatic ()
bool IsRootComponentStationary ()
bool IsRootComponentMovable ()
bool IsRelevancyOwnerFor (AActor *ReplicatedActor, AActor *ActorOwner, AActor *ConnectionActor)
void FlushNetDormancy ()
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, int CinematicTextureGroups)
void EndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
FTransformActorToWorld (FTransform *result)
FTransformGetTransform (FTransform *result)
void ClearNetworkSpatializationParent ()
void SetNetworkSpatializationParent (AActor *NewParent)
void Destroyed ()
void FellOutOfWorld (UDamageType *dmgType)
void MakeNoise (float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector NoiseLocation)
float TakeDamage (float DamageAmount, FDamageEvent *DamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
float InternalTakeRadialDamage (float Damage, FRadialDamageEvent *RadialDamageEvent, AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
void DispatchBlockingHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FHitResult *Hit)
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void BecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void EndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
AControllerGetInstigatorController ()
void CalcCamera (float DeltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo *OutResult)
void ForceNetRelevant ()
void GetActorEyesViewPoint (FVector *OutLocation, FRotator *OutRotation)
FVectorGetActorViewDirection (FVector *result)
void InventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void InventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
bool ForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
ECollisionResponse GetComponentsCollisionResponseToChannel (ECollisionChannel Channel)
void AddOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
void RemoveOwnedComponent (UActorComponent *Component)
UActorComponentGetComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
FVectorGetTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
UPrimitiveComponentGetVisibleComponentByClass (TSubclassOf< UPrimitiveComponent > ComponentClass)
UActorComponentGetComponentByCustomTag (FName TheTag)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByClass (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, TSubclassOf< UActorComponent > ComponentClass)
TArray< UActorComponent * > * GetComponentsByCustomTag (TArray< UActorComponent * > *result, FName TheTag)
void DisableComponentsSimulatePhysics ()
void PostSpawnInitialize (FVector *SpawnLocation, FRotator *SpawnRotation, AActor *InOwner, APawn *InInstigator, bool bRemoteOwned, bool bNoFail, bool bDeferConstruction, bool bDeferBeginPlay)
void FinishSpawning (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void DoExecuteActorConstruction (FTransform *Transform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
void PreSave ()
void PostActorConstruction ()
void SetReplicates (bool bInReplicates)
void CopyRemoteRoleFrom (AActor *CopyFromActor)
void PostNetInit ()
void BeginPlay ()
void MatineeUpdated ()
void ForceReplicateNowWithChannel ()
void EnableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
void DisableInput (APlayerController *PlayerController)
float GetInputAxisValue (FName InputAxisName)
float GetInputAxisKeyValue (FKey InputAxisKey)
FVectorGetInputVectorAxisValue (FVector *result, FKey InputAxisKey)
bool SetActorLocation (FVector *NewLocation, bool bSweep)
bool SetActorRotation (FRotator NewRotation)
bool SetActorRotation (FQuat *NewRotation)
bool SetActorLocationAndRotation (FVector *NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorScale3D (FVector *NewScale3D)
FVectorGetActorScale3D (FVector *result)
void SetActorRelativeLocation (FVector NewRelativeLocation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeRotation (FRotator NewRelativeRotation, bool bSweep)
void SetActorRelativeScale3D (FVector NewRelativeScale)
void SetActorHiddenInGame (bool bNewHidden)
void SetActorEnableCollision (bool bNewActorEnableCollision)
bool Destroy (bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel)
bool HasAuthority ()
bool SetRootComponent (USceneComponent *NewRootComponent)
FVectorGetActorForwardVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorUpVector (FVector *result)
FVectorGetActorRightVector (FVector *result)
void GetActorBounds (bool bOnlyCollidingComponents, FVector *Origin, FVector *BoxExtent)
AWorldSettingsGetWorldSettings ()
void PlaySoundOnActor (USoundCue *InSoundCue, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void PlaySoundAtLocation (USoundCue *InSoundCue, FVector SoundLocation, float VolumeMultiplier, float PitchMultiplier)
void UnregisterAllComponents (bool bDetachFromOtherParent)
void RegisterAllComponents ()
void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill ()
void ReregisterAllComponents ()
void MarkComponentsRenderStateDirty ()
void InitializeComponents ()
void UninitializeComponents (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed (bool bTranslationOnly)
bool ActorLineTraceSingle (FHitResult *OutHit, FVector *Start, FVector *End, ECollisionChannel TraceChannel, FCollisionQueryParams *Params)
void SetLifeSpan (float InLifespan)
float GetLifeSpan ()
void PostInitializeComponents ()
void Stasis ()
void Unstasis ()
void PreInitializeComponents ()
UWorldK2_GetWorld ()
float GetDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetVerticalDistanceTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
float GetHorizontalDotProductTo (AActor *OtherActor)
FTransformGetInterpolatedTransform (FTransform *result)
APlayerControllerGetOwnerController ()
bool AlwaysReplicatePropertyConditional (UProperty *forProperty)
bool TryMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
void ClientMultiUse (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex)
bool GetMultiUseCenterText (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex, FString *OutCenterText, FLinearColor *OutCenterTextColor)
bool AllowSaving ()
void ChangeActorTeam (int NewTeam)
void TargetingTeamChanged ()
void ForceDestroy ()
bool GetIsMapActor ()
void SendExecCommand (FName CommandName, FNetExecParams *ExecParams, bool bIsReliable)
void ServerSendSimpleExecCommandToEveryone (FName CommandName, bool bIsReliable, bool bForceSendToLocalPlayer, bool bIgnoreRelevancy)
bool IsPrimalCharacterOrStructure ()
void SetTickFunctionEnabled (bool bEnableTick)
bool IsOwnedOrControlledBy (AActor *TestOwner)
bool PreventCharacterBasing (AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *BasedOnComponent)
bool BPIsA (TSubclassOf< AActor > anActorClass)
void MulticastProperty (FName PropertyName)
void MulticastPropertyToPlayer (FName PropertyName, APlayerController *PC)
void PropertyServerToClients_Implementation (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
float GetNetStasisAndRangeMultiplier ()
void StopActorSound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, float FadeOutTime)
void GetAllSceneComponents (TArray< USceneComponent * > *OutComponents)
void ActorPlaySound_Implementation (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo_Implementation (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void NetDetachRootComponentFromAny_Implementation ()
FVectorGetHUDWorldDrawLocation (FVector *result, FName *HUDTag)
void ResetPropertiesForConstruction ()
void DestroyConstructedComponents ()
void RerunConstructionScripts ()
UActorComponentCreateComponentFromTemplate (UActorComponent *Template, FString *InName)
UActorComponentAddComponent (FName TemplateName, bool bManualAttachment, FTransform *RelativeTransform, UObject *ComponentTemplateContext)
void PreNetReceive ()
void PostNetReceive ()
void OnRep_ReplicatedMovement ()
void PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation ()
void PostNetReceivePhysicState ()
bool IsNetRelevantFor (APlayerController *RealViewer, AActor *Viewer, FVector *SrcLocation)
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (TArray< FLifetimeProperty > *OutLifetimeProps)
void GetSubobjectsWithStableNamesForNetworking (TArray< UObject * > *ObjList)
void OnSubobjectCreatedFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
void OnSubobjectDestroyFromReplication (UObject *NewSubobject)
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
void GetComponents (TArray< UActorComponent * > *OutComponents)
void GatherCurrentMovement ()
void ForceReplicateNow (bool bForceCreateChannel, bool bForceCreateChannelIfRelevant)
void ForceNetUpdate (bool bDormantDontReplicateProperties, bool bAbsoluteForceNetUpdate, bool bDontUpdateChannel)
void ActorPlaySound (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
void ActorPlaySoundUnreliable (USoundBase *SoundAsset, bool bAttach, FName BoneName, FVector LocOffset)
bool AllowGrappling ()
bool AllowIgnoreCharacterEncroachment (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *EncroachingCharacter)
bool AllowManualMultiUseActivation (APlayerController *ForPC)
FVectorBP_GetHUDWorldDrawLocation (FVector *result, FName HUDTag)
FVectorBP_OverrideTargetingLocation (FVector *result, AActor *Attacker)
void BPAttachedRootComponent ()
void BPChangedActorTeam ()
bool BPConsumeSetPinCode (APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsSetting, int TheCustomIndex)
bool BPConsumeUsePinCode (AActor *FromKeypadActor, APlayerController *ForPC, int appledPinCode, bool bIsActivating)
bool BPForceAllowsInventoryUse (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
int BPGetExtraSpecialBlueprintInt ()
bool BPGetMultiUseCenterText (APlayerController *ForPC, int UseIndex, FString *OutCenterText, FLinearColor *OutCenterTextColor)
void BPInventoryItemDropped (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
void BPInventoryItemUsed (UObject *InventoryItemObject)
FVectorBPOverrideUILocation (FVector *result, APlayerController *ForPC)
void DrawBasicFloatingHUD (AHUD *ForHUD)
float GetUsablePriority ()
void K2_OnBecomeViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void K2_OnEndViewTarget (APlayerController *PC)
void ModifyHudMultiUseLoc (FVector2D *theVec, APlayerController *PC, int index)
void MulticastDrawDebugArrow (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugBox (FVector Center, FVector Extent, FLinearColor LineColor, FRotator Rotation, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugCapsule (FVector Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, FRotator Rotation, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugCapsuleWithExtents (FVector Top, FVector Bottom, float Radius, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool bPersistent)
void MulticastDrawDebugCoordinateSystem (FVector AxisLoc, FRotator AxisRot, float Scale, float Duration, float Thickness)
void MulticastDrawDebugCylinder (FVector Start, FVector End, float Radius, int Segments, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration)
void MulticastDrawDebugLine (FVector LineStart, FVector LineEnd, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, float Thickness, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugPoint (FVector Position, float Size, FLinearColor PointColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugSphere (FVector Center, float Radius, int Segments, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void MulticastDrawDebugString (FVector TextLocation, FString *Text, AActor *TestBaseActor, FLinearColor TextColor, float Duration, bool enableInShipping)
void NetAttachRootComponentTo (USceneComponent *InParent, FName InSocketName, FVector RelativeLocation, FRotator RelativeRotation)
void OnInventoryItemGrind ()
void PerformanceThrottledTick ()
void PropertyServerToClients (AActor *ActorToRep, FName PropertyName, TArray< unsigned char > *ReplicationData)
void ReceiveActorBeginCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorBeginOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorEndCursorOver ()
void ReceiveActorEndOverlap (AActor *OtherActor)
void ReceiveActorOnClicked ()
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchBegin (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnd (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchEnter (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnInputTouchLeave (ETouchIndex::Type FingerIndex)
void ReceiveActorOnReleased ()
void ReceiveAnyDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveBeginPlay ()
void ReceiveDestroyed ()
void ReceiveEndPlay (EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
void ReceiveHit (UPrimitiveComponent *MyComp, AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, FVector NormalImpulse, FHitResult *Hit)
void ReceiveInput (FString *InputName, float Value, FVector VectorValue, bool bStarted, bool bEnded)
void ReceivePointDamage (float Damage, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, FName BoneName, FVector ShotFromDirection, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveRadialDamage (float DamageReceived, UDamageType *DamageType, FVector Origin, FHitResult *HitInfo, AController *InstigatedBy, AActor *DamageCauser)
void ReceiveTick (float DeltaSeconds)
void RecieveMatineeUpdated ()
void ThrottledTick ()
void UserConstructionScript ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
void ExecuteUbergraph (int EntryPoint)
bool AreAllOuterObjectsValid ()
FNameGetExporterName (FName *result)
FStringGetDetailedInfoInternal (FString *result)
UObjectGetArchetype ()
bool IsBasedOnArchetype (UObject *const SomeObject)
bool IsInBlueprint ()
bool Rename (const wchar_t *InName, UObject *NewOuter, unsigned int Flags)
void LoadLocalized (UObject *LocBase, bool bLoadHierachecally)
void LocalizeProperty (UObject *LocBase, TArray< FString > *PropertyTagChain, UProperty *const BaseProperty, UProperty *const Property, void *const ValueAddress)
void BeginDestroy ()
void FinishDestroy ()
FStringGetDetailedInfo (FString *result)
bool ConditionalBeginDestroy ()
bool ConditionalFinishDestroy ()
void ConditionalPostLoad ()
bool Modify (bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
bool IsSelected ()
void CollectDefaultSubobjects (TArray< UObject * > *OutSubobjectArray, bool bIncludeNestedSubobjects)
bool CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal ()
bool IsAsset ()
bool IsSafeForRootSet ()
void LoadConfig (UClass *ConfigClass, const wchar_t *InFilename, unsigned int PropagationFlags, UProperty *PropertyToLoad)
void ConditionalShutdownAfterError ()
bool IsNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsFullNameStableForNetworking ()
bool IsSupportedForNetworking ()
UFunctionFindFunctionChecked (FName InName)
void ProcessEvent (UFunction *Function, void *Parms)
 __declspec (dllexport) UProperty *FindProperty(FName name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBaseUtility
int GetLinkerUE4Version ()
int GetLinkerLicenseeUE4Version ()
FStringGetPathName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void GetPathName (UObject *StopOuter, FString *ResultString)
FStringGetFullName (FString *result, UObject *StopOuter)
void MarkPackageDirty ()
bool IsIn (UObject *SomeOuter)
bool IsA (UClass *SomeBase)
void * GetInterfaceAddress (UClass *InterfaceClass)
bool IsDefaultSubobject ()
int GetLinkerIndex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
EObjectFlagsObjectFlagsField ()
int & InternalIndexField ()
UClassClassField ()
FNameNameField ()
UObjectOuterField ()
void DeferredRegister (UClass *UClassStaticClass, const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)
bool IsValidLowLevel ()
bool IsValidLowLevelFast (bool bRecursive)
void Register (const wchar_t *PackageName, const wchar_t *InName)

Static Public Member Functions

static UClassStaticClass ()
static APrimalRaftFindRaftWithID (UWorld *World, int RaftUniqueId)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalRaft ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalDinoCharacter
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static APrimalDinoCharacterBPStaticCreateBabyDino (UWorld *TheWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, TArray< unsigned char > EggColorSetIndices, TArray< unsigned char > EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > EggDinoAncestors, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > EggDinoAncestorsMale, int NotifyTeamOverride, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static APrimalDinoCharacterBPStaticCreateBabyDinoNoAncestors (UWorld *TheWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, TArray< unsigned char > EggColorSetIndices, TArray< unsigned char > EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, int NotifyTeamOverride, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static APrimalDinoCharacterFindDinoWithID (UWorld *aWorld, unsigned int DinoID1, unsigned int DinoID2)
static APrimalDinoCharacterSpawnDino (UWorld *World, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > DinoClass, FVector SpawnLoc, FRotator SpawnRot, float LevelMultiplier, int ExtraLevelOffset, bool AddLevelOffsetBeforeMultiplier, bool bOverrideBaseNPCLevel, int BaseLevelOverrideValue, bool bNPCDontWander, float NPCAIRangeMultiplier, int NPCAbsoluteBaseLevel, bool bSpawnWithoutCapsuleOffset)
static APrimalDinoCharacterStaticCreateBabyDino (UWorld *theWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, char *EggColorSetIndices, char *EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, int NotifyTeamOverride, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > *EggDinoAncestors, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > *EggDinoAncestorsMale, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalDinoCharacter ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static APrimalDinoCharacterFindDinoWithID (UWorld *aWorld, unsigned int DinoID1, unsigned int DinoID2)
static APrimalDinoCharacterSpawnDino (UWorld *World, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > DinoClass, FVector SpawnLoc, FRotator SpawnRot, float LevelMultiplier, int ExtraLevelOffset, bool AddLevelOffsetBeforeMultiplier, bool bOverrideBaseNPCLevel, int BaseLevelOverrideValue, bool bNPCDontWander, float NPCAIRangeMultiplier, int NPCAbsoluteBaseLevel, bool bSpawnWithoutCapsuleOffset)
static APrimalDinoCharacterBPStaticCreateBabyDinoNoAncestors (UWorld *TheWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, TArray< unsigned char > EggColorSetIndices, TArray< unsigned char > EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, int NotifyTeamOverride, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static APrimalDinoCharacterBPStaticCreateBabyDino (UWorld *TheWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, TArray< unsigned char > EggColorSetIndices, TArray< unsigned char > EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > EggDinoAncestors, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > EggDinoAncestorsMale, int NotifyTeamOverride, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static APrimalDinoCharacterStaticCreateBabyDino (UWorld *theWorld, TSubclassOf< APrimalDinoCharacter > EggDinoClassToSpawn, FVector *theGroundLoc, float actorRotationYaw, char *EggColorSetIndices, char *EggNumberOfLevelUpPointsApplied, float EggTamedIneffectivenessModifier, int NotifyTeamOverride, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > *EggDinoAncestors, TArray< FDinoAncestorsEntry > *EggDinoAncestorsMale, int EggRandomMutationsFemale, int EggRandomMutationsMale)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalDinoCharacter ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static APrimalDinoCharacterSpawnFromDinoDataEx (FARKDinoData *InDinoData, UWorld *InWorld, FVector *AtLocation, FRotator *AtRotation, bool *dupedDino, int ForTeam, bool bGenerateNewDinoID, AShooterPlayerController *TamerController, bool beginPlay)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from APrimalCharacter
static UClassStaticClass ()
static UActorComponentCreateSnapshotComponent (AActor *For, UObject *Template, FName Tag, FName Name)
static void ForceUpdateAimedCharacters (UWorld *World, FVector *StartLoc, FVector *EndLoc, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bForceUpdateIgnoreActor, float TraceRadius)
static void ForceUpdateCharacter (UWorld *World, APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
static UActorComponentGetSnapshotComponent (AActor *From, FName Tag)
static void StaticRemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalCharacter ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void StaticApplyCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *To, FVector Offset, float MaxExtent, int Pose)
static void StaticApplyCharacterSnapshotEquipment (UPrimalInventoryComponent *Inventory, AActor *To)
static void StaticRemoveCharacterSnapshot (UPrimalItem *Item, AActor *From)
static int StaticGetSnapshotPoseCount (UPrimalItem *Item)
static FPrimalSnapshotPoseStaticGetSnapshotPose (FPrimalSnapshotPose *result, UPrimalItem *Item, int PoseIndex)
static UActorComponentGetSnapshotComponent (AActor *From, FName Tag)
static UActorComponentCreateSnapshotComponent (AActor *For, UObject *Template, FName Tag, FName Name)
static void ForceUpdateAimedCharacters (UWorld *World, FVector *StartLoc, FVector *EndLoc, AActor *IgnoreActor, bool bForceUpdateIgnoreActor, float TraceRadius)
static void ForceUpdateCharacter (UWorld *World, APrimalCharacter *primalChar)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalCharacter ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ACharacter
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesACharacter ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static void StaticRegisterNativesACharacter ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from APawn
static AActorGetMovementBaseActor (APawn *Pawn)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPawn ()
static void StaticRegisterNativesAPawn ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AActor
static UClassStaticClass ()
static void MakeNoiseImpl (AActor *NoiseMaker, float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector *NoiseLocation)
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass (const wchar_t *Package)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAActor ()
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static const wchar_t * StaticConfigName ()
static void MakeNoiseImpl (AActor *NoiseMaker, float Loudness, APawn *NoiseInstigator, FVector *NoiseLocation)
static void StaticRegisterNativesAActor ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObject
static UClassGetPrivateStaticClass ()
static UClassStaticClass ()
static UObjectGetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo (UClass *Class, UObject *Outer, FName Name, bool bIsCDO)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UObjectBase
static void EmitBaseReferences (UClass *RootClass)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1284 of file PrimalStructure.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateAllHighlights()

void APrimalRaft::ActivateAllHighlights ( bool bRequestFromCaptain,
int LTSeatIndex,
char IconsToActivate )

Definition at line 1521 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ActivateGroup()

void APrimalRaft::ActivateGroup ( int GroupIndex,
bool bIsForCaptain,
bool bNewValue,
int LtIndex )

Definition at line 1522 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddForceToBeApplied()

void APrimalRaft::AddForceToBeApplied ( FVector Location,
FVector Force,
FName ForceName )

Definition at line 1523 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddForceToBeAppliedAtCenterOfGravity()

void APrimalRaft::AddForceToBeAppliedAtCenterOfGravity ( FVector Force,
FName ForceName )

Definition at line 1524 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddForceToBeAppliedAtCustomSocket()

void APrimalRaft::AddForceToBeAppliedAtCustomSocket ( FVector Force,
FName ForceName,
FName SocketName )

Definition at line 1525 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddForceToShipAtLocation()

void APrimalRaft::AddForceToShipAtLocation ( FVector Force,
FVector Location,
bool bIgnoreBeachedThrottleForceMultiplier )

Definition at line 1526 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddImpulseToShipAtLocation()

void APrimalRaft::AddImpulseToShipAtLocation ( FVector Impulse,
FVector Location )

Definition at line 1527 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AdditionalNumberOfBedsField()

int & APrimalRaft::AdditionalNumberOfBedsField ( )

Definition at line 1362 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AdditionalNumberOfCrewField()

int & APrimalRaft::AdditionalNumberOfCrewField ( )

Definition at line 1363 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AddTorqueToBeApplied()

void APrimalRaft::AddTorqueToBeApplied ( FVector Force,
FName ForceName )

Definition at line 1528 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AllowAutoPilot_Tick()

bool APrimalRaft::AllowAutoPilot_Tick ( )

Definition at line 1529 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ApplyGlobalDamageToShip()

void APrimalRaft::ApplyGlobalDamageToShip ( float DamageAmount,
bool bIsPercent,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser,
TSubclassOf< UDamageType > DamageType )

Definition at line 1530 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AreAllMannedSailsClosing()

bool APrimalRaft::AreAllMannedSailsClosing ( )

Definition at line 1531 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AreAllMannedSailsOpening()

bool APrimalRaft::AreAllMannedSailsOpening ( )

Definition at line 1532 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachedCaptiansOrderSeatsField()

TArray< APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeat * > APrimalRaft::AttachedCaptiansOrderSeatsField ( )

Definition at line 1304 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachedDriverSeatField()

APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeat * APrimalRaft::AttachedDriverSeatField ( )

Definition at line 1303 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachedMiscCriticalStructuresField()

TArray< APrimalStructure * > APrimalRaft::AttachedMiscCriticalStructuresField ( )

Definition at line 1306 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachedRowingSeatsField()

TArray< APrimalStructure * > APrimalRaft::AttachedRowingSeatsField ( )

Definition at line 1345 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachedSailsField()

TArray< APrimalStructure * > APrimalRaft::AttachedSailsField ( )

Definition at line 1305 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AttachToOtherShip()

void APrimalRaft::AttachToOtherShip ( APrimalRaft * OtherShip,
TEnumAsByte< enum EAttachLocation::Type > AttachType,
bool bAttachAtWorldTransform,
FVector AttachAtWorldLoc,
FRotator AttachAtWorldRot )

Definition at line 1533 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoAnchorDryDockReleasedGracePeriodField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoAnchorDryDockReleasedGracePeriodField ( )

Definition at line 1416 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_AllowSnapToHeadingBelowAngularVelocityField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_AllowSnapToHeadingBelowAngularVelocityField ( )

Definition at line 1453 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_AngularVelocityMaxInterpSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_AngularVelocityMaxInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1457 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MAXField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MAXField ( )

Definition at line 1459 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MINField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_ForceMinAngularVelocity_MINField ( )

Definition at line 1458 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_ResumeField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_ResumeField ( )

Definition at line 1456 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_SlowField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_SlowField ( )

Definition at line 1454 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_StopField()

float & APrimalRaft::AutoPilot_TargetHeadingErrorRange_StopField ( )

Definition at line 1455 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BackGroupMaxYCoordinateField()

float & APrimalRaft::BackGroupMaxYCoordinateField ( )

Definition at line 1445 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAddedToActiveArray()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAddedToActiveArray ( )

Definition at line 1502 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowAutoPilot()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowAutoPilot ( )

Definition at line 1515 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowDriverSeats()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowDriverSeats ( )

Definition at line 1491 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowReturnToShipyard()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowReturnToShipyard ( )

Definition at line 1496 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowRowingSeats()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowRowingSeats ( )

Definition at line 1493 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowSails()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowSails ( )

Definition at line 1492 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAllowShipForcedMovement()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAllowShipForcedMovement ( )

Definition at line 1507 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAnchoredSetToOceanHeight()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAnchoredSetToOceanHeight ( )

Definition at line 1510 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BaseClaimTimeField()

float & APrimalRaft::BaseClaimTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1403 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BaseIgnoreWaveLocking()

bool APrimalRaft::BaseIgnoreWaveLocking ( APrimalCharacter * BasedChar)

Definition at line 1534 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BaseMovementWeightField()

float & APrimalRaft::BaseMovementWeightField ( )

Definition at line 1314 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BaseUnclaimTimeField()

float & APrimalRaft::BaseUnclaimTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1404 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bAutoFullyBuildInShipYard()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bAutoFullyBuildInShipYard ( )

Definition at line 1494 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bBeganPlayField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bBeganPlayField ( )

Definition at line 1391 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bCanMoveWithoutRider()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bCanMoveWithoutRider ( )

Definition at line 1497 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bClientIsInterpolatingRaft()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bClientIsInterpolatingRaft ( )

Definition at line 1483 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bClientSideSailingForces()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bClientSideSailingForces ( )

Definition at line 1508 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDeadTicked()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bDeadTicked ( )

Definition at line 1509 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDebugRowing()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bDebugRowing ( )

Definition at line 1489 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDebugRowing_ForceAllSeatsRowSync()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bDebugRowing_ForceAllSeatsRowSync ( )

Definition at line 1490 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDebugSailing()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bDebugSailing ( )

Definition at line 1488 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bDebugSteering()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bDebugSteering ( )

Definition at line 1487 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BeginPlay()

void APrimalRaft::BeginPlay ( )

Definition at line 1535 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bHealthPercentageUseHullHealth()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bHealthPercentageUseHullHealth ( )

Definition at line 1513 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIncrementedAnchoredShipsField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bIncrementedAnchoredShipsField ( )

Definition at line 1420 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIncrementedUnanchoredShipsField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bIncrementedUnanchoredShipsField ( )

Definition at line 1421 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsCheckingThrottle()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bIsCheckingThrottle ( )

Definition at line 1500 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsInDrydockField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bIsInDrydockField ( )

Definition at line 1389 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsInWetDockField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bIsInWetDockField ( )

Definition at line 1390 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsNPCShip()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bIsNPCShip ( )

Definition at line 1482 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bIsSmallRaft()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bIsSmallRaft ( )

Definition at line 1486 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bOnlyUseBPSimulatePhysics()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bOnlyUseBPSimulatePhysics ( )

Definition at line 1485 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BP_AdjustRowImpulse()

void APrimalRaft::BP_AdjustRowImpulse ( int FromRowingSeatIndex,
int TotalNumActiveRowers,
int CurrentActiveRowerNum,
FVector * Location,
FVector * Impulse )

Definition at line 1716 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BP_OnShipRow()

void APrimalRaft::BP_OnShipRow ( )

Definition at line 1717 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPAllowMovementSound()

bool APrimalRaft::BPAllowMovementSound ( )

Definition at line 1710 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bPreventsDinosWithStructureSupportingSaddlesField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bPreventsDinosWithStructureSupportingSaddlesField ( )

Definition at line 1428 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPSetAimLocation()

void APrimalRaft::BPSetAimLocation ( FVector AimLocation)

Definition at line 1711 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPSetThrottleInput()

bool APrimalRaft::BPSetThrottleInput ( float Val)

Definition at line 1712 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPSimulatePhysics()

void APrimalRaft::BPSimulatePhysics ( float DeltaTime)

Definition at line 1713 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPTick()

void APrimalRaft::BPTick ( float DeltaSeconds)

Definition at line 1714 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ BPVesselDynamicsOnHit()

void APrimalRaft::BPVesselDynamicsOnHit ( AActor * OtherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp,
FVector NormalImpulse,
FHitResult * Hit )

Definition at line 1715 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReleaseImmediatelyFromShipyard()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bReleaseImmediatelyFromShipyard ( )

Definition at line 1495 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bReplicateCurrentSailRotation()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bReplicateCurrentSailRotation ( )

Definition at line 1506 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSailsAffectThrottleLocation()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bSailsAffectThrottleLocation ( )

Definition at line 1498 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bSmallRaftPushAwayPlayers()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bSmallRaftPushAwayPlayers ( )

Definition at line 1514 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bTickRefreshStationGroupOrders()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bTickRefreshStationGroupOrders ( )

Definition at line 1503 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bTickRowing()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bTickRowing ( )

Definition at line 1501 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUnstasisNoWaterField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bUnstasisNoWaterField ( )

Definition at line 1367 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBP_AdjustRowingImpulse()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUseBP_AdjustRowingImpulse ( )

Definition at line 1499 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPSetThrottle()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUseBPSetThrottle ( )

Definition at line 1512 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseBPSimulatePhysics()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUseBPSimulatePhysics ( )

Definition at line 1484 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseForcestoApply()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUseForcestoApply ( )

Definition at line 1481 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUseRaftBPTick()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUseRaftBPTick ( )

Definition at line 1511 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUsesStationGrouping()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUsesStationGrouping ( )

Definition at line 1505 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUsingAutoStationGrouping()

BitFieldValue< bool, unsigned __int32 > APrimalRaft::bUsingAutoStationGrouping ( )

Definition at line 1504 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bUsingLongRangeStasisField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bUsingLongRangeStasisField ( )

Definition at line 1392 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ bWasAnchoredOrDryDockedField()

bool & APrimalRaft::bWasAnchoredOrDryDockedField ( )

Definition at line 1411 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CalculateManualFireCannonCenterLocation()

FVector * APrimalRaft::CalculateManualFireCannonCenterLocation ( FVector * result,
TArray< int > * GroupsIndex,
FVector TargetLocation )

Definition at line 1536 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CalculateSailRotation()

void APrimalRaft::CalculateSailRotation ( )

Definition at line 1537 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CalculateSteeringVelocity()

void APrimalRaft::CalculateSteeringVelocity ( )

Definition at line 1538 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CalculateThrottleForce()

void APrimalRaft::CalculateThrottleForce ( )

Definition at line 1539 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanAddCriticalShipStructure()

int APrimalRaft::CanAddCriticalShipStructure ( APrimalStructure * NewStructure)

Definition at line 1540 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanDoPhysicsRotationAccelerationFollowsRotationDirectMove()

bool APrimalRaft::CanDoPhysicsRotationAccelerationFollowsRotationDirectMove ( )

Definition at line 1541 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CanOrder()

bool APrimalRaft::CanOrder ( APrimalCharacter * FromCharacter,
bool bBuildingStructures )

Definition at line 1542 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CapOrdersAdditionTPVOffsetField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::CapOrdersAdditionTPVOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 1451 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CaptainExtraActionsStatesField()

FieldArray< int, 3 > APrimalRaft::CaptainExtraActionsStatesField ( )

Definition at line 1452 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CaptainSkillSailOpenMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::CaptainSkillSailOpenMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1329 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CaptainSkillSailRotationMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::CaptainSkillSailRotationMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1328 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CaptainsOrdersCameraOriginTargetingOffsetField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::CaptainsOrdersCameraOriginTargetingOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 1450 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ChangeActorTeam()

void APrimalRaft::ChangeActorTeam ( int NewTeam)

Definition at line 1543 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ChangeGroupName()

void APrimalRaft::ChangeGroupName ( int GroupIndex,
FString NewName )

Definition at line 1544 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckForChangeThrottle()

void APrimalRaft::CheckForChangeThrottle ( )

Definition at line 1545 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CheckStructurePlacementOnMe_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::CheckStructurePlacementOnMe_Implementation ( int * AllowReturnValue,
APrimalStructure * PlacingStructure,
AShooterPlayerController * PC,
FVector * AtLocation,
FRotator * AtRotation,
FPlacementData * PlacementData )

Definition at line 1546 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClaimTimeMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::ClaimTimeMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1406 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClearStationGroup()

void APrimalRaft::ClearStationGroup ( int GroupIndex,
bool bNotifyChange )

Definition at line 1547 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientMultiUse()

void APrimalRaft::ClientMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 1548 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::ClientPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ( )

Definition at line 1549 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientRaftInterpLocField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::ClientRaftInterpLocField ( )

Definition at line 1297 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientRaftInterpRotField()

FRotator & APrimalRaft::ClientRaftInterpRotField ( )

Definition at line 1298 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientStartedInterpolationAtTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::ClientStartedInterpolationAtTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1464 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientUnanchoringAllowSlowInterpolationPeriodField()

float & APrimalRaft::ClientUnanchoringAllowSlowInterpolationPeriodField ( )

Definition at line 1470 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientUnanchoringInterpSpeedFastField()

float & APrimalRaft::ClientUnanchoringInterpSpeedFastField ( )

Definition at line 1473 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientUnanchoringLocationInterpSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::ClientUnanchoringLocationInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1471 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ClientUnanchoringRotationInterpSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::ClientUnanchoringRotationInterpSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1472 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollideOntoEnemyRaftDamageImpulseMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollideOntoEnemyRaftDamageImpulseMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1467 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactAbsoluteMinImpulseField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactAbsoluteMinImpulseField ( )

Definition at line 1380 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactDamageTypeField()

TSubclassOf< UDamageType > & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactDamageTypeField ( )

Definition at line 1379 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMaxDamageAmountField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMaxDamageAmountField ( )

Definition at line 1384 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMaxDamageRadiusField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMaxDamageRadiusField ( )

Definition at line 1386 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMaxImpulseField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMaxImpulseField ( )

Definition at line 1382 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMinDamageAmountField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMinDamageAmountField ( )

Definition at line 1383 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMinDamageRadiusField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMinDamageRadiusField ( )

Definition at line 1385 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMinImpulseField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMinImpulseField ( )

Definition at line 1381 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactMinIntervalField()

float & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactMinIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 1387 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CollisionImpactWeightClassField()

int & APrimalRaft::CollisionImpactWeightClassField ( )

Definition at line 1309 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentAngularDampingField()

float & APrimalRaft::CurrentAngularDampingField ( )

Definition at line 1342 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentBedCountField()

char & APrimalRaft::CurrentBedCountField ( )

Definition at line 1364 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentClaimFlagField()

APrimalStructureClaimFlag * APrimalRaft::CurrentClaimFlagField ( )

Definition at line 1414 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentLinearDampingField()

float & APrimalRaft::CurrentLinearDampingField ( )

Definition at line 1343 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentManualFireLocationsField()

TArray< FVector > & APrimalRaft::CurrentManualFireLocationsField ( )

Definition at line 1443 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ CurrentSailRotationField()

float & APrimalRaft::CurrentSailRotationField ( )

Definition at line 1325 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DefaultAngularDampingField()

float & APrimalRaft::DefaultAngularDampingField ( )

Definition at line 1340 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DefaultLinearDampingField()

float & APrimalRaft::DefaultLinearDampingField ( )

Definition at line 1339 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Destroyed()

void APrimalRaft::Destroyed ( )

Definition at line 1550 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DetachFromShip()

void APrimalRaft::DetachFromShip ( bool bDetachAtWorldTransform,
FVector DetachAtWorldLoc,
FRotator DetachAtWorldRot )

Definition at line 1551 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Die()

bool APrimalRaft::Die ( float KillingDamage,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
AController * Killer,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 1552 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DiedAtTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::DiedAtTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1365 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DoesShipHaveBasedPawns()

bool APrimalRaft::DoesShipHaveBasedPawns ( bool bRequireActivePawns)

Definition at line 1554 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DoImpactDamageToShipStructures()

void APrimalRaft::DoImpactDamageToShipStructures ( FVector AtLocation,
float AtRange,
float AtDamage,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 1553 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DrawDinoFloatingHUD()

void APrimalRaft::DrawDinoFloatingHUD ( AShooterHUD * HUD,
bool bDrawDinoOrderIcon )

Definition at line 1555 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceAllyField()

float & APrimalRaft::DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceAllyField ( )

Definition at line 1461 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceEnemyField()

float & APrimalRaft::DrawFloatingHUDMaxDistanceEnemyField ( )

Definition at line 1462 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ DriverField()

TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterCharacter > & APrimalRaft::DriverField ( )

Definition at line 1300 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EndOrderForGroup()

bool APrimalRaft::EndOrderForGroup ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
int GroupIndex,
int StationsToFire,
AActor * OrderTarget,
FVector TargetLocation,
bool bUpdateGroupInfos )

Definition at line 1556 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ EndOrderForGroups()

void APrimalRaft::EndOrderForGroups ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
TArray< int > * GroupsIndex,
TArray< int > * StationsToFire,
AActor * OrderTarget,
FVector TargetLocation )

Definition at line 1557 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroup()

void APrimalRaft::ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroup ( ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex,
int GroupIndex,
int ForceOnGroup,
bool bUpdateGroupInfos )

Definition at line 1558 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroups()

void APrimalRaft::ExecuteCaptainOrderForGroups ( ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex,
TArray< int > * GroupsIndex )

Definition at line 1559 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ExternalForceMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::ExternalForceMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1429 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ExtraClaimTimePerLevelField()

float & APrimalRaft::ExtraClaimTimePerLevelField ( )

Definition at line 1405 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroup()

void APrimalRaft::FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroup ( ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex,
int GroupIndex,
int StationsToFire,
AActor * OrderTarget,
FVector OrderLocation,
int ForceOnGroup,
bool bUpdateGroupInfos )

Definition at line 1561 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroups()

void APrimalRaft::FinalizeCaptainOrderForGroups ( ECaptainOrder::Type OrderIndex,
TArray< int > * GroupsIndex,
TArray< int > * StationsToFire,
AActor * OrderTarget,
FVector OrderLocation )

Definition at line 1562 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FinalSeamlessTravelled()

void APrimalRaft::FinalSeamlessTravelled ( )

Definition at line 1560 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FindRaftWithID()

static APrimalRaft * APrimalRaft::FindRaftWithID ( UWorld * World,
int RaftUniqueId )

Definition at line 1563 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FirstTicked()

void APrimalRaft::FirstTicked ( )

Definition at line 1564 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FixedBackwardsThrottleForceField()

float & APrimalRaft::FixedBackwardsThrottleForceField ( )

Definition at line 1468 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FixedThrottleRateField()

float & APrimalRaft::FixedThrottleRateField ( )

Definition at line 1333 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForceAllowAddBuffOfClass()

bool APrimalRaft::ForceAllowAddBuffOfClass ( TSubclassOf< APrimalBuff > BuffClass)

Definition at line 1565 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForceClearAllBasingCharacters()

void APrimalRaft::ForceClearAllBasingCharacters ( bool bForceSetFalling)

Definition at line 1566 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForceClearBasingCharacter()

void APrimalRaft::ForceClearBasingCharacter ( APrimalCharacter * theChar,
bool bForceSetFalling )

Definition at line 1567 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForcedMovementDirectionField()

int & APrimalRaft::ForcedMovementDirectionField ( )

Definition at line 1440 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForceMoveShip()

void APrimalRaft::ForceMoveShip ( )

Definition at line 1568 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ForceUpdateBasedPawnsMovements()

void APrimalRaft::ForceUpdateBasedPawnsMovements ( )

Definition at line 1569 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ FrontGroupMinYCoordinateField()

float & APrimalRaft::FrontGroupMinYCoordinateField ( )

Definition at line 1444 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetAutoPilotHeading()

FVector2D * APrimalRaft::GetAutoPilotHeading ( FVector2D * result)

Definition at line 1570 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetAverageMannedSailOpenRatio()

float APrimalRaft::GetAverageMannedSailOpenRatio ( )

Definition at line 1571 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetBasedCrewCounts()

void APrimalRaft::GetBasedCrewCounts ( int * OutPlayers,
int * OutCrew )

Definition at line 1572 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCaptainOrderCommand()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetCaptainOrderCommand ( FString * result,
ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
bool bFromCaptain )

Definition at line 1573 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCrewPaymentIntervalMultiplier()

float APrimalRaft::GetCrewPaymentIntervalMultiplier ( )

Definition at line 1574 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCurrentBasedCrewCount()

int APrimalRaft::GetCurrentBasedCrewCount ( bool bOnlyCountNPCs)

Definition at line 1575 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCurrentCaptainOrderIcon()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::GetCurrentCaptainOrderIcon ( ECaptainOrder::Type CurrentCaptainOrder)

Definition at line 1576 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat ( FVector * result,
APrimalStructureSeating * seatToCheck )

Definition at line 1577 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetCurrentSinkReason()

int APrimalRaft::GetCurrentSinkReason ( )

Definition at line 1578 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDescriptiveName()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetDescriptiveName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 1579 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDominantSeatForGroup()

APrimalStructureSeating_DriverSeat * APrimalRaft::GetDominantSeatForGroup ( int GroupIndex)

Definition at line 1580 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetDriver()

AShooterCharacter * APrimalRaft::GetDriver ( )

Definition at line 1581 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetEntryDescription()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetEntryDescription ( FString * result)

Definition at line 1582 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetEntryIcon()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::GetEntryIcon ( UObject * AssociatedDataObject,
bool bIsEnabled )

Definition at line 1583 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetEntryString()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetEntryString ( FString * result)

Definition at line 1584 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetGroundDistanceFromHullBottom()

float APrimalRaft::GetGroundDistanceFromHullBottom ( bool * OutMovingAway)

Definition at line 1585 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetHealthPercentage()

float APrimalRaft::GetHealthPercentage ( )

Definition at line 1586 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetInterpolatedVelocity()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetInterpolatedVelocity ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 1587 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetLastRowTime()

long double APrimalRaft::GetLastRowTime ( )

Definition at line 1588 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetLifetimeReplicatedProps()

void APrimalRaft::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps ( TArray< FLifetimeProperty > * OutLifetimeProps)

Definition at line 1589 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetLocalCaptainsSeat()

APrimalStructureSeating * APrimalRaft::GetLocalCaptainsSeat ( )

Definition at line 1590 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetMainDriverSeat()

APrimalStructure * APrimalRaft::GetMainDriverSeat ( )

Definition at line 1591 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetMannedSailsCount()

int APrimalRaft::GetMannedSailsCount ( )

Definition at line 1592 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetMaxFloatingHUDRange()

float APrimalRaft::GetMaxFloatingHUDRange ( )

Definition at line 1593 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetMaxMovementWeight()

float APrimalRaft::GetMaxMovementWeight ( )

Definition at line 1594 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetParticleSystemClampingVelocity()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetParticleSystemClampingVelocity ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 1596 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetPrivateStaticClass()

static UClass * APrimalRaft::GetPrivateStaticClass ( const wchar_t * Package)

Definition at line 1718 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetRaftDescriptiveName()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetRaftDescriptiveName ( FString * result)

Definition at line 1597 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetRotationRateWithAcceleration11()

float APrimalRaft::GetRotationRateWithAcceleration11 ( float CurrentRotation,
float TargetRotation,
float RotationSpeed,
float DeltaTime,
float CurrentDesiredRotationRate,
float DesiredRotationRate )

Definition at line 1598 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetRowingInterval()

float APrimalRaft::GetRowingInterval ( )

Definition at line 1599 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetRudderAngle()

float APrimalRaft::GetRudderAngle ( )

Definition at line 1600 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSaddleStructureMaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistance()

float APrimalRaft::GetSaddleStructureMaximumFoundationSupport2DBuildDistance ( APrimalStructure * theStructure)

Definition at line 1601 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSailThrottleForce()

void APrimalRaft::GetSailThrottleForce ( APrimalStructureSail * ForSail,
float * OutThrottleForceMultiplier,
float * OutSteeringForceMultiplier )

Definition at line 1602 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSailUnitPercentage()

float APrimalRaft::GetSailUnitPercentage ( )

Definition at line 1603 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipAmmoTotals()

TMap< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, 0 > > * APrimalRaft::GetShipAmmoTotals ( TMap< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, FDefaultSetAllocator, TDefaultMapKeyFuncs< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem >, int, 0 > > * result,
TArray< TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > > ammoTypes )

Definition at line 1604 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipBasedPawns()

TArray< APawn * > * APrimalRaft::GetShipBasedPawns ( TArray< APawn * > * result,
USceneComponent * OnComponent,
bool bOnlyActivePawns )

Definition at line 1605 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipForwardVector()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetShipForwardVector ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 1606 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipMovementForceMult()

float APrimalRaft::GetShipMovementForceMult ( )

Definition at line 1607 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipRightVector()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetShipRightVector ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 1608 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipRotation()

FRotator * APrimalRaft::GetShipRotation ( FRotator * result,
float YawOffset )

Definition at line 1609 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipRowingInput()

float APrimalRaft::GetShipRowingInput ( )

Definition at line 1610 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipRowingSeatCount()

int APrimalRaft::GetShipRowingSeatCount ( )

Definition at line 1611 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipSailCount()

int APrimalRaft::GetShipSailCount ( )

Definition at line 1612 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipSizeClass()

TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > * APrimalRaft::GetShipSizeClass ( TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > * result)

Definition at line 1613 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipTargetThrottleRatio()

float APrimalRaft::GetShipTargetThrottleRatio ( )

Definition at line 1614 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipVelocity()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetShipVelocity ( FVector * result)

Definition at line 1615 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipVelocityAtLocation()

FVector * APrimalRaft::GetShipVelocityAtLocation ( FVector * result,
FVector AtLocation )

Definition at line 1616 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipWeightPercentage()

float APrimalRaft::GetShipWeightPercentage ( )

Definition at line 1617 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetShipWeightSinkingPercentage()

float APrimalRaft::GetShipWeightSinkingPercentage ( )

Definition at line 1618 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSinkTargetPitch()

float APrimalRaft::GetSinkTargetPitch ( )

Definition at line 1619 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSpoilingTimeMultiplier()

float APrimalRaft::GetSpoilingTimeMultiplier ( UPrimalItem * anItem)

Definition at line 1620 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetStationGroupName()

FString * APrimalRaft::GetStationGroupName ( FString * result,
int groupIndex )

Definition at line 1621 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetSteeringForce()

float APrimalRaft::GetSteeringForce ( )

Definition at line 1622 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetThrottleForce()

float APrimalRaft::GetThrottleForce ( )

Definition at line 1595 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetTimeToResetRudderAngle()

float APrimalRaft::GetTimeToResetRudderAngle ( float WithInput)

Definition at line 1623 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetTotalClaimTime()

float APrimalRaft::GetTotalClaimTime ( )

Definition at line 1624 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetTotalSailUnits()

float APrimalRaft::GetTotalSailUnits ( )

Definition at line 1625 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GetTotalUnclaimTime()

float APrimalRaft::GetTotalUnclaimTime ( )

Definition at line 1626 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GlobalSailForceMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::GlobalSailForceMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1425 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GlobalSteeringForceMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::GlobalSteeringForceMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1426 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ GroundDistToStopShipField()

float & APrimalRaft::GroundDistToStopShipField ( )

Definition at line 1424 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HasOpenSails()

bool APrimalRaft::HasOpenSails ( )

Definition at line 1627 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ HasOpenUnMannedSails()

bool APrimalRaft::HasOpenUnMannedSails ( )

Definition at line 1628 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::IconField ( )

Definition at line 1286 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ InitializeStationGroups()

void APrimalRaft::InitializeStationGroups ( )

Definition at line 1629 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsAnchored()

bool APrimalRaft::IsAnchored ( )

Definition at line 1630 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsAutoPilotActive()

bool APrimalRaft::IsAutoPilotActive ( )

Definition at line 1631 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsCheatWind()

bool APrimalRaft::IsCheatWind ( )

Definition at line 1632 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsDocked()

bool APrimalRaft::IsDocked ( )

Definition at line 1633 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsDryDocked()

bool APrimalRaft::IsDryDocked ( )

Definition at line 1634 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsLargeRaft()

bool APrimalRaft::IsLargeRaft ( )

Definition at line 1520 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsPointInsideThisRaft()

bool APrimalRaft::IsPointInsideThisRaft ( FVector * TestPoint)

Definition at line 1635 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsShipCheckingForRowing()

bool APrimalRaft::IsShipCheckingForRowing ( )

Definition at line 1636 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ IsUpdatingComponentTransforms()

bool APrimalRaft::IsUpdatingComponentTransforms ( USceneComponent * InSceneComponent)

Definition at line 1637 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ KilledNotificationStringField()

FString & APrimalRaft::KilledNotificationStringField ( )

Definition at line 1477 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastCauseDamageToEnemyRaftTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastCauseDamageToEnemyRaftTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1371 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastCollisionImpactTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastCollisionImpactTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1388 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastDamageCauserField()

AActor * APrimalRaft::LastDamageCauserField ( )

Definition at line 1463 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastDistanceToShoreField()

float & APrimalRaft::LastDistanceToShoreField ( )

Definition at line 1395 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastFrameDisabledForcedVelocityDirectionField()

int & APrimalRaft::LastFrameDisabledForcedVelocityDirectionField ( )

Definition at line 1369 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastFrameMarkedTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastFrameMarkedTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1431 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastMarkedFrameCountField()

int & APrimalRaft::LastMarkedFrameCountField ( )

Definition at line 1430 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastOpenWaterSpoilingMultField()

float & APrimalRaft::LastOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ( )

Definition at line 1396 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastPositionField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::LastPositionField ( )

Definition at line 1410 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastReleasedFromDryDockTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastReleasedFromDryDockTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1418 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastRowTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastRowTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1350 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSentSailRotationToServerTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastSentSailRotationToServerTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1432 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSentSailRotationToServerValueField()

float & APrimalRaft::LastSentSailRotationToServerValueField ( )

Definition at line 1433 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSentSteeringInputToServerValueField()

float & APrimalRaft::LastSentSteeringInputToServerValueField ( )

Definition at line 1436 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSentThrottleTargetToServerTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastSentThrottleTargetToServerTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1434 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastSentThrottleTargetToServerValueField()

float & APrimalRaft::LastSentThrottleTargetToServerValueField ( )

Definition at line 1435 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastTakeDamageFromEnemyTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastTakeDamageFromEnemyTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1370 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastThrottleCheckStartTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastThrottleCheckStartTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1313 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LastWantsForcedMovementTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::LastWantsForcedMovementTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1439 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LocalCaptainControllerField()

TWeakObjectPtr< AShooterPlayerController > & APrimalRaft::LocalCaptainControllerField ( )

Definition at line 1302 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LocalStationGroupsUpdateIndexField()

unsigned int & APrimalRaft::LocalStationGroupsUpdateIndexField ( )

Definition at line 1449 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ LongRangeStasisComponentField()

USphereComponent * APrimalRaft::LongRangeStasisComponentField ( )

Definition at line 1393 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MarkForSeamlessTravel()

void APrimalRaft::MarkForSeamlessTravel ( unsigned int DestinationServerId,
ESeamlessVolumeSide::Side DestinationServerVolumeSide )

Definition at line 1638 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxBackwardsVelocityField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxBackwardsVelocityField ( )

Definition at line 1469 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaximumSwimOntoBaseTraceDistanceField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaximumSwimOntoBaseTraceDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1415 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1402 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxOpenWaterSpoilingMultField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ( )

Definition at line 1400 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxSailRotationField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxSailRotationField ( )

Definition at line 1323 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxTimeToShootAtLocationField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxTimeToShootAtLocationField ( )

Definition at line 1446 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MaxWeightMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::MaxWeightMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1308 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MinAllowedGroundDistField()

float & APrimalRaft::MinAllowedGroundDistField ( )

Definition at line 1423 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MinMaxThrottleRatioToBeachField()

float & APrimalRaft::MinMaxThrottleRatioToBeachField ( )

Definition at line 1422 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MinMovingSoundSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::MinMovingSoundSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1338 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MinOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField()

float & APrimalRaft::MinOpenWaterDebuffDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1401 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MinOpenWaterSpoilingMultField()

float & APrimalRaft::MinOpenWaterSpoilingMultField ( )

Definition at line 1399 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MovingSoundComponentField()

TSubobjectPtr< UAudioComponent > & APrimalRaft::MovingSoundComponentField ( )

Definition at line 1293 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MovingSoundCueField()

USoundBase * APrimalRaft::MovingSoundCueField ( )

Definition at line 1294 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Multi_OnShipRow()

void APrimalRaft::Multi_OnShipRow ( )

Definition at line 1719 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Multi_OnShipRow_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::Multi_OnShipRow_Implementation ( )

Definition at line 1639 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyRepairBoxField()

APrimalStructureItemContainer * APrimalRaft::MyRepairBoxField ( )

Definition at line 1413 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyShipDockField()

APrimalStructure * APrimalRaft::MyShipDockField ( )

Definition at line 1357 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MyShipHullField()

APrimalStructureShipHull * APrimalRaft::MyShipHullField ( )

Definition at line 1356 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ MySunkenShipBuffField()

APrimalBuff * APrimalRaft::MySunkenShipBuffField ( )

Definition at line 1358 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetClientInterpolateTo()

void APrimalRaft::NetClientInterpolateTo ( FVector NewLocation,
FRotator NewRotation )

Definition at line 1720 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetClientInterpolateTo_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::NetClientInterpolateTo_Implementation ( FVector NewLocation,
FRotator NewRotation )

Definition at line 1640 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetForceSyncTransform_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::NetForceSyncTransform_Implementation ( FVector NewLocation,
FRotator NewRotation )

Definition at line 1641 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder()

void APrimalRaft::NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
int GroupIndex )

Definition at line 1721 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::NetSetGroupsStructuresCaptainOrder_Implementation ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
int GroupIndex )

Definition at line 1642 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetUpdateDinoNameStrings_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::NetUpdateDinoNameStrings_Implementation ( FString * NewTamerString,
FString * NewTamedName )

Definition at line 1643 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NetworkCreationTimeField()

long double & APrimalRaft::NetworkCreationTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1355 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NoWaterTriesField()

int & APrimalRaft::NoWaterTriesField ( )

Definition at line 1368 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NumBasedCharactersField()

int & APrimalRaft::NumBasedCharactersField ( )

Definition at line 1417 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NumberOfBedsField()

int & APrimalRaft::NumberOfBedsField ( )

Definition at line 1360 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NumberOfCrewField()

int & APrimalRaft::NumberOfCrewField ( )

Definition at line 1361 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ NumOfLieutenantSeatsAllowedField()

int & APrimalRaft::NumOfLieutenantSeatsAllowedField ( )

Definition at line 1476 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnActivateGroupHighlight()

void APrimalRaft::OnActivateGroupHighlight ( int GroupIndex,
bool bActivate,
char IconsToActivate )

Definition at line 1644 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnAddCriticalShipStructure()

void APrimalRaft::OnAddCriticalShipStructure ( APrimalStructure * NewStructure)

Definition at line 1645 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnDeserializedByGame()

void APrimalRaft::OnDeserializedByGame ( EOnDesrializationType::Type DeserializationType)

Definition at line 1646 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnRemoveCriticalShipStructure()

void APrimalRaft::OnRemoveCriticalShipStructure ( APrimalStructure * OldStructure)

Definition at line 1647 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnRep_IsInDrydock()

void APrimalRaft::OnRep_IsInDrydock ( )

Definition at line 1648 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnRep_IsInWetDock()

void APrimalRaft::OnRep_IsInWetDock ( )

Definition at line 1649 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnSaddleStructuresUpdated()

void APrimalRaft::OnSaddleStructuresUpdated ( APrimalStructure * SaddleStructure,
bool bWasRemoved )

Definition at line 1650 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnShipRowingStart()

void APrimalRaft::OnShipRowingStart ( )

Definition at line 1651 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnShipRowingStop()

void APrimalRaft::OnShipRowingStop ( )

Definition at line 1652 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnStructurePlacedOnShip()

void APrimalRaft::OnStructurePlacedOnShip ( APrimalStructure * NewStructure)

Definition at line 1653 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnStructureRemovedFromShip()

void APrimalRaft::OnStructureRemovedFromShip ( APrimalStructure * OldStructure)

Definition at line 1654 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OnUpdatedStationGroupInfos()

void APrimalRaft::OnUpdatedStationGroupInfos ( )

Definition at line 1655 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OpenWaterSpoilingItemClassField()

TSubclassOf< UPrimalItem > & APrimalRaft::OpenWaterSpoilingItemClassField ( )

Definition at line 1394 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderAttackMyTargetIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderAttackMyTargetIconField ( )

Definition at line 1289 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderFreeFireIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderFreeFireIconField ( )

Definition at line 1287 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderManualFireIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderManualFireIconField ( )

Definition at line 1290 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderRedAlertIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderRedAlertIconField ( )

Definition at line 1291 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderStandDownIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderStandDownIconField ( )

Definition at line 1288 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OrderUnRedAlertIconField()

UTexture2D * APrimalRaft::OrderUnRedAlertIconField ( )

Definition at line 1292 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OvercrewedIsOverweightMinSinkingPercentField()

float & APrimalRaft::OvercrewedIsOverweightMinSinkingPercentField ( )

Definition at line 1466 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideBasedProjectileBoundsComponent()

UPrimitiveComponent * APrimalRaft::OverrideBasedProjectileBoundsComponent ( UPrimitiveComponent * BasedOnComponent)

Definition at line 1656 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideBasedProjectileOutOfBounds()

int APrimalRaft::OverrideBasedProjectileOutOfBounds ( UPrimitiveComponent * ProjectileUpdatedComponent)

Definition at line 1657 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ OverrideSaddleStructureMaxFoundationSupport2DBuildDistanceField()

float & APrimalRaft::OverrideSaddleStructureMaxFoundationSupport2DBuildDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1295 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PercentOfWeightForMaxSinkingSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::PercentOfWeightForMaxSinkingSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1408 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PercentOfWeightForMinSinkingSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::PercentOfWeightForMinSinkingSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1407 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PlayDying()

void APrimalRaft::PlayDying ( float KillingDamage,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
APawn * InstigatingPawn,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 1658 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PostInitializeComponents()

void APrimalRaft::PostInitializeComponents ( )

Definition at line 1659 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PreventCharacterBasing()

bool APrimalRaft::PreventCharacterBasing ( AActor * OtherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent * BasedOnComponent )

Definition at line 1660 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PreviousAngularVelocityField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::PreviousAngularVelocityField ( )

Definition at line 1398 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ PreviousLinearVelocityField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::PreviousLinearVelocityField ( )

Definition at line 1397 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ProcessEditText()

void APrimalRaft::ProcessEditText ( AShooterPlayerController * ForPC,
FString * TextToUse,
bool checkedBox,
unsigned int ExtraID1,
unsigned int ExtraID2 )

Definition at line 1661 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RaftCharacterBasingAbsoluteMaxDirZField()

float & APrimalRaft::RaftCharacterBasingAbsoluteMaxDirZField ( )

Definition at line 1341 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RaftStructurePreventCharacterBasing()

bool APrimalRaft::RaftStructurePreventCharacterBasing ( AActor * OtherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent * BasedOnComponent )

Definition at line 1662 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RefreshLongRangeStasis()

void APrimalRaft::RefreshLongRangeStasis ( )

Definition at line 1663 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoveForceToBeApplied()

void APrimalRaft::RemoveForceToBeApplied ( FName ForceName)

Definition at line 1664 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoveTameUnitCost()

void APrimalRaft::RemoveTameUnitCost ( )

Definition at line 1665 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RemoveTorqueToBeApplied()

void APrimalRaft::RemoveTorqueToBeApplied ( FName ForceName)

Definition at line 1666 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedSailRotationField()

float & APrimalRaft::ReplicatedSailRotationField ( )

Definition at line 1326 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ReplicatedThrottleRatio_TargetField()

float & APrimalRaft::ReplicatedThrottleRatio_TargetField ( )

Definition at line 1374 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ResetSailingInputs()

void APrimalRaft::ResetSailingInputs ( )

Definition at line 1667 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RotateSailsSpeedMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::RotateSailsSpeedMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1324 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RowingImpulse_MaxField()

float & APrimalRaft::RowingImpulse_MaxField ( )

Definition at line 1347 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RowingSeatCount_MaxField()

int & APrimalRaft::RowingSeatCount_MaxField ( )

Definition at line 1344 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RowingSeatImpulseMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::RowingSeatImpulseMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1346 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RowingSeats_RowingInputField()

float & APrimalRaft::RowingSeats_RowingInputField ( )

Definition at line 1349 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RowingSeats_RowingIntervalField()

float & APrimalRaft::RowingSeats_RowingIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 1348 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderAngleField()

float & APrimalRaft::RudderAngleField ( )

Definition at line 1376 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderAngleThresholdField()

float & APrimalRaft::RudderAngleThresholdField ( )

Definition at line 1336 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderAutoBackAngleField()

float & APrimalRaft::RudderAutoBackAngleField ( )

Definition at line 1331 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderCenterField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::RudderCenterField ( )

Definition at line 1337 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderSteerForceField()

float & APrimalRaft::RudderSteerForceField ( )

Definition at line 1332 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderSteeringComponentField()

USceneComponent * APrimalRaft::RudderSteeringComponentField ( )

Definition at line 1378 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ RudderSteeringRateField()

float & APrimalRaft::RudderSteeringRateField ( )

Definition at line 1330 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SailHUDIconYMinMaxField()

FVector2D & APrimalRaft::SailHUDIconYMinMaxField ( )

Definition at line 1412 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SailingVelocity_MaxAllowedField()

float & APrimalRaft::SailingVelocity_MaxAllowedField ( )

Definition at line 1310 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_AdditionalMaxVelocityField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_AdditionalMaxVelocityField ( )

Definition at line 1319 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_AvgSailRotationSpeedField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_AvgSailRotationSpeedField ( )

Definition at line 1327 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_MaxMovementWeightField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_MaxMovementWeightField ( )

Definition at line 1318 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_MaxThrottleForceField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_MaxThrottleForceField ( )

Definition at line 1315 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_SteeringForce_AtVelocityMaxField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_SteeringForce_AtVelocityMaxField ( )

Definition at line 1322 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_ThrottleForceLocationField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::Sails_ThrottleForceLocationField ( )

Definition at line 1320 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MaxField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MaxField ( )

Definition at line 1317 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MinField()

float & APrimalRaft::Sails_ThrottleForceWindMult_MinField ( )

Definition at line 1316 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SailTurningInputField()

float & APrimalRaft::SailTurningInputField ( )

Definition at line 1377 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SailUnits_MaxField()

float & APrimalRaft::SailUnits_MaxField ( )

Definition at line 1307 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ScaleFloatingHUDMaxDistanceField()

float & APrimalRaft::ScaleFloatingHUDMaxDistanceField ( )

Definition at line 1460 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation()

void APrimalRaft::ServerPrepareForSeamlessTravel_Implementation ( )

Definition at line 1668 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ServerStationGroupsUpdateIndexField()

unsigned int & APrimalRaft::ServerStationGroupsUpdateIndexField ( )

Definition at line 1448 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetAimLocation()

void APrimalRaft::SetAimLocation ( FVector AimLocation)

Definition at line 1669 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetAutoStationGrouping()

void APrimalRaft::SetAutoStationGrouping ( bool NewValue)

Definition at line 1670 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetCharacterStatusTameable()

void APrimalRaft::SetCharacterStatusTameable ( bool bSetTameable,
bool bCreateInventory,
bool keepInventoryForWakingTame )

Definition at line 1671 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat()

void APrimalRaft::SetCurrentManualFireLocationForSeat ( APrimalStructureSeating * seatToCheck,
FVector * location )

Definition at line 1672 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetDeath()

void APrimalRaft::SetDeath ( bool bForceRagdoll)

Definition at line 1673 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetOrderForGroup()

bool APrimalRaft::SetOrderForGroup ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
int GroupIndex,
bool bUpdateGroupInfos )

Definition at line 1674 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetOrderForGroups()

void APrimalRaft::SetOrderForGroups ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
TArray< int > * GroupsIndex )

Definition at line 1675 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetShipDriver()

void APrimalRaft::SetShipDriver ( AShooterCharacter * NewDriver)

Definition at line 1676 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetShipReleasedState()

void APrimalRaft::SetShipReleasedState ( bool bIsReleased,
APlayerController * ForPC )

Definition at line 1677 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetShipWetDockReleasedState()

void APrimalRaft::SetShipWetDockReleasedState ( bool bIsReleased)

Definition at line 1678 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetSteeringInput()

void APrimalRaft::SetSteeringInput ( float Val)

Definition at line 1679 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetThrottleInput()

void APrimalRaft::SetThrottleInput ( float Val)

Definition at line 1680 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetThrottleRatio()

void APrimalRaft::SetThrottleRatio ( float NewRatio,
bool bForceSetNow )

Definition at line 1681 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SetTurningSailsInput()

void APrimalRaft::SetTurningSailsInput ( float Val)

Definition at line 1682 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMaxField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMaxField ( )

Definition at line 1353 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMinField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipAdditionalBedsCrewPaymentIntervalMinField ( )

Definition at line 1352 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipBeachedStartTimeField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipBeachedStartTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1427 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipBowOffsetField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipBowOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 1311 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipHullClassField()

TSubclassOf< APrimalStructureShipHull > & APrimalRaft::ShipHullClassField ( )

Definition at line 1359 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipHullSinkMovementForceMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipHullSinkMovementForceMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1409 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipMaximumAdditionalBedsStatusValueField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipMaximumAdditionalBedsStatusValueField ( )

Definition at line 1351 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipRow()

void APrimalRaft::ShipRow ( )

Definition at line 1683 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipSizeClassField()

TEnumAsByte< enum EShipSize::Type > & APrimalRaft::ShipSizeClassField ( )

Definition at line 1299 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipStructureHealthMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipStructureHealthMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1474 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipTypeField()

TEnumAsByte< enum EShipType::Type > & APrimalRaft::ShipTypeField ( )

Definition at line 1354 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ShipWeightMovementForcePowerField()

float & APrimalRaft::ShipWeightMovementForcePowerField ( )

Definition at line 1447 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SimulatePhysics()

void APrimalRaft::SimulatePhysics ( float DeltaSeconds)

Definition at line 1684 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Stasis()

void APrimalRaft::Stasis ( )

Definition at line 1685 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StaticClass()

static UClass * APrimalRaft::StaticClass ( )

Definition at line 1519 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalRaft()

static void APrimalRaft::StaticRegisterNativesAPrimalRaft ( )

Definition at line 1722 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StationGroupsCurrentActiveOrderField()

TArray< unsigned char > & APrimalRaft::StationGroupsCurrentActiveOrderField ( )

Definition at line 1442 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StationGroupsField()

TArray< FOrderingGroupInfo > & APrimalRaft::StationGroupsField ( )

Definition at line 1441 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SteeringForce_MaxAllowedField()

float & APrimalRaft::SteeringForce_MaxAllowedField ( )

Definition at line 1334 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SteeringForce_MinAllowedField()

float & APrimalRaft::SteeringForce_MinAllowedField ( )

Definition at line 1335 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SteeringInputField()

float & APrimalRaft::SteeringInputField ( )

Definition at line 1375 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ StopActivateAllHighlights()

void APrimalRaft::StopActivateAllHighlights ( )

Definition at line 1686 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ SyncRowingVarsToNPCs()

void APrimalRaft::SyncRowingVarsToNPCs ( )

Definition at line 1687 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TakeDamage()

float APrimalRaft::TakeDamage ( float DamageAmount,
FDamageEvent * DamageEvent,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser )

Definition at line 1688 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Teleport_AllowedAboveTopDeckDistField()

float & APrimalRaft::Teleport_AllowedAboveTopDeckDistField ( )

Definition at line 1437 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Teleport_AllowedBelowTopDeckDistField()

float & APrimalRaft::Teleport_AllowedBelowTopDeckDistField ( )

Definition at line 1438 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TeleportSucceeded()

void APrimalRaft::TeleportSucceeded ( bool bIsATest,
bool bSimpleTeleport )

Definition at line 1689 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TempDisableForcedVelocityDirection()

void APrimalRaft::TempDisableForcedVelocityDirection ( )

Definition at line 1690 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ThrottleCheckIntervalField()

float & APrimalRaft::ThrottleCheckIntervalField ( )

Definition at line 1312 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ThrottleForceLocation_OffsetField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::ThrottleForceLocation_OffsetField ( )

Definition at line 1321 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ThrottleForceMultiplierField()

float & APrimalRaft::ThrottleForceMultiplierField ( )

Definition at line 1419 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ThrottleInputField()

float & APrimalRaft::ThrottleInputField ( )

Definition at line 1372 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ ThrottleRatio_TargetField()

float & APrimalRaft::ThrottleRatio_TargetField ( )

Definition at line 1373 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Tick()

void APrimalRaft::Tick ( float DeltaSeconds)

Definition at line 1691 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TickCriticalShipStructures()

void APrimalRaft::TickCriticalShipStructures ( float DeltaSeconds)

Definition at line 1692 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TickRowing()

void APrimalRaft::TickRowing ( )

Definition at line 1693 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TimeSinceLastFadeOutField()

float & APrimalRaft::TimeSinceLastFadeOutField ( )

Definition at line 1366 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ TryMultiUse()

bool APrimalRaft::TryMultiUse ( APlayerController * ForPC,
int UseIndex )

Definition at line 1694 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UnPossessed()

void APrimalRaft::UnPossessed ( )

Definition at line 1695 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UnRedAlertTeleWaitTimeField()

float & APrimalRaft::UnRedAlertTeleWaitTimeField ( )

Definition at line 1475 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UnseatAllNPCs()

void APrimalRaft::UnseatAllNPCs ( bool bIfCannotUse)

Definition at line 1696 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ Unstasis()

void APrimalRaft::Unstasis ( )

Definition at line 1697 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateCaptainSkillSailMultipliers()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateCaptainSkillSailMultipliers ( )

Definition at line 1698 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdatedBasedPawns()

void APrimalRaft::UpdatedBasedPawns ( )

Definition at line 1706 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdatePhysicsBase()

void APrimalRaft::UpdatePhysicsBase ( )

Definition at line 1699 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateRaftRelevant()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateRaftRelevant ( )

Definition at line 1700 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateRowingVars()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateRowingVars ( )

Definition at line 1701 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateSailingVars()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateSailingVars ( )

Definition at line 1702 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateShouldTickRowing()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateShouldTickRowing ( )

Definition at line 1703 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateTameUnitCost()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateTameUnitCost ( )

Definition at line 1704 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ UpdateTickEnabledForGroup()

void APrimalRaft::UpdateTickEnabledForGroup ( ECaptainOrder::Type CaptainOrder,
int GroupIndex )

Definition at line 1705 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ VelocityFromPrevServerField()

FVector & APrimalRaft::VelocityFromPrevServerField ( )

Definition at line 1301 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ VesselDynamicsCollisionProfileNameField()

FName & APrimalRaft::VesselDynamicsCollisionProfileNameField ( )

Definition at line 1465 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ VesselDynamicsOnHit()

void APrimalRaft::VesselDynamicsOnHit ( AActor * OtherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp,
FVector NormalImpulse,
FHitResult * Hit )

Definition at line 1707 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ WantsLongRangeStasis()

bool APrimalRaft::WantsLongRangeStasis ( )

Definition at line 1708 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ WantsVesselPhysics()

bool APrimalRaft::WantsVesselPhysics ( )

Definition at line 1709 of file PrimalStructure.h.

◆ WetDockOceanZOffsetField()

float & APrimalRaft::WetDockOceanZOffsetField ( )

Definition at line 1296 of file PrimalStructure.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: